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Projects Updates for Sustainability Council

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  1. Sustainability Council Meeting 11/05/2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Sustainability Council met on Nov 5, 2024. The primary agenda items included: 

    iCAP 2025 development process

    • a)    Timeline
    • b)    Progress on iCAP 2020 goals
    • c)    Challenges and opportunities going forward 
      • i.    Trends in energy efficiency and space
      • ii.    Funding opportunities
      • iii.    Dealing with the question of divestment


    The slide deck and minutes are attached.

  2. Sustainability Council Meeting 04/26/2024

    The Sustainability Council met on April 26, 2024. The primary agenda items included: 

    • Updates
      • Green Research Program
      • Solar Farm 3
      • Plastic Waste Reduction in Housing and Athletics
    • Student Group Activities
    • Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)
      • Progress & Challenges

    The slide deck is attached.

  3. Sustainability Sub-Council Meeting 11/27/2023

    The Sustainability Sub-Council met on November 27, 2023 in preparation of the Sustainability Council meeting. The primary agenda items included: 

    • Sustainability General Education Requirement
    • Green Research Program
    • Plastic Waste Reduction
    • Carbon Credits

    The slide deck and meeting minutes are attached.

  4. Sustainability Council Meeting 5-10-23

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Sustainability Council met on 5-10-23 and discussed the following agenda:

    • Zero Waste
    • Energy Planning
    • Green Research Committee
    • White House Forum on Campus and Community-Scale Climate Change Solutions
    • Student Updates
    • Old Business
      - Sustainability General Education Requirement

    The meeting minutes and slide deck are attached. 

  5. Sustainability Council Meeting 12-13-22

    The Sustainability Council met on 12-13-22 and discussed the following agenda:

    • Zero Waste
    • Energy Planning
    • Strategic Plan
    • Old Business
      - Sustainability General Education Requirement
      - Sustainable Land Management Committee Report

    The meeting minutes and slide deck are attached. 

  6. Sustainability Sub-Council Meeting Minutes 11-17-22

    The Sustainability Sub-Council met on Thursday, November 17 and discussed the following agenda. 

    1) Zero waste
    2) Energy planning
    3) Campus Strategic Plan
    4) Old business
    a. Sustainability General Education requirement
    b. Sustainable land management committee report

    The meeting minutes and PowerPoint presentation are attached. 

  7. Sustainability Council revision to energy slides

    Associated Project(s): 

    Below is an email exchange between Morgan White and Karl Helmink:

    Hi folks,


    I’ve revised the energy slides for the sub-council meeting next week, per discussion with Jen and Madhu (and a quick check in with Rob).  Please see attached and let me know if the energy slides look good to you.







    Looks good.  I’d suggest that we need to get more proactive about campus space items.  We need to know where we have underutilized space like on the South end of Freer, Plant Sciences building, NRSA Annex greenhouse, ..etc. This probably exists more so on the South end of campus.  It would be nice for departments to let us know where fume hoods are no longer needed when faculty retire ..etc.   Departments tend to hang onto to space, generally speaking,  for just in case future events or faculty hires.   What about the new budget model??   This probably needs to be discussed more.  






  8. Suggestion for Reducing Plastic Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <jmf at>
    Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 5:27 PM
    To: Brown Young, Danita M <dbyoung at>
    Cc: Moore, Meredith Kaye <mkm0078 at>; White, Morgan <mbwhite at>
    Subject: swag for new students


    Dear Vice Chancellor Young,


    I am writing to follow up about reducing plastic waste and how we might accomplish that through the swag new students receive when they arrive on campus. At the Sustainability Council meeting last week, you mentioned that students are given water bottles, reusable straws and utensils, which is great! We wanted to explore with you the possibility of giving students a coupon that could be redeemed for a water bottle of their choosing instead of giving them a standard water bottle. The reason is that we think students might value a bottle more if they select it rather than if they are given a standard bottle.


    Thanks for considering it and looking forward to hearing from you.






    Jennifer Fraterrigo (she/her)

    iSEE Associate Director for Campus Sustainability and
    Professor of Landscape and Ecosystem Ecology
    Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

    University of Illinois

    W-423 Turner Hall, 1102 S. Goodwin Ave.

