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Project Updates for collection: Bicycle Related Projects


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  1. Email to welcoming station managers

    Associated Project(s): 

    Following email was sent to all BTWD welcoming station managers on Septmber 13, 2022.


    Hi Bike to Work Day station managers!

    Tomorrow is the big event!  Please follow these 6 steps this week:


    1. Tuesday – Pick up your station box at Charlie’s house (805 S. Coler Ave., Urbana)
      1. Enter the screened-in porch, and find your box(es) with your station name on it.
      2. Papers in your box:  registration list, on-site registration forms, volunteer instructions, talking points, fall bike activity flyers, bike registration QR code
      3. Other items:  t-shirts, donation can, handouts & coupons in brochure holders, hand sanitizer
    2. Tuesday – Connect with your volunteers
      1. I will be sending emails to each station manager, and the people who signed up to volunteer at your station, with volunteer instructions.  Full list of names attached.
    3. Wednesday – Get an accurate count of people who stopped by your station
      1. Use the printed, stapled registration list in your box to check off people when they arrive at your station.
      2. You’ll get another updated list tonight with people who registered between Monday afternoon and Tuesday night.  Print or refer to this list on your phone on Wednesday morning, and write down everyone who stops by.
      3. If someone DIDN’T register online, have them fill out an ON-SITE REGISTRATION FORM included in your box.
      4. Return ALL paperwork in your box to Charlie’s house by Friday.
    4. Wednesday – Give away your freebies!
      1. T-shirts are available while supplies last.  Extras go back in your box to Charlie’s house.  If people are looking for a different size, send them to the Urbana Farmer’s Market Bike Table (NW corner) on Saturday between 8a-12n.
      2. Your box has bike maps, rules of the road, organization materials, hand sanitizer, and business coupons!  People can take as much as they want.
    5. Wednesday – Take & share pictures!
      1. Take some pictures at your station (with participant permission), and send them to Evan ( or post them on Facebook and tag “C-U Bike Month.”
    6. After the event – Return your leftover materials to Charlie’s house by Friday.
      1. This includes registration forms, the donation can, t-shirts, handouts, and the yard sign.




    Gabriel Lewis, AICP



    Planning and Community Development

    A division of the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission


    1776 E. Washington St, Urbana, IL 61802
    P 217.328.3313 | D 217.819.4102 |




    People. Possibilities.

  2. Weekly Update: Bike to Work Day and Light the Night this week, Abandoned bicycles

    All, The visitor numbers seem low for how busy it felt this past week. Had a few students step up, volunteer, and enjoy it enough to come back in the last few weeks. That’s always a good sign we’re doing something right.

    I was out Thursday/Friday and my staff handled the Bike Center in my absence. No major issues, so I call that a success.

    We’ve got BTWD and LTN this week, back-to-back days, on Wed then Thursday. Weather looks good (at this point).

    This Friday is the last day for students to claim their abandoned bikes so my staff and I will count the remaining ones that we’ll be able to use. From there, I’ll coordinate with Working Bikes to pick up the rest—potentially as soon as next week. The influx of bikes will be a boon to for our programs as we look to build back stock.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 49
    Sales: $895
    Memberships: 15 for $450
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
    Tires/tubes: 15 for $70


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  3. Material assembled for Bike to Work Day

    Associated Project(s): 

    t-shirts and handout materials were assembled on September 12, 2022 by the Bike Month Planning Team.

    All station managers were informed that they could pick their boxes up between 5-6 pm today at the MTD Training Facility, 1207 E. University Ave., Urbana, OR anytime after that at Charlie Symth’s front porch.

  4. Bike to Work Day 2022

    Associated Project(s): 

    Folks, First, my apologies if this is a duplicate...we're just excited about our newest T Shirt and we want to exceed last year's record participation in Bike to Work Day!

    The 2022 Champaign County Bike to Work Day is Wednesday September 14 (rain date of Friday, Sept. 16). Registration is now open at if you haven't already signed up. T Shirts and breakfast snacks while they last.

    There are 16 Welcome Stations for Wednesday, 7:00-10:00am (in CU as well as Savoy, St. Joe, Mahomet, and Rantoul), as well as a "Bike to Market" option for next Saturday at the Urbana Farmers Market 8am-noon.

