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Projects Updates for place: Freer Hall

  1. Fall 2023 Sustainability Celebration FW: ECIP next steps

    Hi Paul,


    Should we set up a calendar time to talk via Teams about the ECIP plans?  I’d think it would include Jen Fraterrigo, and maybe Rob?





    Hi Morgan,

    During Monday’s meeting we chose to follow your advice and go with the fall schedule.


    We are again having conference schedule during this week and wonder if the sustainability week can be chosen on a week other than the week of Oct 16th – the 20th?






    Hi Paul,


    I think the date of the Campus Sustainability Celebration can move, as long as it is within October. I'll touch base with Jen about it and confirm. 





    Hi Elizabeth,

    I checked with Karl and the BTAF Mechanical conference for engineering is Oct 15-18th and the I2SL Sustainable Labs conference is Oct 22-25, if we can avoid these two weeks that would be terrific?



    Thank you 

    Paul Foote


    Hello Elizabeth,

    Any updates on the timing for this event?


    I am looking to coordinate the ECIP awards for 2022 and 2023 during this event.



    Paul Foote

  2. ECIP next steps

    Hi Paul,


    Should we set up a calendar time to talk via Teams about the ECIP plans?  I’d think it would include Jen Fraterrigo, and maybe Rob?





    Hi Morgan,

    During Monday’s meeting we chose to follow your advice and go with the fall schedule.


    We are again having conference schedule during this week and wonder if the sustainability week can be chosen on a week other than the week of Oct 16th – the 20th?





    Hi Paul,


    I think the date of the Campus Sustainability Celebration can move, as long as it is within October. I'll touch base with Jen about it and confirm. 





    Good morning,


    I am fine with moving the Campus Sustainability Celebration to another week in October.




  3. ECIP awards for 2022

    Hello Jen and Morgan,

    I have attached a draft of the award letter to be sent to the deans and dept heads, and am reaching out to iSEE in regards to supporting this program.


    I believe in the past ISEE co-presented these awards with F&S and more recently the awards were presented at the Sustainability Celebration which works well to promote more exposure for all sustainability items on campus.

    Unfortunately, the BTAF Mechanical Engineering conference and I2SL conferences are during the same week so we were not available to join this past year.


    We are now looking at 5 separate presentations at each location to present this years awards and wondering what support or involvement ISEE would be interested in?


    Thank you 

    Paul Foote


    Hi Paul,


    Jen and I spoke about this, and iSEE is interested in continuing to participate in the presentation of the ECIP awards.  We would like to suggest that this be a single award presentation, rather than the five separate events.  It can occur during Earth Month, and perhaps it could be held at the ACES Library, which is a nice venue and it was the ECIP winner with the highest energy savings.


    Please let us know if this is an acceptable plan, and we can arrange a call to talk about the details.


    Also, I asked Ehab about the Henry Admin Building leadership, and he suggests Paul Ellinger be the point of contact for the award letter.





    Hello Everyone,

    This is a terrific plan, Rob gave the go-ahead to plan the venue, date & time etc.


    When works best for all?


    Thank you



    Hello All,

    I am bumping this to the top of the email list for scheduling the venue and timing for this event.

    Let me know when we can discuss/finalize the details?



    Paul Foote


    Hi Paul,


    Is there anything that you were anticipating including in this event agenda, other than the ECIP announcements and plaque distribution?  If not, it might be better to include both years’ winners in the fall 2023 campus sustainability celebration. 


    I realize this is a shift from what we were thinking of, but it would be a shame to put together an event that is only 15 minutes long…  It would also be difficult to get a broad audience.





    Hi Morgan,

    We were thinking this timeframe might fit better than the fall venue with multiple conferences etc…

    Pending the date, we should have information regarding the next round of funding and were planning to gather the facilities managers at this event to share examples and promote future project applications.


    Thoughts everyone?




    Hi Morgan and all,

    I crossed the revolving loan fund and ECIP, the ECIP awards can be discussed at our next monthly meeting.


    Thank you

    Paul Foote



    Hi Paul, What monthly meeting?

    thanks, Morgan


    Hi Morgan,

    UES has a monthly meeting for ECIP, RLF, rapid back and other funding items as needed.





  4. ECIP Award Winners

    On October 20, 2021, the 2021 Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP) Award Winners were announced at the Campus Sustainability Celebration!

    UIUC is home to a total of 10 winners and honorable mentions, as listed below according to their categories:

    • Occupant Action Category
      • Ice Arena
      • Student Dining and Residential Programs
      • English Building
      • Campus Recreation Center East (CRCE)
    • Energy Advancement Category
      • Stock Pavilion
      • Forbes Natural History Building
      • Levis Faculty Center
      • Early Development Lab
    • Honorable Mentions
      • State Farm Center
      • Bielfeldt Athletic Administrative Building

    See the attached file to read the official announcement of 2021 ECIP Winners, including the locations' % improvements and monetary savings.

    Attached Files: 
  5. 2021 Campus Sustainability Celebration!

    All are invited to the 2021 Campus Sustainability Celebration and appreciation event! Meet and network with your peer sustainability advocates and hear about exciting campus sustainability progress! Since the event is in person, please be prepared to wear a mask and show your Safer Illinois app or equivalent status. If you can't make it in person, watch the livestream on YouTube! >>>

    October 20, 1–4 pm • National Center for Supercomputing Applications lobby, 1205 W. Clark St., Urbana

    Julie Wurth • Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment

    2021 Campus Sustainability Celebration!

  6. Campus Sustainability Celebration

    iSEE and F&S are excited to invite you to the Campus Sustainability Celebration 2020! This is an annual event that is especially exciting this year with the signing ceremony of the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) 2020, (once every five years) and the presentation of energy conservation and Freezer Challenge awards. Everyone is invited and encouraged to stay afterward for a social-hour!

    Campus Sustainability Celebration

    October 20, 3 pm • Map

    Meredith Moore • Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment

    baseline_wifi_black_18dp.png This opportunity is available online.

  7. Energy Conservation Incentive Program - Program Update

    Hello ECIP winners,


    When the Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP) was launched in 2013, it included financial awards that distributed some of the centrally managed campus utility funds back to the winning buildings. The calculation system was based on placement (first place to fourth place) in the awards program and the award category (occupant action or energy advancement).  You can see the calculation in the attached fact sheet from 2016, if you are interested.  With the Integrated and Value-Centered Budget (IVCB) reform, we transitioned this year, and we are closing out the initial phase one of the ECIP.


    Some of the original award funding has not yet been allocated to an associated facility improvement project.  If you have remaining funds and have not yet committed to a specific project, please do so as soon as possible.  All ECIP award funds must be committed by the end of this fiscal year, so please let us know your plans.


    Now in phase two, the ECIP awards include a plaque and the associated prestige, and no additional monetary awards (see attached revised fact sheet).  Instead, your colleges will benefit directly from the energy savings.  Additionally, to increase the visibility of the great progress all of you have made, we are collaborating with the Illinois Solar Decathlon’s Concept Team (incoming freshmen, learning about building systems and sustainability).  They will be completing a simple Building-Level Energy Report card for the 50+ ECIP winners this fall.  In the spring, I will send those reports to you with an opportunity to connect with the Concept Team members.


    Later this week, I will send a follow up email to the FY19 winners with images to help you spread awareness of this award.  Congratulations again to all of you, and thank you very much for your past and ongoing contributions to the campus sustainability and energy efficiency efforts.




  8. UI Energy Conservation Winners Saved $189K in FY19

    header image



    UI Energy Conservation Winners Saved $189K in FY19



    CHAMPAIGN, IL – Facilities & Services (F&S) is recognizing the efforts of eight campus facilities for their energy conservation successes during the Campus Sustainability Celebration on Wednesday, October 23, 4–6 p.m. at the Levis Faculty Center. The event is open to the public, and all are encouraged to attend and learn more about the university's sustainability progress and initiatives.

    The Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP) recognizes buildings on campus that showed the greatest percentage of energy reduction from fiscal year 2018 to 2019.

    In the "Occupant Action Category," the four winners are "auxiliary" buildings: F-29 Parking Deck won first prize, showing a 44.1% improvement, saving $9,084.79. Campus Recreation Center - East (25.4%, $47,746.73), McKinley Health Center (21.2%, $37,949.77), and North Campus Parking Deck (15.6%, $16,992.74) were the other winners.

    This was the first year auxiliary buildings – that is, buildings that financially support themselves – were allowed to participate in the ECIP competition.

    In the "Energy Advancement Category," Harker Hall showed the greatest improvement, with a 34.9% reduction, saving $14,739.62. English Building (26.6%, $21,918.88), Admin Information Technology Building (26.5%, $7,820.66), and Loomis Laboratory of Physics (15.1%, $32,697.59) also won.

    The ECIP started seven years ago as a way to encourage and reward energy conservation achievements in support of the Climate Leadership Commitments. State-supported and auxiliary buildings of 10,000 gross square feet or more are eligible for the awards program. Buildings compete in two categories: Occupant Action, which recognizes building users' efforts, and Energy Advancement, which recognizes facilities that partnered with F&S to complete a large-scale energy conservation project.

    For more information, visit








  9. FY2018 ECIP Winners

    Here are the winners for the 2018 ECIP Awards!


     Occupant Action  % Improvement   Incentive Award 
    1. Turner Hall  21.8%  $103,130
    2. Art and Design Building 19.9%  $37,816
    3. Burrill Hall  19.8%  $57,518
     Energy Advancement % Improvement  Incentive Award 
    1. Coordinated Science Laboratory 47.2%  $84,308
    2. Seitz Materials Research Laboratory 44.4%  $91,537
    3. Loomis Laboratory of Physics  40.7%  $25,717
    4. Harker Hall  38.0%  $10,000
  10. Happy Sustainability Week!!

    Join iSEE, the Student Sustainability Committee and Facilities & Services for a "plogging" fun run/walk, a tour of Abbott Power Plant, a celebration event with organizations and RSOs that includes the Energy Conservation Incentive Program awards and updates on Illinois Climate Action Plan goals, a socially responsible investing program, and the popular Illini Lights Out energy savings event.


    Tony Mancuso . Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)


    Sustainability Week Events Oct. 21-27

  11. ECS Bike Share Completed

    Facilities and Services division Engineering and Construction Services (ECS) has three bikes for employees to share for campus business. Check out is easy and the same as checking out a department car or truck. Two helmets are available for borrowing and lock keys are color coded to the bike they go to.

    Two of the three bikes were purchased through the Campus Bike Center, with locks and front baskets. The helmets came from Neutral Cycle. The whole project cost less than $750 and will have minimum maintenance each year.

    For questions about use please contact Lily Wilcock,


  12. FY17 ECIP award winners announced

    Occupant Action Category

    % Improvement

    Incentive Award

    1. Foellinger Auditorium 41.0% $61,994
    2. Natural Resources Building 21.0% $38,543
    3. 1207 W. Oregon 19.4% $15,677
    4. Agricultural Engineering Sciences
    13.6% $12,986

    Energy Advancement Category

    % Improvement

    Incentive Award

    1. Early Child Development
    25.2% $10,000*
    2. Administrative Information Technology
        Services Building
    24.1% $10,000*
    3. Astronomy Building 23.4% $10,000*
    4. ACES Library, Information &
        Alumni Center
    23.2% $10,000*


  13. iWG meeting minutes October 27, 2017

  14. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    The Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) is looking to become more involved with the SWATeams and sustainability on campus. ECBS proposed ideas such as decreasing refrigerator usage, making a climate action plan specifically for DIA, and promoting recycling at tailgates. Illini Lights Out had their first event on September 29, and it was a success. 284 light switches were turned off in 13 different buildings. The Green Labs Coordinator position is slowly making progress, but there is a concern with funding. Updates on the ECIP were made, and there is a push being made for mid-year checkpoints in the future. ECBS also discussed if AFMFA projects could be redefined in order to do more maintenance-based projects. 

    Attached Files: 
  15. Discussion at Transportation Building about ECIP funds

    Morgan Johnston and Shawna Grady met to discuss the potential uses for the Transportation Building's ECIP funding award ($10,000).  Options included additional recycling bins, LED lamps, power strips, battery recycling containers, and potentially a waste characterization study for the building (if available through ISTC).

  16. KCPA ECIP funds to go towards several improvements

    Krannert Center has identified several projects to tackle with the ECIP award funding: 

    • Recycling Bins and Bags - $5,000 (make in-house recycling efforts more efficient and accessible)
    • TCP Switch for Playhouse - $6,000 (electrical safety issue)
    • Imop -  $5,000 (water conservation)
    • Food Services Dishwashers - $9,750 (energy efficiency, water conservation, chemical usage reduction)
    • Energy efficient washer and dryers (2 each) for Festival Green Room -  $2,250 (energy efficiency, water conservation)
    • Ipad mini’s & Ipad & Secure Mounts for Attendant Access to Calendar and Event Sheets - $2,500  (reduce printed paper)
    • Reconfigure Stairs to Playhouse Pit  - $3,500 (safety issue correction)

    The dollar amounts listed are approximations.  Any additional funds not used for these items would be allocated to expanding the stock of replacement LED bulbs.

  17. Update as of 11/16/16

    The past couple weeks have been productive and busy. Follow up emails were sent to those people who filled out our enrollment form but did not reply back after the initial email and already some good responses have come of that. A couple people said they misunderstood and didn't realize that their department would have to purchase the bicycles so they said they weren't interested. A couple said they received the info and were talking to the appropriate people within their departments. A couple others had meetings setup with myself due to the follow up emails. 


    This week I met with Illini Emergency Medical Services who have a bicycle fleet that they use during University events to ensure rapid medical response times. We discussed what was going well for them and what could be improved. They said they would like more publicity so I said that they should absolutely try and get the word out more about their efforts. 

    This week I also met with the Student Planning Organization, the RSO that manages Urban Planning department bicycle fleet. They have 3 bikes that I got to see. We discussed the potential of encouraging more faculty and visiting people's use of the bikes as well as branding for their bikes in an attempt to differentiate them from private bikes. 

    I have also been working on an infographic on "Why Bikes" that details the benefits of cycling on campus. I am hoping this can be passed around with other bicycle fleet documentation we send out. There are a couple drafts still and they are attached to this update as a private file. 



  18. Analysis of Existing Bicycle Fleet Survey Responses

    After receiving responses from four different active bicycle fleets on campus after about 3 weeks of having our survey active, we wrote up an analysis of the responses. This analysis is attached to this post as a .pdf file. 


    This past week we continued reaching out to people that we have either met in person about potentially starting bicycle fleets on campus. Doug Wolters, Director of Operations for ACES, was able to reach out to the business managers of ACES to share information that we sent him. I also sent emails to a couple people that took our survey requesting a short meeting so we can further discuss their program's success as well as any ways we can improve their bicycle fleets. 

  19. Update on Bicycle Fleet Progress from August to October 2016

    Here is an update of what Lily Wilcock and myself (Logan Ebeling) have accomplished concerning departmental bicycle fleets on campus from late August to late October.


    We began with a goal of assessing the health and status of current departmental bicycle fleets on campus. Offhand, Lily knew of the following programs:

    • Kinesiology department
    • Living Learning Community in LAR
    • Urban Planning department
    • Building Operations and Maintenance
    • Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning

    In an attempt to reach out to those programs and other ones that we potentially did not know about, we developed a survey for people involved with those programs to take. A link to that survey was sent out in an E-Week advertisement on October 2nd. A screenshot of that blurb in the E-Week is attached to this post. We are still waiting on responses from that survey (so far we have about 3 responses). 

    Another goal was to advertise to departments that starting a bicycle fleet was even a possibility. Anecdotally, it seems that many people are unaware that the University is encouraging bicycle use for employees. To address this, we developed a short enrollment form that people could fill out if they wanted more information on starting a departmental bicycle fleet. A link to this enrollment form was also sent out in the October 2nd E-Week advertisement. We had around 10 replies to this enrollment form and sent out an email to the respondents with more information and an offer to meet and discuss possibilities for a bicycle fleet for their department. 


    One goal of mine was to develop two checklists to have available to people to aid in sending out information to people. These two checklists are completed and we have been sending them out to people where appropriate. The two checklists are attached to this post and they are:

    1. A checklist for maintaining existing bicycle fleets
    2. A checklist for starting a bicycle fleet

    These checklists drew heavily off of information in the Departmental Bike Sharing Manual from 2014 (attached to this project's main page). 

