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Projects Updates for key objective: 11.2 Strengthen Sustainability Outreach Programs

  1. Illinois ECE Celebrates Earth Week

    Associated Project(s): 

    "Earth Week is a great opportunity for us to reflect on what the extended ECE family has done and can continue to do to make Earth a better place for all living beings." - Illinois ECE

    Illinois ECE has gathered a sampling of the contributions their faculty, staff, and students have made to environmental sustainability.

    The sampling can be seen here:


  2. Sustainability components added to campus tour script

    The following sustainability topics will be added to the new student campus tours!

    • Student Sustainability Committee (SSC): each year a group of graduate and undergraduate students vote on the funding for projects that have an environmental impact on campus, SSC allocates about $1.5 million annually towards these projects, the funds come from students fees, one of the largest green funds in American higher education today, have allocated $15.55 million towards funding 316 projects since 2008
    • Composting: National Soybean Research Center has a compost tumbler, the first publicly accessible compost drop-off on campus with plans to expand 
    • Environmental Quad Day: environmental RSOs and sustainability groups showcase their green initiatives and participation opportunities
    • Recycling: single-use mask recycling locations on campus; approximately 50 collection boxes available on campus to recycle single-use face coverings
    • Climate Commitments: UIUC has committed to achieving carbon neutrality as soon as possible and has a Climate Action Plan (2020) to outline the campus sustainability plan to advance and achieve our goals 
  3. Solar Sites Open House

    UIUC SOLAR SITES OPEN HOUSE - October 15, 1:00-2:30 pm

    Ever wonder how far the university has come in solar energy use? Come out to the UIUC Solar Sites Open House hosted on Topia, an interactive online platform, to learn about different buildings and areas across campus that are producing solar energy! During the Open House, Morgan White will provide a guided tour to virtually visit ten locations on campus. Learn more about the amazing solar installations on campus!

    This event will take place online from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. on Friday, October 15, 2021, at*

    *Chrome browser on desktop or laptop required.

  4. Portal Project Proposition

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Morgan,


    I have another Portal project proposition. For the Sustainability/Arts work, what do you think about a project on the Engagement page under “Build a Culture of Sustainability” called “Sustainability Art Displays”?



    “There are a lot of dreamers – dreaming is very important, but it’s really the dreamer and the doer. You’ve got to be the doer.” –Will Steger  

    Sustainability Programs Manager 

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)
    1101 W Peabody Drive (Suite 382), Urbana, IL, 61801
    217.333.0119 | mkm0078 at

  5. Brainstormed Ideas for the ECE Lobby Display and Kiosks

    A document of ideas brainstormed for the displays and kiosks in the ECE lobby was sent to Joyce Mast by F&S contacts. These ideas were created with the goal of having students actively engage with the display through physical interaction, as well as passive engagement while students look at the stations in passing.

  6. Post-TED Talk Resources

    Nan Holda, one of the participants in the latest TED Talk: Eco-Edition event provided some great resources to follow up from the conversation on 4/29.  

    • Joan Gregerson's book “Climate Action Challenge.” Here’s a link to her book and workbook:
    • Link to where people can sign up for her free, quick start online training:  2021 International Climate Action Challenge
    • Joan’s weekly Green Team Academy Podcast:
    • Climate Crisis Policy/Earth Bill Network is an umbrella organization wrangling in all other US environmental orgs to create one comprehensive Earth Bill to present to President Biden ( IMO their approach to passing federal policy is more inclusive, unified, and broader than Citizens’ Climate Lobby (which is another big lobbying org). The Earth Bill Network would love to have some college student volunteers working to create a college/university student network for the Earth Bill. If anyone is interested, they should check out the website and register at, noting how they would like to volunteer.
  7. 4/23 Zero Waste SWATeam Meeting

    Attached are the minutes to the Zero Waste SWATeam meeting which took place on April 23, 2021. The meeting agenda was as follows:

    • Elimination of thermal paper receipts.
    • Education on Waste Management.
    • Reduction of water bottle purchases in vending machines.

    Potential initiatives which resulted from this conversation:

    • Pursue sustainable receipt options to divert receipts from University waste stream.
    • RA Training on waste management, with intent to educate students in university housing about sustainability.
    • Creating a sustainability training video for buyers through the Purchasing office.
    • Recommendation to create F&S standard to modify water fountain installations.
    • Recommendation to do a behavioral assessment on water bottle purchasers.
    • Recommendation to launch an education campaign for campus members on tap water quality.
  8. Sustainability Facts Sheet

    Attached are files for the Sustainability Facts Sheets in both a digital and printed form.

    This facts sheet is intended for the following audiences:

    • Demographics unfamiliar with campus sustainability.
    • New Faculty & Staff
    • New & transfer students
    • Outreach and Education programs
  9. Everyday Environment Webinar Series

    Associated Project(s): 

    University of Illinois Extension's Energy & Environmental Stewardship Team presents the "Everyday Environment Webinar Series." Learn about natural resources and how to make small changes in your lifestyle to positively impact your environment. From lawn care and native plants to understanding coyote behavior and more, there is always something new to learn about your everyday environment. 

    April 9–June 25, 1–2 PM • Every Thursday Erin Garrett • Cooperative Extension Service

    Everyday Environment Webinar Series


    Join us for weekly sessions on environmental topics presented by University of Illinois Extension's Energy & Environmental Stewardship Team! These webinars will both provide new information on natural resources and help you learn how to make small changes in your lifestyle to have a positive impact on the environment. From lawn care, native plants, and managing home waste to understanding coyote behavior and atmospheric optics, there is never a shortage of new things to learn about your everyday environment. See flyer for more details. 

    The schedule of webinars is below and registration is free! Please register for each individual webinar you are interested in attending at their respective registration link.

    Sky Spectacles

    April 9, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time

    Join us and learn why we see a blue sky; why twilight is longer near the poles; and what sun dogs, halos, mirages, and other atmospheric optics are. Presenter: Duane Friend


    April 16, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time

    Coyotes have to be one of the most misunderstood species in Illinois. Cunning, social, resilient, opportunistic, faithful, adaptive, shy, successful, hated, inspirational: those words have all been used to describe coyotes. They conjure up mixed feelings of fear, anger, and for some, wild beauty. Coyotes are often blamed for many things they do and do not do. Nonetheless, they might be worthy the title of best survivalist despite the human population. Presenter: Peggy Doty.

    Planting for the Pollinators

    April 23, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time

    How can you support pollinators in your yard? Learn what types of pollinators you can attract to your yard and discover the right native plants attract butterflies, native bees, moths, and more. Presenter: Erin Garrett.

    Natural Lawn Care Part 1: Assessment

    April 30, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time

    Assess the health and prepare for environmentally-friendly lawns. Participants will learn tools and techniques to better assess lawn so as they make an informed natural lawn care plan. Presenters: Abigail GarofaloGemini Bhalsod, and Allison Neubauer.

    Natural Lawn Care Part 2: Strategies

    May 7, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time

    Learn strategies to understand your lawn, as well as learn tools to create a natural lawn care action plan. Presenters: Abigail GarofaloGemini Bhalsod, and Allison Neubauer.

    Managing Waste in the Home

    May 14, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time

    Have you ever thought about how much trash your household generates? Learn about the management of municipal solid waste in the US, materials that can be recycled or composted, locating recycling and composting facilities near you, and strategies for decreasing household waste. Presenter: Ashley Belle.

    Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy Biennial Report

    May 21, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time

    How is water quality in Illinois? The Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy guides the state's efforts to improve water quality at home and downstream by reducing nitrogen and phosphorus levels in our lakes, streams, and rivers. The strategy lays out a comprehensive suite of best management practices for reducing nutrient loads from wastewater treatment plants and urban and agricultural runoff. Learn how the strategy has progressed. Presenters: Eliana BrownKate GardinerHaley HaverbackJennifer Woodyard.

    All About Clouds

    June 25, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time

    See various types of clouds, including unique clouds only seen in a few locations and what weather is expected with each variety. Presenter: Duane Friend

  10. Map the System 2020 Social Innovation Challenge

    Map the System 2020 Social Innovation Challenge

    Encourage students to register for Map the System 2020, a global competition that will challenge them to think differently about social and environmental change. Teams develop systems-level thinking, research, presentation, and changemaking skills and pitch at the campus semi-final for a chance to win a funded trip to compete for cash prizes at the University of Oxford Global Final in the UK.

    February 5, 5 pm • Registration Deadline

    Valeri Werpetinski • Origin Ventures Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership

  11. Water Survey mark 125th anniversary

    The Illinois State Water Survey has been a leader in the study of water, weather, and climate since 1895. To mark its 125th anniversary, the Water Survey will present a free seminar on water and weather in Illinois, including how climate change will affect Illinois communities, flood risk, long-term sediment trends, and the Mahomet aquifer. There will be a poster session & refreshments. 

    February 4, 1–4:30 pm • Illini Union, Ballrooms A and B

    Tricia Barker • Illinois State Water Survey


  12. Lunch with an Expert: Native Plants for Storm Water Management

    An effective rain garden is planted with suitable trees, shrubs, flowers, and other plants that allow runoff to soak into the ground and protect water quality. Please join us for a presentation by Kaizad Irani on rain gardens from the landscape design perspective followed by a discussion. Bring your lunch and your questions. No question too big or too small. Come, learn and have fun. 

    January 27, 12–1:30 pm • U of I Extension Champaign Co., 801 Country Fair Dr., Champaign

    Amanda Christenson • Cooperative Extension Service

  13. F&S Sustainability at F&S Customer Forum

    Associated Project(s): 

    Facilities and Services Customer Forum

    As part of its ongoing customer service initiative, Facilities and Services will host a Customer Forum on Wednesday, May 1, from 8-11:30 a.m. at the I Hotel and Conference Center. The forum will address capital programs, sustainability and building service workers; the goal of this event is to fulfill our vision of being a responsive, reliable and highly valued service provider.

    Malikah Gordon . Facilities & Services

  14. Report of iSEE Communication Performance (January - June 2016)

    A general assessment was conducted from the period of January 2016 to January 2016, identifying the state of sustainability communication channels. During this time, statistics, major developments, and observations were recorded to understand the performance of communication to the general public.

    See the attached file for collected data.