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Projects Updates for place: National Soybean Research Center

  1. SSC Semesterly Report: Joint Pollinator Garden and Composting Systems to Offset Environmental Impact and Reinforce Responsible Stewardship in Research

    SSC received semesterly report for Fall 2021 for Joint Pollinator Garden and Composting Systems to Offset Environmental Impact and Reinforce Responsible Stewardship in Research on 12/17/2021. Please see attached. 

  2. New iSEE Greener Campus Programs Certifications

    Congratulations to the newest recipients of our Green Event and Green Office certifications!


    Green Event Certifications: 

    Students for Environmental Concerns (SECS) Environmental Career Panel-Certified October 2021

    University of Illinois Foundation Board of Directors Basketball Game Watch-Certified November 2021

    Office of the Chancellor State of the University-Certified November 2021


    Green Office Gold Certification:

    Department of Communication-Recertified October 2021


    Thank you to each of our participants, keep up the great work!


  3. UIUC Freezer Challenge in R&D World Magazine

    Associated Project(s): 

    Becky Chambers Hennessy, writer of R&D World magazine, wrote a Q&A style piece on UIUC's "Winning Streak Award" for the International Freezer Challenge. The piece contains answers from Deborah S. Katz-Downie, Martin Gruebele, and Paul Foote. The piece can be found here.

  4. Sustainability Council Meeting 11-29-21

    The Sustainability Council met on 11-29-21. The presentation is attached and the agenda was as follows:

    • Student group updates (SSC, SSLC, ISG)
    • Clean Energy Plan
    • Rainwater strategies
    • Green Labs
    • Strategic next steps (iCAP in campus strategic plan, AASHE STARS Platinum ranking)
  5. 15 permanent bicycle registration signs installed

    15 metal signs to promote bicycle registration have been installed. These locations are:

    1. Snyder Hall
    2. Weston Hall
    3. Bike Shelter (new) by Flagg Hall
    4. Nugent Hall
    5. Hopkins Hall – covered bike parking
    6. Bousfield Hall – covered bike parking
    7. South of Wassaja Hall – covered bike parking
    8. Busey Evans
    9. Allen Hall
    10. LAR
    11. ISR (new bike racks on North side)
    12. ISR - North East location - 64 bike racks
    13. Illini Union South
    14. Illini Union North
    15. ARC
  6. Sustainability components added to campus tour script

    The following sustainability topics will be added to the new student campus tours!

    • Student Sustainability Committee (SSC): each year a group of graduate and undergraduate students vote on the funding for projects that have an environmental impact on campus, SSC allocates about $1.5 million annually towards these projects, the funds come from students fees, one of the largest green funds in American higher education today, have allocated $15.55 million towards funding 316 projects since 2008
    • Composting: National Soybean Research Center has a compost tumbler, the first publicly accessible compost drop-off on campus with plans to expand 
    • Environmental Quad Day: environmental RSOs and sustainability groups showcase their green initiatives and participation opportunities
    • Recycling: single-use mask recycling locations on campus; approximately 50 collection boxes available on campus to recycle single-use face coverings
    • Climate Commitments: UIUC has committed to achieving carbon neutrality as soon as possible and has a Climate Action Plan (2020) to outline the campus sustainability plan to advance and achieve our goals 
  7. Request for Sustainability Mural

    From: Collins, Halie Jean <haliejc at>
    Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2021 11:46 AM
    To: Kim, Qu <qkim at>
    Cc: Fister, Quinn <bfister2 at>; Kim, Yeon <yjk at>
    Subject: SSC Sustainability Mural



    My name is Halie Collins, and I am studying Civil and Environmental Engineering student. Through my last 3 years on campus, I have realized that there is not much student art being represented on the Engineering campus. Art inspires creativity, a trait that is extremely important to be innovative and successful in the engineering field. Because of this, I have reached out to Student Sustainability Committee and Illinois Facilities and Services about installing a Sustainability Mural on the Engineering campus. My teammates and I have already submitted a step 1 application for funding through SSC and we are now working on site acquisition. We have also received support from Morgan White who is the Sustainability Director at F&S.  


    The vision we have for the mural is something that inspires creativity and inspires students to become more sustainable. We would also like to feature campus sustainability initiatives in the mural for educational purposes. We also believe this mural should be visible for prospective students because more and more engineering students are interested in pursuing a career in sustainability and green technology.  


    We would greatly appreciate building manager contacts in the Engineering Department, or if you could forward this email to any building/Department that would be interested in installing a sustainability mural. Funding would be fully provided by SSC and other sources. 


    To this email, I have attached our SSC step 1 proposal and have copied other members working on this project. Thank you!  



    Halie Collins 

    The University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 

    Illinois Solar Decathlon President

    Civil and Environmental Engineering | Class of 2023

    haliejc2 at 




    From: Kim, Qu <>
    Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2021 9:36 AM
    To: Collins, Halie Jean <>
    Cc: Fister, Quinn <>; Kim, Yeon <>; White, Morgan <>; Kim, Qu <>
    Subject: RE: SSC Sustainability Mural


    Dear Halie:

    I am writing an email to reconnect about your request.

    If you do not have an example of the mural, but you need possible locations for your submission, you could list the following buildings as possible locations to be determined in the future.

    • Engineering Hall
    • ECEB
    • CEEB- New Civil Hydro
    • New MEB


    Hope this is helpful.



