Introduction to iCAP portal
Sarthak gave Karina a brief introduction to the iCAP portal and a short training on how to edit or add a new project update and updating project metrics.
Sarthak gave Karina a brief introduction to the iCAP portal and a short training on how to edit or add a new project update and updating project metrics.
Quinn Connolly trained Sepideh Azizi and Myra Stevens on the iCAP portal on 5/22/24.
Myra Stevens, rising Junior in Urban & Regional Planning, and Sepideh Azizi, a rising second year Masters in Urban Planning, started their summer internship at F&S in the Transportation Demand Management (under Capital Programs) department.
Here is a list of tasks I have worked on and continue to work on:
Tasks completed
Current tasks
Here are the things I have been working on: |
On 10/17/2023, Sarthak Prasad gave an overview of the iCAP and the iCAP Portal to the two new Sustainable Transportation interns, Sam Wuebbles and Tushar Kokitkar. They were also trained on how to post project updates to the iCAP Portal.
Sam Wuebbles is one of the two new Sustainable Transportation interns. He started on 10/10/23 and will be working 10 hours per week.
On 08/10/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh had a weekly meeting to discuss on Weekly Progress of the current projects that we are working on. Please refer to the file attached to view the Weekly Progress.
On 08/03/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh had a weekly meeting to discuss on Weekly Progress of the current projects that we are working on. Please refer to the file attached to view the Weekly Progress.
On 07/24/2023, Sarthak, Nathaniel and Hrushikesh had a weekly meeting to discuss on Weekly Progress of the current projects that we are working on. Please refer to the file attached to view the Weekly Progress.
Nathaniel's Weekly Progress -
Hrushikesh's Weekly Progress -
On 07/20/2023, Sarthak, Nathaniel and Hrushikesh had a weekly meeting to discuss on Weekly Progress of the current projects that we are working on.
Meeting Notes:
- Campus Bike Plan 2024
- Abandoned Bikes Project Inventory Documentation Completion
- Bike Parking Rack Design
- Research on Permeable Pavers and Bike Shelter
- Discussion on the Next week's Tasks regarding Bike Audit
- Bike Census
Sarthak met with Hrushikesh and Nathaniel on 7/13/2023 together to discuss the weekly meetings. This was the first Sustainable Transportation weekly intern meeting.
Sarthak explained the layout for these meetings in the future. Hrushikesh and Nathaniel would lead these meetings going forward. They will report on the progress made in the previous week and go over their to-do list for the current week and the week after. They will send Sarthak their weekly progress report in form of Word or Excel or some other form and share it with the Sustainable Transportation team.
These meetings will be held weekly until the semester begins.
On 07/13/2023, Sarthak had a meeting with Nathaniel and Hrushikesh to get a Weekly progress report and to set next week's tasks.
- Set a structure for Weekly Meetings
- Discussion on Bike Friendly University (BFU), Bike Racks Locations and their design Plans, Campus Bike Plan 2024, and the Abandoned Bicycles Project.
- Gave an overview of the i-Cap Portal and Bike Friendly University (BFU) to Nathaniel.
- Potential Encouragement project on Social Media: Making a Rules of the Road Video.
Sarthak met with Hrushikesh Chavan (Master of Architecture student) and Nathaniel Nevins (Bachelors in Landscape Architecture) separately to explain the Campus Bike Plan 2024 update. These students will read up the 2014 Campus Bike Plan, the progress reports, and other documents shared with them to learn more and recommend suggestions for this new Plan.
Attached is a Transportation Demand Management presentation created for Employee Orientation.
Below is an email exchange between Morgan White and Sarthak Prasad on Sarthak's involvement in employee orientation:
Hi Sarthak,
Can you please provide a short statement here about what you for New Employee Orientation, including slides, topics, and time commitment. We are looking to increase the F&S presence in new employee orientation, and I shared that you are already involved.
Hi Morgan,
Please see attached the slides that I use for the IHR New Employee Orientation. It is a 30-45 minute commitment for me per month, including travel time. These orientations are held on the first Monday of every month, and I talk for about 15-20 minutes. The orientations are usually at the Conference Center, but sometimes they have it virtually.
I will be updating the slides for next month’s orientation to include It’s Your MTD and Commuter Program information. I have been attending these since fall 2021.
I had also worked on slides for Sustainability on campus, but you had asked me to wait before you reviewed it. Thank you,
Sarthak Prasad was hired and rejoined the F&S department as the Sustainable Transportation Assistant as a full-time employee. He resumed work on July 16,2020.
Lily Wilcock was hired on Visiting Appointment on February 22, 2016.
See Transmittal of Trans003 Sustainable Transportation Coordinator here.
See iWG assessment of Trans003 Sustainable Transportation Coordinator here.
See SWATeam recommendation Trans003 Sustainable Transportation Coordinator here.
see file
Several SWATeam recommendations were discussed. Also, an update from the Sustainability Council was provided:
"Review of Council Meeting/Status of iCAP Approval - The Sustainability Council meeting went very well with lots of good discussion. There were not too many serious objections to the iCAP. They would like to see financial information, such as cost-benefit analysis on projects. This information will be included in the study for accelerating our carbon neutrality date. The cover letter from the Chancellor affirming our commitment will include language about the current fiscal climate in Illinois. The Chancellor was keen to be able to reach carbon neutrality by 2035. Other concerns were in regard to the net zero space item and they suggested a space audit be included in the iCAP."
The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on April 2, 2015, to discuss and start the assessment of SWATeam recommendation, Trans003 Sustainable Transportation Coordinator. Their official comment on the SWATeam recommendation was:
"The iWG endorses the SWATeam recommendation."
See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the iWG members.
See SWATeam recommendation Trans003 Sustainable Transportation Coordinator here.
Following the completion of iWG assessment for the SWATeam recommendation, Trans003 Sustainable Transportation Coordinator, the recommendation was forwarded to F&S for further processing.
See iWG assessment of Trans003 Sustainable Transportation Coordinator here.
See SWATeam recommendation Trans003 Sustainable Transportation Coordinator here.