    Urbana, IL 61801

    jmf at
    ph 217-333-9428

  9. Sustainability Council Meeting 5-12-22

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Sustainability Council met on 5-12-22 and discussed the following agenda. The meeting slides and minutes are attached.



    •Sustainable Land Management Plan

    •Waste Reduction Strategies


    • Campus Landscape Master Plan
    • Sustainability in Gen Ed requirements
    • STARS Shifting to Platinum
    • Student Groups

    •Old business

  10. Sustainability Sub-Council Meeting Minutes 3-30-22

    The Sustainability Sub-Council met on 3-30-22 in preparation of the Sustainability Council meeting. The agenda was as follows: 

    • Introductions
    • Sustainable Land Management (for South Farms)
    • Waste Reduction Strategies
    • Updates – Campus Landscape Master Plan, Sustainability Gen Ed requirement
    • STARS report

    The meeting minutes and PowerPoint presentation are attached. 

  11. iWG Meeting Minutes 3-29-22

    The iWG met on 3-29-22 and discussed the following agenda. The meeting minutes are attached. 

    1. Review from last meeting
      1. Energy008 – will be returned pending completion of planning doc
      2. Energy009 – update from Qu?
    2. New recommendations
      1. ZW005 Water Bottle Survey
      2. ZW006 Water Filter System Tracking
    3. Overview of Sub-Council Agenda
    4. Round the table - updates
    Attached Files: 
  12. Pouring Operations Clarification

    Associated Project(s): 

    Jennifer Fraterrigo reached out to Alexa Smith and Aaron Finder asking to have "pouring operations" defined in preparation for her presentation about plastics at the Sustainability Sub-council. Aaron Finder replied explaining that "pouring operations encompass everything outside of the campus vending machine program. This includes but is not limited to Athletics, Housing's dining, catering, and retail locations, Illini Union''s retail locations, and the conference center at the i-Hotel. 


  13. Fall 2021 Semester Summary

    The SSLC underwent many changes under the new leadership of co-presidents Owen Jennings, Maiah Caise, Jack Reicherts, and Maria Maring. The board experimented with the mission and niche of the SSLC, ultimately establishing that the organization shall act as a medium of communication between student groups and the administration. The organization will also be the primary host of the annual Student Sustainability Summit in October, touting – among other interdisciplinary events – Green Quad Day, Sustainable Student Research Symposium, and Tuesday Talks at Bevier Cafe. 


    This Summit was the Council’s most noteworthy accomplishment this semester. The SSLC collaborated with: Red Bison, Outdoor Adventure Club, the Department of Agriculture and Biological Engineering, the Sustainable Student Farm, the Pilot Processing Plant, Grand Prairie Friends, the F&S Solar House, Stop Line 3 CU, Students for Environmental Concerns, Prairie Rivers Network, and the Student Sustainability Committee. This myriad of events had varying levels of attendance. The SSLC leadership learned two primary lessons from the inaugural Student Sustainability Summit: first, quality over quantity in terms of events; and second, planning well ahead of time is absolutely essential in order to adequately advertise each event. If you attended or co-hosted any Summit event, and you would like to let the SSLC board know your feedback, please fill out this form. The current SSLC leadership looks forward to how future leadership will expand upon the Summit. 


    Another noteworthy accomplishment of the SSLC this semester was action following the publication of the Campus Admin Manual’s Expressive Activity Policy draft. Students were largely emotional about the policy’s stringent punishment for demonstrations on campus, so the SSLC – in conjunction with SECs and the SSC – wrote a letter to Chancellor Jones demanding that the policy more closely align with the student body’s needs. As of January 2022, the SSLC has received no reply from the Office of the Chancellor.  


    Co-presidents Maria Maring and Owen Jennings spoke at the Campus Sustainability Celebration and Sustainability Council meeting, respectively, on the topic of divestment. Though SSLC leadership was merely prompted to give basic updates at these meetings, they utilized the face-to-face opportunity with campus administrators to voice student concerns about completing iCAP Objective 9.1: Fully divest from fossil fuel companies by FY25. 


