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Projects Updates for place: Campus Recreation Center East (CRCE)

  1. Lead acid battery recycling, Surplus electronic battery recycling

    From: Hulse, Daphne Lauren
    Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 9:37 AM
    To: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>
    Subject: RE: DRS battery disposal


    Hi Jen,


    Follow up - the Waste Transfer Station does not track how many lead acid batteries are collected across campus and picked up by Interstate, so I have reached out to Interstate to see if pickups are something they track.


    Thank you!



    Daphne Hulse (she/her)
    Zero Waste Coordinator
    Facilities & Services | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    +1 (217) 333-7550 |

    Please consider the environment before printing an email. Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.




    From: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>
    Sent: Friday, August 11, 2023 10:24 AM
    To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
    Subject: RE: DRS battery disposal


    In other words, we generate revenue from recycling the lead acid batteries and then use that revenue to purchase new lead acid batteries. Is that correct? That’s great!


    Thanks for following up with Surplus. Once I hear back from you I will reach out to Seema.




    From: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
    Sent: Friday, August 11, 2023 10:03 AM
    To: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>
    Subject: RE: DRS battery disposal


    More info on the batteries: the lead acid batteries that are taken to the cage on the west side of WTS are then given back to Interstate Batteries as a refundable core deposit. This is often mandated by state legislature. Lead acid batteries are used in vehicles (so our Garage is a big producer of these), and the cost of purchasing new lead acid batteries covers the cost of returning them for recycling. So these are one type of battery currently successfully being recycled. I’ll see if WTS keeps a record of weight on this, to know how much we are recycling.

    I will follow up with Surplus to see if they have any idea how many electronics batteries they are sending to Secure Processors, the vendor that accepts these kinds of batteries for recycling.


    Thank you,

  2. DRS process for battery disposal: trash, recycling, waste transfer lead acid batteries

    From: Hill, Landon E <>
    Sent: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 4:20 PM
    To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
    Cc: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>; Varney, Pete <>
    Subject: RE: DRS battery disposal




    Is there something specific that you are looking for?


    DRS picks up most anything chemical that is requested for disposal through the campus waste management app:


    All alkaline batteries are trashed.


    Rechargeable batteries are recycled.


    Lead acid batteries are taken to the cage on the west side of the Waste Transfer Station.



  3. Public Functions Estimate for Light the Night and Bike to Work Day

    Associated Project(s): 

    Sarthak reached out to Paul Jensen to get an estimate for tables and chairs for our annual Bike to Work Day and Light the Night events. Last year in 2022, the cost for Light the Night event was around $360 (WO #10994257) and for Bike to Work Day, it was $640 (10994256). We are expecting the same amount of work and same number of locations.

    Paul provided the following estimate:

    Light the Night = $600.00

    Bike to Work Day = $900.00

  4. Housing reached out to support Bike to Work Day

    Associated Project(s): 

    Sarthak Prasad reached out to Bryan Johnson at University Housing for their continued support towards the Bike to Work Day event on campus.


    Hi Bryan,

    We are planning to hold the Bike to Work Day event on Thursday, September 14, 2022 from 7-10 am (with a rain date of September 15), and I wanted to ask if the Housing department would be able to contribute snacks and refreshments at the University operated Bike to Work Day stations. Similar to last year, there will be 8-9 university operated stations.

    Last year, University Housing had graciously provided snacks and refreshments for all the 8 campus Bike to Work Day welcoming stations:

    1. Alma Mater Plaza
    2. DRES (Stadium and Oak)
    3. CRCE
    4. UI Research Park
    5. Uni High
    6. National Soybean Research Center (NSRC) on Pennsylvania Ave
    7. Campus Bike Center – 51 E Gregory St, Champaign, IL
    8. Orchard Downs

    We are also confirming with Vet Med, if they would like to participate this year, and I will let you know as soon I have confirmation.

    We will also organize our annual Light the Night (a free bike light giveaway) event on Tuesday, September 19, 2022 from 4-7 pm. I would appreciate if University Housing would help promote this event as well.

    Please let me know if University Housing would be able to contribute towards the Bike to Work Day event on September 14, 2023. I greatly appreciate your help! Thank you,

  5. Vet Med participating and NSRC are not this year

    Associated Project(s): 

    Since Meredith has left the university Jen confirmed that iSEE cannot manage the station at National Soybean Research Center (NSRC), so they are not participating in the Bike to Work Day event this year.

    Vet Med confirmed that they can participate in this year's event.

    Sarthak communicated the change to University Housing.

  6. Surplus electronic battery recycling

    From: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
    Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2023 3:19 PM
    To: Weaver, Jeff <>
    Subject: Surplus and waste memo / batteries


    Hi Jeff,


    On a different note, battery recycling is a topic that has come up several times recently. F&S does not have any comprehensive program at this point. DRS collects batteries from departments for disposal through their hazardous waste vendor, but they do not recycle the batteries. Regarding batteries from devices such as computers, laptops, cell phones, tablets, and other small devices, (devices that will not be redistributed out to departments for reuse) do you know how these are handled through the state? If they are recycled?


    [Surplus response] For the small batteries in those devices, we ship them to Secure Processors, the downstate State contracted electronics recycling vendor.  We don’t know how the vendor handles the batteries on their end after we ship them.


    Thank you,


    Daphne Hulse (she/her)
    Zero Waste Coordinator
    Facilities & Services | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    +1 (217) 333-7550 |

    Please consider the environment before printing an email. Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.

  7. Check in meeting from July 26, 2023

  8. Meeting on 2023 Champaign County Bike Month Planning

    Associated Project(s): 

    On 07/12/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh were a part of a 2023 Champaign County Bike Month Planning meeting.

    - Confirmed Dates for Upcoming Events:
    September 14th – Bike to Work Day
    September 19th – Light the Night

    Time - 4p.m to 7p.m (Tentative)
    September 21st – Rain Day

    - Budget for Light the Night

    - Suggestion in the meeting: The system of Veo Rides is bringing in more bike riders in the community. 

    -* Contact Lily for availability and confirm the dates for the event.

  9. Redwood Materials: Jen, Daphne, and Amy meet to follow up

    On June 26, 2023 Amy Fruehling, Jen Fraterrigo, and Daphne Hulse meet to follow up after initial contact with Redwood Materials

    • Amy is the connector so she can stay involved if need be, but batteries are not her expertise

    • Ask Stephanie Hess about DRS about battery disposal on campus is how much is recycled. See if departments have a need for this

    • Collection drives would be for students, primarily, for their personal items

      • Ask Goodwill about technology collected from Dump and Run - was it a good outlet for students?

    • IT would be more surplus-oriented

    • Could payment be associated with batteries collected?

    • Would just have to try it out and see if it’s worth it - we won't entirely know what the demand will be for the service

    • ARC does battery recycling

      • Reach out about that

    • Collection sites must be supervised so nothing is mixed in

    • Housing or libraries as a place of disposal would be most ideal. Having it available rather than waiting on a collection drive once or twice a year, is Amy's thought

    • Seema will be sending over material about how they have done collection drives in other places, so we know how it might run

    • Electrical and computer engineering department

      • Specialization in batteries

      • Looking at how to create batteries with a longer life span

      • Do they have a program? Sell to students?

      • A way for iSEE to integrate campus sustainability and research, so Jen will take the first step here

    • Redwood contact is an alum, co-founder is tied to Tesla - Amy notes the significance of this

      • Feels like there could be even more than just collecting batteries

    • Opening up redwood materials collection to the community - because the spring electronics event is once a year in the spring, so sparse opportunity for the community/county

  10. DRS uses hazardous waste vendor for battery disposal

    From: Hess, Stephanie Tumidajski <>
    Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 4:02 PM
    To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
    Cc: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>; Hill, Landon E <>
    Subject: RE: DRS battery disposal


    Hi Daphne,


    A good area to look into. I remember there being battery recycling a long time ago and then was told it was no longer is a thing.

    We do not recycle batteries that come through DRS. Those are disposed of using our hazardous waste vendor. I’ve copied the regulated waste compliance manager on this email. He can probably give you an idea about the volume of batteries that come through our waste facility and answer your specific questions.




    From: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
    Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 3:54 PM
    To: Hess, Stephanie Tumidajski <>
    Cc: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>
    Subject: DRS battery disposal


    Hi Stephanie,


    A recurring topic that’s come up in sustainability conversations on campus has been about batteries, and we are working to assess what the needs are for this type of specialized recycling and for whom (campus property, personal, etc). In the past several years, battery recycling has been decentralized under departmental programs through companies like Battery Solutions and Call2Recycle for single-use and rechargeable batteries. I also understand that DRS disposes of departments’ unwanted batteries – I am curious, is this a program that is widely used by campus? Do most of the batteries collected under DRS get recycled?


    Thank you,


    Daphne Hulse (she/her)
    Zero Waste Coordinator
    Facilities & Services | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    +1 (217) 333-7550 |

    Please consider the environment before printing an email. Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.

  11. Redwood Materials: Daphne and Shreya meet with Seema Nilakhe for an introduction

    On June 21, 2023 Daphne Hulse and Shreya Mahajan met with Seema Nilakhe to discuss Redwood Materials and opportunity for collaboration.

    • Introductions

      • Seema Nilakhe, originally from Chicago suburbs, attended U of I

      • Amy Fruehling was career counselor for Seema during her undergraduate years

      • Dabbling in environmental initiatives

      • Worked at Amazon for supply chain

      • Worked at Tesla

        • Infrastructure projects in North America

      • Wanted to work at start up so went to Redwood Materials

        • Lithium ion batteries

        • Based out of Reno, Nevada

        • Consumer partnerships is Seema’s role

      • Don’t take

        • Lead acid

        • Cadmium

        • Car batteries

    • Daphne notes that the batteries Redwood would be interested in would likely come from university property, which is handled by CMS/Surplus/OBFS

      • Seema can assist with looking into this process

    • Redwood process:

      • Pickup batteries with large OEMs (large car companies that make EVs)

      • Redwood picks up scrap

      • Redwood partners with Call2Recycle

      • Typically you have to pay a fee for Call2Recycle for their services (U of I may have had the service for free?)

      • Collections would be the biggest benefit for us:

        • Cell phones, laptops, smaller devices are high in cobalt and nickel and critical elements that are part of the battery

        • Larger devices would need to be checked for logistics and chemistry

        • Pricing is based on gross weight

        • Collections - don’t provide packaging but suppliers have the drums, crates, or collection mechanism to do that

        • DOT shipping guidelines (Redwood has that and can give us a sample) we have to be in compliance

        • Under 60 watt hours

        • Engineering may have drums that we could use to ship the batteries

        • Gaylords work too

      • Differences between primary and secondary batteries

        • Primaries - non-rechargables

          • Watch batteries

          • Typically lithium ion

      • Have partners which take all of the excess materials that aren’t batteries

        • Secondary - rechargeable

    Next steps:

    • CMS/Surplus - ask if they already recycle batteries, or need an outlet for it

    • Check inventory on drums and gaylords/shipping materials - Seema will send DOT guidelines

    • Event with marketing/public relations

    • Bin in the Union - how do you keep people from randomly throw items in there that are not batteries? Must be supervised

    • Stick to call2recycle for AA AAA alkaline
