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- Associated Project(s):
Check in meeting from July 26, 2023
Associated Project(s):Please see attached the agenda and documents shared during this meeting. Watch the meeting recording here:
Attached Files:Bike Month Planning Team Meeting Agenda 2023-07-26.pdf
2023 CU Bike to Work Day Station Manager Pre-Event Information.pdf
Bike Month 2023-07-20 Roles & Responsibilities.docx
Bike Month 2023-07-21 Weekly Task List.docx
CCB BikeMonth2023-24-v1-Sarthak.docx
CU Bike Month 2023 Save the Date_landscape.pdf
Meeting with University of Illinois Police Department (UIPD)
Associated Project(s):On 07/25/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh had a meeting with the University of Illinois Police Department (UIPD) regarding:
Meeting Notes-
- Explaining how to use Field Maps and its functions to UIPD
- Citation/ Impound Fee for the abandoned bicycles is regulated by the Parking Department.
- Th retrieval process of the abandoned bikes will begin by Mid September.
- During that period non-registered bikes will be enforced to register their bike along with the impound fee.
- Asked UIPD to complete a feedback form for VEO-Bikes On-Campus (Note: UIPD is concerned with the way people use them in terms of safety and parking)
-To do List for Sarthak:
- Enquire about ESRI ArcGIS and Field Maps unique login credentials and editing privileges for the UIPD
- Send the Login details to UIPD.
- Check Main Quad and Chemistry Annex area for any other remaining abandoned bikes.
iSEE Research newsletter included update on IGC
Associated Project(s):Illinois Geothermal Coalition Updates
- Illinois Geothermal Coalition (IGC) Co-Founder Yu-Feng Lin was featured in a Wired article titled “The Massive 'Batteries' Hidden Beneath Your Feet.” And Illinois Public Media featured the Illinois Energy Farm geothermal project.
- IGC founders, Co-PIs, and affiliates published nine scholarly journal papers in the past year!
Weekly Update: Abandoned Bikes, potential new hire
Associated Project(s):All, Calm and slow week. All the abandoned bikes out front of the Bike Center were removed. We had a few people in wondering where their bikes had gone, so there’s some “educational” opportunities around the process still.
As the abandoned bike removal process is underway, we still have around 30 bikes to get out of the round barn, which we’ll tackle this week with the help of Bike Project volunteers.
I’ll be interviewing a potential hire this week who’s a PhD student from the Netherlands. I’m eager to get their perspective on ways we can improve our community—or ways we’re already doing well!
The numbers:
Visitors: 32
Sales: $569.45
Bikes (refurb): 2 for $325
Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
Memberships: 2 for $60
Tires/tubes: 5 for $ 50
Thanks!Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Coordinator2023 Registration is Open
Associated Project(s):Registration is open for the 2023 Reimagine our Future Competition as of May 19, 2023.
Below is a link to the website:
Sustainable Swag Toolkit
Associated Project(s):LAS Dean Patton suggested that ISEE could develop a sustainable swag toolkit to give out to communicators and event coordinators throughout campus.
2023 Dump and Run Infographics
Associated Project(s):Attached are informational graphics on the 2023 Dump and Run program.
archived info - previous project description
Associated Project(s):The 2015 iCAP, chapter 8, objective 1 is, "By the end of FY16, conduct a Request for Proposals process for verified carbon offsets — and undertake the first campus purchase of offsets." iSEE is developing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for purchasing carbon credits, aka carbon offsets.
iSEE is developing the technical specifications for a Request for Bids (RFB) for purchasing carbon credits, aka carbon offsets in FY17. These will be used both to replace the carbon credits sold from calendar year 2016, and as a starting inventory for the Virtual Storeroom.
During this process, iSEE will develop detailed specifications for carbon offsets to ensure that all purchased offsets are additional (in the sense that they enable reductions beyond business-as-usual), measurable, conservative (to ensure reductions are not overstated), permanent, independently verified, trackable, and transparent. The 2015 iCAP intended to have an RFP done by the end of FY16, and the current schedule will have the purchase completed by the end of FY17.
Because campus sells carbon credits through the Carbon Credit Purchasing Program (C2P2) at Second Nature, we need to replace those boutique carbon credits with carbon offsets. By the end of FY17, we will buy 103,000 carbon offsets (equivalent to 103,000 tons of greenhouse gasses not being released into the atmosphere) to replace those sold from calendar year 2016.
Additionally, in the same RFB, we will purchase 10,000 additional carbon offsets which will be used to set up a new virtual storeroom to allow campus units to voluntarily offset their carbon emissions, for example from air travel to scholarly meetings.
Weekly Meeting: Campus Bike Plan Progress
Associated Project(s):On 07/20/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh had a meeting regarding the progress on the Campus Bike Plan 2024.
Meeting Notes:
- Discussion on Inclusion and importance of some of the new initiatives taken to promote bicycle ridership.
- Addressing the idea of Pathfinding/ Way-finding maps Bike paths, bike parking and other bicycle friendly facilities available On-Campus.
Weekly Sustainable Transportation meeting with Hrushikesh and Nathaniel
Associated Project(s):On 07/20/2023, Sarthak, Nathaniel and Hrushikesh had a weekly meeting to discuss on Weekly Progress of the current projects that we are working on.
Meeting Notes:
- Campus Bike Plan 2024
- Abandoned Bikes Project Inventory Documentation Completion
- Bike Parking Rack Design
- Research on Permeable Pavers and Bike Shelter
- Discussion on the Next week's Tasks regarding Bike Audit
- Bike Census
iSEE filmed hydration station video for New Student Convocation
Associated Project(s):follow up on potential VRO project
Associated Project(s):Dear Madhu,
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me and here is a follow up email to our zoom conversation. The committee on natural areas at UIUC oversees research on roughly a dozen university-owned properties that include about 1,000 acres of natural lands spanning east-central Illinois. The largest of these, the Vermilion River Observatory, located about 45 miles by road east of campus, was acquired by the Dept of ECE in the 1960s to construct a radio telescope. The ~495 acre property is now managed by the CNA for various environmental research projects and there are ~105 acres of agricultural land that are leased to a tenant farmer by ECE for cash revenue that at its peak generated ~20k/year but the value of the crop has been declining recently. Due to being in the drainage of the Vermilion river, the soils of the VRO are somewhat marginal in their production value and I think there is some chance the tenant farmer will decide to leave the lease. Or it may be possible given a suitable research project to take over the lease and use the lands for research.
The project I am interested in pursuing is a long-term, large-scale ecological and agricultural experiment evaluating trajectories of agricultural lands following agricultural abandonment. Considering the scale of the agricultural lands on the VRO, I think it could be possible to have large and well-replicated experimental treatments that include comparisons among passive revegetation, bioenergy production, and active reforestation. Potential study outcomes could include carbon sequestration/flow, biodiversity conservation, and economic and energy cost/benefit analyses comparing the costs of these different experimental treatments versus the returns on investment. By east-central Illinois standards, I think the productivity of the agricultural lands on the VRO could be considered marginal, but based on my read of the literature and our conversation, I get the impression that these marginal lands are more likely to experience agricultural abandonment in the coming years.
Assuming ECE would be open to a change in the management strategy for the agricultural lands on the VRO, which I would be happy to discuss with ECE and the OVCRI if we decide to proceed, the CNA could provide some logistical support for a large-scale research project on the VRO, including through the use of some of our farm equipment and out buildings on the property. We also have two full-time research/management staff whose time can be budgeted into proposals. And I am eager to undertake more long-term experiments on the CNA properties using former agricultural lands, since I see this as one of the most unique and important values of these properties that can be applied to a pressing environmental challenge.
This is something I would be excited to pursue through the support of iSEE and I would love it if it gave us a chance to collaborate, Madhu. Attached please find an aerial photo of the VRO and an older site description map. Please let me know if you think this could dovetail with other opportunities currently being pursued by iSEE and CABBI and let me know what I can do to help!
This is the land that Brian Allan had mentioned to me
Attached Files:Free Native Plants!
Associated Project(s):Hi all –
I hope everyone is doing well!
I’m reaching out with an opportunity (not related to waste reduction 😊).
The National Wildlife Federation, alongside our new partner, Garden for Wildlife Inc., have launched an initiative to support our partners (k-12 schools, colleges/universities, churches, etc.) in their efforts to expand quality native habitats for people, pollinators, and wildlife. Garden for Wildlife Inc., sells “direct-to-consumer” native plants to 38 states in the eastern and central United States (western states are coming soon!)
Your campus can now apply for free native plants for your native plant and habitat projects . These plants will come pre-selected, be native to your area, and include at least one species of milkweed, an essential plant for supporting pollinators and monarch butterflies. These plants are slightly smaller than quart size, with at least 3 inches of new growth. They will begin to bloom within a couple of months of planting, depending on the season.
In order to request plants, you must meet the following requirements:
- Plant in the approved space within 3 days of receipt (i.e. – a school, community green space, park, etc.).
- Maintain the wildlife garden for at least 5 years and share and donate photos of the space or planting.
- Display provided signage noting that the plants were donated by Garden for Wildlife by the National Wildlife Federation.
- Cover the costs of plant delivery - $38 / 64 plants (i.e. – 192 plants = $114, 768 plants = $456, etc.)
To apply, please visit:
Please reach out with any questions. This is first come first serve, so if you are interested, please don’t hesitate to fill out the online form!
Thanks, take care,
Completed the Inventory Documentation and Tracking of Abandoned Bicycles On-Campus
Associated Project(s):On 07/19/2023, Sarthak, Nathaniel, Christian and Hrushikesh completed the process of documenting and tracking the Abandoned Bicycles On-Campus located/ stored in the Round Barns facility.
E-Cargo Bikes for University of Illinois
Associated Project(s):Good day,
I want to introduce you to a carbon free, sustainable alternative to moving products within and around the University of Illinois campus. From mail and equipment delivery, to public service “vehicles”, to catering, and landscaping, there are many applications that our E-Cargo bikes can handle when moving products to and fro in the campus environment.
We are the largest manufacturer of commercial E-Cargo bikes in the U.S.
Coaster Cycles are proudly built in the USA (Montana) and exclusively serve the business-to-business market. Our bikes are battle-tested and have design iterations that are currently working for companies like Amazon, UPS, Fedex, USPS, Canada Post, DoorDash, Tesla, Starbucks, US Military, Reef, Albertsons, Fresh Direct, and more.
Businesses and college campuses are finding that E-Cargo bikes have a lower cost of ownership, lower insurance costs, zero carbon emissions, don’t require a driver’s license, no hassle finding parking, no parking fines, no traffic in the bike lane, eye-catching branding, and show your student body and customers you care about the environment.
More information about our bikes is attached. Also, please feel free to visit for more information. We are currently offering free shipping in the US (lower 48), and we have bikes in-stock. We are also offering a free advertising wrap for any bikes purchased prior to the end of the month. I would love the opportunity to visit if you’d like to jump on a quick call so I can run through our products and help answer any questions. Let me know what times work best for you or you can reach me at the number below.
Thank you,
Coaster Cycles
Did you ever see this? old email – sales call.
Morgan White
Hi Morgan,
Thank you for sharing this. I will post this on the iCAP Portal.
I think it would be beneficial to have something like this at F&S and/or on campus. I am thinking about all the events that I have for bicycles or any other sustainability related events (like Arbor Day or Sustainability Celebration), an e-bike with a trailer that can carry a lot of weight would be a great option.
Maybe something like the libraries or the Bike Center would benefit as well. One of my concerns is that we will have to store these in a covered area and the battery charging issue.
I could talk to them as well, if this is something you and Stacey think would be beneficial for us to pursue. Thank you,
SarthakAttached Files:F&S Policy on Recylced Paper
Associated Project(s):F&S Policy on the purchase of paper states that, "When purchasing paper for copiers and printers, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified products with a minimum of 30 percent recycled content must be selected."
Attached is the policy document.
Attached Files:Weekly Update: e-bike questions
Associated Project(s):All, I’m having more and more conversations with folks about e-bikes. One older woman I spoke with last week said the nearest place able to service her e-bike is in Springfield, IL. Anecdotally, folks don’t seem aware of just how big and dangerous e-bike batteries are from an insurance perspective and thus why bike shops can’t work on them. I see myself having a lot of similar conversations over the next few months…
We’re hovering around 20 bikes on the sales floor, but we’ve got almost 20 kids’ bikes taking up real estate, too. Plan this week is to fix a dozen or so of those and move them along, hopefully to some of the groups/orgs we’ve worked with in the past.
The numbers:
Visitors: 21
Sales: $711.65
Bikes (refurb): 1 for $400
Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $60
Memberships: 3 for $90
Tires/tubes: 7 for $98Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorBegan the Process of Inventory for the Abandoned Bicycles
Associated Project(s):On 07/17/2023, Sarthak, Hrushikesh, Christian and Nathaniel started the inventory documentation for the Abandoned Bicycles.
UIC's policy on transportation devices on their campus
Associated Project(s):Read UIC's policy on "Policy on E-Scooters and Other Low-Speed, Motorized Personal Transportation Devices on Campus" -