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Projects Updates for Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)

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  1. Tour FSHN Pilot Plant with SSC

    At this year's Explore ACES, join the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) and the Food Science & Human Nutrition (FSHN) Pilot Plant for a special SSC tour of the Pilot Plant facility! The plant gives students an experiential opportunity to test new food processing technologies, examine nutritional breakdowns, and contribute to the local food system. This special SSC tour will explore flour milling, tomato sauce processing, hot sauce processing, and more! You'll even get to taste hot sauce with peppers produced at the Sustainable Student Farm. We look forward to seeing you on March 9th at 9:15am, 11:00am, or 1:30pm. Signup here:

  2. Join the Student Sustainability Committee

    Student members are appointed by the Illinois Student Government each spring for the following academic year. Student members serve a one-year term. To apply, please complete an application at

    The Student Sustainability Committee is a group of 12 students dedicated to improving sustainability at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. With the help of 10 faculty and staff that serve as member-advisors, the committee meets to review and vote on what projects receive funding and check in on those projects that have already received funding. Using two student fees, the Sustainable Campus Environment Fee and the Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee, SSC reviews submitted projects and distributes funding to projects that is deemed most beneficial to the University of Illinois. Both of these student fees bring in over $1.1 million annually, which is one of the largest sustainability fund of its kind in the United States.

  3. IWG Meeting Minutes November 30, 2017

  4. SSC funds student-led art exhibition

    School of Art & Design students will organize an art exhibition that explores how artists define sustainability. They will collaborate with Fresh Press, Students for Environmental Concern, and Professor Madhu Khanna’s ENVS 301 course. The artists will be from the university as well as the Champaign-Urbana community. Ultimately, this project aspires to show the UIUC community how sustainability impacts daily life from an artistic perspective. The students organizing the show will gain invaluable experience in gallery management and the artists will have an opportunity to expand their portfolios. The Student Sustainability Committee funding will contribute to materials, venue rental, and marketing. 

  5. SSC funds occupancy sensors

    Bevier Hall currently has a number of spaces served by obsolete thermostat controls. While efforts to improve scheduling for heating and cooling have made improvements to energy consumption, the installation of occupancy sensors would improve the efficiency of the HVAC system, reducing energy use without sacrificing user comfort. This funding provides resources to install new occupancy sensors in 25 lab, classroom, and office spaces in Bevier Hall. When completed, the heating and cooling system will be able to work more efficiently, eliminating the need to constantly provide conditioning for unoccupied spaces. Individual spaces will have better temperature control, therefore improving occupant comfort and increasing productivity. This is a Student Sustainability Committee supported project.

  6. SSC funds LED classroom upgrade

    The SSC awarded $29,500 to upgrade general assignment classroom lighting campus-wide.  While Facilities & Services covers the cost to replace lamps that are part of the general illumination, any lights that are used for chalkboards/marker boards, supplemental lighting during slide shows, etc. are excluded.  The existing lamps in these fixtures are typically incandescent, which burnout quickly and are energy inefficient. When completed, this project provides new fixture-compatible LED lamps in all general assignment classrooms across campus, reducing electricity costs, improving board visibility, and improving student learning environments.
