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Project Updates for collection: Living Lab Facilities / Programs


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  1. EPA SmartWay Program presented infirst-year women in engineering class

    Abby Culloton, a freshman in Civil and Environmental Engineering, put together a project proposal for the SmartWay program and presented it on February 28th. This proposal included why being an affiliate of this program would be beneficial to campus, who/ what departments across campus would be involved, proposed objectives, and other facts that needed to be considered. 

    Attached is the full proposal.

  2. Pollinator Supportive efforts at Extension

    Associated Project(s): 

    East Central Illinois Master Naturalists just formed a Pollinator Taskforce. They are focused on getting more pollinator plants into the community and planning programs associated with pollinators and pollinator plants.


    The Extension team created some wonderful handouts that have native plant suggestions for 5 types of habitat. We have been handing those out like crazy. PDFs can be found at (


    We have the pollinator pocket program (see link above)


    Educational Programs held (just ECIMN, does not include programs organized by master gardener programs):


    March 18, 2019 – Making Pollinator Habitat Work on the Modern Landscape

    May 16, 2019 – Wildflowers

    July 15, 2019 – Champaign Prairie Areas

    July 22, 2019 – Buzz on Native Bees

    August 19, 2019 – Illinois Monarch Project

    January 27, 2020 – Native Plants in the Landscape


    They just had a table at the Mudpuppy festival and had information on pollinators for children


    The Master Gardener program in Vermilion County is mostly organic (unless something crazy happens). The Master Gardeners in Champaign put in a native pollinator garden last year at the IDEA garden on campus.


    In the training for MG and MN we talk about pollinators, native plants, and pest management.

  3. Info from Andy Robinson at F&S

    I am on the team that did the Retrocommissioning project in 2018 and I would be happy to share some of our knowledge from that process.  Below is the link to a presentation of that project that we took to a Big Ten energy conference.   Some of our main takeaways are that the combination of chilled beams, dual HX wheels, coil sizing, occupancy ventilation, and thoughtful building pressurization have led to one of the most efficient buildings on campus.  Also, the heat pumps work well to heat/cool with electricity, but would be optimal if there were more of a reheat load, or a hot water loop to send reject heat to a neighboring building in summer, which campus is looking into in certain locations. 



    Andy Robinson, LEED-AP, CEM

    DDC Specialist, F&S Energy Services - RCx

  4. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, I only worked Monday and Tuesday last week as I had a family emergency out of town. Those two days were slow. I picked up some bikes from the warehouse to keep everyone busy. Those bikes are coming along.
    This week is business as usual. I’ll look to reschedule some of the meetings I missed in my absence, pick up a couple more bikes, and box some more stuff up for our move.

    The numbers:
    Visitors: 27
    Sales: $106
    Membership: 1 for $30
    Tires/tubes: 4 for $23


    Jacob Benjamin
    Manager, Campus Bike Center

  5. Facilities and Services will lead Dump and Run, collaboratively with YMCA and Housing

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello everyone,

    I am happy to report that our Dump and Run site visit last Wednesday was successful! We will be using the Truck Bay at F&S for this year’s collection space, thanks to Dr. Attalla, Dave Boehm, and Pete Varney.  The address is 1501 S. Oak Street, and Mike Doyle and Marc Alexander said it will serve the collection space needs very well.  Additionally, the Zero Waste Coordinator at F&S, Shantanu Pai, will take on an active role for Dump and Run this year. 

    Our vision is to transition Dump and Run from a “YMCA-run event that campus helps” to a “campus-run event that the YMCA helps.”  Certainly this will take time (more than one year) and there are many details to work out, so please remember that the collaboration for this overall program will only be strengthened by this shift. Shantanu, Marc, and I are meeting this Wednesday, and we will provide a more detailed status update at the next team meeting on March 10. 

    If you have any questions or suggestions in the meantime, please let me know. Thanks again for all the thought and consideration that this group has put in to this program and finding workable solutions.  I’m very excited for the future of Dump and Run!



  6. Composting at NSRC and on campus

    This week (2/10 - 2/14) I distributed the letter to the offices in the NRSC to inform them of this composting project. We hope to collect the names and contact information in order to conduct a training and inventory how many supplies are needed. I also continued working on the composting guide for future projects. 


    Meredith Moore also met with Shantanu Pai, Zero Waste Coordinator, to discuss formalizing our procedures for other campus entities interested in starting composting projects. 