    In a first, the SSLC and general members participated in the Homecoming Parade. Roughly a dozen students marched with divestment-related signs. The SSLC hopes to expand Homecoming attendance next year. 


    The SSLC revived its dormant Facebook account (@sslcuiuc) and newly established an Instagram account (@uiuc_sslc). On the latter, the SSLC made 40 posts and gained 227 followers. The Facebook account has 93 followers; engagement on this platform is much less. The SSLC also made a linktree and a Google calendar to which other RSOs can sync. That way, all events from all different orgs are all conveniently on one calendar. This joint calendar is still undergoing troubleshooting, and it is not yet available for public viewing. 


    Amidst these new endeavors, the SSLC held full membership meetings roughly once a month, as did the previous leadership. One recurring issue was lack of attendance and engagement. Leadership held many conversations with both general members and staff advisors about how to increase the efficacy of the Council, but no good solution was found. The SSLC will continue to hold these monthly meetings and brainstorm about how to increase engagement throughout the upcoming spring semester. 


    The SSLC board met weekly. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Council at

  14. LW002 Vet Med Parking Lot Re-Design - Successful

    The Sustainability Council is in support of further discussion about the Vet Med Parking Lot Re-Design and broader rainwater management issues, as discussed at the meeting on November 29, 2021. F&S will get the committee together to discuss broad rainwater management issues, and one of the tasks will be to discuss the Vet Med challenge. For future project updates, visit the Vet Med Parking Lot Re-Design project page here.


    See transmittal and iWG assessment of the LW002 Vet Med Parking Lot Re-Design.
    See submittal of LW002 Vet Med Parking Lot Re-Design here.

  15. LW002 Vet Med Parking Lot Re-Design - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for LW002 Vet Med Parking Lot Re-design, the recommendation was transmitted to the Sustainability Sub-Council (11-10-21) and Sustainability Council (11-29-21). 

    See the attached iWG assessment for LW002 Vet Med Parking Lot Re-design.
    See the Land and Water recommendation of LW002 Vet Med Parking Lot Re-Design. 

  16. Engagement001: General Education Board Sustainability Sub-Group - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Engagement001 General Education Board Sustainability Sub-group, the recommendation was transmitted to the Sustainability Sub-Council (4-5-21) and Sustainability Council (4-28-21). 


    Dr. Ximing Cai sent the following message to Dr. Bill Stewart on 4-14-21: 

    Dear Dr. Stewart:

    Greetings! I’m writing about the ongoing student senate resolution on sustainability education. As you noticed, the Engagement SWATeam submitted a recommendation to support the resolution. Thanks for your comments as attached to the end of the recommendation. The iCAP Working Group (iWG) discussed the recommendation and concluded that “The iWG supports the creation of a General Education Board task committee to discuss feasibility and implementation of a sustainability gen-ed requirement as soon as possible. This is in support of the ISG resolution, which was approved February 2020.”

    The Engagement SWATeam & iWG recommendation will be presented to the Sustainability Council meeting on April 28th as a discussion item, which will go after the introduction of the resolution by a student senate representative. iSEE Interim Director Madhu Khanna and I would like to invite you to join the discussion, given that you’re familiar with the resolution, the Engagement SWATeam recommendation and your membership with General Education Board.  In particular, you’re expected to answer some questions from the Council members, as well as provide relevant information.

    We assume this effort will eventually go through the Senate mechanism. iSSE/iCAP hopes to show our support & engagement since it is consistent to some major education objectives of iCAP 2020. We also hope the discussion at the Council meeting chaired by Chancellor with attendance of Provost and Deans will speed up the process.

    The meeting is at 10:00-11:30 on April 28th. The particular discussion will take about 20 minutes. I will tell you later the appropriate time at which the discussion will start.

    Best regards

    Ximing Cai

    iSEE Associate Director on Campus Sustainability


    See iWG assessment of Engagement001 General Education Board Sustainability Sub-group attached.
    See original recommendation and submittal of Engagement001 General Education Board SUstainability Sub-Group here. 
