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Projects Updates for place: Activities and Recreation Center (ARC)

  1. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) fall 2022

  2. Undergraduate Library rehomes 6 3-bins to other facilities on campus

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Undergraduate Library rehomed 6 3-bins at the onset of redevelopment:

    • Armory took 4 (P10E62260 second floor east side right out of the elevator, P10E62264 third floor southside center outside restroom, P10E62261 third floor northside center outside of restroom, P10E62265 in landing area in front of Room 232 under glassed bulletin board).
    • Mechanical Engineering Laboratory took 2 (P10E62262 and P10E62263 on first and second floors).
  3. Achievements in Transportation - Insider article

    The August 26, 2022 issue of Insider featured the "Achievements in Transportation". Read the article online at or see below.

    Achievements in Transportation

    Be it walking, bicycling, taking transit, or driving vehicles, getting around the campus is done more sustainably than ever.

    The F&S Transportation Demand Management (TDM) department creates, maintains, and coordinates the overall transportation network for all modes of travel. TDM implements campus and community policies and plans, like objectives in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP).

    “Safe and sensible transportation, in all its forms and complexities, is essential to a functioning campus,” said Stacey DeLorenzo, transportation systems manager.

    Read the full Transportation Demand Management Plan FY22 Achievement Report on the F&S website.

    Students walking to Quad on Centennial Plaza in spring between the Chemistry Annex and Noyes Laboratory.

    Key achievements include:

    Asset Management Plan

    • $1.25M was allocated for pavement maintenance and improvement projects, starting in FY22.
      • Pennsylvania Ave – Asphalt patching West of Maryland: $98,471.81
      • First and Peabody – Concrete patching: $47,866.28
      • College Ct westbound lane near PAR – Concrete patching: $42,055
      • Campus-wide – Spray injection: $25,000
      • Campus-wide – Crack sealing: $25,000
    • F&S TDM is responsible for the 2014 Campus Bicycle Master Plan. The department installed the campus’ first bicycle shelter, removed abandoned bicycle paths, and enhanced bicycle facilities.
    • Installed bicycle and pedestrian counters by Eco-Counters at 4 campus locations, with more planned soon. Learn more at Pedestrian and Bicycle Counts.


    TDM educates and encourages students, faculty, and staff to use active modes of transportation. TDM evaluates and plans campus infrastructure to create a safe environment.

    The Bike at Illinois website features information on bicycle education and facilities, bike sharing, registration, safety, and more. The F&S website includes information on walking, MTD buses, accessibility, and car-share options.


    The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is home to some of the world’s brightest researchers and students. The phrase “an active partner in research, teaching, and learning” added to the F&S mission, to academic collaborations. Working with researchers is an essential component to the future of F&S, and a major theme emphasized in the F&S Strategic Plan. F&S collaborates with students and researchers to envision the campus as a living lab and implement research to see the impact with real-world application.

    All INSIDER stories on F&S academic collaborations, visit

    Can pavement construction use food waste?
    Dr. Lance Schideman (ISTC), Dr. Yuanhui Zhang (ABE), and Dr. Ramez Hajj (CEE) use bio-oil produced from food waste as a rejuvenator for asphalt. F&S is collaborating with these researchers to implement this technology on campus pavement in the near future.

    Do students collaborate with F&S?
    The TDM department collaborated with more than 25 students in the last year to help with class projects, research, or interests in transportation systems on campus.

    Walkability Audit
    F&S conducted a thorough walkability audit. Nearly 75 volunteers collected data for the following surveys: a) Walkability Audit survey, which focused on the general walkability of the campus (macro level), and b) Deficiency Reporting survey, which focused on identifying specific faults on campus (micro level analysis). Sutapa Banerjee, a master’s student in urban planning, analyzed the walkability audit survey to determine the “walk index” of 76.2 for the campus. The deficiency reporting survey data and ADA transition plan supplement will improve accessibility on-campus.

    Those involved: Sutapa Banerjee (MUP-2 student), Dr. Lindsay Braun and Dr. Bumsoo Lee (Department of Urban and Regional Planning), Mylinda Netherton (Disability Resources Educational Services), Allison Kushner (Office of Access & Equity), Ryan Welch (F&S Grounds), Brent Lewis (F&S Capital Programs), and Chad Kupferschmid and Justin Pinnell (F&S Facilities Information Resources).

  4. Solar Urbana-Champaign

    From: Marta Monti <>
    Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2022 4:34 PM
    To: White, Morgan <mbwhite at>
    Subject: Solar Urbana-Champaign is back!


    Alternate text



    Solar Urbana Champaign is back for 2022


    2022 marks the seventh year for the Solar Urbana Champaign program. Since 2016, this non-profit-led program has educated 1,292 people about their solar opportunities with our Solar Power Hours presentations, and of those folks, 242 properties decided to go solar.


