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Projects Updates for place: Eco-Counter at Noyes Lab

  1. Eco-Visio Overview

    Associated Project(s): 

    Sarthak gave an overview of Eco-Visio to Hrushikesh on 07/05/2023, to accommodate future count procuring tasks. We went through different options of data that can be collected for analyzing purposes.

  2. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) spring 2023

  3. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) fall 2022

  4. Achievements in Transportation - Insider article

    The August 26, 2022 issue of Insider featured the "Achievements in Transportation". Read the article online at or see below.

    Achievements in Transportation

    Be it walking, bicycling, taking transit, or driving vehicles, getting around the campus is done more sustainably than ever.

    The F&S Transportation Demand Management (TDM) department creates, maintains, and coordinates the overall transportation network for all modes of travel. TDM implements campus and community policies and plans, like objectives in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP).

    “Safe and sensible transportation, in all its forms and complexities, is essential to a functioning campus,”...Expand »

  5. Eco-Counter set installed and activated at Green and Goodwin

    A set of Eco-Counters were installed at the intersection of Green St and Goodwin Ave by Loomis Laboratory on Monday, May 9, 2022. This was a new set of counters with no groundbox, purchased in October 2021. This set of Eco-Counter was purchased using the SSC funding. These counters were activated on May 10, 2022, and they are now collecting and transmitting data. See attached the pictures of these counters.

  6. Eco-Counter set installed and activated at Armory and Sixth

    A set of Eco-Counters were installed at the intersection of Armory Ave and Sixth St on Tuesday, April 26, 2022. This is the last set of old counters that were purchased in 2019. These counters were activated on April 27, 2022, and they are now collecting and transmitting data. See attached to see the pictures of these counters.

  7. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) spring 2022

    Please see attached the final presentation for the CTAC spring 2022. We also talked about abandoned bicycles and Campus Landscape Master Plan during this meeting. Also watch the meeting recording and read the chat from during the meeting:

  8. Scope Change requested: Bike and Ped Counters

    Sarthak Prasad requested a scope change for the Bicycle Registration and RFID Tracking Program project on July 23, 2021. This scope change request includes changes to the following:

    1. Project name change
    2. Primary contact for the project
    3. Change in Project description
    4. Timeline extension
    5. Plan for the remaining fund – purchase and install another Eco-Counter. Overage will be covered by TDM

    Please see attached the scope change document from 2020 as well as 2021.

  9. Archived description

    Associated Project(s): 

    The MCORE project requires the CUUATS partners to monitor the pedestrian and bicycle counts following the completion of the project. This requirement is to understand the increased waking and bicycling activities at the twelve predetermined corridors. CCRPC collected pedestian and cycling counts at these locations before the MCORE project. These twelve corridors are listed in this project update.

    The University has identified other locations on campus to add pedestrian/bicycle counters as well, other than these twelve MCORE corridors. In March 2020, the first Eco-Counter pedestrian/bicycle counter was installed at the Illini Union location on Green Street. The University is also working with Obama Energy to get IntelliStreet light poles...Expand »
