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- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
DRS process for battery disposal: trash, recycling, waste transfer lead acid batteries
Associated Project(s):From: Hill, Landon E <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 4:20 PM
To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
Cc: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>; Varney, Pete <>
Subject: RE: DRS battery disposalHi.
Is there something specific that you are looking for?
DRS picks up most anything chemical that is requested for disposal through the campus waste management app:
All alkaline batteries are trashed.
Rechargeable batteries are recycled.
Lead acid batteries are taken to the cage on the west side of the Waste Transfer Station.
EcoOlympics in res halls
Associated Project(s):Hi Paul,
Could you send me more information on the activities in the res halls that you wanted iSEE to help fund?
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for reaching out after our discussion!
We are looking to revive EcoOlimpics (EO) after the pandemic shut it down. ISEE has been a terrific supporter in the past , providing awards, moneys to purchase the sustainable prizes for the winning hall, and even sponsoring the energy monitoring platform, a combination of these when possible.
The attached is an original PPT that reflects how we got started, these efforts were collaborated with Housing and for the first few years supported by them as well. They ultimately withdrew there financial support in favor of making it 100% student led. Housing has continued to work with EcoOlympics for advertising, pushing the monitoring on digital displays and posting of posters etc.….
Here is a link that shares some of our achievements and captures some of the events across campus to the (slightly outdated) website:
EO uses social media, advertising, tabling events and a host of other means to get the word out and encourage sustainable living within the dorm. Many of our officers participated as freshmen and joined the organizational team to grow and expand what they learned during the competition along with their personal/professional goals.
The organization is a typical business model. Start as freshman saving energy, then join as an officer, president, treasurer, media specialist, technical specialist, outreach chair etc. These roles help students gain insight and practical use of their chosen fields and interests. As juniors or Seniors they can choose to be a director and mentor the officers if they have pursued this path during their time here.
The competition
Each participating Hall creates a building captain team that motivates their residents to save energy and spread the word. We monitor consumption and create a confidential baseline that is used to compare results during the competition. The competition is anywhere from 3-6 weeks long and resolves in time for the awards to wrap up during the final week of spring semester.
The team that scores the highest points wins the trophy and bragging rights until the next competition, and gets to choose their award. Some awards have been a catered meal for the winning hall, water bottle dispensers in FAR, trees around Allen Hall, and solar battery backup devices for
Allen Hall was our last winning team in 2019 and they have presented the trophy until this year.
Thanks again and let me know if you have additional questions?
Paul Foote
Thanks, Paul. What level of support are you requesting from iSEE?
Hi Elizabeth,
The $1000.00 level would be greatly appreciated and go a long way to help us get back up and running.
Hi Paul,
Has housing agreed to be an active participant in this? It sounds like their active support will be critical.
Hi Elizabeth,
Yes, Housing has given the go-ahead for this year’s event.
Thank you
Paul Foote
Hi Paul,
Thanks for confirming housing’s willingness to participate in facilitating this EcoOlympics. Can you let us know who you have been coordinating with in Housing? Jen has been focused on working with them to get Sustainability training to the RAs and information in their newsletters so it would be good for her to be aware of you are working with.
I also wanted to connect you Codie Sterner, the newish coordinator for the SSC. We want to make sure that we engage the multiple stakeholders on campus when programs are being planned so that we can have as much impact and participation as possible.
Monthly Meeting with Jake
Associated Project(s):On 08/07/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh had a monthly meeting with Jake.
Meeting Notes:
- Actively promoting Bike Registration to students or commuters visiting and using the Campus Bike Center.
- Campus Bike Center should have printer QR code sticker/ flyer for Bike Registration.
- Bike Friendly Application will be submitted on 08/08/2023.
- Light the Night Event near Ikenberry Hopkins Hall and ARC.
- Bike Lights including the screw fitting types will be used for the events.
- Bike Safety Quiz is recommended to be promoted by the Campus Bike Center.
- Merchandise purchase order is placed.
- How to use Outdoor Pumps video can be made by the Campus Recreation marketing team.
To do for Sarthak:
- Find out Campus Bike Center Built-up area for UIC recommendation.
- Try to get the merchandise before August 20th for the Campus Bike Center events.
Weekly Update: Calm before the storm, getting ready
Associated Project(s):All, These days feel like the calm before the storm. Starting to get phone calls and emails from families and folks looking for bikes as they plan to come to town. We’ll sell out of our supply of bikes before the semester begins, if past demand is any indication. We’ll work on getting a few more B-a-Bs prepped and ready to go, as demand looks to increase in the absence of refurbished bikes.
I’ll be out of the office Wednesday – Friday this week. My staff will cover open hours on those days.
The numbers:
Sales: $572
Bikes (refurb): 2 for $345
Memberships: 2 for $60
Tires/tubes: 6 for $43Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorJuly 2023 Buyer's Share Report
Associated Project(s):RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the July 2023 Buyer's Share amounts by the hour, totaling 633.4 Megawatt hours.
The July 2023 Buyer's Share Report is attached below.
Attached Files:Weekly Sustainable Transportation meeting with Sarthak and Hrushikesh
Associated Project(s):On 08/03/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh had a weekly meeting to discuss on Weekly Progress of the current projects that we are working on. Please refer to the file attached to view the Weekly Progress.
Weekly Sustainable Transportation meeting with Hrushikesh and Nathaniel
Associated Project(s):On 07/24/2023, Sarthak, Nathaniel and Hrushikesh had a weekly meeting to discuss on Weekly Progress of the current projects that we are working on. Please refer to the file attached to view the Weekly Progress.
Nathaniel's Weekly Progress -
- Visited Round Barns for Bike Inventory
- Campus-wide survey to check for remaining abandoned bikes.
- In-Office Bike related accessories inventory.
Hrushikesh's Weekly Progress -
- Shared used Path Length demarcation ArcGIS for the Bike Friendly University Application (BFU)
- Work on Campus Bicycle Master Plan
- Champaign County Bike Month Planning Team Meeting
- Meeting with UIPD for Field Maps Training
- ICAP documentation
8/3 Meeting to discuss location at Hope Village
Associated Project(s):Illinois Solar Decathlon President Rachel Chen met with Marty Smith to discuss the possibility of having the current next solar decathlon home built at the hope village project. Marty discussed possibilities for a separated subdivision of homes. But the more likely option would be to construct a library or community building than a single family home. Either of these options would be more likely during the next building cycle for solar decathlon.
Associated Project(s):Attached is a signed MOU for the Bruce Nesbitt African American Cultural Center.
Attached Files:Public Functions Estimate for Light the Night and Bike to Work Day
Associated Project(s):Sarthak reached out to Paul Jensen to get an estimate for tables and chairs for our annual Bike to Work Day and Light the Night events. Last year in 2022, the cost for Light the Night event was around $360 (WO #10994257) and for Bike to Work Day, it was $640 (10994256). We are expecting the same amount of work and same number of locations.
Paul provided the following estimate:
Light the Night = $600.00
Bike to Work Day = $900.00
1 outdoor dual bin installed at Siebel Center for Computer Science
Associated Project(s):79 outdoor dual bins remain in storage.
From: Hawkins, Todd B <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 8:03 AM
To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
Cc: Mininger, Timothy R <>
Subject: FW: Siebel recycle binsGood morning. The recycle bins for site A8 SW. corner of Siebel were installed yesterday afternoon.
Thank you.
Todd Hawkins
University of Illinois
F&S Ironworkers
Office 217-244-5451
Mobile 217-493-9814
1501 S. Oak St
Champaign Il, 61820
Attached Files:Housing reached out to support Bike to Work Day
Associated Project(s):Sarthak Prasad reached out to Bryan Johnson at University Housing for their continued support towards the Bike to Work Day event on campus.
Hi Bryan,
We are planning to hold the Bike to Work Day event on Thursday, September 14, 2022 from 7-10 am (with a rain date of September 15), and I wanted to ask if the Housing department would be able to contribute snacks and refreshments at the University operated Bike to Work Day stations. Similar to last year, there will be 8-9 university operated stations.
Last year, University Housing had graciously provided snacks and refreshments for all the 8 campus Bike to Work Day welcoming stations:
- Alma Mater Plaza
- DRES (Stadium and Oak)
- UI Research Park
- Uni High
- National Soybean Research Center (NSRC) on Pennsylvania Ave
- Campus Bike Center – 51 E Gregory St, Champaign, IL
- Orchard Downs
We are also confirming with Vet Med, if they would like to participate this year, and I will let you know as soon I have confirmation.
