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- Associated Project(s):
2015 iCAP solar objective and strategies
Associated Project(s):The 2015 iCAP, chapter 3, objective 2 is "Expand on-campus solar energy production. By FY20, produce at least 12,500 MWh/year, and by FY25 at least 25,000 MWh/year, from solar installations on campus property."
The 2015 iCAP also described the following potential strategies for achieving this objective:
"2. Expand On-Campus Solar Energy Production
The campus has a 33 kW photovoltaic array on the roof of the Business Instructional Facility (with an annual production of 44 MWh/yr) and a 14.7 kW ground-mounted array at the Building Research Lab (20 MWh/yr). During FY15, we began installation of a 300 kW array on the roof of the new Electrical and Computer Engineering Building (402 MWh/yr), and the 5.87 MW Solar Farm on the south campus (7,860 MWh/yr). There is also a solar thermal array on the roof of the Activities and Recreation Center. There are many other buildings, parcels of land, and parking lots that are well positioned to host sizeable photovoltaic and/or solar thermal arrays. Although each array in itself would make a small contribution to campus energy generation, taken together the contribution could be significant.
Identify best solar locations and implement solar projects
The solar consultation group is identifying the best places to install the next round of photovoltaic projects, and planning to move forward on several projects simultaneously. Solar thermal may make sense in some situations, as well. Student design teams could be organized through classes and volunteer groups to assist with the planning and prioritizing of on-campus solar installations.
Require solar PV on rooftops for new construction and major renovations
The best time to plan for the installation of photovoltaics on a building is during the design phase. The campus could implement standards requiring that all new construction and additions include solar photovoltaics on the roof. In some cases it may also be effective to install photovoltaics on the exterior walls of the buildings."
DI article about Bike Census
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update
Associated Project(s):All, this past week was a short one; I was out of town Thursday and Friday. We had 45 visitors. Our gross sales were $625; we sold one bike for $103; and 10 memberships for $300.
This past week the date for moving bikes out of the warehouse was finalized for Friday, November 4th. A very nice volunteer-oriented fraternity has pledged help with the event, which is awesome and will really make a one-day event like this possible. Lily also contacted me about F&S potentially purchasing some bike-share bikes—great news!With the weather cooling down, the staff and I have the time now to dedicate ourselves to walking people through—and teaching the skill and reasons for-- repairs and fixes.
This coming week I plan to coordinate with the parking department on a few days each week between now and the 4th of November when I can prep and organize the bikes in the warehouse as well as having their assistance on the 4th. I will be helping count bikes on Wednesday for the bike census. And, of course the day-to-day bike building and organizing will happen.
- Jake Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Manager
- Jake Benjamin
Several LCIs in town
Associated Project(s):Currently, there are several League Cycling Instructors in Champaign County. Notable contacts include: Lily Wilcock, Cynthia Hoyle, and Jeff Yockey. This training is provided through the League of American Bicyclists, and it supports bike education classes from certified instructors.
LCIs teach Youth Cycling Instructors
Associated Project(s):On October 15, from 8-noon, Lily Wilcock and Cynthia Hoyle taught seven people to be Youth Cycling Instructors in Champaign County. This training provides information on bike rodeo set ups and cycling instruction for youth.
ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes
Associated Project(s):At the ECBS SWATeam meeting on October 17, Big Ten and Friends Mechanical and Energy Conference was discussed. Meeting with Jill Maxey, Associate Director for Space Analysis on Zero Growth for UIUC campus occured on September 26. Green Labs program is currently in progress. Illini Lights Out project is expected to be approved on October 21 by Student Sustaibability Committee with $1000 funding.
Attached Files:Part time zero waste coordinator has been hired
Associated Project(s):Marya Ryan has been hired on a part time basis as the new zero waste coordinator.
EGEN SWATeam Meeting notes (10.12.16)
Associated Project(s):The EGEN SWATeam held their third meeting for the Fall 2016 semester. Topics covered include:
- Development of formal SWATeam recommendatino to the working group regarding offsets for Petascale
- RECs - does this get us to our goal?
- Potential recommendations for rooftop solar
Attached Files:Campus Solar Deployment Roadmap presentation
Associated Project(s):AASHE Conference, October 11, 2016 presentation
Using Campus Solar Deployment Roadmaps to Guide University Investment: The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA), Second Nature, and TurningPoint Energy have developed an approach with four Midwest universities to define opportunities for on- and off-campus solar investment through a Campus PV Deployment Roadmap. In this panel, participants will hear presentations about the roadmapping process in general, specific incentives to universities and students, financial modeling and assistance offerings, and first-hand experience from one of our pilot universities.
Weekly Update
Associated Project(s):All, this past week we had 107 visitors. We grossed $1,185.60. We sold 11 memberships; 1 bike for $120; 1 build-a-bike for $75.
This past week I also reinstated the First Visit Free policy that The Bike Project had kindly let me suspend for the new school year rush. Traffic to CBC has slowed enough that I can accommodate small and easy repairs. I don’t have numbers on that but it was only a few people that had minor enough problems to warrant a free visit; most who think they have a small repair in truth have many, many small repairs equaling large amounts of time/resources and we have them become members.
On Monday of last week our cargo bike Bluebird was loaned to the Psychology Department for a day. Lily delivered and retrieved it from them and I believe it was a successful endeavor.
This coming week will be a short one. I will be out of town Thursday and Friday. During this abbreviated week I plan to work on storage ideas for the surplus of wheels we have in the shop, strip the half a dozen or so bikes that are taking up dead space, as well as the standard operations of building bikes and managing new-parts inventory.Jake Benjamin
Campus Bike Center ManageriWG meeting agenda October 04, 2016
Associated Project(s):see file
Attached Files:iWG meeting minutes October 04, 2016
Associated Project(s):see file
Attached Files:Weekly Update
Associated Project(s):All, for the week of 9/26/16 – 9/30/16 we had 101 visitors into the shop. We had $998.50 in gross sales; 14 memberships for $420; sold one build-a-bike for $40; and one refurbished bike for $100. Things are definitely slowing with the weather cooling down.
This past week I spoke to a University of Illinois police officer--Aaaron, I believe—who is interested in getting one of his officers in here to work on bikes. Apparently the U of I police force has about six bikes that they routinely maintain at Durst cycle and they’d like to know how to do those repairs themselves and save time and money.
I also continued to coordinate with the parking department and working bikes to send approximately 400 bikes to Tanzania. Apparently, as the working bikes representative put it, we are “too good at collecting bicycles” and we have to reschedule for a larger shipment.
One of my student workers, Jose, had to resign. I will begin the hunt for his replacement.
This coming week I will continue to coordinate the bike shipment. I will build bikes, price our nicer inventory of used parts, and look for a new employee.
Have a pleasant week!
- Jake Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Managere-Week survey message
Associated Project(s):Facilities and Services is collecting information on departmental bicycle fleets as part of the Campus Bicycle Plan. If you are interested in options for how to better sustain, grow or optimize your existing fleet, fill out the important survey by Oct. 14. Those interested in receiving information on starting a departmental bike fleet can fill out the form:
Logan Ebeling . Facilities and Services
Media coverage for 2016 Light the Night
9/30/16 Water SWATeam Meeting Minutes
Associated Project(s):Discussion focused on finalizing information for Poster for the Campus Sustainability Celebration in October of 2016.
Attached Files:Coordination meeting to discuss fume hoods and green labs
Associated Project(s):Representatives from iSEE, the ECBS SWATeam, F&S, and student interns met to discuss coordination of energy conservation efforts regarding the fume hoods on campus. iSEE and the student interns is investigating the development of a Certified Green Lab Program, like the Certified Green Office Program. F&S is actively reducing fume hoods, through consolidation and moth-balling. The ECBS SWATeam is advocating for more Shut the Sash communication efforts. These groups will continue to move forward, and coordinate their efforts.
The Cáceres Lab to talk with ALUFS SWATeam
Associated Project(s):The Cáceres Lab is going to talk with the ALUFS SWATeam about water quality research around campus.
EGEN SWATeam Meeting Notes (9.28.16)
Associated Project(s):The EGEN SWATeam held their second meeting for the Fall 2016 semester. Topics covered include:
- Review progress toward 2015 iCAP objectives
- Review/Finalize poster for Campus Sustainability Celebration.
- Identify 2nd faculty member for EGEN SWATeam
- Exploring ideas for clean energy on campus.
Attached Files: