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Projects Updates for key objective: 52. Campus Bike Plan

  1. Bike Facilities Standard

    Hi Stacey and Morgan,


    Please see attached the facilities standard for Streets, Driveway, Sidewalk, and Bicycle Network. This standard was just updated in August 2023, but the point about Campus Bike Plan has been in place since at least the last standard update.


    Bicycle Network: Bicycle path facilities shall be constructed according to the Campus Bicycle Plan, available through F&S Transportation Demand Management and also available at: 2014 Campus Bicycle Plan. All new bicycle paths shall be a connected part of the campus bicycle network as well as the community bicycle networks, and shall follow the Champaign County Greenways and Trails Design Guidelines, developed by CUUATS.


    Bicycle Paths: Bicycle paths shall use design geometry, striping, symbols, and signage as described in the 2014 Campus Bicycle Plan.


    Thank you,

  2. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) spring 2023

  3. Sarthak & I (Alec) met to discuss the 2023 Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) Application

    Sarthak & I met for an hour on 2/27/2023 to discuss the 2023 BFU application. I checked some answers with him. We determined who we need to ask for some questions and answered other questions.


    The current version of the 2023 BFU Application Log is attached below.

  4. Sarthak & I (Alec) met to discuss the Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) application

    Sarthak & I met on 2/20/2023 to go over some questions I had about the BFU application. We talked about the built environment of the campus (question A8), and clarified the total campus enrollment statistic. I also showed Sarthak the log I created to keep track of the my progress on the application, which is attached below.

  5. Alec & Sarthak Meet to Discuss Alec's progress on the BFU App

    Alec McKay & Sarthak Prasad met on 1/30/2023 and 2/8/2023 to discuss Alec's progress on reading over the Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) related materials.


    Alec read and took notes on the 2015 BFU application and the 2015 BFU Feedback. His notes are attached below.

  6. Alec & Sarthak Meet to Discuss 2023 Bicycle Friendly University Application (BFU)

    Sarthak Prasad and Alec McKay met to discuss Alec helping Sarthak with the 2023 BFU Application. Sarthak provided some guidelines on getting up to date with the current status of the Bike Plan goals and objectives.

    A document containing notes Alec took is attached below.

  7. Campus Bike Plan update: information for the undergraduate student

    Hi Bumsoo, I had a call with Marc yesterday, and he mentioned that the MUP program can work on this project in the fall and spring semesters as a group project. I am still trying to figure out all that needs to be done for this project, and I think getting the help from your student might be beneficial.

    How many hours can your student set aside for this project? In this semester, your student could help identify the stakeholders to reach out for the Campus Bike Plan update. He can help with determining a timeline and the planning process for next academic year. (If time permits) I will also ask the student to present some preliminary suggestions for the 2024 Bike Plan update at the end of this semester.

    The first thing for your student would be to read the current 2014 Campus Bicycle Master Plan ( I have published two progress reports in the past few years. I am currently working on our progress report from the past year, which should be published in the next few weeks. Here is the 2022 report: Campus Bike Plan progress report FY22. Here is the 2019 report: 2019 Report for 2014 Campus Bicycle Plan

    I would like to have weekly meetings with student. In the next 2-3 weeks, I would schedule a meeting with Morgan and Stacey to present what we think we should accomplish at the end of this semester. At the end of the semester, he will present the findings to F&S, SPO, Transportation iCAP Team, and possibly to the Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC).

    Please let me know if this sounds good to you. I would be very happy to meet your student and get started on this project. Thank you,

  8. 2024 Campus Bike Plan update: collaboration with Department of Urban Planning

    Sarthak Prasad met with Marc Doussard, the Master of Urban Planning (MUP) Director, to talk about MUP capstone and how their students can assist with this project. Marc said they can bring this project to the class int he fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters and assist in the update.

    Bumsoo Lee also mentioned that he has an undergraduate student who is very interested in helping out with this project in the spring 2023 semester.

  9. Nathaniel Nevins to help with the Campus Bike Plan update

    Sarthak Prasad met with Nathaniel Nevins, high school senior, on Tuesday January 17, 2023. Nathaniel is going to help with the Campus Bike Plan update. He is going to read the 2014 Campus Bike Plan by February 15, 2023, and read both the progress reports for Campus Bike Plan by February 28, 2023. He is also going to suggest ideas for the update. Nathaniel will be volunteering over the spring semester. Following information was shared with him:

    Here is the link to the iCAP Portal:

    Here is the 2014 Campus Bike Plan:

    Here is the 2022 report: Campus Bike Plan progress report FY22

    Here is the 2019 report: 2019 Report for 2014 Campus Bicycle Plan

  10. planning for the next bike plan

    Morgan and Sarthak discussed the timeline for the next Campus Bike Plan.  The 2014 plan was completed in 2014 and formally approved in March 2015 by Chancellor Wise, with an end date of 2024.  We should have the new plan approved before the end of December 2024.  It would be great to have it available to present during Sustainability Month October 2024, and get formal approval through the Sustainability Council and/or CCRC in November/December 2024.  Thus, the goal is to have a plan ready for routing for approval in summer 2024.

  11. Transportation SWATeam Meeting: 10 February 2021

    The Transportation SWATeam met on Wednesday, February 2021 at 10AM to discuss the following:

    • Intern Solicitation Process (3.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.3)
    • EV Dashboard Data (loosely related to 3.1)
    • Initialization of EV Task Force (3.3)
    • Fleet Vehicle Usage (3.1)
    • Air Travel Emissions (3.5)
    • Roundtable Discussion:
      • 3.2: Increase PCI Index to 65 by FY25
      • 3.4: Reduce Driving on Campus and Staff SOV trips 10% by 2025.
      • 3.4.2: Continue to Implement Bike Plan
    Attached Files: 
