iWG meeting minutes March 28, 2017
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The ALUFS SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "Recommendation to support a new tree survey on the main campus. This project would fund the purchase of GPS equipment and purchase the time of an arborist and assistants to do a full survey of all trees on the main campus property. This survey would then inserted into the larger campus GIS plans for use and analysis by F&S and others. With an estimated cost of $50,000, we recommend that the campus fund this project, possibly using revenue received from the sale of carbon credits.
The ALUFS SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "Recommendation to support a plan for a South Campus Afforestation plot by Jay Hayek, Extension Specialist in Forestry / NRES. Project to convert 2+ acres at the corner of Race and Windsor to a forestry tract. Currently, this land is maintained as turf grass. The new plantings would highlight native Illinois oak and hickory trees and be educational for the campus and surrounding population."
F&S Director of Sustainability, Morgan Johnston, asked the ALUFS SWATeam for their input regarding the forthcoming "Low Mow Zone" sign updates. She said, "I would like to talk with you about the “No Mow Zones” on campus and our efforts to better name them as “Low Mow Zones.” Brent and Ryan Welch are working on updating the locations in a map form and our F&S communicators (primarily Steve Breitwieser) are developing a message about the updated words and locations.
SWATeam Meeting. During meeting, team members gave updates on their perspective projects.
SWATeam Memebers Chibuihe Asonye, Brent Lewis, and Joseph Edwards represented the team at the Campus Sustainability Celebration at Alice Campbell Alumni Center. During the celebration team members talked to campus community members about their work on the team and the progress on the ICAP goals.
During this meeting, the team created the ALUFS Poster forum for the Campus Sustainability Celebration.
The Cáceres Lab is going to talk with the ALUFS SWATeam about water quality research around campus.
First SWATeam of the ’16-17 School year. New Team Chair, Brent Lewis was chosen. During this meeting team discussed what they liked and wanted to continue from last semester. Also, summer updates were discussed during this meeting.
The charge letter was sent to FY17 SWATeam members, noting that the clerks will be reaching out to help schedule meetings for the fall.
Team Clerk Chibu Asonye attended a Clerkship Orientation meeting with Olivia Webb, Sustainability Programs Coordinator at iSEE and Clerk Alexia Bedolla of the Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam. During this meeting, Olivia walked through how to navigate, update, and over all populate the ICAP Portal for the SWATeams. Olivia also went over the charge list for the Clerks, detailing a few due dates and things to keep in mind over the school year.
Here is a copy of the project I created for Jen's class last semester
Joseph Edwards
Chibuihe Asonye and Morgan Johnston had a meeting on how to use the ICAP portal. Chibu learned how to create an update, the importance, and was able to ask any questions. From now, on the ALUFS page will be frequently updated.
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Attached and embedded below is a request to utilize the remaining funds in the Paxton grant for campus sustainable landscapes which is now under the purview of ISEE. The persons on the CC are all familiar with some of the work in this area done over the past few years and can likely speak to the wisdom of using the funds to supplement the ongoing efforts.
TO: Dr. Evan DeLucia and Dr. Ben McCall
From: John C. Marlin
RE: Use of “Support for Sustainable Landscapes” funds
Date: March 21, 2016
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The Ag Emissions Study recommendation was assessed by the iCAP Working Group (iWG) on Feb 16, 2017. iWG wanted more information from the ALUFS SWATeam, but the SWATeam chose not resubmit at the time.
The ALUFS SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "We recommend hiring a research technician or 50 % Graduate Research Assistant who would be responsible for collecting, analyzing, and compiling the data necessary for estimating current greenhouse gas fluxes of the University’s agricultural land holdings. We recommend that funding be provided for the materials and lab time needed to collect these data.