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  1. Transportation iCAP Team Meeting 2/28/2024

    The Transportation iCAP Team met on 2/28/2024 to discuss the outlined proposal of the DESMAN report, the 2024 Campus Bike Plan, and end-of-year reporting initiatives. Attached is a link to the meeting recording.

  2. 2024 Campus Bike Plan Meeting Held on 02/27/2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    I had a meeting with Sarthak on February 27th, 2024 to discuss the working document of the 2024 Campus Bike Plan.

    Below are the notes of the meeting, mentioning the action items:

    • A weekly update on the working of the document to be uploaded on ICAP portal.
    • Review and edit the summary of the progress reports, if needed, written by Kejsi and Ethan.
    • Review the section for Equity and Inclusion in Chapter 3: Goals and Objectives.
    • Chapter 2: Stakeholders
      • Add DRES as a stakeholder.
    • Chapter 4: Equity and inclusion
      • Add about parking for tandem bikes, E-bikes.
      • Add the circuit map created, showing the route taken by wheelchair athletes.
      • Mention the meeting with Adam and the concerns regarding the infrastructure for wheelchair athletes.
      • Describe the routes taken, their existing condition, issues and proposed interventions.
      • Add description about the condition of Peabody Drive and the proposed intervention.
      • Add description about the condition of Pennsylvania Avenue till Lincoln Avenue and the proposed intervention.
      • Mention about coordinating with TDM and Capital Programs at Facilities & Services for street level improvements along the routes mentioned in circuit map.
    • Chapter 5: Network
      • Proof read and propose changes wherever necessary.
    • Chapter 7: Additional Considerations
      • Proof read and propose changes wherever necessary for Education section and beyond.
    • Bike rack inventory maintenance audit:
      • Fill in the remaining details and complete the sheet.
      • Visit locations of bike racks with blurry or no photos or where the rack capacity is not mentioned.
      • Classify different types of bike racks based on their condition and maintenance level and create separate pdf’s for each.
  3. iSEE research newsletter - EV chargers



    Photo of iSEE Director Madhu Khanna charging an electric vehicle



    In the Media: EV Charging Stations

    A Chicago Tribune story on plans by the state of Illinois to add more than 1,000 new public electric vehicle (EV) chargers included expertise shared by iSEE affiliate George Gross, Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Illinois. He said the shortage of EV charging stations isn't just an Illinois problem but a national one. Explore EV and other sustainable transportation options — and ways to make these systems more equitable for all to access — May 16-17 at an iSEE workshop in Chicago on "Envisioning Equitable Transitions to Sustainable Transportation Systems," co-hosted by the University of Illinois-Chicago! Details >>>

  4. Weekly Update: Busy, M-F hours after Spring break

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Business as usual last week. We were especially busy on Friday with a wait for stand time. Today will probably be hopping, too. Warm weather and all. Should cool down by end of week and allow us to finish some for-sale bikes, as spring seems to be coming sooner this year. Only a couple more weeks before we’re open M – F. Be good to get the Tue/Thurs crew some public facing time, as they’ve been squirreled away working on our off-days.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 38
    Sales: $764.50
    Bikes (refurb): 2 for $350

    Memberships: 5 for $150
    Tires/tubes: 11 for $85


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  5. iSEE newsletter - solar car

    Associated Project(s): 






    Illini Solar Car Visits Chicago Auto Show

    Calypso, the newest solar-powered vehicle built by the Illini Solar Car project, made its debut at the Chicago Auto Show this month! It's the first time a car built by the U of I student organization has appeared at the nation's largest auto show. The 2024 entry will compete at the Electrek Formula Sun Grand Prix in July. A grant from the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC), which allocates student fee revenue from the Illinois Green Fund, supports the Illini Solar Car's 200-member project team!


  6. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Most surprisingly, we sold a bike on Friday during the snowy times. Odd timing but if you need a bike, you need a bike! Can’t argue there. Got a new hire in pipeline, gearing up for some warmer weather this week. Probably means some busyness around here.

    Been working with my staff on lacing up wheels. Can’t speak highly enough of the instructional book and the staff have taken to it admirably.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 21
    Sales: $493.50

    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $160

    Memberships: 5 for $150

    Tires/tubes: 9 for $95


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  7. Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting Minutes 2/19/2024

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team Met on 2/19/2024 to discuss initiatives regarding environmentally preferred procurement, updates on the university's participation with Coca-Cola buyback, and recyclopedia feedback. The Engagement iCAP team chair, Codie Sterner, joined to discuss the sustainability literacy survey. The Zero Waste Team will come up with questions to add to the survey. 

    Attached Files: 
  8. 02-12-24 Dump & Run Meeting 2

    Associated Project(s): 

    Attendance: Pete Varney, Dan Hiser, Miriam, Bryan Johnson, Thurman Etchison, Daphne Hulse



    1. Determine exact remaining budget for this year (Daphne)

      1. $5,951.38 in SSC fund

      2. $6,992.19 spent for the 2023 program

    2. Identify locations for Orchard Downs & Ashton Woods (Mark, Bryan)

    3. Reassess all previous locations & confirm (Mark, Bryan)

      1. Box truck sizes on Euclid - donation partners

      2. Babcock Hall - inquire with driver on the northernmost suggestion

      3. Sherman Hall - inquire with driver

    4. Inquire with Housing communications team about opportunity for advertisement + communications for Orchard Downs, Ashton Woods (Mark, Bryan)

