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  1. News about Coffee Ground repurposing

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Kenfield, Micah Charles
    Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 9:00 AM
    Subject: SSC Spotlight in the Daily Illini

    Good morning, team!

    Some of you may have already seen this, but the Daily Illini gave some great coverage to the Coffee Ground Repurposing Project in today’s paper:

    Great job to all involved in the project, and a special thanks to Dr. Wander for her interview in the article.

    All My Best,

    Micah Kenfield

    Program Advisor, Student Sustainability Committee

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    285 Illini Union, MC-384

  2. Sustainability Ambassadors - September meeting

    Hi All,

    Thank you so much for taking out the time to come to the Certified Green Office meeting this morning. It was yet another high energy meeting and we hope that you got a chance to learn something new today. Thank you for your commitment to sustainability.

    As promised the presentation is uploaded on our website, you can find it on this webpage under resources. Also please mark your calendars for the iCAP Forum (Oct. 22, 2014) and nominate yourself to be a part of the SWATeam Consulting groups. More information about consulting groups here.

    We will see you all on Tuesday, November 4th, 10am - 11am in Room 314B Illini Union. Sorry about the confusion about the day earlier this morning.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.

    ...Expand »

  3. on campus distribution locations

    Associated Project(s): 

    Champaign-Urbana Area Bicycle Map
    Distribution Locations on the Illinois Campus

    University Locations

    Campus Parking:
    Public Safety Building, MC-241
    1110 Springfield Ave., Suite 201
    Urbana, IL 61801

    Campus Police:
    Safety Day
    September 11, 2008

    Campus Recreation
    Campus Recreation Center East
    Activities Recreation Center

    McKinley Health Center
    1109 S. Lincoln Ave.
    Urbana, IL 61801

    Illini Union Bookstore
    809 S. Wright Street
    Champaign, IL 61820

    Undergraduate Library
    1402 West Gregory
    Urbana, IL 61801

    Illini Union
    1401 West Greet Street
    Urbana, IL 61801

    International Student and Scholar Services
    400 Student Services Building
    610 E. John
    Champaign, IL 

    Turner Student Services
    Front Desk or Third Floor (Dean of Students)
    610 East John
    Champaign, IL 61801


    ...Expand »
  4. Press Release - 2014 Bike Map released

    Associated Project(s): 

    Champaign County Bikes (CCB) announces “Go by Bike”, the latest version of its Champaign-Urbana-Savoy Bicycle Guide and Map. CCB will begin making it available through local bicycle shops, City and Park District offices, and public libraries. In addition, the map will be distributed by the University of Illinois to students, faculty and staff as well as at CU-MTD’s Illinois Terminal. The map will also be available at Urbana’s Market at the Square, Sat., Sept. 27, from 7am - 12pm.

    Attached Files: 
  5. ActGreen joins Eco-Olympics efforts

    Associated Project(s): 


    My name is Rachel Jacoby. I am the Philanthropy Chair for ActGreen, the first green business organization at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign. We are interested in co-sponsoring this event by promoting it on our social media sites, providing volunteers, and helping to organize it. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks in advance.


    Rachel Jacoby

  6. Meeting #2 coming up

    Hello Sustainability Ambassadors,

    This is a friendly reminder that the second Certified Green Office Meeting is tomorrow Sept. 25, 10am-11am in Room 210 Illini Union. We will be talking about techniques to achieve extra credits within the waste reduction and promoting sustainability in meetings and events categories. Please RSVP here. We will also be serving light refreshments and coffee. 

    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. 


    Nishant Makhijani

  7. iWG agenda packet

  8. Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) purchased for FY15

    Associated Project(s): 
    • PEI bought 20,000,000 kwh for FY15. 
    • They are MISO Wind RECs. 
    • Without Petascale, this represents 5.28% of projected electricity demand. 
    • Including Petascale, this represents 4.25% of projected electricity demand.  
    • A half year of the solar farm would bring this up to 5%.
    • The REC cost was $ 1.25 / MWH for a total of $27,000.
  9. F&S response to iWG assessment

    This letter is in response to the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) recommendation #EG001, which Facilities & Services (F&S) received on August 28.  F&S agrees that the campus should investigate the feasibility of entering into a Wind Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to increase the use of renewable energy for campus. 

    Regarding the EG001 general statements about campus energy use, data points, and assessments of anticipated financial impacts, F&S will need more time to compile a useful response.  Regarding the three specific EG001 recommendations, I have consulted with Al Stratman, Kent Reifsteck, and Mike Larson to provide the responses below. 

    1. Recommendation: “The campus should
    2. ...Expand »
  10. video about Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Fellow waste warriors,

    UO does cool things when it comes to the material management system. They did one of the first campus waste audits back in the early 90s and have since grown into a power house in recycling and materials management. They have a new training video. Its 50mins long, and yes that is extremely excessive. But it is a great cheat sheet to evaluate our current state and where we could go.

    Shantanu Pai

    On Thursday, September 11, 2014 11:28:32 AM UTC-5, K2 wrote:

    Here is a training video that the students just finished here at the University of Oregon.  It’s close to an hour and will be shown to all new student employees with the UO Zero Waste Program.  It’s funny and poignant while being instructive.  Way to...Expand »

  11. FY14 air travel data

    From: Miller, Kristina Ruth
    Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 8:43 AM
    To: Lage, Stephanie M
    Cc: Strater, Darren; Alexander, Franklin S
    Subject: RE: Air Travel dollars

    Hi Stephanie,

    Darren Strater asked me to provide you with the information you requested. 

    For FY14 Airfare for Chart 1 (UIUC) totaled $14,014,590.  This included extra charges for baggage fees, changed ticket fees and booking charges. 

    With JUST the price of the Airfare ticket, the total for Chart 1 (UIUS) totaled $13,671,434.

    If you need a formal breakdown, please let me know.

    Kristina R. Miller

    Analytics and Operations Support Coordinator

    University of Illinois

    OBFS University Payables

  12. Calculation of air travel emissions

    Good morning all,

    To get air travel emissions, miles must be entered into the Clean Air-Cool Planet calculator. 

    Mileage data is not tracked for our campus. So, I request air travel dollar data from OBFS.  This number has become more reliable in recent years because of the T-card implementation.


    Air travel dollars are converted into miles using the passenger yield (fares per mile) data from Airlines for America


    In fy 2013, dollars spent on air travel was $9,283,105.82.  Passenger yield was $0.1514 (this is fy 12, apparently fy 13 was not yet available).


    Divide the two, and you get 61,477,522



  13. ISTC's helpful resources

    Associated Project(s): 

    Morgan, here’s the direct link to the resource I mentioned to you on the Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) web site. The GLRPPR site is pretty extensive, with many “sector resources,” so I’ll save you the trouble of navigating through them.

    P2 Measurement & Calculators Sector Resource:

    I don’t know if you were specifically interested in water-related calculators, or if you were using that as a hypothetical example. In any event, there are a few water-related calculators within the list at the above URL. US EPA’s WaterSense program provides a calculator for residential savings, if you replace existing fixtures with WaterSense...Expand »

  14. note from Billion Dollar Green Challenge

    Hi Morgan and Mike,

    It was great to speak with you both today and learn more about the revolving loan fund at UIUC. Your green revolving fund would be well-fit for the Billion Dollar Green Challenge.

    I have attached an information packet with all you need to know about The Challenge. If you want to sign-on to The Challenge, sign page 15. If UIUC has a $2 million revolving fund, it would cost $1,000 a year to be on The Challenge.

    I also attached the document with estimated lifespans for various energy efficiency equipment.

    I'll be in touch in early November to get you GRITS trial access, unless I hear from you sooner!

    Actually, Morgan, I see that you will be attending the Climate Leadership Summit hosted by Second Nature in Boston next...Expand »

  15. Archived iCAP page information

    Associated Project(s): 

    The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is pursuing development of a large-scale food waste composting facility on the University’s property, in order to compost food waste from University dining halls.  This interest is precipitated by the commitment made by the University in the 2010 Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP): “The University will commit to… a large‐scale food composting project by 2012.” The new facility will initially receive and process all acceptable pre- and post-consumer food waste from six dining halls on campus, as well as supplementary landscape waste as necessary carbon bulking material from Campus Grounds. In the future, if needed, the system may accept additional landscape waste from the city of...Expand »

  16. Bousfield Hall receives Platinum LEED status

    Associated Project(s): 

    Bousfield Hall LEED® Certified: Bousfield Hall, which opened in Fall 2013, became the third university facility to achieve LEED Platinum status, the U.S. Green Building Council’s highest certification level, joining the Business Instructional Facility and Lincoln Hall.

  17. Updated RFP schedule from PEI

    Associated Project(s): 

    I am providing an updated schedule for the RFP related to a wind-power PPA for UIUC.  The change reflects a request by one vendor to extend the response period by one week.  Because of that, we have made other slight modifications to target dates for some of the milestones, but the original completion date of April 30, 2015 is maintained.

    If you have any question, please let me know.  Dan Mortland

    Attached Files: 
  18. Sustainability Ambassadors - August meeting


    Thank you so much for taking out time from your busy schedules to attend the Monthly Certified Green Office Program Meeting last week. I am reaching out to you to let you know that the presentation is available online under Certified Green Office Resources and can be accessed using this link:

    Our next meeting will be Sept. 25, 10-11am in Room 210, Illini Union and you can RSVP for the meeting here. Please spread the word about the program with your peers and encourage them to enroll for the program. 

    One of the program participants pointed out to me that the application (excel file) didn't affectively calculate the number of points because the cells...Expand »

  19. revised schedule

    Associated Project(s): 


    I understand the deadline for submitting the RFI was extended until September 5 based on the requests from some vendors for more time to prepare their responses.

    UA / PEI will be forwarding more info and will be looking to keep the overall schedule from being extended.



  20. New Bike Code released

    Associated Project(s): 

    August 31, 2014

    University Bicycle Code

    The University Bicycle Ordinance, also referred to as the University Bicycle Code, was updated for campus-specific rules such as bicycle parking and registration, as well as riding bicycles on campus property. Increased enforcement of the code started this semester. This ordinance is included in the Campus Administrative Manual (VIII-22).

    Stacey DeLorenzo • Facilities & Services