    Bike Month 2022 T Shirt

    There are additional events planned for September as "Bike Month" including Light the Night, Thursday Sept 15, several local family rides Saturday Sept 17 and Sept 24, Walk and Roll to School Day (October 12) and the Illinois Bike Summit at the I Hotel October 12 (with NACTO training Oct 13). A full list of events is here or by checking the calendar at

    We hope you'll join us this Wednesday for our 2022 event!
    -Charlie Smyth

  5. CILiving: Celebrate Bike Month with Champaign Center Partnership

    Associated Project(s): 

    CILiving interviewed Gabe Lewis and Xander Hanzel on September 8, 2022, about Bike Month activities. Watch the interview here:

    This interview was also posted on Instagram:

    Read the content below:

    The 12th annual Champaign County Bike to Work Day is organized by the Champaign County Bike Month Planning Team, and is presented by major sponsors MTD, Bike at Illinois, and Carle.

    There are 16 welcome stations this year, in Champaign, Urbana, on the U of I campus, Savoy, Mahomet, St. Joseph, and Rantoul!

    Register for the event at the most convenient location to you and come meet us and other bicyclists in the community to celebrate Bike to Work Day! Grab a snack, get a free T-shirt, and consider making a donation to support bicycling in Champaign County!

    The 15th annual Light the Night bicycle light giveaway event is the next evening (Thursday, September 15, 2022) from 4-7 pm. Lights will be available at three campus locations, and you must bring your bike to receive the lights.

    Champaign Center Partnership
    301 N. Neil St., Suite 400

  6. Agenda for Bike to Work Day and Light the Night: September 8, 2022

  7. e-week, GradLinks, Email+, and other methods for Bike to Work Day and Light the Night events

    Associated Project(s): 

    E-week, GradLinks, and iNews newsletter announcements were posted by September 4, 2022 for Bike to Work Day (BTWD) and Light the Night (LTN) events. iSEE, Campus Rec, Campus Wellbeing Services, University YMCA, ISSS (for students and scholars), and other newsletters also included an announcement for these events.

    Bike at Illinois also sent out a newsletter in September to promote these events!

    Digital Signage were posted across the campus on September 7, 2022 to promote these events.

    See attached all the methods used to promote these events on campus.

  8. Weekly Update: Open weekdays, BTWD, LTN

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, This week we begin being open the full week (minus Monday for Labor Day). Hopefully we’ll be able to better help folks, as we’ve had lines for stand time most days during our M/W/F schedule.

    We’re out of bikes but have been selling a good number of memberships. I’ll be out on Thurs/Fri but my staff will cover.

    We’ve taken a step back technologically and had good results: Printed membership forms are easier for folks to fill out, take less time, and we have more clipboards than computers which means we can get people working on their bikes sooner. Manually entering the forms afterwards and the environmental toll are worth it during these super-busy times.

    I’ll do some prep on my end for BTWD and LTN next week.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 102
    Sales: $1,865
    Bikes (refurb): 4 for $655
    Memberships: 24 for $720
    Tires/tubes: 22 for $144


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  9. Achievements in Transportation - Insider article

    The August 26, 2022 issue of Insider featured the "Achievements in Transportation". Read the article online at or see below.

    Achievements in Transportation

    Be it walking, bicycling, taking transit, or driving vehicles, getting around the campus is done more sustainably than ever.

    The F&S Transportation Demand Management (TDM) department creates, maintains, and coordinates the overall transportation network for all modes of travel. TDM implements campus and community policies and plans, like objectives in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP).

    “Safe and sensible transportation, in all its forms and complexities, is essential to a functioning campus,” said Stacey DeLorenzo, transportation systems manager.

    Read the full Transportation Demand Management Plan FY22 Achievement Report on the F&S website.

    Students walking to Quad on Centennial Plaza in spring between the Chemistry Annex and Noyes Laboratory.

    Key achievements include:

    Asset Management Plan

    • $1.25M was allocated for pavement maintenance and improvement projects, starting in FY22.
      • Pennsylvania Ave – Asphalt patching West of Maryland: $98,471.81
      • First and Peabody – Concrete patching: $47,866.28
      • College Ct westbound lane near PAR – Concrete patching: $42,055
      • Campus-wide – Spray injection: $25,000
      • Campus-wide – Crack sealing: $25,000
    • F&S TDM is responsible for the 2014 Campus Bicycle Master Plan. The department installed the campus’ first bicycle shelter, removed abandoned bicycle paths, and enhanced bicycle facilities.
    • Installed bicycle and pedestrian counters by Eco-Counters at 4 campus locations, with more planned soon. Learn more at Pedestrian and Bicycle Counts.


