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Project Updates for collection: Living Lab Facilities / Programs


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  1. Spring 2020 Project Deliverables

    Final Project Deliverables for Spring 2020

    There were 7 projects completed by the WIE-GFX Abroad Scholars in the Spring 2020 semester of ENG 177

    1. Armory Bike Path Restoration
    2. Study Abroad Carbon Offset
    3. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
    4. AASHE STARS Report 2020
    5. Food Waste
    6. Sustainability Best Practices Guide
    7. EPA SmartWay Program
  2. 2020 BeeBlitz

    Associated Project(s): 

    Sixth annual BeeBlitz

    Join us (virtually) on Saturday, June 27, 2020 for the sixth annual BeeBlitz!

    Get involved: Snap, Upload, Contribute!

    Nature lovers and concerned citizens in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Ohio are invited to get outside and snap pictures of honey & bumble bees for BeeBlitz. Then, upload your findings to BeeSpotter, the citizen science project run in collaboration between the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Department of Entomology and the Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education.

    This event is a perfect candidate for social distancing, as you can go out on your own or in small groups; there's no need to gather in large crowds to go bee spotting!

    What is BeeBlitz?

    The name BeeBlitz is derived from a BioBlitz, an activity in which all of the biodiversity in a specific area is examined, to provide a snapshot in time of the flora and fauna present. During the BeeBlitz, we seek to know what species of honey & bumble bees are seen, and where they are, on this specific day.

    We encourage veteran and aspiring bee spotters alike to venture out on a nature walk and participate in the blitz.

    What can YOU do?

    All you have to do is go outside on June 27, take a few bee photos, and upload them to BeeSpotter. You don't need to upload them immediately; just be sure to select the correct date when uploading. They will automatically be counted as part of the BeeBlitz collection!

    Learn how to get started with BeeSpotter!

    We also encourage parks, schools, museums, and zoos to publicize the virtual BeeBlitz in their local communities. Helpful resources for publicity include the BeeBlitz flier and the list of Suggested BeeBlitz Gear.

    You can help us spread the word about the BeeBlitz by distributing these BeeBlitz announcement fliers to anyone you think might be interested!

    General BeeBlitz announcement flierDownload the general BeeBlitz announcement flier (for Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio)

  3. SSC Final Report: Bike Path Renovation: Armory Avenue Path South of Gregory Hall

    The construction on the path began in summer 2020 and was completed by the time students returned to campus. The old bike paths, along with hedges, overgrown evergreens, and decorative urns were removed from the area. A new 6 foot wide path was constructed and plans have been made to restore the landscape as needed. The Armory Avenue bike path is now open to use!

    This project tied in with the renovation of the entire Armory Ave bike path that connects the bike lane on Armory Ave to the bike lane on Goodwin Ave. This bike path goes through the Gregory Hall, Foellinger Auditorium, Smith Hall, IGB, and Bevier Hall.

    Please see attached the final report for this project.

    See the previous update for this project.

  4. Design drawings being reviewed

    Associated Project(s): 

    The construction drawings for civil and electrical design for the solar farm 2.0 project are being reviewed by F&S, both design review and utilities and energy services, and should be completed in the next two weeks.

  5. Design Team results for Uni High

    Associated Project(s): 

    I would like to thank you for the wonderful opportunity. I would also like to thank everyone who attended and gave their encouraging and insightful inputs. It was a rewarding experience to present and get positive feedback. 

    Peter and I, would love to keep working and participating in this process since we are here on campus for another two years. It would be really nice if you would involve us. Excited about that!


    Also, I am attaching the PowerPoint presentation for reference and further use. 


    Thanks once again, and I hope everyone stays safe and healthy. 


    Warm regards,

    Prajakta Gharpure

  6. COVID-19, Climate Change and Health: A Webinar May 19 at Noon CDT

    Join NCSA and LAS for a chat on lessons we can learn on the interplay between climate and human health in the wake of the COVID-19 shutdowns. These findings could potentially help improve air quality and health in areas of poor air quality. Larry DiGirolamo, Don Wuebbles, and Ashish Sharma will cover current observations and review the challenges involved in approaching this research. 

