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Projects Updates for Advance Student Sustainability Outreach Efforts

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  1. 02.20 Engagement Team Meeting

    The meeting covered several key updates and discussions on sustainability initiatives. The Chair provided updates on the Green Training Program survey, seeking feedback on student engagement strategies. The Vice Chair discussed efforts for a greener campus, including outreach to Greek Life. The Clerk emphasized the importance of in-person meetings and marketing materials. Guest speakers highlighted upcoming events like Sustainapalooza and Illinifest, stressing the logistical challenges and opportunities for student involvement. Discussions included promotional outreach, sustainability projects such as Greener Chapters yard signs and low-maintenance greenery at ISR, and the importance of connecting sustainability efforts across campus. Additionally, engagement team members offered support for these initiatives, and an approved course for next semester was announced. Adam encouraged members to consider speaking at the sustainability film festival.

  2. Engagement Team Meeting

    The meeting covered updates on the Greener Campus (GC) initiative, including efforts to promote office certification and introduce decals for visibility. There was discussion on engaging Greek Life in sustainability efforts, with suggested contacts for outreach. The Sustainapalooza committee, represented by Kathrine Bruce and Liesl Schrag, provided an event overview and discussed promotional efforts such as digital signage, outreach to department heads, and MTD bus advertisements. Laurinda introduced a wildlife-centered gardening project under the Illinois Prairie Garden initiative, presenting engagement opportunities like prairie conservation and plant sales. Additional sustainability events were highlighted, including a short film event during Earth Week. Action items included Brigid coordinating scheduling and outreach, Quinn working on GC decals and office engagement, and all members providing feedback on marketing materials, brainstorming engagement strategies, and filling out a scheduling poll.

  3. Video Case Studies of Sustainable UIUC Campus Buildings

    From: Shanmugam Narayan, Vinothni

    To: White, Morgan

    Recipients: mbwhite at


    Hello Morgan,


    I have shared the NCEL & HSL plans, newsletter, and Earth month schedule with my team. Thank you so much for sharing those.


    I have also attached a link for case study videos that my concept team students created for one of the activities I planned last semester.


    Thanks for initiating to include their work on the website.  Have a nice day!



    Vinothni Narayan Icon</p> <p>Description automatically generated

    Graduate – Masters | Class of Dec 2022

    Civil and Environmental Engineering | Construction Engineering and Management

    The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  | +1 (217)-200-2817


  4. The Student Sustainability Committee Coffee Hour

    The SSC will organize a virtual Energy Working Group Coffee Hour. This event will be an excellent chance for students, staff, faculty, and community members to discuss their own views on campus and the community world when it comes to energy.  We hope you'll be there! Likewise, if you are interested in joining future working groups events for the Coffee Hour, please see the attachment.

    March 1, 7 PM • Zoom Event: Energy Working Group Coffee Chat

    The Student Sustainability Committee Coffee Hour

  5. Open House for SSC

    The Student Sustainability Committee Open House

    The Student Sustainability will be hosting an Open House event on Monday, February 8th at 6:00 PM (CT) via Zoom. We invite you and hope you can invite a friend to attend this exciting event. Students will discover more about the committee members, working groups, and be part of a general member. For now, join our SSC group chat, Discord! Scan the QR code and the event to this flyer. 

    February 8, 6 pm • Zoom Event

    Student Sustainability Committee • Student Engagement

  6. Sonified 2017 Funding Agreement

    The Sonified Sustainability Festival provides a new way for sustainability to intersect with campus – through the arts. The 2016 Sonified Sustainability Festival, funded in part by SSC, was developed as a 2016 Earth Week kick-off event focusing on sustainable practices in the arts featuring live music, interactive art making, and information fair to provide greater visibility of local projects, programs and organizations working towards a sustainable future. National and local musicians performing on original instruments made from recycled and repurposed materials were showcased at the Earth Week event, as well as two prior events at the Krannert Art Museum

    The goals and outcomes of the next year of the festival will be similar, while expanding on the successes of the past. The events will encompass a series of music and arts programs spanning the 2016-17 academic year. The culmination is an Earth week event at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts that features a mix of live music, art making and information fair promoting campus-based and local organizations engaged with sustainability projects.

  7. Sonified Sustainability Festival a great success

    Good morning, team!

    The Sonified Sustainability Festival was this weekend, and had a pretty solid turnout (between 400-500 by my informal running headcount throughout the afternoon).  If you couple that with the turnout for the Gallery opening (~100) and the previous two concerts (a little over a 100 each time) you’re looking at around 750 for the project as a whole, without even counting all the other folks who pass through the gallery show before May 2nd. 

    On top of that, we got some solid coverage for SSC.  We were included in the programs and all the advertisements, and also got decent recognition in the local media.  Here’s the news roundup:

    Not bad considering we were up against Ebertfest and the spring football game.

    All My Best,

    Micah Kenfield

    Student Sustainability Committee Coordinator

  8. Award Letter - Sonified Sustainability Festival

    Global Arts Performance Initiatives is pleased to present a final proposal for a series of sustainability-themed arts programs in the 2015-16 academic year that serve the educational mission of the Student Sustainability Committee. The principal event of the proposal is Sonified Sustainability Fest – a celebration of ecological music and arts, presented in the lobby, Stage 5 and amphitheater of Krannert Center for the Performing Arts.

    This all ages event, offered admission free to campus and community audiences, will feature live music and interactive art making focused on sustainable practices in the arts, accompanied by an information fair that will provide greater visibility of local projects, programs and organizations working towards a sustainable future. National and local musicians performing on original instruments made from recycled and repurposed materials will be showcased at the fest, as well as in two preceding concerts of the Sudden Sound Concert Series at Krannert Art Museum, all scheduled as part, or promotion of Sustainability Week 2015 and EarthWeek 2016.