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  1. Bike at Illinois Newsletter: September 2023


    Facilities & Services

    Bike at Illinois





    Bike at Illinois Newsletter: September 2023



    Thank you for registering your bicycle! There are a few bicycle related events coming up in the Champaign-Urbana area, and we would like to invite you to participate in them!

    We, also, want to remind you to collect your bike registration sticker (shield) and attach it to your bicycle, if you have not done so already. There are, currently, eight campus and community Shield pick up locations. You will be required to show the Bike Registration Fee payment confirmation email and identification to collect a shield.

    Winners of Bike Registration Raffle will be contacted soon as well!







    Upcoming events




    CU Bike Month 2023 t-shirt



    Bike to Work Day

    Ride your bike to campus on Thursday, September 14, and get a free T-shirt! Welcome stations featuring drinks and snacks will be available from 7 to 10 a.m., at eight university locations. Participants will also be able to interact with other bicyclists and city planners about potential enhancements to the bicycle network and future programming. First-time riders are encouraged to take part and learn more about the C-U bike community.

    You must preregister at and bring your bicycle to get this year's shirt (shown). The event will move to September 15, should inclement weather arise.

    Light the Night – Free Bike Light Giveaway

    The 16th annual Light the Night is Tuesday, September 19, from 4 to 7 p.m., at Alma Mater Plaza, Hallene Gateway, and the Ikenberry Commons Quad. You MUST bring your bike to get a light set. Approximately 1,100 bike light sets will be available. In case of severe weather, the event will be rescheduled for September 21.

    Remember, bike lights are required by Illinois law when riding at night. Volunteers are still needed for the event.

    Reclaiming an Abandoned Bike

    F&S removed almost 230 abandoned bicycles on campus this summer. If you left your bike and want to reclaim it, email and include where it was located, the make/model, color, and serial number, if possible. Bike registration information or other documentation will be needed to prove ownership (e.g., pictures). More information is available at If the bicycle wasn't registered, that step must be completed before retrieving the bike. The deadline to reclaim your bicycle is Friday, September 22, 2023. Any unclaimed bikes will be donated to the Campus Bike Center and the Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign to help support bicycle programs and initiatives.







    Bike Safety: Always lock your bicycle





    For nearly 60 percent of the bike thefts reported in the past year, the stolen bicycle was not locked. Always lock your bicycle to a bike rack to keep it safe. Watch this video on how to properly lock your bicycle. Watch other educational videos created by Bike at Illinois.







    Thank you so much for all your support, and learn more about the Bike at Illinois program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! Contact us at for any questions.





  2. F&S Announcement - Celebrate C-U Bike Month

    Associated Project(s): 

    Join the Others in the Community at Bike to Work and Light the Night Events

    Bike at Illinois strives to offer resources, education, and engagement for a safer, more comfortable, and more enjoyable biking experience on the Urbana campus. As the university celebrates C-U Bike Month, please join students, faculty, and staff in upcoming events and learn more about bicycle registration, safety tips, rules of the road, bike infrastructure, and how to participate in sustainability initiatives.

    Bike to Work Day
    Ride your bike to campus on Thursday, September 14, and get a free T-shirt! Welcome stations featuring drinks and snacks will be available from 7 to 10 a.m., at eight university locations. You must preregister at and bring your bicycle to get the shirt.

    Volunteers can also help provide more information about the benefits of registering your bike with 529 Garage’s national database ( Once registered, owners will get a 529 Shield (registration decal) to help as a theft deter

    Light the Night – Free Bike Light Giveaway

    The 16th annual LTN is Tuesday, September 19, from 4 to 7 p.m., at Alma Mater Plaza, Hallene Gateway, and the Campus Bike Center (51 E. Gregory Drive). You MUST bring your bike to get a light set. Approximately 1,100 bike light sets will be available this year.

    Remember, bike lights are required by Illinois law when riding at night. Volunteers are still needed for the event.

