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- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
SSC funds LED classroom upgrade
Associated Project(s):The SSC awarded $29,500 to upgrade general assignment classroom lighting campus-wide. While Facilities & Services covers the cost to replace lamps that are part of the general illumination, any lights that are used for chalkboards/marker boards, supplemental lighting during slide shows, etc. are excluded. The existing lamps in these fixtures are typically incandescent, which burnout quickly and are energy inefficient. When completed, this project provides new fixture-compatible LED lamps in all general assignment classrooms across campus, reducing electricity costs, improving board visibility, and improving student learning environments.
Attached Files:Weekly Update
Associated Project(s):All, last week was still quite slow. TBP volunteer John came on Tuesday and helped build a new shelving unit in the back of the shop, which once finished, will help keep things from forming dangerous piles on the ground. I’ll continue to work on that this week.
Over the weekend, Todd (another TBP volunteer) came and cleared out the scrap metal. That was super helpful and has cleared space to store more bikes and parts.With the student return, it projects to be busier this week. We shall see! I’ll keep a couple staffers on call in case it does get busy.
Other than that, I will continue to build bikes, organize, and cull the junk.
Visitors: 22
Sales: $240
Memberships: 1 for $30
Tube/tire: 2 for $9Sincerely,
- Jake Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Manager
- Jake Benjamin
Weekly Update for Zero Waste
Associated Project(s):Hi Pete and Shawn—
This past week was pre3y quiet with regard to zero-waste efforts. This coming week, I will respond to the CURC survey with information on recycling at U of I and will refocus on cleaning up the glove recycling location information.
Best regards,
Marya Ryan
Zero Waste CoordinatorFY08 - 17 UIUC Copy paper (Office Depot Only)
Associated Project(s):See the attached files for detailed data on total purchased copy paper from OfficeMax in reams and dollar amount from FY08 to FY17.
Meeting notes Jan. 11, 2018
Associated Project(s):Morgan White, Anna Barnes, and Leah Berti met to discuss the first steps for the Use the Bin messaging campaign to campus staff. Leah will finalize the powerpoint presentation by 1/16, and do a practice presentation to Morgan and Anna on 1/18. The following week she will do a presentation to internal sustainability staff, and then start scheduling presentations with larger campus employee groups.
17F SSC Semesterly Report - Zero Waste Coordination
Associated Project(s):Fall 2017 Semesterly Report Submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)
Attached Files:17F SSC Final Report - Hot Sauce
Associated Project(s):Fall 2017 Final Report Submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)
Attached Files:17F SSC Semesterly Report - RFID Tracking Program
Associated Project(s):Fall 2017 Semesterly Report Submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)
Attached Files:17F SSC Semesterly Report - Friday Forums
Associated Project(s):Fall 2017 Semesterly Report Submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)
Attached Files:17F SSC Semesterly Report - High Resolution Temperature Profiling & Thermal Analysis
Associated Project(s):Fall 2017 Semesterly Report Submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)
Attached Files:17F SSC Final Report - TRT
Associated Project(s):Fall 2017 Final Report Submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)
Attached Files:17F SSC Semesterly Report - Formula Electric
Associated Project(s):Fall 2017 Semesterly Report Submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)
Attached Files:17F SSC Semesterly Report - EcoConcept
Associated Project(s):Fall 2017 Semesterly Report Submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)
Attached Files:17F SSC Semesterly Report
Associated Project(s):Fall 2017 Semesterly Report Submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)
Attached Files:17F SSC Semesterly Report - Green Lighting Project at FLB
Associated Project(s):Fall 2017 Semesterly Report Submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)
Attached Files:neat video about landfills and diversion
Weekly Update
Associated Project(s):All, last week was exceedingly quiet. I closed up shop on Tuesday due to the wonky heating and the extreme cold. Since then, the heat has been operating at about 30% but that’s enough to get by. Fingers crossed it gets fixed this week.
This week I will, weather permitting, be able to give final test rides and checks to the bikes I built up last week. I’ll also be building a shelving unit next to the bench grinder in an attempt to maximize some of the vertical space the shop allows for but is currently going unused. Beyond that it is business as usual.
Visitors: 10
Sales: $105No bike sales (refurb nor b-a-b) last week.
- Jake Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Manager
- Jake Benjamin
17F SSC Semesterly Report - Raw Metering at BIF
Associated Project(s):Fall 2017 Semesterly Report Submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)
Attached Files:17F SSC Semesterly Report - INNER VOICES
Associated Project(s):Fall 2017 Semesterly Report Submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)
Attached Files: