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  1. Stevie Jay radio broadcast - tour open to public

    Associated Project(s): 

    Morgan Johnston announced this morning on that the public are welcome to attend a tour of the Solar Farm Thursday after the Ribbon Cutting ceremony.  To attend the tour, be at the iHotel and Conference Center east parking area at 11am.  There is no parking available at the Solar Farm, and it will be very muddy, so the shuttle is the best option for attending the tour.

  2. Ribbon Cutting scheduled for Thursday

    Associated Project(s): 

    Completion of the 5.87 megawatt Solar Farm is a historic moment for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and renewable energy generation on campus. An invitation-only ribbon cutting ceremony will be held at the Solar Farm site on November 19 at 10:30 a.m. to recognize the accomplishment.

    University and campus administration, Facilities & Services staff, Student Sustainability Committee representatives, and project partners from Rockwell Financial and Phoenix Solar Inc. LLC are scheduled to be in attendance.

    The Solar Farm is expected to produce 7.86 million kilowatt-hours per year or approximately two percent of the average electrical demand for the Urbana campus. 

    The electricity which will be generated by the Solar Farm is a significant step in meeting long-term Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) targets and achieving carbon neutrality as soon as possible, and no later than 2050.

  3. weekly digest

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    This past week was productive.  I set up the bike shipment, and got a lot of the bikes ready for shipment.  There are maybe about 180 prepared already.  I got a lot of cleaning done at the shop and have a decent work space with both our stock bikes as well as 70 to be shipped.  I was able to clear out a lot of accumulated junk, and hang a huge amount of stuff from the ceiling.  I got a bunch of tools and supplies this week that we needed.  Some of the stuff was normal like drill bits and hangers.  Other things were more exciting.  I got some socket pieces and spent most of Thursday welding.  I made adapters for both shops so we can put ANY attachment on the impact screwdriver.  Normal screws bits, sockets, allen keys.  I did this now because with the shipment we have several bikes with stuck bolts that need unstuck and we don't have a lot of time to wait for oil to work.  I also welded real handles on some BB tools.  A student's hand slipped last week and they almost got hurt.  These handles will help.  I also repaired a few of our tools that had broken.  I painted all of the wrenches and carts because the electrical tape isn't working.  People seem to like it.  I finished putting stickers on the cargo bike and sent it out into the world with Rick.  He is going to do a test run of 2 weeks with the cargo bike.  He is also doing a bike share for his department so it works well that he has some infrastructure set up.  He is going to give me feed back so the first real demo works better.  I ordered some accessories for Rick's bike share.  He's waiting on his dept to get the money, but if it doesn't pan out they are items we normally stock.  We had a lot of volunteers.  Students have been getting in trouble at the book store and we are now the hot place to do community service.  It has worked well with the amount of bikes we have stripped or prepared for shipment.  The students are also starting to come after their service hours are done and hang out.  We are starting to build community with folks who aren't bike nuts.

    This week.  I will be preparing bikes for shipment and working on taking care of all the details to make the shipment happen.  I will also be working on class schedules once we remove the 70 bikes from the back we will have space to run classes while we are open.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  4. weekly digest

    Hello all,

    This past week was productive.  We were able to prepare 50 bikes at the warehouse, as well as 60 bikes at the two shops.  I created a use agreement for the cargo bike that is being review by the Universities lawyers.  We sold 1 bike for $120, 1 build-a-bike for $150, 1 build-a-bike for $80, 2 memberships for $50, and grossed $549.50.  I worked on setting up the yearly bike shipment.  I put on a class for the athletic department about basic maintenance and bike safety.  We got a bunch of bikes from the City of Champaign.  I also worked on search committee tasks.

    This week I will be working on preparing more bikes for shipment as well as coordinating the shipment.  I will be trying to make room in the back of shop as we have 30 bikes ready for shipment here.  I will be giving the cargo bike to Rick for demonstration to his department.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  5. weekly update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    This last week was good.  We went to the Illinois Bike Summit, tables, learned and presented.  We had quite a few people come in and were able to keep a high level of quality and quantity.  We sold 1 bike for $120, 1 Build-a-bike for $40, 5 memberships for $125, and grossed $743.  I got 25 or so bikes from the police, and worked with parking on releasing the bikes in the warehouse.   I processed about 20 scrapper bikes and Todd removed the waste metal.  I set up a time to collect bikes from the City of Champaign this week.

    This week I will be going to the warehouse to prepare bikes for shipment, I will collect bikes from the City of Champaign, and work on finding places for bikes in the campus shop.  I will also devote time to search committee duties.  I will try to build more bikes to create space rather than organize the bikes.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  6. weekly digest

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    This last week was good.  We went to the Illinois Bike Summit, tables, learned and presented.  We had quite a few people come in and were able to keep a high level of quality and quantity.  We sold 1 bike for $120, 1 Build-a-bike for $40, 5 memberships for $125, and grossed $743.  I got 25 or so bikes from the police, and worked with parking on releasing the bikes in the warehouse.   I processed about 20 scrapper bikes and Todd removed the waste metal.  I set up a time to collect bikes from the City of Champaign this week.

    This week I will be going to the warehouse to prepare bikes for shipment, I will collect bikes from the City of Champaign, and work on finding places for bikes in the campus shop.  I will also devote time to search committee duties.  I will try to build more bikes to create space rather than organize the bikes.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  7. FY15 ECIP award winners announced

    Occupant Action Category  % Improvement  Incentive Award
    1. Admissions and Records
     39.2%  $61,778
    2. Agricultural Bioprocess
     25.2%  $34,110
    3. Christopher Hall  24.9%  $18,297
    4. Turner Hall     11.4%  $16,075
     Energy Advancement Category  % Improvement  Incentive Award
    1. David Kinley Hall 39.9%   $33,701
    2. Lincoln Hall 32.0%   $15,961
    3. Early Childhood Development
    24.2% $10,000
    4. Davenport Hall  19.6%  $10,000


  8. Archived - previous project description

    Associated Project(s): 

    According to the 2010 Illinois Climate Action Plan, the University will exceed the state local food procurement standards by making more than 30 percent of food purchases from local sources (within 100 miles) by 2015. The University will commit to a Zero Waste campus policy by 2012, a large-scale food composting project by 2012, and target an increase in the University’s waste diversion rate to 75 percent by 2020.

  9. weekly digest

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    This past week was good.  I built the cargo bike, went to the the all employee expo, and got a lot done.  We built several bikes for sale and got a lot of cleaning done.  I worked on search committee items as well.  We sold 1 build-a-bike for $130, 5 student memberships for $125, and grossed $1279.58.  There were a lot of people who came by and checked out the cargo bike.  I was able to get Rick Langlois to demo the bike for 2 weeks at his department so we can see what issues may arise.  I have FAA lined up to be the next.  They will have it longer.  I also spent some time helping Rick find bikes and accessories for the departmental bike share he is starting.  I completed the emergency plan and have had all students review and sign the document.  I spent some time working on our performance reports.

    This week I will be participating in the Bike Summit, working on making some tools, and cleaning the shop.  I will also be preparing for a class I have scheduled on Nov. 5th with the athletic department.  I will continue work on the performance reports as well.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  10. weekly update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all,

    last week was good.  We fixed a lot of bikes, and got somethings repaired at the shop.  We sold a build-a-bike for $40, 4 student memberships, 1 community membership, 1 family membership, and grossed $893.

    This week I will build the new cargo bike, work on search committee items, and work on getting the cargo bike loaned out to a department.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl
