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Projects Updates for theme: all

  1. iCAP Energy Meeting February 2025

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Energy Team had their February meeting on Thursday, Feb. 6th, from 2:00 - 3:00 PM. We discussed updates on the solar rooftop project, focusing on the Krannert Art Museum as a potential installation site. The team also explored funding opportunities, including the Illinois Climate Bank’s new loan program for energy efficiency projects. Additional topics included occupant engagement initiatives, lab energy optimization, and potential participation in the Engineering Open House. The meeting minutes are attached!

    Our next meeting is March 13th, 2:00 - 3:00 PM.

    Attached Files: 
  2. Illini Lights Out 1/31/25

    Associated Project(s): 

    A our last Friday's Illini Lights Out event, a total of 1329 light bulbs were shut off that otherwise would have been left on all weekend, saving $202 in energy costs. This also prevented 1.5 metric tons of CO2 equivalent from entering the atmosphere, which is equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions from 169 gallons of gasoline being consumed. 

  3. Weekly Digest

    Associated Project(s): 

    We have been surprisingly busy here at CBC so far this year. We’ve sold a few bikes thus far and seen a couple Build-a-Bikes head out the door—all good things!

    Over the weekend, TBP volunteers and I tackled the abandoned bikes in the barn. Made some good progress and had almost a dozen folks on hand helping to sort/strip/move bikes out. Will have to take a few more cracks at it before we completely empty the space but got a good start. Great to see so many volunteers come out—many hands make light work!

    The numbers (1/22 – 1/31):

    Visitors: 73
    Sales: 1,371
    Bikes (refurb): 3 for $610
    Bikes (B-a-B): 3 for $180
    Memberships: 15 for $450
    Tires/tubes: 4 for $19.50

  4. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - January 31, 2025

    Associated Project(s): 


    • Michael's updates
      • Featured Projects:
        • Stopped wrapping text below image
        • Stripped formatting from text (links, bold, & italics still permitted)
      • Updated "Add Project Update" links on Project Header Layout projects to auto-fill current project
      • Project Updates listings: descriptions expand/collapse at 500 characters
      • Recommendation pages:
        • Show most recent status prominently
        • Description field: "Original Recommendation" heading
        • Move Supplanted By box up to second position, right after iCAP Team
      • Places: most duplicates merged; a few questions arose (see attached file):
        • Architectural annex
        • Fire Institute
        • Vet Med Building
      • Recommendation Updates:
        • Default to sorting by Recommendation Title
        • Also added Update Title and Update Date as sort options
        • Added Update Date column
      • Updated SSC link on iCAP Portal homepage to go to SSC Projects page
    • [DEFER TO NEXT TIME] Google Analytics numbers drop
      • Steeper than others have experienced
      • Probably some combination of less traffic and old analytics possibly not excluding bots/crawlers as effectively
    • [DEFER TO NEXT TIME] Discussion of how to handle projects with large numbers of metrics (see notes from Sarthak & Michael's discussion)


    • Helen: is the new SSC Projects structure available to the public yet?
      • Michael: yes, homepage now links to new SSC Projects
      • TODO: have a discussion with SSC folks (Sheri, Helen, others?) about SSC / iCAP Portal connections (Morgan will reach out to Sheri)
    • [DEFER TO NEXT TIME] Google Analytics numbers drop
    • [DEFER TO NEXT TIME] Discussion of how to handle projects with large numbers of metrics


    • Project Updates listings:
      • Can we have an "expand all" link at the top?
      • ✅ Change cutoff to 750 characters
      • ✅ Project Updates for individual projects: use expand/collapse
    • ✅ Recommendations:
      • ✅ Change "Status" to "Current Status"
    • Places:
      • FSI:
        • Associate Lighting Retrofit #5 w/IFSI location
        • Remove FSI individual buildings
      • Architecture Annex:
      • Vet Med:
        • Have an F&S student review the various Vet Med related buildings to determine which should be kept and where the markers should be (see this search of Places for 'vet')
      • Morgan: should we use ArcGIS instead of Google Maps on our site?
  5. Engagement Team Meeting

    The meeting covered updates on the Greener Campus (GC) initiative, including efforts to promote office certification and introduce decals for visibility. There was discussion on engaging Greek Life in sustainability efforts, with suggested contacts for outreach. The Sustainapalooza committee, represented by Kathrine Bruce and Liesl Schrag, provided an event overview and discussed promotional efforts such as digital signage, outreach to department heads, and MTD bus advertisements. Laurinda introduced a wildlife-centered gardening project under the Illinois Prairie Garden initiative, presenting engagement opportunities like prairie conservation and plant sales. Additional sustainability events were highlighted, including a short film event during Earth Week. Action items included Brigid coordinating scheduling and outreach, Quinn working on GC decals and office engagement, and all members providing feedback on marketing materials, brainstorming engagement strategies, and filling out a scheduling poll.

  6. Fall 2024 Semester Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Professor Yun Yi provided an update on the building energy modeling project:

    With the help of students, I created initial energy models for three campus buildings: Newmark Civil Engineering, Bevier Hall, and Allen Hall. The students were able to build detailed models of the HVAC systems for each building. The next step is to calibrate these models using actual meter data. While the students made good progress, the calibration still requires some advanced fine-tuning.

    I’m planning to hire a student to focus on this calibration work. As we discussed, your help in hiring an assistant for the semester would be greatly appreciated. This would be a 25% appointment for a master’s student, with compensation similar to last semester.

  7. 2024 Campus Bicycle Master Plan approved

    The 2024 Campus Bicycle Master Plan was approved by the Chancellor's Capital Review Committee (CCRC) on Thursday, December 19, 2024. This plan will be published on the University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign Master Planning website and an announcement will be sent out in January 2025. See attached the final document as approved by the CCRC.

  8. Education iCAP Team December 2024 Meeting

    The iCAP Education team met on Teams from 4-5 PM on Monday December 16th. We closed the semester by reviewing the sustainability literacy assessment data and discussing updates and next steps for the sustainability Gen-Ed requirement. The meeting minutes are attached.

  9. Monarchs Need Milkweed Project Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    An update on 12/11/2024 from Brent Lewis on the Monarchs need Milkweed project:

    "...all plugs were installed as of November 2024 in a variety of locations on campus.  Additionally 25’bs of milkweed seed was purchased and delivered to grounds to broadcast seed into low mow and prairie areas on campus.  As a set aside, 3 lbs of seeds were delivered to the Pollinatarium staff who will use it to make small planting gift sachets for their visitors.  Thus this project’s influence may continue far beyond the reaches of the campus boundaries."
