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Projects Updates for place: Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall

  1. Newsletter January 2015

    Associated Project(s): 

    Come join us for our first general meeting of the semester! Several students who attended the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo this past November will be discussing various education sessions they attended. These sessions cover a wide range of metrics in the realm of sustainability, so you definitely do not want to miss out!

    We will also be giving a general run-down of our events and projects for this semester, including the 3rd annual Student Sustainability Initiatives Symposium (SSIS), our LEGO LEED Engineering Open House project, LEED Study Sessions, and much more!

    As always, food will be provided! The meeting will be Wednesday, January 27th at 5pm in Newmark 2311

    Contact Dhara Patel at dhara.x.patel @ if you have any questions!


    Projects Chair position available!

    Interested in joining our USGBC Students UIUC team? We are currently looking for a Projects Chair to run our Projects Team! This person will be in charge of running various sustainability and green building projects in the C-U area, such as Engineering Open House, Campus Conservation Nationals, and more! This is a great position for those interested in obtaining networking and leadership experience in a casual setting.

    If YOU are interested in this position, please attend our general meeting on Wednesday and talk to one of the board members indicating your interest! If you cannot make the meeting, please email our organization account at!



    USGBC Students membership is $10 for the semester and $15 for the year. Only members can attend Greenbuild International Conference & Expo, run for Executive Board positions, apply for Intern and Chair Positions, and participate in non-meeting activities that require funding. Members also receive a $10 discount for LEED Study Sessions!

    As a new additional benefit, becoming a member will give you access to the official US Green Building Council internal "Facebook": National Field. This is an invaluable resource that will allow you to network with USGBC staff in Washington D.C., all state and regional chapters, and USGBC members across the nation.

    Contact John Shapely at jshaple2 @ to become a member!


  2. Big10 Unplugged

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello Big Ten Unplugged!

    I registered our group today with the following schools and tentative dates:

    • UNL - Nebraska tentative dates are Feb 25 - Mar 17
    • Penn State tentative dates are Mar 16 - Apr 6
    • University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign tentative dates are Feb 21 - Mar 14
    • U of Minn - Twin Cities tentative dates Feb 23 - Mar 16    
    • Ohio State University Feb 16 - Mar 9
    • Michigan State University Feb 2-23

    We're good to go but still on the lookout for a traveling trophy. If you happen to have something we could use, please let me know. 

    Best of luck in your competition and we'll reconnect in early May when the winners are announced. 


    Stacey White
    Sustainability Coordinator

    University Services

    University of Minnesota

    Office: 612-624-3285

  3. Dining ships another gaylord full of gloves

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dear all,

    Michael at Housing  just got another Gaylord full of gloves ready to ship at dining services. Making the total pounds of gloves recycled at Dining to over 1000lbs in just four months!

    Way to go all!!



  4. Eco-Olympics update

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Jessica Mondello []
    Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 12:09 AM
    Cc: Aj Unander USGBC; Yeung, Brian Silu; Alston, Brianna Rachelle; McConnell, Claire Ellen; Saerang, Estherlita Angelica; Canteiro Reis Sobral, Francisco; Kim, Christine H; Mondello, Jessica Rae; Ross, Karoline Jeanne; Kyle Solner USGBC; Filipiuk, Magdalena; Nishant Makhijani USGBC; Foote, Gerard Paul; Jacoby, Rachel Aryn; Sun, Siyang; Johnson, Rory M
    Subject: Meeting Recap

    Hello Eco-Olympics team,

    This will be a bit of repeat from the last email, but just bare with me:


    • February 22nd - March 14th


    • Amber Flight is another potential band to play for our benefit concert
    • Engineering Council is another source to look at for funding
    • We're looking for an RSO that advertises/markets other RSOs, we were having trouble coming up with a name for them


    • Build Eco-Olympics organizational team
    • Continue recruiting persons or RSO's

    Attached below is a document explaining the responsibilities of each member of the organization team. It also has some other useful information about the competition. If you have any confusions what so ever, please ask me!

    Have a lovely week,

    Jessica Mondello

    Eco-Olympics | President


    icon_11_document_list.png Responsibilities of Organizational Team, CCN 2015

  5. Enviropure emissions information

    Good afternoon,

    Yesterday afternoon, the question of how much carbon dioxide does an Enviropure unit produce was asked.  I’ve copied the information below from their website:

    “According to the EPA and USCC, carbon dioxide emissions generated from the aerobic decomposition of food waste by systems such as the EnviroPure systems are considered to be “biogenic”. This means that our EnviroPure Systems and the carbon it returns to the environment are part of the natural carbon cycle and so it does not contribute to greenhouse gases and global warming.”

    Please let me know if anyone has any further questions about the Enviropure units.  Also, please forward this information to other members of the swat team I may be missing.

    Thank you,


    Carol H. Strohbeck

    Assistant Director of Dining Services, Equipment & Facilities

  6. CCN plans from Eco-Olympics

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Jessica Mondello []
    Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 7:36 PM
    Cc: Yeung, Brian Silu; Mondello, Jessica Rae; McConnell, Claire Ellen; Aj Unander; Canteiro Reis Sobral, Francisco; Jacoby, Rachel Aryn; Sun, Siyang; Kim, Christine H; Saerang, Estherlita Angelica; Ross, Karoline Jeanne; Foote, Gerard Paul
    Subject: Eco-Olympics Meeting Recap

    Hey guys!

    I want to thank all of you who could make it the meeting. I'm so excited to see Eco-Olympics do bigger and better things this year!

    Here is a short recap of what we discussed:

    • Overview of Campus Conservation Nationals
    • Establishing organization team
      • If you're interested in being apart of organizing, let me know what position/s you are interested in! Spread the word!
    • Recruiting building captains
    • Reaching out to RSOs
      • RSO sponsor a building
      • Individuals from RSO
    • Talking in front of relevant classes
    • Speaking to RAs or other leaders on campus
    • They both have a huge following on campus and will be a great resource
    • APO Service Fraternity and Student Sustainability Committee

    Attached to this email:

    • Position descriptions/responsibilities
      • These are just examples of things you could do.
    • An information sheet that can be sent to RSOs/interested folks

    As of now, the next meeting will be October 20, 2014 at 8 PM in the UGL.

    Thanks again!

    Jessica Mondello

    Eco-Olympics | President

    Attached Files: 
  7. Big10 Unplugged

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello Big10 Unplugged! 

    I believe I have everyone on/off the list as requested but we have have any updates or other schools to invite, please let me know. 

    I'm hoping to schedule a phone conference after the AASHE conference for a quick check in on this year's Big10 Unplugged challenge. Please use this link: to indicate your availability. Please convert your time to Central Standard Time. 

    You do not need to create an account. Just type your first name and click sign in. The click and drag to highlight times you are available. Hopefully scheduling this far in advance will give us at least a 30 minute block of time when everyone is available. Be sure to convert your time to Central Standard Time. 

    Sign up for CCN before the deadline on November 7th.  You'll need to be signed up for CCN in order to participate in Big10 Unplugged. 

    Attached is our logo. Feel free to use in your communications and promotions. 

    Thanks and reach out to me at anytime with questions, 


  8. ActGreen joins Eco-Olympics efforts

    Associated Project(s): 


    My name is Rachel Jacoby. I am the Philanthropy Chair for ActGreen, the first green business organization at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign. We are interested in co-sponsoring this event by promoting it on our social media sites, providing volunteers, and helping to organize it. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks in advance.


    Rachel Jacoby

  9. update from Shantanu

    Associated Project(s): 

    Housing has been piloting the glove recycling program for about four weeks now.  LAR, PRI, and MRL are all considering implementing the program.  Kimberly-Clarke Professionals (KCP) is interested in potentially supporting an intern to help expand the program.

    If everyone on campus recycled their KCP gloves it would be about 20 tons of landfill reduced.

  10. Nitrile Glove Recycling

    The Nitrile Glove Recycling Program is an expansion of a preliminary pilot program performed by the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC). The initial pilot program collected gloves used in the laboratory setting in one central location. Gloves were collected from individual ISTC laboratories once a week into a larger collection container, and were stockpiled until there was sufficient volume to ship to the supplier. This project expands the pilot test to several more buildings on campus as a stepping stone to eventually serving the entire campus.

  11. Shantanu is adding two Lab buildings for glove recycling

    Associated Project(s): 

    Blake Ashley from Kimberley Clark spoke with Shantanu Pai.  Blake said they thought we are doing Labs, and Shantanu is going to work on implementing it at RAL, CLSL, and Housing.  Tanya from Fisher is working with Shantanu on this project.  RAL has a meeting being scheduled on June 23.

  12. Update from Shantanu Pai

    Associated Project(s): 

    Shantanu Pai and Madeline (an ISTC intern) are taking over the implementation of the Nitrile Glove Recycling program at Housing Dining Services, after Seth Reints left the university.  Shantanu has 24 containers that can hang on the edge of Dining's slim containers.  Dawn Aubrey also needs containers that hang on the edge of the larger brute containers.  Madeline has created a 3-D printed prototype, which will be sent to Shantanu's contact in Canada for replication.

    Morgan provided Shantanu with the information that Seth had received or provided to SSC. 

  13. Notes from meeting

    I took some notes from my conversation with Jennifer Bechtel the Program Director from the Innovation and Sustainability LLC who wants to start a bike share.  Here are the notes as I took them.  I hope this will help you to understand what is going on.

    • Wants to have 6 or so bikes for bike share 120 students 10-15 using and helping to repair.
    • Wants to bring students over here to learn how to fix bikes 1 x per month or semester depending on maintenance rates and usage.
    • Would like to explore a possible group membership for her resident hall or their bike share.
    • The idea is there are so many students who don't know anything about bikes.  She wants to use it to help students get feet wet with bikes learn how useful they are and encourage private ownership.
    • This would be a pilot program for this housing dept and may want to expand.
    • Wants quality bikes that can be maintained on our model of teaching people how to fix them.
    • Wants students to be involved in keeping bikes running.
    • Jennifer wants to learn herself so she can be the consistent person for the bike share because of the turn over with the students and staff.
    • They are installing a outdoor fix-it station outside their building.
    • She would want to use us our facilities and model to have students fix the bikes.
    • Wants students to end up buying a bike.
    • Looking for a place to store the bikes in the winter if no one is willing to ride/maintain the bikes.

    From the Campus Bike Center,
    James Roedl

  14. Introductory meeting with James and Jennifer

    Jennifer from the Innovation and Sustainablility LLC came by to talk about a very small bike share pilot where the students learn to maintain bikes and are encouraged to become bike owning commuters.  We discussed the matter and she has a lot of great ideas and would like to meet with us to discuss them.  She has questions about maintenance, what bikes to get (she wants quality and ease of maintenance), how to maintain consistency with student turn over, a possible LLC membership or bike share membership with TBP, and many other things.  I took notes on our conversation and she is going to try to make an overview of her ideas we can discuss it and find something that can work in the long term.  This sounds like something we want to be a part of. 

    From the Campus Bike Center,
    James Roedl

  15. Penn State wins Big Ten CCN competition

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello Big Ten CCN competitors! 

    CCN officially ended on April 25th and the results were published yesterday. Congratulations to Penn State University on taking the lead of Big Ten Unplugged with an overall 3.3% electricity reduction during the competition. Penn State University was also a winner in the poster category.  

    Taking 2nd place was Ohio State University with a 3.1% reduction. 3rd place goes to University of Wisconsin - Madison with a 2.2% reduction. Congrats to our top 3 Big Ten Unplugged winners! 

    I'd like to propose that we continue a Big Ten Challenge in the future not only for CCN but any nationwide competition focused on resource reduction. I will propose a meeting for us some time in late summer to outline what future competitions within Big Ten might look like. 


    Stacey White
    Sustainability Coordinator

    University Services

    University of Minnesota

    Office: 612-624-3285

    Cell: 612-978-0843

    Fax: 612-625-4133


  16. Final Report

    Associated Project(s): 


    The closing report is attached for your review.

    The celebration for Barton (and the organization team) is May 7th in Clark hall rooms A&B from 6-7 pm,

    The trophies are ordered and scheduled to be given to building team captains at the celebration.

    ~Paul Foote

    Attached Files: 
  17. Ohio states final comment and website hits report

    Associated Project(s): 

    Fellow Big Ten CCN participants,

    OSU is hoping to benchmark our results against our peer institutions, not for marketing, but as an internal measurement.  Lucid was kind enough to provide our website hits when we asked them to.  I’d like to share with the group this information in hopes that you’ll share yours with us. 

    We had 8 halls competing with a combined 5000 or so residents.  Results of our website hits are in the attached CSV file.  Competition dates were 2/10-3/3.  This is our first year, and we’re hoping to do better in the future, of course. 

