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Projects Updates for Advance Student Sustainability Outreach Efforts
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Video Case Studies of Sustainable UIUC Campus Buildings
Associated Project(s):Student Engagement Presentation
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:The Student Sustainability Committee Coffee Hour
Associated Project(s):Open House for SSC
Associated Project(s):Sonified 2017 Funding Agreement
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Great video about volunteer engagement
Sonified Sustainability Festival a great success
Associated Project(s):Award Letter - Sonified Sustainability Festival
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Award Letter - Sonified Sustainability Festival
ED - SSC - Step 2 - Sonified Fest - Budget.pdf
ED - SSC - Step 2 - Sonified Fest - CV.pdf
ED - SSC - Step 2 - Sonified Fest - KCPA Support Letter.pdf
ED - SSC - Step 2 - Sonified Fest - Narrative.pdf
ED - SSC - Step 2 - Sonified Fest - Shipping Cost Estimate.pdf
ED - SSC - Step 2 - Sonified Fest.xlsx
ED - SSC Phase 1 - Sonified Sustainability Fest Budget.docx
ED - SSC Phase 1 - Sonified Sustainability Fest CV.pdf
ED - SSC Phase 1 - Sonified Sustainability Fest.xlsx