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Projects Updates for Recycled-Content Paper Policy in CAM

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  1. Zero Waste SWATeam Meeting: 26 February 2021

    The meeting which took place on 26 February at 4PM (CDT) discussed the following:

    • Reusable dining options (Follow-up to Feb 12 guest presentation)
    • Reusable dining options (Recommendation)
    • Elimination of virgin paper at F&S Stores
    • Food Literacy Project
  2. draft CAM policy

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Campus Administrative Manual (CAM) could have an updated waste minimization policy like the attached.  However, this puts both aspects of zero waste in a single policy, even though they are in separate areas of campus responsibility.  It may be better to have a recycled-content paper purchasing policy, and a separate use the recycling bins waste management policy.

  3. PWR SWATeam Meeting - 2/5/18

    The PWR SWATeam had their first meeting of the semester, where they discussed several updates related to purchasing, waste, and recycling. The Team discussed concerns about recycling bins on the Main Quad, persistent issues with the purchasing of recycled paper on campus, challenges with a centralized battery recycling program, and the formal adoption of EPEAT standards for electronics on campus. The SWATeam also discussed and provided feedback on a formal recommendation for the expansion of SmartWay to other campus units.

    Attached Files: 
  4. Illinois Student Government Resolution Feb 2018 for Recycled-Content Paper

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Illinois Student Government (ISG) recently passed a resolution to reduce paper waste. The ISG resolved to be more committed to creating a sustainable campus through the creation of the Committee on Environmental Sustainability. Some other key resolution points:

    • The ISG commits to minimizing paper waste by restricting printing to instances in which electronic sharing presents a significant inconvenience
    • The Senate urged the Office of Business and Financial Services (OBFS) to remove virgin paper as an option available for purchase through the iBuy system
  5. SWATeam Meeting - 10/18/17

    The PWR SWATeam met to discuss objectives and goals for the year, as well as provide feedback on the proposed Campus Administrative Manual policy on purchasing paper of recycled content. The team discussed a broad range of projects and delegated next steps for moving forward on each.

    Attached Files: 
  6. Recycled-content paper purchasing

    Hi SWATeam,

    I’m working with two interns, Kate Gardiner and Hursh Hazari, to address the recycled content paper habits on campus.  Hursh did an analysis of the paper purchases by college from FY15, and we are seeking updated data from OBFS.  That is attached in excel here.

    Kate is working on putting the policy in the CAM format, and the first stab of that is attached here.

    We just got off the phone with one of the F&S folks who orders paper, and she always orders from Office Max in iBuy.  She showed us (shared her screen) how she places the order in office max and got the current pricing for us.  Then she went into iStores from F&s and got the price for 30% recycled content paper.  She said she doesn’t usually go into F&S stores (“iStores”), and it isn’t a punchout in iBuy.  I had thought it was, but we couldn’t find it on the screen (see attached photo).  She couldn’t find the virgin paper pricing in F&S Stores, so we got off the phone and I logged into iStores to get that price. Here are the prices per ream:


    Office Max – virgin paper $3.10

    Office Max – 30% rec. content $3.55, which is 15% higher


    iStores – virgin paper $2.97

    iStores – 30% recycled content $3.03, which is 2% higher


    Comparing Office Max virgin paper to iStores 30%recycled content paper, users could save 7 cents per ream by switching.  Also, Office Max pricing is based on buying at least 10 reams (or one case), and iStores has that pricing for any quantity, even just one ream.

    HOWEVER, it is apparently pretty difficult to use iStores.  Can one of the staff or faculty on your team try to login to iStores and see if you need to get special permission to access it?  I already had access, but that could have been from sometime in my past 20 years on campus.  The logon is at

    Any and all feedback on the other documents is of course welcome.




  7. Purchasing analysis of paper and recycled-content underway

    Morgan Johnston and Hursh Hazari met to review the FY15 paper purchases by academic college.  Hursh is going to add some analysis about the costs associated with switching to a minimum of 30% recycled content paper.  He is also going to take the draft purchasing policy proposed to UA (attached here) and modify it to meet UIUC CAM standards.

  8. Paper Policy Recommendation - approved

    F&S Interim Executive Director Helen Coleman approved F&S staff time to work on updating the Campus Administrative Manual (CAM) policy for Zero Waste.  Morgan Johnston will take the lead on this effort. The actual policy update will need approval from the CAM advisory committee.

  9. archived info - previous project description

    Associated Project(s): 

    One of the strategies regarding the purchasing, waste, and recycling targets put forth in the iCAP Portal is setting and enforcing minimum recycled-content standards.

    The targets for purchasing, waste, and recycling are to adopt a long-term Zero Waste campus policy by 2011 and increasing waste diversion to 75 percent by 2020. By setting and enforcing minimum recycled content standards within purchasing, the University can greatly reduce the number of environmentally irresponsible products they purchase.

  10. PWR009 Paper Policy recommendation - Transmittal

    Following the completion of the iWG assessment, the SWATeam recommendation PWR009 Paper Policy was forwarded to F&S for further processing. 

    For any future updates on this item, please visit the Recycled-Content Paper Policy in CAM project. 

    See iWG assessment of the recommendation PWR009 Paper Policy here.

    See SWATeam recommendation PWR009 Paper Policy here.

  11. PWR009 Paper Policy recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 2, 2017, to discuss and start the assessment of the SWATeam recommendation PWR009 Paper Policy. The iWG's official comment for this recommendation was:

    "We agree that the CAM policy should be updated. Information about the financial impact, including recycled paper purchasing options through F&S Campus Stores, should be provided more broadly."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam recommendation PWR009 Paper Policy here.
