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Project Updates for collection: Bicycle Related Projects


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  1. Sarthak & I (Alec) met to discuss the 2023 Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) Application

    Sarthak & I met for an hour on 2/27/2023 to discuss the 2023 BFU application. I checked some answers with him. We determined who we need to ask for some questions and answered other questions.


    The current version of the 2023 BFU Application Log is attached below.

  2. Weekly Update: Close to M-F hours

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Another abbreviated week for me, but the staff held down the fort. We’re working up bikes and our staff is peer-to-peer training during slow times to get the new folks up to speed.

    This week I’ll schedule some off-hours staff trainings and a staff meeting to help bring folks along. We’re close to being able to open back up M – F, still have a few more things to iron out. I even found the same open hours poster we used to have for our M-F hours, so we don’t have to order a new sign. Reduce, reuse, recycle!

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 17
    Sales: $299.30
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $160
    Memberships: 1 for $30
    Tires/tubes: 3 for $45


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  3. Sarthak & I (Alec) met to discuss the Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) application

    Sarthak & I met on 2/20/2023 to go over some questions I had about the BFU application. We talked about the built environment of the campus (question A8), and clarified the total campus enrollment statistic. I also showed Sarthak the log I created to keep track of the my progress on the application, which is attached below.

  4. Weekly Update: Build-a-bikes completed, increasing number of bikes on the floor

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Abbreviated week for me as I took a half day on Thursday and all of Friday off. Staff handled things admirably and I’ll check in with them today for a full shift report.

    Got a couple Build-a-Bikes completed and a bike sold last week. We’ve got a dozen or so bikes on the floor and working to bump that number. I’ll likely grab a few more bikes from the warehouse, too.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 29
    Sales: $429.25
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $90

    Bikes (B-a-B): 2 for $100
    Memberships: 1 for $30


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  5. Weekly capstone meetings: Meeting from 2/15

    Ethan and Sarthak met via zoom to discuss Ethan’s progress in reviewing relevant documents toward the former 2014 Bicycle Plan and for the future 2024 Bicycle Plan. Ethan has finished reading the 2019 and 2023 progress reports on the bicycle plan and reviewed which projects have been finished and are yet to be finished. Ethan’s main goal is to develop a presentation for a meeting with Morgan and Stacy to discuss the work he and Sarthak have been doing. Also, they must present their plan for the semester in regard to developing the planning process for the next year, in reference to the 2024 Bicycle Plan. Ethan and Sarthak also discussed highlighting the bicycle audit expected to be done in the Fall.

  6. Daily Illini article: MTD, campus resources respond to recent cyclist collision

    Daily Illini published an article on the recent cyclist collision with an MTD bus by Transit Plaza:

    MTD, campus resources respond to recent cyclist collision A+student+races+past+on+a+bike+on+South+Wright+Street+in+one+of+the+University%E2%80%99s+many+bike+lanes.+

    Sidney Malone

    A student races past on a bike on South Wright Street in one of the University’s many bike lanes.

    By Layli Nazarova, Staff Writer

    Following the recent incident on Wright Street involving a cyclist and an MTD bus, MTD said that the bus “was operating safely” and not at fault for the collision. 

    “We do not know what caused the cyclist to swerve toward the side of the bus, but we do know the bus was operating safely outside the bike lane and did not take action to cause contact,” said Amy Snyder, chief of staff at MTD, in an email. 

    According to Snyder, road safety is one of the MTD’s top priorities which they achieve through training. 

    “MTD maintains an extensive training program to on-board and retrain current Operators to drive safely in our busy campus environment,” Snyder said. “It involves classroom curriculum, simulated environments and on-the-street instruction.”

    The overall number of bike crashes has significantly decreased over the past few years, according to the Illinois Climate Action Plan portal. That may be due to improvements in bike infrastructure on campus, according to Steven Breitwieser, a spokesperson for University Facilities & Services.

    “In the last 10-15 years, the University has improved bicycle infrastructure to provide a safer, more convenient and enjoyable experience for bicyclists,” Breitwieser said. “These efforts emphasize better connecting the campus bike network with surrounding communities.”

    Most of those infrastructure changes are a part of the University’s Campus Bicycle Master Plan published in 2014.

    However, the accidents still occur and, according to Campus Bike Center Coordinator Jacob Benjamin, students continue to express concerns regarding road safety. 

    “Most of our education really is face to face with folks that come in,” Benjamin said. “Generally, the safety concerns are related to being able to be seen well at night.”

    To increase safety and spread awareness among cyclists, the Campus Bike Center provides various resources. 

    “We try to educate folks more on defensive bike riding, as well as predictable bike riding,” Benjamin said. “There’s the Illinois bike safety quiz that the League of American cyclists puts out. We encourage everybody to take that. And we have a bike map that was put together and distributed by Champaign County bikes that we’ve been giving out, and this has all the safe bike routes listed on it.”

    Regarding road safety concerns, Campus Bike Center recommends avoiding “busy” streets on campus, considering the increased traffic. 

    “We’d certainly recommend riding on quieter side streets and less busy major streets because traffic is just a lot higher,” Benjamin said.

    According to Benjamin, bike and road safety depends on both the awareness of cyclists and infrastructure on campus. 

     “Infrastructure improvements are always welcome, but awareness and education about how to ride safely is important as well,” Benjamin said. “Transportation systems are kind of an ecosystem of cars, cyclists, pedestrians, buses — all play a role in creating a safe transportation system.”


  7. Law student group - weekly meeting 2/15/23

    Associated Project(s): 

    Sarthak Prasad met with Warren Lavey, Matt Musipa, Emily Sajkowski, and Habeeb Adekola on Feb 8, 2023. We discussed the concession agreement and the dissolution of the Bike Share IGA between the City of Champaign, City of Urbana, and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and to incorporate the relevant information from the IGA to the concession agreement.

    The student group will share the draft amendment during the next week's meeting. Sarthak Prasad will get them a contract template (ZipCar) for reference. The student group will send the final draft by Friday, February 24, 2023, so that Sarthak Prasad can do a final review before sending it to the Contract Specialist by Feb 28, 2023.

  8. Alec & Sarthak Meet to Discuss Alec's progress on the BFU App

    Alec McKay & Sarthak Prasad met on 1/30/2023 and 2/8/2023 to discuss Alec's progress on reading over the Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) related materials.


    Alec read and took notes on the 2015 BFU application and the 2015 BFU Feedback. His notes are attached below.

  9. Weekly capstone meetings: Meeting from 1/25 and 2/1

    1/25 Meeting Recap:

    • Sarthak introduces the project to Ethan in their first meeting via zoom. They are expected to develop the planning process for the development of the 2024 Bicycle Plan, which is expounding upon the former 2014 Bicycle Plan. Next school year, Ethan would work alongside Sarthak in developing the plan itself. 
    • Firstly, Sarthak wants Ethan to read all of the relevant readings for understanding the context of this project, especially the 2014 Bicycle Plan and report/updates on that plan since then. Sarthak introduces the iCAP portal to Ethan and grants him access to the reports/to make edits to the developing projects. 
    • Ethan to start the readings before the next meeting on (2/1).


    2/1 Meeting Recap

    • Sarthak and Ethan met via zoom to discuss Ethan’s progress in familiarizing himself with the 2014 Bicycle Plan and its other relevant documents and reports. 
    • Ethan read 30 pages of the 2014 Plan so far, and had two questions for Sarthak. One was in regard to the scope of the 2024 Plan’s recommendations. Specifically, Ethan was wondering to what degree will their 2024 Plan discuss campus connectivity with the greater Champaign-Urbana areas. Sarthak said that he would need to get a confirmation from his colleagues, but he believes that the scope of this plan should only encompass the campus district. This considers the main campus, but also the adjacent northwest area that contains mostly residential and commercial spaces. This campus district stretches to the northbound-southbound railroad tracks west of campus and up to University Avenue. 
    • Ethan’s second question was in regard to the goals listed in the executive summary versus the desired outcomes listed in the introduction. The executive summary lists the primary goals of the entire plans while the introduction’s outcomes describe the specific goals of the bikeway network improvement project. 
    • Sarthak shows Ethan how to post updates to the 2024 Bicycle Plan on the iCAP portal. Ethan will begin posting his weekly updates based on their weekly meetings there. 
    • Sarthak advised Ethan to finish reading the 2014 Bicycle Plan by next week’s meeting (2/8) and to finish the rest of the relevant readings/reports by the end of the month (February). 
  10. Law student group - Update to the Veo Contracts

