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Project Updates for collection: Renewable Energy Projects


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  1. eGen009 Campus Geothermal Policy - Successful

    Dr. Mohamed Attalla, Executive Director at F&S, responded to Dr. Ximing Cai, iWG Chair, on August 27, 2019 stating, "We will review options for incorporating geothermal into existing campus documents, and share our thoughts with the iWG before proceeding."

    For further information about this project, please see Geothermal on Campus

    See the transmittal of eGen009 Campus Geothermal Policy Recommendation. 

    See the SWATeam Recommendation eGen009 Campus Geothermal Policy

  2. Cruze Barn new address

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Cruze Barn was moved as part of the agreement with the Student Sustainability Committee for their funding support of the first solar farm. It was moved by Trillium Dell, and it is now located at 316 Leman Lane, Congerville, IL.

  3. Preferred Vendor selected

    Associated Project(s): 

    The evaluation committee has selected a preferred vendor to develop Solar Farm 2.0, and the Chancellor's office approved moving forward with contract development. PEI will work with this vendor to complete the next steps of the award process. The vendor name will be announced upon approval of the contracts in fall 2019.

  4. Sustainability Council meeting 04-30-2019

  5. Net Metering on campus

    For all of our buildings with renewable energy systems, we employ a net metering method.  We deduct the energy supplied by the system from the building load on the campus grid.  So, if ECE uses about 250,000 kwh of electricity per month, and the rooftop array will supply 10,000 kwh per month, then the net bill for the ECE building will be 240,000 kwh at the campus electricity rate.  Therefore, the building gets full credit for the energy supplied by the array.

  6. Geothermal monitoring borehole on the Bardeen Quad

    Hi everyone,

    I wanted to report that yesterday we completed the thermal response test in the borehole, and our work at the site is done. Currently, we are working on processing and analyzing the data. This work should be completed later this week, and when done we will share the results with Sachin and the rest of the project team.

    Tim Stark will also use these results to compare with the wellbore model his student is developing.





    Andrew Stumpf, Ph.D, LG, P.Geo

    Associate Geologist

    Illinois State Geological Survey

    Prairie Research Institute

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    615 East Peabody Drive, Champaign, Illinois USA 61820