    May 19, 12 PM • Tuesday, Noon Central Daylight Time Barbara Jewett • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

    COVID-19, Climate Change and Health: A Webinar May 19 at Noon CDT


  7. Certifications!

    Associated Project(s): 

    Great news! RORG is now certified as the following:

    • Monarch Waystation – Monarch Watch
    • Bird and Butterfly Sanctuary – Illinois Audubon Society
    • Plants for Birds – National Audubon Society
    • Wildlife Habitat – National Wildlife Federation
    • Native Plant Butterfly Garden – Wild Ones
    • Certified Butterfly Garden – North American Butterfly Association
    • Pollinator Pocket – University of Illinois Extension

    layne knoche
    Visiting Extension Outreach Associate

  8. SSC Funding Award: Bike Path Renovation: Armory Avenue Path South of Gregory Hall

    The SSC awarded $50,000 for the "Bike Path Renovation: Armory Avenue Path South of Gregory Hall". This award will expire on May, 2022. Please see attached the Funding agreement.

  9. Lighting Update - as requested by PWR015

    Associated Project(s): 

    The attached file was prepared in response to the PWR015 recommendation. Additional information about lighting update projects is available in the iCAP Portal under Lighting Conservation Projects and sub-projects.  The current University Facilities Standards require the use of energy efficient lighting (see 

    Attached Files: 
  10. Resilience Team Meeting: April 22, 2020

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Resilience SWATeam met on 04/22/2020 to discuss changes and edits to the draft of the Resilience Chapter of the 2020 iCAP that the team recieved from the iWG. After the discussion, edits were made to the draft document and then sent to the iWG for further review. 



  11. Solar Urbana-Champaign 5.0

    Associated Project(s): 

    Affordable and Sustainable
    Solar Urbana Champaign is returning in 2020 with version 5.0! Offered by the City of Urbana, Prairie Rivers Network, and the Midwest Renewable Energy Association, home and business owners throughout Champaign County, Piatt County, and Vermillion County may participate in this program to help pool their buying power to secure significant discounts that make installing solar more affordable. Go here to check for updates on and announcements on our forthcoming, socially-distant Solar Urbana-Champaign 5.0 bulk solar energy purchase program. 

  12. Archived info - previous project description

    Associated Project(s): 

    This project will document existing trees on campus, using a GPS device and collecting tree details into the ArcGIS data layer.  The existing Tree Inventory was last updated in 2006, so it includes trees that have subsequently been removed and it is missing new trees that have been planted.  Through this project, the Tree Inventory will be updated to include all and only existing trees on campus.

  13. Tree Campus USA Celebration - Zoom Meeting

    Thank you to everyone who joined us live or watches later on the CCNet Facebook page!  We enjoyed a great turnout for the Tree Campus USA Celebration, with about 35 people on the Zoom call and a reach of 365 on Facebook.

    This event included a review of the five years that the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has been designated as a Tree Campus USA, by Brent Lewis. Senior in Integrative Biology student, Maddie Smith, presented the results of her diversity analysis for the campus' urban forest, and the F&S Tree Surgeons, Dustin Reifsteck and Sky Drewes, answered tree-related questions.  At the end of the hour, community announcements included Arbor Day and Earth Month events coming up.

    Celebrate National Arbor Day next week on April 24, 2020!

    Links from announcements and presentation

    The event concluded with a round of thanks, and several were captured in the chat log.

    12:56:43     From  Eliana Brown : Thank you to the Grounds Dept!
    12:58:28     From  Samantha Fisher : Thank you for this presentation! I really enjoy your monthly presentations.
    13:00:02     From  Stacy Gloss : Thanks CCNET for a great presentation today. Awesome collaborative effort.  Everyone have a great day!
    13:00:33     From  ekamarah : Thank you everyone for these interesting presentations and conversations. Have a great day.
    13:00:37     From  Brent Lewis : Yes, thank you everyone!
    13:00:49     From  Eliana Brown : Thank you, everyone! Great job!
    13:01:08     From  pattsi : Stay well everyone
    13:01:12     From  Marya Ryan : Yes, great presentations! So glad to reconnect with CCNet after a few years away.
    13:01:24     From  Miranda Vieson : Thanks!
    13:01:25     From  Marcus Ricci : It was a great presentation, with all of the different presenters nicely tying in to the theme. The Q&A was cool.
    13:01:26     From  Jenna Kurtzweil : Thanks, everyone!!
    13:01:26     From  Kate Gardiner : Love CCNet, thanks Morgan!