    Associated Project(s): 

    Sarthak Prasad met with Warren Lavey on Feb 3, 2023 to discuss the possibility of working with some students from Department of Law  to work on the amendment of the University's concession agreement with Veo. Matt Musipa, Habeeb Adekola, and Emily Sajkoski showed interest in this project. The initial introductory meeting was held on Wednesday, February 8, 2023 with all mentioned to discuss the project and the timeline. F&S TDM has to provide the Contract Specialist with the suggested amendments by the end of February.

  11. Weekly capstone meetings: Meeting from 2/8

    Sarthak and Ethan met in person to discuss Ethan’s updates on his readings on the former 2014 Bicycle Plan. He has completed his review of the 2014 Plan and will delve into the progress reports and updates reports published in 2019, 2022, and 2023 for next week to see which projects have been completed, changed, or left unfinished indefinitely. He will also review the feedback from the League of American Bicyclists based on the University’s Bronze Bicycle Friendly Status awarded in 2019. The goal is to receive Gold Status this August, if not in 2027 because the review is done every 4 years. A main aspect of the 2024 Bicycle Plan will be to achieve Platinum Status by 2031. Sarthak also assured Ethan that many of the projects of the 2014 plan have since been completed which will be seen in the update/progress reports. Ethan’s to do list is to finish his readings relevant to the 2024 Bicycle Plan, such as the update reports. Also, he must begin preparing to consolidate the work he and Sarthak have done. This will then be presented to Sarthak’s bosses which will focus on the plan for this semester and the next two semesters.

  12. Weekly Update: steady week

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Steady week. Had a few new staffers start, held a staff meeting—some good ideas batted around!—and got a couple bikes safety inspected and ready for the sales floor. Still about a dozen bikes that are student-level “finished”.

    This week is another round of interviews as we bolster our team for expanding hours and programming this spring/summer. I’ll also move a few forgotten steeds over here from the land of the abandoned bikes.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 24
    Sales: $151
    Memberships: 1 for $30


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  13. Weekly Update: Sales numbers, new hires

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Last week we had some ominous weather that didn’t turn out to be much. Our visits were down but only barely—I expected a bit of a nosedive that didn’t materialize. Champaign Cycle donated some kids bikes and box store bikes, which is always appreciated. We had another person start a B-a-B.

    This week I’ve got another interview, some new hires starting, and a staff meeting on Thursday night. I’ll also draft a B-a-B/Membership flyer to better explain those programs as there’s been some consistent misunderstanding/miscommunication on that front.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 34
    Sales: $933.50
    Bike (refurb): 2 for $375
    Memberships: 6 for $180
    Tires/tubes: 5 for $50


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  14. Alec & Sarthak Meet to Discuss 2023 Bicycle Friendly University Application (BFU)

    Sarthak Prasad and Alec McKay met to discuss Alec helping Sarthak with the 2023 BFU Application. Sarthak provided some guidelines on getting up to date with the current status of the Bike Plan goals and objectives.

    A document containing notes Alec took is attached below.

  15. Weekly update: Busy week, Build-a-Bike, bike donations

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Surprisingly busy start to the semester! On Friday afternoon we even had a wait on stand time, which is unheard of for January. Unfortunately, that was partially due to allowing First Visit Free repairs, which left a couple due-paying members waiting. They didn’t mind but still. For how busy we’ve been I’m already wondering if we should be open 5 days a week. However, it has been a mild winter thus far; the real test will be how many folks show up after the projected snow on Wednesday. We also had one person select and start a B-a-B.

    This week I’ll schedule our staff meeting, some interviews, as well as receive a “vanload” of bikes from Champaign Cycle. They generally give us good quality stuff that we can put to use quickly, so fingers crossed. Additionally, we still have 100+ bikes to move out of the warehouse.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 37
    Sales: $961
    Bikes (refurb): 3 for $565
    Memberships: 7 or $210
    Tires/tubes: 7 for $39


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator
