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Projects Updates for place: National Soybean Research Center
- Associated Project(s):
New website launched!
Associated Project(s):Sol Systems partners with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign sustainability minor.
Associated Project(s):Applications for SSC Student-Led Projects Under $10,000
Associated Project(s):New compost tumbler at NSRC!
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:First Team Meeting for Building Envelope Pilot Project
SSC Scope Change approved
Associated Project(s):OVCRI newsletter highlights transformative learning experiences
Associated Project(s):Open House for SSC
Associated Project(s):SSC funded the Building Envelope Pilot Project Phase 1
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Scope Change for Pollinator Awareness Sign
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Congratulations to ISSS for Green Office Certification!
Associated Project(s):SSC Semesterly Report: Let It Flow (Control the Flow)
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Certified Greener Campus Programs Workshop
New Years Resolution Guide
SSC Semesterly Report- Bicycle Registration and RFID Tracking Program
New Associate Director for Research
Associated Project(s):Funding Award: Living Lab Platform for CIF geothermal
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:App - A Living-lab Platform Based on the Campus Institutional Facility Geothermal Project.docx
Funding Letter - A Living-Lab Platform Based on the CIF Geothermal Project.pdf
Display & Budget Explanations.pdf
Site Permission Letter signed QK CO KM.pdf
Step_2_Additional_Information_John Zhao.docx
Step-2-Application_2020 _Zhao.docx
Precious Plastic Campus Recycling Hub
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Funding Letter - Precious Plastic Campus Recycling Hub.pdf
App - Precious Plastic Campus Recycling Hub.docx
Step_2_Additional_Information fab lab.docx
Step-2-Application-18 Fab Lab.docx
Step-2-Supplemental-Budget-and-Timeline_2020 Fab Lab Corrected (1) copy.xlsx
Step-2-Supplemental-Budget-and-Timeline_2020 Fab Lab.xlsx
Re-Home Wall Rehab and Siding
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Step-2-Application_Re_Home2020 final.pdf
Step-2-Supplemental-Budget-and-Timeline_2020_ReHome TJL (003).pdf
Support1 ACES Acad Prog.pdf
Support2 School of Soc Work.pdf
Support3 Ctr Digital Ag Adve.pdf
Support4 Ctr Digital Ag Chowdhary.pdf
Support5 Undergrad Bolen.pdf
Support6 Grad students 6 letters.pdf
App - Re-Home wall rehab and siding.docx
Funding Letter - Re_Home.pdf