  8. Pilot for National Green Infrastructure Certification Program for University Operations

    A SSC Fall Step 1 Application was submitted on October 15, 2021 to support F&S staff to receive National Green Infrastructure Certification Program (NGICP) training. If funded, four F&S staff or designees will receive the NGICP training from Parkland College’s NGICP program between January 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.


    National Green Infrastructure Certification Program ONLINE (

    ID : 11479   

    « back to classes page

    Become certified. Be the solution. Be a leader in managing your natural water assets in a sustainable way. Help shape the future landscape of Illinois and beyond! Green infrastructure (GI) has become a critical component and the standard of comprehensive stormwater management. GI is a cost-effective approach to managing stormwater and requires skilled and certified individuals. Landscaping, city planning, public works, and stormwater managing can all benefit from the knowledge and skills to ensure GI projects are installed and maintained properly to support long-term performance and a positive impact on communities.

    Certification increases your competitiveness in the job market and provides a pathway to higher-paying positions. Benefits of certifying in NGICP:

    • Expansion of your skills and knowledge of building, inspecting, and maintaining GI systems
    • Greater awareness of GI career opportunities
    • Proof of your commitment to supporting sustainable performance of GI practices
    • Exposure to employers looking to hire skilled GI workers through the NGICP Certification Database

    In addition to online course work, you will meet for required LIVE online discussions 11:30 AM-1:30 PM CST, Thursdays, January 6-27. You must complete 100% of the online course modules and assignments to be eligible for the certification exam. No make-up sessions are available. 

    While Parkland College provides the NGICP training, EnviroCert International, Inc. (ECI) administers the computer-based certification exam at Prometric Testing Centers or through online remote proctoring. Registration for the exam will occur through ECI, visit their site for details. The fee for the NGICP exam is $150.

  9. Weekly Update: Green Quad Day; Abandoned bicycles

    All, Slower week, which was welcome. Sold a couple bikes and were able to get a handle on the influx of drop off repairs. The Green Quad Day event that was supposed to happen on Thursday was rescheduled to Tuesday, so we’ll staff for that event and hobnob with the larger sustainability community.

    I’ll make a run out to the abandoned bike emporium this week, too, and see if there’s anything worth our time. Was planning that for last week but it didn’t happen.

    We’ve got a couple bikes in the shop build queue, but I’ll grab a few from Urbana unless we get more donations this week.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 35
    Sales: $850.50
    Bike (refurb): 3 for $490
    Memberships: 5 for $150
    Tires/tubes: 5 for $20


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  10. New iSEE Greener Campus Certifications

    Congratulations to the newest recipients of our Green Office, Event and Chapter certifications! 

    Green Chapter Gold Certification:

    Zeta Psi-October 2021


    Green Office Gold Certification:

    iSEE (Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment)-October 2021


    Event Certifications:

    American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers General Meetings-Certified September 2021

    iSEE Campus Sustainability Trash Cleanup-Certified September 2021

    iSEE Campus Sustainability Celebration-Certified September 2021

    SECS (Students for Environmental Concerns) Divestment Teach-In-Certified September 2021

    iSEE Illini Lights Out-Certified October 2021


    Keep up the great work!


  11. iCAP Portal project entries

    We would prefer to keep the ability to add new projects to a very limited few people.  Instead of giving Liz access to add a project, let’s get a quick process to add them upon her request. 

    1)      Please email me, Meredith, and Sarthak with a short project description, and the proposed new iCAP Project location in the hierarchy. 

    2)      Meredith and/or I will confirm the placement in the hierarchy.

    3)      Sarthak will add a blank private project as a placeholder and email you.

    4)      Liz or anyone in the SSC with access will fill in the project information and change it to public.


  12. Celebrate Campus Sustainability Month in October!

    iSEE invites you to a series of events throughout October to increase sustainability in our campus community. Take part in the Waste Reduction Challenge, join us for Green Quad Day (Oct. 7), or check out the first Student Sustainability Summit Research Symposium (Oct. 26)! And don’t miss the Campus Sustainability Celebration on Oct. 20. Find all the events on iSEE’s Sustainability Month Calendar!

    October 1–31

    Celebrate Campus Sustainability Month in October!

  13. Clarification for SSC Composting Project

    Avery Maloto reached out to Meredith Moore to ask "I have written down that 'composting' is one of the projects you wanted for the SCC poster for the iSEE table at Green Quad Day. Would this project fall under "Vermicompost" or another project?" Meredith explained that vermicomposting is a different project and provided Avery with some NSRC Composting photos that can be found in the attached link.

  14. SSC Semesterly Report: Preventing Window Strike Bird Fatalities with Energy Efficient Window Decals

    SSC received semester report for Spring 2021 for Preventing Window Strike Bird Fatalities with Energy Efficient Window Decals on 9/9/2021. Please see attached. 

  15. SSC Semesterly: Diversion of Non-Recyclable Plastic using Pyrolysis Process to Produce Fuels for Camps

    SSC received semester report for Spring 2021 for Diversion of Non-Recyclable Plastic using Pyrolysis Process to Produce Fuels for Camps project on 9/3/2021. Please see attached. 

  16. SSC Final Report: Local Grains and Locally Processed Foods for Dining Services

    SSC received final report for Spring 2021 for Local Grains and Locally Processed Foods for Dining Services project on 09/27/2021. Please see attached. 
