EcoOlympics in res halls
Hi Paul,
Could you send me more information on the activities in the res halls that you wanted iSEE to help fund?
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for reaching out after our discussion!
We are looking to revive EcoOlimpics (EO) after the pandemic shut it down. ISEE has been a terrific supporter in the past , providing awards, moneys to purchase the sustainable prizes for the winning hall, and even sponsoring the energy monitoring platform, a combination of these when possible.
The attached is an original PPT that reflects how we got started, these efforts were collaborated with Housing and for the first few years supported by them as well. They ultimately withdrew there financial...Expand »
Hi Paul,
Could you send me more information on the activities in the res halls that you wanted iSEE to help fund?
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for reaching out after our discussion!
We are looking to revive EcoOlimpics (EO) after the pandemic shut it down. ISEE has been a terrific supporter in the past , providing awards, moneys to purchase the sustainable prizes for the winning hall, and even sponsoring the energy monitoring platform, a combination of these when possible.
The attached is an original PPT that reflects how we got started, these efforts were collaborated with Housing and for the first few years supported by them as well. They ultimately withdrew there financial support in favor of making it 100% student led. Housing has continued to work with EcoOlympics for advertising, pushing the monitoring on digital displays and posting of posters etc.….
Here is a link that shares some of our achievements and captures some of the events across campus to the (slightly outdated) website:
EO uses social media, advertising, tabling events and a host of other means to get the word out and encourage sustainable living within the dorm. Many of our officers participated as freshmen and joined the organizational team to grow and expand what they learned during the competition along with their personal/professional goals.
The organization is a typical business model. Start as freshman saving energy, then join as an officer, president, treasurer, media specialist, technical specialist, outreach chair etc. These roles help students gain insight and practical use of their chosen fields and interests. As juniors or Seniors they can choose to be a director and mentor the officers if they have pursued this path during their time here.
The competition
Each participating Hall creates a building captain team that motivates their residents to save energy and spread the word. We monitor consumption and create a confidential baseline that is used to compare results during the competition. The competition is anywhere from 3-6 weeks long and resolves in time for the awards to wrap up during the final week of spring semester.
The team that scores the highest points wins the trophy and bragging rights until the next competition, and gets to choose their award. Some awards have been a catered meal for the winning hall, water bottle dispensers in FAR, trees around Allen Hall, and solar battery backup devices for
Allen Hall was our last winning team in 2019 and they have presented the trophy until this year.
Thanks again and let me know if you have additional questions?
Paul Foote
Thanks, Paul. What level of support are you requesting from iSEE?
Hi Elizabeth,
The $1000.00 level would be greatly appreciated and go a long way to help us get back up and running.
Hi Paul,
Has housing agreed to be an active participant in this? It sounds like their active support will be critical.
Hi Elizabeth,
Yes, Housing has given the go-ahead for this year’s event.
Thank you
Paul Foote
Hi Paul,
Thanks for confirming housing’s willingness to participate in facilitating this EcoOlympics. Can you let us know who you have been coordinating with in Housing? Jen has been focused on working with them to get Sustainability training to the RAs and information in their newsletters so it would be good for her to be aware of you are working with.
I also wanted to connect you Codie Sterner, the newish coordinator for the SSC. We want to make sure that we engage the multiple stakeholders on campus when programs are being planned so that we can have as much impact and participation as possible.