    In partnership with our competitively-selected installer, GRNE Solar, and with support from the Citizens Utility Board (CUB), the City of Urbana, and our growing partners, we're excited to help central Illinois residents go solar and save on their energy costs!   



    Find us online:





    First Benchmark Reached!


    Our group buy program uses the power of bulk purchasing to create an economy of scale: the more people who participate, the larger the savings become! This year's program has already passed the first 50 kilowatt benchmark, meaning that participants can look forward to additional savings. Join today and share with friends so we can achieve lower costs for everyone!


    Please help spread the word:


    Please share the program website or this email with your friends and neighbors or post it on your social media pages.


    Remember: the more people that go solar through the Solar Urbana Champaign program, the lower the cost for all!





    Pull out your yard sign, it's Grow Solar season!


    Not sure where it went? No worries, it's been a while. Let us know where to drop it off and we will get you a new one. 




    Share this schedule with a friend and invite them to start their solar journey with you!


    8/11, Thursday: Solar Power Hour, 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Papa Del’s Pizza Factory, 1201 S Neil St, Champaign, IL

    8/17, Wednesday: Solar Power Hour, 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Danville Public Library, 319 N Vermilion St, Danville, IL

    8/26, Friday: Solar Power Hour, 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Big Thorn Farm & Brewery, 14274 600 North Rd, Georgetown, IL – co-hosted by Big Thorn Farm & Brewery

    8/31, Wednesday: Solar Power Hour, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on Zoom (click to register)







    Throughout the program, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know. I can be reached at


    Marta Monti

    MREA Solar Program Manager

    Midwest Renewable Energy Assn (MREA) 



    The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable living through education and demonstration. To learn more about our work, visit



  5. Walkability audit: Spring 2022, Meeting 10

    Associated Project(s): 

    On Thursday 28th April, 2022, Sarthak and Sutapa met to discuss the results of Phase 2 data collection of the Walkability audit.

    The highest and lowest scoring map blocks have been updated as well as the individual category scores according to the new data received by the volunteers.

    Please see attached spreadsheet.



    • Highest scoring map blocks: 1,7, 9, 12, 13
    • Lowest scoring map blocks: 19, 23, 24
    • Overall Walkability Index of campus: 76.2/100

    The final results and recommendations will be presented by Sutapa on 3rd May, 2022.


  6. Walkability audit: Spring 2022, Meeting 8,9

    Associated Project(s): 

    On April 14 and 21, 2022, Sarthak and Sutapa met to discuss the progress of the Walkability audit.

    Tasks decided:

    1. Data analysis will begin on 22nd April for the rest of the data points collected during Phase 2 of the audit.

    2. Campus high priority zones will be weighted higher than low priority zones. This will impact the overall walkability Index of the campus.

    3. Deficiency categories with highest number of recorded points identified are: Sidewalk Maintenance, Crosswalk Maintenance and Accessibility. Create a list of recommendations to improve them.

    4. Presentation of overall results to Transportation department by Sutapa on May 3rd, 2022, Capstone Poster presentation on May 5th 2022.



  7. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) spring 2022

    Please see attached the final presentation for the CTAC spring 2022. We also talked about abandoned bicycles and Campus Landscape Master Plan during this meeting. Also watch the meeting recording and read the chat from during the meeting:

  8. Walkability audit: Spring 2022, Meeting 7

    Associated Project(s): 

    On March 17 2022,

    Sarthak and Sutapa met to discuss updates on the FY 22 Walkability Audit Project.

    Below are the completed tasks:

    • 196 records of the General walkability audit survey with corresponding finalized scores ( see excel spreadsheet). See map for visual representation of average weighted scores.
    • Color coded 820 deficiency reporting survey points overlayed on Division of Responsibility map and 29 map block divisions of campus.
    • Making a list of incomplete map blocks for general and deficiency reporting survey.

    Next steps;

    • Writing the Walkability audit draft report for info collected till date.
    • Assigning incomplete map-blocks to volunteers.
    • Sending out invites for virtual and in-person training sessions for next week: 21st March - 25th March.
    • Finalizing H, M and L priority questions 
  9. update on indoor bin count

    Associated Project(s): 

    Just wanted to provide a wonderful update on Indoor bins for the iCAP portal: The campus has 180 out of 200 available multi stream bins deployed in 56 different campus buildings. According to the iCAP metric, we are 1/3 of the way to our FY24 goal. ~Sydney Trimble

  10. Master List of All Buildings With the 3-Bin Containers Updated

    Associated Project(s): 

    The master list for indoor 3-bin containers has been updated. This list includes all 3-bin station deployments, with information regarding the building, floor, and P-Tag associated with each individual bin. If applicable, additional information regarding their location is provided as well.

    See the attached file to review the updated master list for the 3-bin containers.

  11. iCAP Indoor Bins Metric Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Morgan!


    Just wanted to provide a wonderful update on Indoor bins for the iCAP portal: The campus has 180 out of 200 available multi stream bins deployed in 56 different campus buildings. According to the iCAP metric, we are 1/3 of the way to our FY24 goal.


    In the future, I think the iCAP team should consider changing the metric from number of buildings to number of deployed bins because not all campus buildings would be applicable for these bins. Especially if the buildings are offices, residential, or extension related. Orchard Downs and


    I also went ahead and updated the bin location master list that came with the project so your team can upload it. It was outdated and I have upgraded the layout of the list so it is easier to find information.


    Best regards,


    Syd Trimble

    F&S Waste Management Intern | Skype: (217) 333-1128

    Garage & Carpool, Office D-3

    In Office primarily Monday, Tuesday, Thursday afternoons

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    Environmental Sciences - 2022



  12. Transportation iCAP Team February Meeting

    The Transportation iCAP team met on Thursday, 2/25/2022 at 4:00 P.M. and discussed the following topics:

    • Scoring for the upcoming walkability audit
    • Questions for an upcoming mode choice survey

    Further details are in attached documents.

    Attached Files: 
  13. Walkability audit: Spring 2022, Meeting 5,6

    Associated Project(s): 

    On Feb 17 and 24, Sarthak and Sutapa met to discuss the scoring system of the General Walkability audit. 

    We prepared a comparative list of 2 scoring systems (0-5 scale scores and negative to 5 scale scores). The Transportation dept. group meeting on 24th February has an agenda to finalise our scoring system after discussion.

    We have also prepared a spreadsheet with all the results of the survey and formatted it in a way that has questions on each row and one survey per column of the audit. Instead of prioritizing our larger categories of parameters, we decided to assign priorities to each question as High, Medium and Low with weights of x3, x2 and x1 respectively.

    Map blocks 9, 10, 14, 22, 23 and 27 have no records yet. Part 2 of Data collection for the same will start in the last week of March when the weather gets pleasant to walk around. A call for volunteers has been made in the SPO meeting on February 23rd, 2022.

    Results of Transportation group meeting on 24th February:

    1. Scoring system was discussed and finalized

    • Questions are categorized into High, Medium and Low categories. A few questions are marked as Bonus questions with Low priority.
    • 0-5 scoring scale was chosen to represent the options. Negative points were discontinued.
    • Total addition of weighted scores at this stage was 65 points.

    2. Mass email to be sent out again to MUP students as a 'Call for Volunteers' next week.

    3. Chad and Justin to colour code the categories of the Deficiency reporting surveys in the coming weeks.



  14. Walkability audit: Spring 2022, Meeting 3 & 4

    Associated Project(s): 

    On Feb 3rd and Feb 10th, Sarthak and Sutapa met to transport data from ArcGIS Survey 123 app to an excel spreadsheet. (attached)

    General Walkability study spreadsheet:

    1. Data was cleaned and transposed. Each question is located on a separate row. Each column accounts for 1 survey taken by a volunteer of the study.

    2. A separate sheet was designated for assigning each question with scores on a scale of 1-5.

    3. Using the function index and match, formulas were introduced for each survey answer in the database.

    A group meeting is scheduled in the end of February to finalize the scoring system of the map- blocks. The next step is to calculate averages for each map block and assign an average score out of 5 for each parameter.


    Incomplete survey: The Map blocks 9, 10, 14, 22, 23 and 27 have no records yet. When the weather conditions improve in March 2022, another round of data collection is scheduled to be undertaken by volunteers. Details regarding their training sessions will be shared soon.



  15. Walkability audit: Spring 2022, Meeting 2

    Associated Project(s): 

    On 27th Jan, 2022, Sarthak and Sutapa met to discuss the scores of the general Walkability Questionnaire. The draft of the same was sent to all members involved in the audit. They will get back with suggestions/ corrections by the end of February when there will be another group meeting to finalize the scores.

    We also prepared an excel spreadsheet with each question and scores next to it for analyzing the data- attached.


    Attached files:

    1. [DRAFT] Updated scoring system- editable document

    2. [DRAFT] Scoring system and priority map

    3. Spreadsheet of General Walkability Questionnaire

  16. Walkability audit: Spring 2022, Meeting 2

    Associated Project(s): 

    On 27th Jan, 2022, Sarthak and Sutapa met to discuss the scores of the general Walkability Questionnaire. The draft of the same was sent to all members involved in the audit. They will get back with suggestions/ corrections by the end of February when there will be another group meeting to finalize the scores.

    We also prepared an excel spreadsheet with each question and scores next to it for analyzing the data- attached.


    Attached files:

    1. [DRAFT] Updated scoring system- editable document

    2. [DRAFT] Scoring system and priority map

    3. Spreadsheet of General Walkability Questionnaire
