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Projects Updates for Illini Lights Out

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  1. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    On the agenda at the ECBS SWATeam meeting:

    1) Comments needed on Illini Lights Out (ILO) recommendation;

    2) Illini Lights Out final planning for 10th of March;

    3) Building level energy consumption report;

    4) Participation in Earth Hour and Earth week activities on campus;

    5) Updates on the Green Labs Coordinator;

    6) Planning for a campus walk focused on space utilization.


  2. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    On the agenda at the ECBS SWATeam meeting:

    1) Discuss and comment on attached recommendation for institutionalizing Illini Lights Out;

    2) Illini Lights Out final planning for 24th of February;

    3) Participation in Earth Hour activities on campus;

    4) Discussion on what else to accomplish this year.

  3. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    On the agenda at the ECBS SWATeam meeting:

    1) Discussion of recommendation process as developed and described in the iCAP;

    2) Illini Lights Out final planning for 10th of February;

    3) Update on fume hood work;

    4) North America Laboratory Freezer Challenge update;   5) Planning for Earth Week.        






  4. Volunteers needed for Illini Lights Out

    Associated Project(s): 

    Volunteer for Illini Lights Out on Feb. 10 in Main Quad buildings

    Do you love saving energy as much as we do? Volunteers are needed for the first spring semester round of Illini Lights Out from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 10. Meeting place will be announced soon; full details in link above. Bring a friend and take a behind-the-scenes tour of buildings on the Main Quad as you count and turn off lights left on in classrooms, back hallways, labs and lounges.

    Tony Mancuso . Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)

  5. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    On the agenda at the ECBS SWATeam meeting:

    1) Associate Director for Campus Sustainability at iSEE replacement;

    2) Status of recommendation for Green Lab Coordinator;

    3) Discussion: How the SWATeam recommendation process working for us;

    4) FYI: Discussions are ongoing on campus about higher expectations for building standards;

    5) Illini Light Out” will transition to iSEE and dates for the rest of the year;

    6) Certified Green Office Program. How ECBS SWATeam can promote this;

    7) Status updates: 2017 Freezer Challenge and Eco-Olympics Planning.


  6. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    At the ECBS SWATeam meeting the report from student capstone project on attitudes toward fume hood energy conservation was discussed. There is a need to sign up the labs for the Freezer Challenge project before January 15, 2017. The last in the fall semester, the Illini Lights Out project is expected on December 9. The Status of Green Labs recommendation was discussed. 

  7. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    At the ECBS SWATeam meeting on November 28, the results of "Illini Lights Out" project, occured on November 17, were discussed. ECBS SWATeam Green Labs Coordinator recommendation was considered as ready for the submission. Possible participation in the 2017 North American Laboratory Freezer Challenge from January to May 2017 was considered. Upcoming public forums on the ongoing design updates to the Urbana campus Master Plan-November 29 and November 30.

  8. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    At the ECBS SWATeam meeting on November 9, "Illini Lights Out" project, occuring on November 17, was discussed. The building level energy consumption report, which will be about behaviour change messaging, is expected by May 2017. "Green Labs" project progress was discussed. The need for high visibility of energy usage was considered. Next generation energy saving devices, which are present in some buildings on the campus, were discussed.

  9. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    At the ECBS SWATeam meeting Doctor Yun Yi joined the team as a new Faculty Member. Dr. Yi shared with the team his campus level building performance research on energy usage modeling in Pennsylvania. It was decided that the buildings for an informal study at UIUC, based on Dr Yi’s model, will be the same eight buildings as for “Illini Lights Out” project. “Illini Lights Out” project was approved by SSC for $1000 of funding. Campus Sustainability Celebration will occur on October 26, where ECBS SWATeam's poster will be presented. 

  10. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    At the ECBS SWATeam meeting on October 17,  Big Ten and Friends Mechanical and Energy Conference was discussed. Meeting with Jill Maxey, Associate Director for Space Analysis on Zero Growth for UIUC campus occured on September 26. Green Labs program is currently in progress. Illini Lights Out project is expected to be approved on October 21 by Student Sustaibability Committee with $1000 funding.

  11. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    Discussion on the development of a campus sustainability brand continued, with the input of iSEE Communications attendees Tony Mancuso and Olivia Harris.  The Big Picture Recommendation discussion moved forward as well, and a subcommittee meeting was set for April 26.  The Green Office Program is up and running again, with Olivia Webb replacing Nishant Makhijani as iSEE Sustainability Programs Coordinator.  The Building Standards Consultation Group is planning to call its first meeting, led by Morgan Johnston and Fred Hahn, before the end of the semester.

    Attached Files: 
  12. Illini Lights Out Recommendation - Assessment by iWG Chair and Unit Response

    The iCAP Working Group met on March 30, 2016. They discussed the Illini Lights Out recommendation by the ECBS SWATeam. Since this project was on a small scale, the iWG Chair assessed the recommendation and approved it.

    The Energy Conservation and Building Standards SWATeam submitted a recommendation for an Illini Lights Out campaign. A group of student volunteers will visit 8 buildings that surround the quad, turn off lights and record data. As the only resources needed was the price of pizza for the volunteers, Ben McCall - Associate Director of Campus Sustainability -  approved the recommendation on behalf of the iCAP Working Group, and indicated that iSEE will go ahead with this project.

    See Illini Lights Out project for more updates.

    See SWATeam recommendation ECons002 Illini Lights Out.

  13. iWG meeting meeting March 30, 2016

  14. iWG meeting agenda March 30, 2016

  15. ECONS002 Illini Lights Out Recommendation - Submittal

    The ECBS SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "The ECBS SWATeam recommends conducting a one hour pilot audit of lights left on in select buildings on campus as part of a campus engagement and conservation strategy. Pairs of students accompanied by campus security/other personnel (as necessary) are assigned buildings to audit on the main Quad to turn off non-essential lights in classrooms/bathrooms not in use. Volunteers will meet at a designated location to sign in, review safety protocols and receive their tally sheets and floor plans. Students will use these sheets to indicate any empty rooms where they turned off lights. After the audit is complete, students will return all forms to designated staff and are then eligible for a prize/reward. The ECBS team intends to use the results of this pilot to recommend a more comprehensive year-round campaign called ‘Illini Lights Out’. Details of audit as follows:

    • Buildings to be audited (8): Altgeld Hall, English Building, Lincoln Hall, Gregory Hall, Smith Memorial Hall,Foreign Languages Building, Davenport Hall, and Noyes Laboratory.
    • Given the number of buildings, it is expected that 16 – 24 student volunteers are needed.
    • Recommended date for pilot audit is Friday, April 15th from 6pm7pm.
    • Designated meeting spot required. Table in the Illini Union recommended between 5:45pm7:30pm."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation ECONS002 Illini Lights Out complete with comments from all the ECBS SWATeam members.
