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Projects Updates for Sustainability at Career Fairs

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  1. Education iCAP Team December Meeting 2024

    The iCAP Education team met on Teams from 4-5 PM on Monday December 16th. We closed the semester by reviewing the sustainability literacy assessment data and discussing updates and next steps for the sustainability Gen-Ed requirement. The meeting minutes are attached.

  2. Education iCAP Team November 2024 Meeting

    The iCAP Education team met on Teams from 4-5 PM on Monday November 18th. First we discussed steps on moving forward with the sustainbility Gen-Ed requirement, then we discussed the integration of sustainability in study abroad programs and lastly how to get further student input on the Green Career Forum. The meeting minutes are attached. 

  3. Education iCAP Team October 2024 Meeting

    The iCAP Education team met on Teams from 4-5 PM on Monday October 21st. First we identified the next 5 steps to take towards implementing a sustainability Gen Ed requirement. Then we discussed the integration of sustainability in study abroad programs through different colleges and how to get further student input on the Green Career Forum. The meeting minutes are attached. 

  4. Education iCAP Team November 2023 Meeting

    The Education iCAP team met on Teams from 1-2 PM on Thursday, November 2nd. The team discussed the Green Career Fair, Sustainability in Study Abroad, Gies College of Business Sustainability content, and the Sustainability Internship Coordinator report. Meeting minutes are attached.

  5. Project Update - Green Career Fair

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Green Career Fair is in the process of development, with a scheduled date of February 27th 2024, at the Illini Union Ballroom. 

    The iCAP Education team has prioritized this project for the fall semester of 2023. We are currently in the process of finalizing the event's name and determining the list of invited companies. 

  6. Education iCAP Team October 2023 Meeting

    The Education iCAP team met on Teams from 1-2 PM on Thursday, October 5th. The team reviewed the iCAP Education objectives, discussed area/projects of focus for the year, and brainstormed next steps in relation to projects that are underway. Meeting minutes are attached.

  7. Edu007 Big Ten Career Fair - Transmitted

    Following the completion of the iWG assessment of Edu007 Big Ten Career Fair, the recommendation and assessment were transmitted to Jim Hintz, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success, Inclusion, and Belonging.

    The iWG assessment is attached. 
    See the submission and recommendation of Edu007 Big Ten Career Fair. 

  8. Education iCAP Team September 2022 Meeting

    The Education iCAP team had a hybrid meeting from 5:00 P.M. - 6:00 PM on Monday, August 29th. The team reviewed the Education iCAP objectives, shared project updates, and brainstormed new action ideas for this semester. Meeting minutes are attached.

  9. Edu003 Sustainability Career Fair - Successful

    Jennifer Neef, Director of the Career Center, responded to Meredith Moore and agreed to collaborate to incorporate sustainability into the Career Fairs, per the message below on 6/30/20.


    Hello Meredith,

    Thanks for a great conversation.

  10. Careers in Sustainability Panel Discussion 4/9/21

    The Career Center hosted a Careers in Sustainability panel which included the following panelists: Roxina Kanchwala (Eco.Logic), John Sinclair (Wisconsin DNR), Andrew Rehn (Prairie Rivers Network), and Savannah Donovan (Urbana Parks District). 57 people were in attendance! Several resources were shared to the group: 

  11. Earth Month is Here!

    Earth Month is here! Can you believe it? I would like to first draw your attention to the iSEE Sustainability Calendar as a reference point for the many virtual and in-person events (maintaining COVID-19 safety and social distancing precautions) held this month and beyond.

  12. Sustainability Career Panel 4/9/21

    Interested in careers in sustainability? Join us to hear a panel discussion from industry professionals and learn how the field is changing and how to pursue sustainable careers.

    Panelists will include representatives from:

    Eco Logic
    Prairie Rivers Network
    Urbana Park District
    Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

    Please register at: