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Projects Updates for Decrease Emissions from UI Fleet

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  1. Transportation 015 Fleet Replacement - Successful

    Following is the response from Dr. Ehab Kamarah from F&S on October 11, 2023:

    Thank you, Dr. Fraterrigo. F&S supports the recommendations.



    Read the iWG transmittal for Transportation 015 Fleet Replacement.


  2. 4 new EVs and new EV charging stations installed

    F&S has received 4 new Ford F-150 Lightnings all electric trucks, bringing the total to 6 Ford Lightnings and 1 Ford e-Transit cargo van for F&S fleet.

    We have also installed another level-2 Ford dual point smart chargers on the south side of PPSB and we are working on the installation on another one. We have 2 more chargers to install. The Charging Stations installations are being done using the SSC funding.

  3. Clean vehicle tax credits

    Following is Pete Varney's response to the question from Morgan, "In addition to the Ford Lightning EVs, could we potentially get EV versions of the turtle-top 15-person vans?  Also, is there any discussion about getting Hybrid buses for UI Ride?"

    When discussing EV we have to look at manufacturer availability and operational needs. Car Pool vehicles, 15-pass vans, need to be able to operate both locally and on extended trips ruling out EV due to range restrictions.

  4. Ford Lightning allotted to Abbott Power Plant and EV charging station installed

    Abbott Power Plant are the recipients of one the new Ford F150 Lightning Electric Trucks.

    There is a charging station in the alley between the plant addition and scrubber where the vehicle can be parked and charged (see photo below). The plug on the truck is on the side in front of the driver side door.

  5. Insider article on 9/21/22: Ahead of the Curve and All Electric

  6. Two 100% all electric 2022 Ford F-150 Lightning trucks purchased for F&S fleet

    From: Varney, Peter W
    Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 12:38 PM
    To: FandS Executive Management Team ; Gordon, Malikah Asrayyah ; Breitwieser, Steven
    Cc: Patterson, Shawn L ; Franzen, Neil
    Subject: Ford Lightnings for F&S

  7. Transportation iCAP Team January Meeting

    The Transportation iCAP team met on Thursday, January 27th from 4:00-5:00 P.M. The team discussed progress on the EV Task Force Member Recommendation, the fleet replacement plan recommendation, and two returned recommendations: the Carbon Credit program and the Carpool Survey.

  8. 12/16 Transportation SWATeam Meeting

    Attached are the meeting minutes for the Transportation SWATeam Meeting on 12/16/2020. The following agenda items were discussed:

    • Intern Solicitation
    • Intern Resources List
    • EV Task Force
    • Fleet Vehicle Usage Tracking
    • Reduction of Fleet
    • Air Travel Emissions
  9. Transportation SWATeam Minutes - 1/22/18

    The Transportation SWATeam had their first meeting of the semester. They discussed their formal recommendation for a new mode share study and opportunities for expansion of Green Fleet certification to new campus fleets.

  10. Transportation SWATeam Meeting

    The Transportation SWATeam had it's first meeting of the year. They discussed progress on the Transportation iCAP objectives, the status of related projects and proposals, and their priorities for the year. The team identified the following three areas on which they plan to focus in the coming meetings: 

    1. Exploring options for offsetting air travel emissions

    2. Pursuing a comprehensive intermodal transit survey (one for students and one for faculty)

    3. Assessing the feasibility of various options to reduce emissions from the campus fleet

  11. Transportation iCAP efforts in progress

    Hello Transportation SWATeam members,

    Thank you again for your willingness to help our campus achieve the Climate Leadership Commitments.  There is great value provided by the bi-weekly meetings of student, faculty, and staff representatives evaluating our progress and recommending additional actions campus units could take.

    The following is a list of current activities I am aware of, and suggestions I have about useful next steps.  I am happy to follow up with you on any of these, as needed.

    Thank you very much,


  12. April 21st, 2017 Meeting

    Meeting Minutes 4/21/17

    In attendance:

    Ximing Cai

    Pete Varney

    Brian Farber

    Yanfeng Ouyang



    This meeting serve to continue discussion on campus fleet, bike parking, and campus parking. Also, Ximing Cai was introduced to the team.



    Discussion on Campus Fleet

  13. Idea for LEED transportation credit

    The LEED transportation credit for encouraging low emission vehicles can be obtained if there are dedicated spaces for low-emission vehicles near the building in question.  In general, the University is not adding new parking spaces for new buildings, so it is difficult to achieve this LEED point.  One method is to add a Zipcar space for the building, and another is to add an Electric Vehicle charging station.  Grant Colella, a Project Manager at F&S, suggested a long-term plan to change all of the campus fleet to low emission vehicles, so the dedicated service vehicle spaces would also