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- Associated Project(s):
Weekly update
Associated Project(s):The Bike Center hired 2 new staff members and got a new inventory of kids' bikes that are already in the works of getting fixed up. Posters are printed and hung at CBC for donations to the Kids’ Bike Giveaway. Posters and flyers were also given to Urbana staff for them to display in their space.
Visitors: 110
Sales: $1,153.50
Bikes (refurb): 1 for $200
Memberships: 20 for $600
Tires/tubes: 22 for $163
Planning Meeting with Sarthak Prasad
Associated Project(s):I met with Sarthak Prasad, 1pm, Oct. 10th, to discuss the Transportation Team's presentation at the Sustainability Celebration on the 23rd. We are going to highlight the Campus Bike Plan and briefly go over our other current projects.
We also planned the agenda for our Oct. 22nd meeting and went over some protocol for the iCAP portal. A helpful meeting!
Transportation iCAP Team October Meeting
Associated Project(s):The Transportation iCAP Team had their first meeting for the fall semester! Exciting to review projects where they were left off and pick them back up. The minutes are attached. We introduced the projects for the year and discussed what next steps look like for them.
Attached Files:Introduction to iCAP portal
Associated Project(s):Sarthak gave Karina a brief introduction to the iCAP portal and a short training on how to edit or add a new project update and updating project metrics.
Weekly Update
Associated Project(s):All, Manageable levels of busyness last week. I think our visit numbers have declined slightly, which makes sense for the time of year. Highlights of the week: Received a couple worthwhile direct donations. Fixed up a couple kids’ bikes. Had a student staff interview. Got a few B-a-Bs out the door. The law professor who’s into bikes has become a regular Friday volunteer.
The TBP Monthly Member meeting is tonight, which I will attend. This week is also the deadline for abandoned bike retrieval, so I will do a rough inventory of keep/scrap. We also may table at the Green Quad Day, if I have available staff since it overlaps with our open hours. Have a lot of loose wheels that are of questionable quality that we need to deal with, too.
The numbers:
Visitors: 82
Sales: 865.51
Bikes (B-a-B): 3 for $160
Memberships: 8 for $240
Tires/tubes: 11 for $112Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Coordinator -- Campus Bike CenterSeptember 2024 Buyer's Share Report
Associated Project(s):RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the September 2024 Buyer's Share amounts by the hour, totaling 1,086.9 Megawatt hours.
The September 2024 Buyer's Share Report is attached below.
Attached Files:Leftover light count
Associated Project(s):Total white: 520
Total red: 537
Alma Mater
White: 182
Red: 198
Ikenberry Commons
White: 155
Red: 164
Hellene Greenway
White: 183
Red: 175
Weekly Update: Bike week, busy week
Associated Project(s):All, Another busy week with the fun addition of Bike To Work Day and Light The Night. Haven’t seen the numbers yet but both events went well, I believe. Friday was surprisingly slow here, which was great since I had staff out sick. We had a BTWD participant follow up and volunteer with us on Friday, which was great.
With the previously mentioned events out of the way, it’s on to prep for the abandoned bikes being released to us soon. Space is at a premium, so we’ll have to get creative and/or judicial in the bikes we utilize. Hope to get a few more bikes on the sales floor. We also already have one bike ready to go for our Kids Bike Giveaway.
The numbers:
Visitors: 103
Sales: $1,230
Bikes (B-a-B): 3 for $150
Memberships: 19 for $570
Tires/tubes: 25 for $187Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Coordinator -- Campus Bike CenterEngagement iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):Introduced new clerk and team members. The team brainstormed updates for the ‘24-’25 mission statement, with members assigned to bring suggestions to the next meeting. The second half covered team objectives for the year, including creating a green training program for employees, improving outreach to incoming students, running green-certified events, and increasing student participation in sustainability.
Attached Files:Planning team meeting #7
Associated Project(s):The seventh meeting from the planning team discussing Bike to Work Day and Light the Night post-event details and future events.
Attached Files:Final Bike to Work Day registration numbers
Associated Project(s):Total Registrations: 1212
Location breakdowns:
Alma Mater: 359
Campus Bike Center: 79
Campus Disability Resources & Educational Services (DRES): 43
Campus National Soybean Research Center (NSRC): 31
Campus Orchard Downs: 62
Campus Recreation Center East (CRCE): 206
Campus Research Park: 102
Campus Vet Med: 19
Champaign Downtown: 78
Champaign Wolfram Research: 40
Mahomet Middletown: 10
Rantoul Downtown: 5
Savoy Recreation Center: 28
St. Joseph Downtown: 5
Urbana Brookens Center: 33
Urbana Downtown: 105
Volunteers were assigned to each work station
Associated Project(s):Total volunteers: 40
Alma Mater: 12
Hallene Gateway: 16
Ikenberry Commons Quad: 12
Attached Files:Thank you email sent out
Associated Project(s):Sarthak sent out an email to all campus Bike to Work Day welcome stations to thank them for their work and participation in this event. All remaining t-shirts and swag would be returned to the MTD Training Facility on 09/19 between 2-6 pm. Special thanks to Paul Jensen and his team at F&S Public Functions who provided the tables, chairs, recycling, and trash for today’s event as well as the Housing department for providing food and refreshments to all eight campus welcoming stations.
Public Input for 2024 Campus Bicycle Master Plan
Associated Project(s):A campus wide email was sent out for feedback on the 2024 Campus Bicycle Master Plan. It encouraged students and faculty to look through the master plan and fill out the public input feedback form. The offical online email link can be found here.
Weekly Update: Bike Week
Associated Project(s):All, It’s Bike Week! Bike To Work Day and Light The Night are this week, so we’re prepping for that. Still busy here, too, during our open hours. We’re moving more build-a-bikes and have 3 bikes in the queue for the sales floor. After this week we’re on to the abandoned bikes from the last round up. Always fun around here!
The numbers:
Visitors: 122
Sales: $1,801.50
Bikes (refurb): 2 for $340
Bikes (B-a-B): 3 for $210
Memberships: 25 for $750
Tires/tubes: 30 for $237Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center
Registration updates
Associated Project(s):There are currently 1,027 registrations for all of Champaign County's Bike to Work Day. Station managers picked up their materials Tuesday 9/17 at the MTD Training Facility, where staff and faculty had sorted all t-shirts, pamphlets, key chains, etc. into station boxes. Boxes will be returned on Friday 9/20 to the MTD Training Facility. The planning team is working with Forage Kitchen to draw 16 gift card winners after all participation numbers are in.
Attached Files:Volunteers for Bike Month
Associated Project(s):Volunteer instructions, talking points, and post-event surveys were sent out via email to all the volunteers who signed up.
2024 Champaign County Bike Month Planning
Associated Project(s):Please use the included link and pass code below to view the recording of the Champaign County Bike Month Planning Meeting.
Passcode: xX=J1.xM
September Bike at Illinois events email sent out
Associated Project(s):Campus wide email sent from informing students and faculty about Bike to Work Day, Light the Night, and how to reclaim an impounded bike. The official online email can be found here.