    5. Loop in Jenna (Project4Less) into food pantry donation conversations (Thurman, Daphne)

      1. Connected with the Eastern Illinois Food Bank - setting up meeting to discuss logistics

    6. iSEE - what materials will be collected? (Miriam)

      1. Out of office - reconnect later

    7. Assign locations to non-profit partners, once locations are determined (Daphne)


    Action Items

    1. Connect with driver for shipping containers, ensure access to locations (Daphne)

      1. Confirm all locations with Stacey DeLorenzo (Daphne)

    2. Connect with non-profit groups, confirm participation (Daphne)

    3. Confirm graduate halls move out timing (Mark, Bryan)

    4. Marketing materials from Housing - posters, digital sign (Mark, Bryan)

    5. Confirm iSEE’s plan for integration (Miriam, Daphne)

  9. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Run of the mill week here. Thanks to Todd for grabbing scrap over the weekend. This week I’ll grab some more bikes from the barn to fix up and/or scrap. Had a few sneaky ones that look good at first glance and are junk in the end. We’re getting a good stockpile of overhauled wheels ready for when folks’ bikes need new-to-them wheels.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 35
    Sales: $388.50
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $200
    Memberships: 3 for $90
    Tires/tubes: 2 for$8


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  10. Weekly update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Sneakily busy last week. Warmer weather this week will likely keep visitors darkening the doors. Still plugging away at the abandoned bikes. Had an interview last week for another student worker to bolster our team in advance of the really warm weather.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 43
    Sales: $615.50

    Bikes (refurb): 2 for $260
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
    Memberships: 3 for $90
    Tires/tubes: 2 for $5


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  11. 01-29-24 Dump & Run Meeting 1

    Associated Project(s): 

    Attendance: Pete Varney, Dan Hiser, Miriam Keep, Bryan Johnson, Mark Kuehl, Thurman Etchison, Daphne Hulse


    1. Overview of the budget last year

      1. $6,992.19 spent for the 2023 program

      2. Daphne is determining the number of remaining funds from our SSC award (this will likely be the last year we have funds remaining in our SSC account)

    2. Overview of results last year

      1. Goodwill: 16K lbs (hard household goods)

      2. Salt & Light: 3.5K lbs (soft clothing and bedding)

    3. Overview of this year

      1. Undergraduate residence halls

      2. Explore expansion to graduate residence halls

        1. Orchard Downs

          1. 2 laundry room locations

        2. Ashton Woods

      3. Explore food collection - work with local pantry

      4. iSEE collaboration

        1. Interested in collecting recyclable materials (both that F&S typically collects, as well as special collections)

      5. 3 non-profits interested

        1. Goodwill Land of Lincoln - interested in returning for this year again

        2. Salt & Light - interested in returning for this year again

        3. Habitat for Humanity ReStore - interested in joining this year, wants furniture specifically

    4. Assess last years’ donation site locations (bolded locations were successful, asterisked locations should be reassessed)

      1. Hopkins

      2. Student Dining and Residential Programs

      3. Illinois Street

      4. Lincoln Avenue

      5. Wassaja*

      6. Weston*

      7. Busey-Evans*

      8. FAR/PAR*

    5. Pete & Dan: containers could be opened at 8am and closed at 8pm

    6. Housing suggests that we should look into bolder advertisements in residence halls


    Action Items:

    1. Determine exact remaining budget for this year (Daphne)

    2. Identify locations for Orchard Downs & Ashton Woods (Mark, Bryan)

    3. Inquire with Housing communications team about opportunity for advertisement (Mark, Bryan)

      1. + communications for Orchard Downs, Ashton Woods

    4. Reassess FAR-PAR location (Mark, Bryan)

    5. Reassess Busey-Evans location (Mark, Bryan)

    6. Loop in Jenna (Project4Less) into food pantry donation conversations (Thurman, Daphne)

    7. iSEE - what materials will be collected? (Miriam)

    8. Assign locations to non-profit partners, once locations are determined (Daphne)

  12. Engagement iCAP Team Meeting Minutes 1/26/2024

    The Engagement iCAP Team met on 1/26/2024 to discuss the Campus Sustainability Survey and provide updates on AY 23-24 objectives. Daphne Hulse attended as a guest speaker to discuss the Green Sports Alliance and Green Tailgate event volunteer engagement.

  13. ECE Net Zero Celebration 

    The Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Building at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign was certified as the university’s first zero-energy facility in January 2023. Join the ECE Department and The Grainger College of Engineering to celebrate this milestone on the path to building a more sustainable future. 

    When: Wednesday January 24, 2024 from 4 p.m.
    Where: Electrical & Computer Engineering Building Atrium, 306 N. Wright St, Urbana, IL 61801


  14. Weekly Update: Kid's Bike Giveaway, Busy in cold weather!

    Associated Project(s): 

    Happy New Year! Since my last email, we hosted our annual Kid’s Bike Giveaway. It was terrible weather with a steady cold rain, but we still gave away 70+ bikes in about 20 minutes. There was supposed news coverage with WCIA but I wasn’t able to track down the actual footage. Not an hour after we’d given away all the bikes, someone showed up with a couple kids bike donations. Already started on next year!

    The semester started last week, and we were surprisingly busy—even on Friday when it was a snowy mess out there, which meant it was a melting snowy mess in our workshop, too. A good problem to have.

    We’ll see how we fare this week with the freezing rain.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 21
    Sales: $283
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $170
    Memberships: 1 for $30
    Tube/tire: 1 for $4


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center