    TDM educates and encourages students, faculty, and staff to use active modes of transportation. TDM evaluates and plans campus infrastructure to create a safe environment.

    The Bike at Illinois website features information on bicycle education and facilities, bike sharing, registration, safety, and more. The F&S website includes information on walking, MTD buses, accessibility, and car-share options.


    The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is home to some of the world’s brightest researchers and students. The phrase “an active partner in research, teaching, and learning” added to the F&S mission, to academic collaborations. Working with researchers is an essential component to the future of F&S, and a major theme emphasized in the F&S Strategic Plan. F&S collaborates with students and researchers to envision the campus as a living lab and implement research to see the impact with real-world application.

    All INSIDER stories on F&S academic collaborations, visit

    Can pavement construction use food waste?
    Dr. Lance Schideman (ISTC), Dr. Yuanhui Zhang (ABE), and Dr. Ramez Hajj (CEE) use bio-oil produced from food waste as a rejuvenator for asphalt. F&S is collaborating with these researchers to implement this technology on campus pavement in the near future.

    Do students collaborate with F&S?
    The TDM department collaborated with more than 25 students in the last year to help with class projects, research, or interests in transportation systems on campus.

    Walkability Audit
    F&S conducted a thorough walkability audit. Nearly 75 volunteers collected data for the following surveys: a) Walkability Audit survey, which focused on the general walkability of the campus (macro level), and b) Deficiency Reporting survey, which focused on identifying specific faults on campus (micro level analysis). Sutapa Banerjee, a master’s student in urban planning, analyzed the walkability audit survey to determine the “walk index” of 76.2 for the campus. The deficiency reporting survey data and ADA transition plan supplement will improve accessibility on-campus.

    Those involved: Sutapa Banerjee (MUP-2 student), Dr. Lindsay Braun and Dr. Bumsoo Lee (Department of Urban and Regional Planning), Mylinda Netherton (Disability Resources Educational Services), Allison Kushner (Office of Access & Equity), Ryan Welch (F&S Grounds), Brent Lewis (F&S Capital Programs), and Chad Kupferschmid and Justin Pinnell (F&S Facilities Information Resources).

  10. Weekly Update: High demand for refurbished bikes, Dangerous driving behaviour

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, We’re down to two oddball bikes for sale here at the Bike Center. Demand remains high; donations remain low. We’re still helping plenty of folks, though. Visitor numbers support that.

    Had a staff meeting last Thursday and then Friday was quite busy, but we were adequately staffed, which was a welcomed change. Unfortunately, the rest of the days are still in-progress in that department.

    Neil St and Stadium Dr remains an ever-dangerous section of campus as I was victim this morning to a dangerous driver barreling past me—on the right, no less—at the underpass.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 157

    Sales: $2,140
    Bikes (refurb): 4 for $595
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
    Memberships: 28 for $840
    Tires/tubes: 28 for $219


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  11. Champaign County Bike to Work Day 2022 Registration is Open

    Associated Project(s): 

    Champaign County Bike to Work Day 2022 Registration is Open

    Register for Bike to Work Day 2022, happening Wednesday, September 14th from 7-10 am!  (A rain date is scheduled for Friday, September 16th from 7-10 am.)

    The 12th annual Champaign County Bike to Work Day is organized by the Champaign County Bike Month Planning Team, and is presented by major sponsors MTD, Bike at Illinois, and Carle.

    There are 16 welcome stations this year, in Champaign, Urbana, on the U of I campus, Savoy, Mahomet, St. Joseph, and Rantoul!  Use this map to find the location that works best for you.

    Register for the event at the most convenient location to you and come meet us and other bicyclists in the community to celebrate Bike to Work Day!  Grab a snack, get a free T-shirt, and consider making a donation to support bicycling in Champaign County!


    ​The 15th annual Light the Night bicycle light giveaway event is the next evening (Thursday, September 15, 2022) from 4-7 pm.  Lights will be available at three campus locations, and you must bring your bike to receive the lights.


    Announcements are also posted at and the C-U Bike Month Facebook event.


    Gabriel Lewis, AICP



    Planning and Community Development

    A division of the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission


    1776 E. Washington St, Urbana, IL 61802
    P 217.328.3313 | D 217.819.4102 |




    People. Possibilities.


