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  1. Weekly Update

    All, Apologies for the delay. Pretty uneventful week. I was out at a conference on Thursday and Friday. My staff handled shop hours on Friday without issue. Made some more headway in the abandoned bike pile but also got half dozen or so direct donations as well. So, we’ve got our work cut out for us this week in processing all those.

    I spent some time last week turning bars/pulling pedals on the bikes we do have here in an effort to maximize space. We’ll spend staff time this week checking over those bikes, so they can be earmarked for the Build-a-Bike program and be much easier to identify by staff and the untrained eye.

    We will be closed tomorrow for Juneteenth and reopen on Friday.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 6
    Sales: $366.50
    Memberships: 1 for $30
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $90
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
    Tires/tubes: 17 for $125


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  2. Weekly Update: Youth Bike Summit

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Normal week to report on. Over the weekend made some good headway on the last of the abandoned bikes, with the help of the Bike Project and Habitat for Humanity. One of our student staff members is headed to a conference in Italy for the entire month of June, so we’ll miss his insight as a Dutch bike enthusiast. Although,  maybe that is redundant of me to say.

    I will be attending the Youth Bike Summit in Pennsylvania from Thursday – Sunday this week. Should be a good opportunity to dive deep into bike programming of all sorts!

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 19
    Sales: $431
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $135
    Memberships: 6 for $180
    Tires/tubes: 5 for $24.50


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  3. Update from Yun Yi

    Below is an update from Yun Yi:


    We finally have all the wood panels ready, and we have also designed a very interesting structure to hold the panels.

    We are trying to pick up the fabricated structures and bring them to campus.

    I am hoping to assemble the panels soon and share the final structure in the near future.

  4. Update from Thurman

    Associated Project(s): 

    Below is an update from Thurman Etchison on the Food Purchases from Local Sources project:

    Work is always being done on this but we are nowhere our goal. It is hard to quantify as our prime vendor does not provide info on this.

  5. Aquaponics Update

    Below is an update from Carter Phillips:


    The aquaponics system is still running strong and providing product to be served by our students at the Bevier Café.  In the last year we have been working on the Illini Urban Farmer RSO taking over production and maintenance of the system. This allows for a unique learning experience for any student interested in aquaponics and urban farming.

  6. Update from Betsy

    Associated Project(s): 

    Below is an update from Betsy Richardson:

    I am not on the icap resilience team committee however when the Farnsworth consultant is ready to share information with the surrounding cities MS4 leaders I will invite the consultant to the quarterly MS4 stormwater meeting (tentatively this fall or winter). I will also invite someone from the icap resilience team to the meeting, if anyone on this email knows the correct resilience team contact, please let me know. The city of Champaign, Urbana and the village of Savoy already have stormwater master plans so our hope from this collaboration is to share information and to attempt to align some of our stormwater goals.

  7. Weekly Update: Abandoned bikes

    All, Shortened week with Memorial Day. Otherwise, business as usual. Subpar donations are still trickling in, so we’re able to continue to pass those along to Habitat. Took a week break on the barn bikes but will be ramping that back up this week. I believe the tagging of abandoned bikes on campus has begun, so we’ll likely get calls/emails about that in the coming weeks.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 28
    Sales: $656
    Memberships: 2 for $60
    Bikes (refurb): 2 for $365
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $60
    Tires/tubes: 5 for $55


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  8. Weekly update: Bike donations

    All, Last week, with the Bike Project, we were able to donate 20 or so bikes to a nonprofit church group that will send the bikes overseas. These were all bikes that would’ve otherwise been in the scrap yard, so it’s less work for us and helps keep more bikes out of the waste stream—a win-win! We continue to donate kids bikes to Habitat for Humanity as we do not have the storage space to keep those until our winter giveaway.

    Got a couple more new hires on board and learning the ropes.

    This week is business as usual as we try to replenish our sales stock.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 28
    Sales: $656.00
    Bikes (refurb): 2 for $$365
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $60
    Memberships: 2 for $60
    Tires/tubes: 5 for $55


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  9. Bird Strike Survey Website

    Help document bird collisions with windows

    Millions of birds die annually from striking buildings, a global conservation issue. The U. of I. bird strike survey aims to document and prevent bird strikes. If you're a student, staff or faculty member at U. of I. interested in documenting strikes, contact or We'll provide a phone-based app and protocol. Learn about the student-led effort here.

  10. Weekly Update: Summer hours

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, First week of M/W/F was fine in terms of meeting demand. Not a lot of people in, but we did steadily sell bikes to summer session folk. Had one person start a build-a-bike. Interviewed a potential student staff hire, and will have a few returning staff starting this week.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 38
    Sales: $1,307
    Bikes (refurb): 5 for $800
    Memberships: 5 for $150
    Tires/tubes: 6 for $57


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  11. Recycling Bin Update 04/01/24

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Todd & Mark,

    I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reach out & reconnect on the topic of the black, metal outdoor bins. I believe we have 18 identified locations approved by Brent Lewis ready to be installed as soon as the shops are able (locations attached) – these all require concrete poured. We then have  ~56 more stored primarily in the Buenting Barn that we have not yet identified locations for, but will very shortly. Some of them will require concrete and others will not. We have WO# 10814481 for this project.  Pete is hoping to have the whole process wrapped up by June 30, 2024. I just wanted to put this back up on the radar and get a sense of whether we will be able to get these all installed by summer?

    I will be in contact soon regarding the locations of the remaining bins.

    Thank you!


    Good morning Daphne,  Mark forwarded your email to me.  When you send the lists of locations out, please be sure to copy all that are on this email.

    In response to your question below of completion by June 30 that is not possible.  Also, without knowing all of the locations it is difficult to give you an answer as to what the completion timeframe would be.  Below are the two scenarios depending on the proposed locations of the bins.

    Installing the bins on existing concrete:

     1.   Ironworkers can go to the site with the bins/post with two guys and install the anchors and the bins in 2-3 crew hours (4-6 hours total with two guys).

    Installing the bins on newly placed concrete:

     1.  This process will begin with the labor supervisor going to the site and marking the location.  1-2 hours
     2.  The utility marking crew would then be notified, and they have a 48 hour window to locate utilities.  1-2 hours
     3.  Laborers and operators go to the site and dig out the spot and place rock. 3-4 crew hours
     4.  Cement finishers form and pour the concrete and it needs to cure for at least 48 hours.  3-4 crew hours
     5.  Ironworkers can install the anchors and the bin once concrete has cured. 2-3 crew hours

    Depending on how closely the locations are to each other they may prepare 2 or 3 at once and rotate through those with the different steps above.  However, that is not always possible.

    I hope this helps to see how the two differ in time needed and to see how it really gets involved when the location requires new concrete.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

       Thank you,

      Tim Mininger
       Maintenance Program & Project Coordinator


    Hi all,

    I am sharing out 11 more locations which have been approved by Brent & Stacey. Please see attached, and please let me know if I can provide any additional information. I will continue to send out locations as I receive approval.

    Thank you,



    You can have Burzin work on this when he comes in, if you like.





    Hi all,


    We have completed all outdoor bin location proposals. With all the photos it is a large document, so I have placed it on a shared Box. Please let me know if any of these locations need further clarification.


    Thank you,


    Daphne and Tim,


    Once the additional bin locations are approved for installation let us know and we will get them added/updated in GIS.



    As your team completes installs let us know and we will collect “as-installed” location plus an image for GIS.



    We’ve added the dual bins installed to date along with an image to GIS…(sample below)


