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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Weekly update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    Here are my updates from last week:

    • Answered inquiries from Fisher Scientific on progress on glove recycling; Morgan and I will touch base this coming week to get things moving on that effort again
    • Met with Morgan and Olivia Harris to discuss messaging to promote source separation
    • Contacted Dawn Aubrey to set up a meeting to discuss Housing’s role in recycling, particularly with regard to glass and gloves


    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator


  2. Understanding spring flowers on campus

    Associated Project(s): 

    Superintendent of Grounds, Ryan Welch, describes the difference in heat tolerance between spring and summer flowers on campus:

    "We plant the early flowers (pansies) because they provide early spring color and are one of the only annuals that prefer cooler temps and will withstand frost.  The early or cool season annuals do not like heat, so they are removed and replaced with the summer annuals.  The summer annuals will not tolerate even a light frost and should not be planted before May 1."

  3. Weekly update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    Here are my updates from last week:

    • An email to Morgan to pick up on issues related to glass recycling, recycling for graduate student/family housing, and presentations to promote source separation
    • Attendance at a Campus and University Recycling Coalition webinar on recycling collection logistics on campuses


    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator


  4. Parkland College training program being considered

    Associated Project(s): 

    While Thor Peterson was working at Parkland College as a part-time grant-funded sustainability coordinator, he shared that "Parkland is in the scoping stage of developing a green infrastrucuture and sustainable landscape operations and maintenance certificate."  He further noted, "There are a lot of questions percolating regarding a Green Infrastructure Operations and Maintenance—whether it would start as a certificate, or as a series of business training opportunities, or what." 

    When Thor was leaving town at the end of his appointment, he indicated that Heidi Leuszler, a Natural Sciences professor at Parkland, will be a good contact for this effort, moving forward.  Thor and Professor Leuszler led a day-long workshop for Regional Planning Commission staff on green infrastructure. He said, "My hope is that the training will serve as a pilot for a more in-depth business training course that could be offered to public and private sector grounds staff charged with maintaining green infrastructure elements."

    Eliana Brown, with Illinois Indiana Sea Grant, University of Illinois Extension, and Illinois Water Resources Center, is also interested in helping this program get developed.  She has brought additional stakeholders into the discussions with Parkland, including Carol Hays, Exec Director of Prairie Rivers Network, and Lisa Merrifield, U of I Extension Strategic Operation Analyst.

  5. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Tracy—

    This week, I started getting my head back in the game after my absence but did not accomplish anything substantive. I plan to go over notes and pick up the loose threads of the different projects I had been working on in the coming week. In particular, I have communications I need to make on the battery recycling and graduate student/family housing recycling efforts. 

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  6. OMA representatives review stand-alone cooling towers

    Water Station Foreman, Shawn Young, indicated today that there are two remaining stand-alone cooling towers on campus buildings maintained by F&S: Temple Buell Hall and the Personnel Services Building.  One of these (Personnel) is scheduled to be added to the central chilled water loop in 2020, according to the Utilities Energy Production and Distribution Master Plan.  Base on that discussion, Morgan Johnston will be following up with the Water SWATeam to let them know that because there are so few remaining stand-alone cooling towers, this is not a high-priority item to pursue.

  7. ENVS 301 students' presentations

  8. Revolving Loan Fund projects approved

    The Revolving Loan Fund selection committee has approved funding for all the viable RLF projects.  See attached image for list.

  9. Weekly update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    Here are my updates from last week:

    • Met with Jessica Tran, a resident of Ashton Woods, to discuss graduate and family housing recycling; sent follow-up questions to Morgan.
    • Signed off on the label for glass recycling that Anna Barnes created.
    • Reviewed iWG minutes and draft assessments related to recommendations from the PWR SWATeam related to the CAM paper policy and the recycling component of the ethics training video and paragraph summary thereof; also reviewed a draft assessment of the ECBS SWATeam recommendation to conduct the “Illini Lights Out” program ongoing. The assessments are in draft form and are being circulated for iWG member comments.
    • Updated the iCAP portal with my name and email address for zero-waste staffing.
    • Updated battery recycling description in the iCAP portal.


    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator


  10. Weekly update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    Here are my updates from last week:

    • Met with Morgan to learn how to enter information into the iCAP portal. I plan to update zero waste coordination activities in the coming week.
    • Received campus maps from Morgan so that I can start mapping the existing locations of outdoor trash bins. This information will help inform decisions about where to locate dual bins.
    • Reviewed recommendations from the PWR SWATeam regarding battery recycling, the need to implement the draft CAM paper purchasing policy, and a recycling component of the campus ethics training video.


    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

