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Map for Lighting Retrofit #5

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Project Location
Lighting Retrofit #5 Administrative Information Technology Services (AITS)
Lighting Retrofit #5 Agriculture Bioprocess Lab
Lighting Retrofit #5 Animal Sciences A/C Center
Lighting Retrofit #5 Animal Sciences Laboratory
Lighting Retrofit #5 Architecture Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Art & Design Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Art East Annex- Studio 1
Lighting Retrofit #5 Atkins Tennis Center
Lighting Retrofit #5 Atmospheric Sciences Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Central Receiving Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Ceramics Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Ceramics Kiln House
Lighting Retrofit #5 Children's Research Center
Lighting Retrofit #5 Civil Engineering Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems Laboratory
Lighting Retrofit #5 Coble Hall
Lighting Retrofit #5 Colonel Wolfe School
Lighting Retrofit #5 Education Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Fire Service Institute- Classroom/ Office Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Fire Service Institute- Fire Station
Lighting Retrofit #5 Fire Service Institute- Firemanship Training Facility
Lighting Retrofit #5 Fire Service Institute- Hazmat Storage Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Fire Service Institute- South Storage Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Fire Service Institute- Storage Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Garage/ Car Pool
Lighting Retrofit #5 Geological Survey Laboratory
Lighting Retrofit #5 Harding Band Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Harker Hall
Lighting Retrofit #5 Horticulture Field Laboratory
Lighting Retrofit #5 Huff Hall
Lighting Retrofit #5 Illini Hall
Lighting Retrofit #5 Illini Union Bookstore
Lighting Retrofit #5 Imported Swine Research Laboratory
Lighting Retrofit #5 International Studies Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Labor & Employment Relations
Lighting Retrofit #5 Levis Faculty Center
Lighting Retrofit #5 Micro and Nonotechnology Laboratory
Lighting Retrofit #5 Natural Resources Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Natural Resources Studies Annex
Lighting Retrofit #5 Nuclear Physics Lab
Lighting Retrofit #5 Personnel Services Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Police Training Institute
Lighting Retrofit #5 Printing and Photographic Services Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Shelford Vivarium Greenhouse
Lighting Retrofit #5 South Studio #6
Lighting Retrofit #5 Speech and Hearing Clinic
Lighting Retrofit #5 Swanlund Administration Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 Temple Hoyne Buell Hall
Lighting Retrofit #5 Transportation Building
Lighting Retrofit #5 University Laboratory High School (Uni High)
Lighting Retrofit #5 University Press