  3. FY20 College Energy EIU Documents

    Hi Tony,


    Could you please provide files like these, for FY21, FY22, and FY23?  This is in support of the iCAP objective


    Thank you,






    Can you refresh my memory on how this information is distributed and utilized to support the iCAP?  Since it has been three years since we last produced the reports I am wondering if there is still value in producing these.







  4. Brent Lewis approves 17 more dual bin locations

    Associated Project(s): 

    On July 18th, Brent Lewis approved 16 more sites for installation, and the site on Champaign property was approved on July 6. On September 6th, these 17 sites plus the 7 additional sites sent to earlier this summer on June 7th (the eighth site at Siebel Center for Computer Science was installed on August 1st, so it was omitted from this spreadsheet), were sent to the iron workers for a total of 24 sites.


    55 dual bins remain in storage and need site proposals from the zero waste team and approval from Brent Lewis.

  5. Check in meeting from September 6, 2023

  6. Green rolloff for recycling arrives!

    It's here, it's here, it's finally here. Waste Transfer Station purchased a new green rolloff container specifically for recycling. We expect to use it for tailgate recycling, welcome week, and any other event that produces an excess of recycling or would benefit from a container dedicated to recyclables.

  7. Building Services Specialist Cleaning Program Launched This Semester



    Group photo of building service workers involved in receiving ISSA certification in the Campus Instructional Facility lobby



    Before the start of the fall semester, the F&S Building Services department launched a new Specialist Cleaning Program in five high-usage campus facilities. Almost 40 BSWs underwent professional development and received training certification from the ISSA, a leading organization for the cleaning industry worldwide.

    ISSA professional development at the university will organize detailed cleaning tasks and deliver many benefits of a more systematic approach that transitions from the current zone cleaning setup, where BSWs perform all cleaning tasks within a specified area. Streamlined processes for color-coding will help eliminate the potential for cross-contamination and promote the more efficient utilization of equipment and supplies.

    The pilot buildings are the Campus Instructional Facility, Talbot Laboratory, Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, Lincoln Hall, and the Materials Science and Engineering Building. These high-usage facilities were selected based on the ability to successfully evaluate and replicate the program in other similar facilities moving forward. A list of departmental expectations is available to help further explain key aspects of this initial effort. 

    For questions about the Specialist Cleaning Program and Building Services Transformation Initiative, contact Director of Transportation & Building Services Pete Varney, 217-333-7583.


  8. energy conservation question from CEE assistant professor

    Associated Project(s): 



    I have seen a number of emails this summer when it gets really hot about energy conservation.


    In Newmark (NCEL), the summer time temperatures are kept to ABSURDLY low temperatures. This is absolutely stressing the electrical grid for no reason. 


    Graduate students keep winter coats in their offices and sometimes even use space heaters in the summer.


    A colleague of mine's student office in NCEL measured a temperature of 58 degrees recently.


    Who can we talk to about changing the thermostat? It is ridiculous when it is 100 degrees outside that we are cooling our massive building to such a degree that we need to wear long pants, long sleeves, and coats.






    Hello All,


    David- Here is something for the control center- in case there are some alarms or setpoints that need adjusting. 

    Morgan- Karl has shared this bldg. is in need of deferred maintenance and a large scale upgrades.


    Let me know if you have any thing too add when responding to Hannah?



    Paul Foote

  9. [WUNA-Main] Will Styrofoam recycling continue post-Dart?

    From Kathy's Mailbag in today's News-Gazette:


    “I'm wondering if Styrofoam recycling will stop when the Dart Container plant closes at the end of the year. Our community Styrofoam recycling program is one of just six in the state, with the other 5 located in the Chicago area. Will this program be saved for our community?”

    Michael Westerfield, Dart Container Corporation’s vice president for sustainability, notified the City of Champaign that the community Styrofoam recycling program hosted by Dart will remain in operation until Sept. 29.

    Nichole Millage, the City of Champaign’s environmental sustainability specialist, said at this time she is not aware of any other companies or recycling processors in the area that have the equipment (densifier) to recycle Styrofoam. “If new options become available, I will make sure folks are aware.”


    Hi Morgan and Scott,


    Could the city of Urbana or the UIUC buy Dart’s densifier and operate it for the community?


