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Project Updates for collection: 2015 iCAP Objectives


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  1. October 30 meeting

    iCAP Working Group Thursday, October 30, 2014 358 NSRC, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

    1. Discussion with Kent Reifsteck, Director of Utilities & Energy Services Division, regarding campus energy and the Wind PPA
    2. Unmet targets from 2010 iCAP
    3. Overview of iCAP Forum and SWAT Team Recommendations
    4. Discussion of timeline for completing 2015 iCAP
    5. Other business


    Attached Files: 
  2. Note on iCAP 2015 objective 3.1

    Objective 3.1 is for the SWATeam to lead an exploration of options for 100% clean energy and submit recommendations. F&S staff workload is too high to handle the exploration of options, so F&S will provide data and provide comments. Ben McCall and Scott Willenbrock will develop a plan for how to achieve carbon neutrality. They will make a document with potential options, pros, cons, and costs. 

  3. Education Roundtable

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Lage, Stephanie M
    Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 2:50 PM
    To: Bender, Karen L; Vanhoy, Roger; Fruehling, Amy; Goodlad, Lauren M E; Hodson, Piper; Chakraborty, Arnab; Johnston, Morgan B; Ben McCall
    Cc: Kokini, Jenny; Rosenbery, Amy Nichole; Mancuso, Anthony D; Khanna, Madhu
    Subject: Roundtable October 7

    Good afternoon,

    We are finalizing some details for the Roundtable Discussion on Tuesday, October 7, 2014.

    As you can see on the attached agenda, the event begins at 9:30 and will be finished up by 4:00.

    We have 12 visitors coming from corporations, government and non-government agencies. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to interact with them and stay for the whole day, particularly for the roundtable discussion, and the small group discussion. 

    Please confirm your attendance for lunch and the afternoon discussions so that we can finalize lunch counts and appropriate seating arrangements.



    Stephanie M. Lage

    Assistant Director

    Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment

    Attached Files: 
  4. iWG agenda packet

  5. FY14 air travel data

    From: Miller, Kristina Ruth
    Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 8:43 AM
    To: Lage, Stephanie M
    Cc: Strater, Darren; Alexander, Franklin S
    Subject: RE: Air Travel dollars

    Hi Stephanie,

    Darren Strater asked me to provide you with the information you requested. 

    For FY14 Airfare for Chart 1 (UIUC) totaled $14,014,590.  This included extra charges for baggage fees, changed ticket fees and booking charges. 

    With JUST the price of the Airfare ticket, the total for Chart 1 (UIUS) totaled $13,671,434.

    If you need a formal breakdown, please let me know.

    Kristina R. Miller

    Analytics and Operations Support Coordinator

    University of Illinois

    OBFS University Payables

  6. Calculation of air travel emissions

    Good morning all,

    To get air travel emissions, miles must be entered into the Clean Air-Cool Planet calculator. 

    Mileage data is not tracked for our campus. So, I request air travel dollar data from OBFS.  This number has become more reliable in recent years because of the T-card implementation.


    Air travel dollars are converted into miles using the passenger yield (fares per mile) data from Airlines for America


    In fy 2013, dollars spent on air travel was $9,283,105.82.  Passenger yield was $0.1514 (this is fy 12, apparently fy 13 was not yet available).


    Divide the two, and you get 61,477,522



  7. Allerton Park Solar Array-Phase II

    Allerton Park already has a solar array located near its Visitors’ Center. The second phase of the Allerton Park Solar Array project involves working with a Learning In Community (LINC) class to construct a second ground-mounted solar recharge array. This second phase builds on the success of the existing array with the adjacent construction of an additional 60 panels. The design of the Phase 2 array utilizes an innovative floating foundation system that allows for portability of the array if necessary. The total array provides 14.7kW of peak power, which translates to a projected annual output of 14,653 kWh(about 15-20% of total apCAP solar goals). Power at the panel and array level can be monitored remotely and be publicly viewable via an online dashboard which displays the impact of the solar power contribution in terms of energy equivalents: gallons of gasoline, light bills, tons of coal, barrels of crude oil, and planted trees.

  8. Game Day Recycling Challenge

    The University is participating in its first Game Day Recycling Challenge at the October 25th homecoming game against the University of Minnesota.  For the event the usual landfill bins will be replaced with 3-bin stations to separate landfill, recycling, and compost.  The materials collected will be weighed, the diversion rate calculated, and then entered into a friendly national competition.  To volunteer for this event, please email Bart Bartels at  

  9. Mode Shift update

    CUUATS completed a University District Traffic Circulation Study, using information from a campus-wide statistically relevant survey.

    The following table shows the mode share information based on the survey conducted in April-May, 2011.


    Travel Mode (%)




    Drive Alone


    Get a Ride



































































  10. "Connectivity and Accessibility of UIUC Campus Bike Paths"

    "The results here indicate that the changes to the UIUC network do in fact improve connectivity over the existing network. Moreover, the planned network lowers the average shortest-distance path between libraries, dormitories, and the Union by nearly the same amount as a control scenario without paths at all. While we may assume that a bicycle master plan will address and improve connectivity as a matter of course – and the language in the plans claims that they do – it seems counterintuitive that this simple test not be included in the research process to confirm that this is so. Ultimately what these accessibility and connectivity analyses show is that while planners and bicycle advocates may seek to improve bicycle infrastructure, we need a way to quantify and subsequently verify that any changes will improve the functionality of the network and the ease with which a rider can travel from one location to another." -- Pildes, Russell. (2014) "Connectivity and Accessibility of UIUC Campus Bike Paths", B.A. Honors Thesis, Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

    Attached Files: 
  11. Sustainable Fleet Standard Program

    Associated Project(s): 

    IMPORTANT NEWS: NAFA President Announces Major Association Initiative

    At the Annual Business Meeting this morning, April 8, at the I&E in Minneapolis, MN, NAFA President Claude Masters, CAFM announced the Association is developing a Sustainable Fleet Standard Program, which aims to increase efficiency, while reducing emissions and fuel use. Developed in conjunction with CALSTART, the NAFA Sustainable Fleet Standard Program is a one-of-its-kind initiative. With its development NAFA intends to pioneer a movement in the fleet community which emphasizes the economic and environmental benefits and overall importance of sustainability.


    “The importance of sustainable practices becomes more evident each day,” said President Masters. “By becoming more energy independent and efficient our members will extend benefits to their bottom line and their customer base.”

    In February, 2014, President Barack Obama lent his voice to a national vehicle sustainability initiative while NAFA was in the process of developing their own. This confluence spoke to the prominence of the issue. NAFA’s development of this program exemplifies its dedication to developing a standard of fleet sustainability. By applying this standard to fleets and vehicles of all sizes, NAFA is engineering a program that has the power to shift vehicle sustainability standards on a universal level.

    The program will allow member organizations to assess how to enhance their practices in a way that decreases their fuel dependence and emissions, while increasing the efficiency of their vehicles, improving performance, and reducing harmful pollutants. The ability to assess and strip waste on this front will pave a road to improve performance and reduce harmful pollutants, while often also reducing costs.

    The new Sustainable Fleet Standard Program is being designed for two purposes: to encourage and make it easy for fleets to take the first steps, while also setting a strong framework to reward those fleets already taking real action.  The program will be complementary to existing federal programs, but sets a standard by which fleets can assess their progress. By instituting this program NAFA hopes to lead the way forward into a more sustainable, independent and efficient future.  CALSTART, a national non-profit clean transportation organization, is collaborating with NAFA to structure the ground-breaking program.

    “NAFA’s central role in the fleet industry will help this program create a tipping point for sustainable transportation,” said John Boesel, president and CEO of CALSTART. “We’re working with NAFA to make sure the standard is strong, but easy to use by any fleet, whether just starting out or far down the road on sustainable operations.”

    More information will become available as the program approaches implementation. To ask questions and become involved as a charter member of the program, please visit


  12. February 2014 meeting notes from first Student Sustainability Leadership Council (SSLC) meeting

    The first formal meeting with the Student Sustainability Leadership Council (SSLC) under iSEE's guidance was an introductory meeting about iSEE and the proposed iCAP SWATeams. 

    The meeting was called by and coordinated by:

    • Ben McCall – Associate Director for Campus Sustainability, iSEE
    • Madhu Khanna – Associate Director for Education and Outreach, iSEE
    • Nishant Makhijani – iSEE Intern, Vice - Chair Student Sustainability Committee

    The key points discussed included an overview of iSEE's goals and structure, education and outreach plans, and an overview of the SWATeams.
