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Projects Updates for key objective: 4.6 Appropriately staff sustainable transportation efforts
- Associated Project(s):
iCAP Portal Training for Sustainable Transportation Interns
Associated Project(s):Summer interns started at F&S
Associated Project(s):Task Report for Tushar Kokitkar from 10/3 to 11/15
Associated Project(s):Task Report for Sam Wuebbles from 10/2 to 11/7
Associated Project(s):Trained Sam and Tushar on the iCAP Portal
Associated Project(s):New intern: Sam Wuebbles
Associated Project(s):Weekly Sustainable Transportation meeting with Sarthak and Hrushikesh
Associated Project(s):Weekly Sustainable Transportation meeting with Sarthak and Hrushikesh
Associated Project(s):Weekly Sustainable Transportation meeting with Hrushikesh and Nathaniel
Associated Project(s):Weekly Sustainable Transportation meeting with Hrushikesh and Nathaniel
Associated Project(s):Weekly meeting with Hrushikesh and Nathaniel
Associated Project(s):Weekly Meeting with Nathaniel and Hrushikesh
Associated Project(s):Explained the Campus Bike Plan update project to students
Associated Project(s):Sarthak's work at New Employee Orientation
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Hired Sarthak Prasad as the Sustainable Transportation Assistant
Associated Project(s):Trans003 Sustainable Transportation Coordinator recommendation - Hiring Lily Wilcock
Jul 9 2015 Minutes
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Trans003 Sustainable Transportation Coordinator recommendation - Assessment with comments
Trans003 Sustainable Transportation Coordinator recommendation - Transmittal