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Projects Updates for Solar Farm 1.0
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- Associated Project(s):
Twin Cities Amateur Radio welcome Solar Farm presentation
Associated Project(s):Cruze Barn new address
Associated Project(s):Washington Post article: The next money crop for farmers: Solar panels
Associated Project(s):News article about Solar Farm
Associated Project(s):Solar Farm Back Online
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:News Gazette Article
Associated Project(s):Video about bees and solar farms
Associated Project(s):Solar Eclipse at Solar Farm
News article about Solar Farm
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Sign up for a Solar Farm tour online
Associated Project(s):Morgan Johnston speaks to Parkland Board of Trustees
Associated Project(s):Morgan Johnston speaks to CU Sunrise Rotary
Associated Project(s):Correction to system generation capacity
Associated Project(s):News Release - Solar Farm one year anniversary
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:News Gazette Mailbag question about Solar Farm
Associated Project(s):Drone flyover video created for Office of Advancement
Associated Project(s):Renewable Energy Program award application
Associated Project(s):vegetation control to begin in June
Associated Project(s):Archived - previous project description
Associated Project(s):