  7. Weekly Update - Build-a-Bike

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Business as usual last week. The Scottish dude finished his build-a-bike. He only came in, too, because his German friend did a B-a-B as well and talked it up. Nothing beats good word of mouth. He was positively giddy about the whole thing and never got discouraged or frustrated by the process. The highlight for me was bending back a canti brake boss using the hole in the end of a crescent wrench. It’s not perfect but it’s functional enough. That’d make a good motto for us.
    I’ll head to the warehouse this week to grab a few more bikes. I’ll also schedule a couple training sessions with my staff to refresh on some repair basics .

    The numbers:
    Sales: $428.50
    Bike (refurb): 1 for $180
    Bike (B-a-B): 1 for $30
    Memberships: 3 for $90
    Tires/tubes: 4 for $17


    Jacob Benjamin
    Manager, Campus Bike Center

  8. Kent Seminar Series- Kontou

    The next Kent Seminar is set for Thursday, Feb. 13, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Illinois Center for Transportation, 1611 Titan Dr., Rantoul.  Eleftheria Kontou will present “Data-driven modeling of electric vehicle charging pricing and worth.” Pizza and soft drinks will be provided at noon. You can also watch the seminar live via YouTube:


    1611 Titan Drive Rantoul, IL 61866


    Noelle Arbulu • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  9. Developing Local Solar Energy Resources

    Associated Project(s): 

    Join us for this seminar sponsored by local Master Naturalists. Scott R. Tess, the Sustainability & Resilience Officer for Urbana, will discuss City programming designed to develop local solar energy resources. Solar Urbana-Champaign is an ongoing program intended to both simplify the process and reduce the costs of purchasing and installing solar photovoltaic systems for homes and businesses. 


    February 17, 6:30–8 pm • U of I Extension, 801 Country Fair Dr. Champaign, IL 61821


    Amanda Christenson • Cooperative Extension Service


  10. Weekly Update - Fix-a-flat, B-a-B

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Really slow last week as the weather got rainy and snowy—sure fire ways to keep people off their bikes. Although a nice Scottish gentleman studying here came by to claim one of the remaining bikes as a B-a-B. He repeatedly mentioned wishing there was something like this back home in Scotland, so we’re basically cooler than Scotland.

    We had our first Fix-a-Flat class on Friday but that was a no-show, sadly.
    I picked up some bikes from the warehouse to keep my staff busy while we wait for the real moving to commence. We’ve built up just about every bike in the shop, save some old 3 speeds. A good amount of inventory has been boxed up and moved to the Urbana shop or stored here for use at our new space.
    This week I’ll be meeting with marketing and IT folks to discuss how the new bike center will look from those respective areas.

    The numbers:
    Visitors: 46
    Sales: $261
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
    Memberships: 3 for $90
    Tires/tubes: 4 for $26


    Jacob Benjamin
    Manager, Campus Bike Center

  11. Guide to small-scale composting program

    Hi Meredith,

    Here's my update for this week: 

    This week I started to write a general guide on composting best practices and the implementation process for on-campus offices/departments to start a small-scale composting program similar to our own.

    Next week, we will begin distributing the outreach letter informing the NSRC units of this initiative. The units in this building are being asked to contact me so we can start training the offices and so we know how many receptacles to purchase.


    Hope you have a great rest of the week! 



  12. Weekly Update - Fix-a-Flat

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Slow and steady for the week on the whole. Anecdotally busy again for this time of year. Still gearing up and/or down for moving shop, depending on how you think of it.
    We’ve got our first fix-a-flat class of the semester coming up this Friday from 11am – 12p.  Today’s warm weather projects a busy shop this afternoon but I’ve given up trying to predict how busy it’ll be. I’ll also be hiring two new student staffers this week with a third interview to schedule.
    The numbers:
    Visitors: 61
    Sales: $651
    Bikes (refurb): 3 for $430
    Memberships: 3 for $90
    Tires/tubes: 8 for $31


    Jacob Benjamin
    Manager, Campus Bike Center

  13. Water Environment Federation (WEF) - intro

    A brief introduction to Water Environment Federation - American Water Works Association (WEF-AWWA) Student Chapter UIUC


    We have been involved in organizing events and meetings that orient students towards the water industry. 


    Listed below are some of our past activities:

    1. Organizing regular general meetings with water companies based in Champaign and the Greater Chicago Area.
    2. Organized an annual conference 'Diving Into The Water Industry' featuring presenters from different fields within the water industry.
    3. Organizing office visits for students to water companies and also field visits to local water treatment plants.
    4. Involvement with WEF and its divisional organization Central States Water Environment Association (CSWEA). Every year, we take part in the WEF student design competition. Last year, our project 'Flood Mitigation Strategies for Houston, TX' won the category for Environmental Design and was selected for presentation in WEFTEC 2019, the annual conference of WEF.