We will also organize our annual Light the Night (a free bike light giveaway) event on Tuesday, September 19, 2022 from 4-7 pm. I would appreciate if University Housing would help promote this event as well.
Please let me know if University Housing would be able to contribute towards the Bike to Work Day event on September 14, 2023. I greatly appreciate your help! Thank you,
SarthakVet Med participating and NSRC are not this year
Associated Project(s):Since Meredith has left the university Jen confirmed that iSEE cannot manage the station at National Soybean Research Center (NSRC), so they are not participating in the Bike to Work Day event this year.
Vet Med confirmed that they can participate in this year's event.
Sarthak communicated the change to University Housing.
Housing confirmed contribution
Associated Project(s):University Housing confirmed that they will provide snacks and refreshments for all eight campus locations.
Weekly Update: Less abandoned bikes, Kids' Bikes
Associated Project(s):All, Slow visitor-wise, but busy otherwise. Moved almost all the bikes out of the round barn, and the very last of them I’ll get this week. Sounds like we’ll have less bikes from the round up than in years’ past, something I am happy for. Hopefully, it means more people are caring about and actually riding their bikes—a guy can dream! Irrespective of the reason, less bikes means less grunt work, and that’s a huge plus in my book.
We are still up to our ears in kids’ bikes, as the ones we have are not coming together as I’d like. Lots of short-supply parts are needed. I’ll need to dedicate some off-hours time to this as these kinds of projects are not well-suited to student staff/volunteers, apparently.
The numbers:
Visitors: 25
Sales: $890.34
Bikes (refurb): 3 for $535
Memberships: 2 for $60
Tires/tubes: 5 for $50
Thanks!Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorSurplus electronic battery recycling
Associated Project(s):From: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2023 3:19 PM
To: Weaver, Jeff <>
Subject: Surplus and waste memo / batteriesHi Jeff,
On a different note, battery recycling is a topic that has come up several times recently. F&S does not have any comprehensive program at this point. DRS collects batteries from departments for disposal through their hazardous waste vendor, but they do not recycle the batteries. Regarding batteries from devices such as computers, laptops, cell phones, tablets, and other small devices, (devices that will not be redistributed out to departments for reuse) do you know how these are handled through the state? If they are recycled?
[Surplus response] For the small batteries in those devices, we ship them to Secure Processors, the downstate State contracted electronics recycling vendor. We don’t know how the vendor handles the batteries on their end after we ship them.
Thank you,
DaphneDaphne Hulse (she/her)
Zero Waste Coordinator
Facilities & Services | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
+1 (217) 333-7550 |
Please consider the environment before printing an email. Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.Potential student project for Energy Efficiency HVAC Infection Control
Associated Project(s):Hi Leon,
Hope you are doing well.
I am Sarthak Prasad, and I work as the Sustainable Transportation Assistant at Facilities & Services. Morgan and I are working with Sterling Laylock, from Integrating Green Technologies, on Energy-Efficient HVAC Infection Control. Last year, two of the Masters in Energy Systems, Ali Khan and Dhruvraaj Gambhire, collaborated with us on this project. I wanted to reach out to you and ask if you would be available to meet with us in the next couple of weeks? We wanted to ask if one or two of the Energy Systems graduate students would be interested in helping us out this year as well. Please send me your availability for the next couple of weeks.
Thank you,
Good afternoon Sarthak
Thank you for your note.
It would be a privilege if our M.Eng. students could again work with you, thank you!Please can you send me a topic (or topics) and a brief description (or descriptions) of the work that you would like our students to do?
- Will you expect our students to perform measurements or will you provide them with acquired data? (Some of our students are online-only, i.e. not on campus …)
- Will the students be working with SafeTraces equipment / data? What other equipment might they be working with? Where will students be working?
- Will students analyze existing HVAC systems in our buildings or will they need to design systems for yet-to-be-integrated HVAC systems?
- Will the students be expected to write proposals for possible SSC funding? If so, please provide details about your financial needs, including the estimated required funds.
- Etc.
Many thanks! I look forward to your further communication.
Kind regards
Biweekly Champaign County Bike Month Planning Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):On 07/26/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh attended this meeting:
Meeting Notes:
1) Event- Bike to Work Day
- Welcome Stations Locations - Champaign Center Signage at City Building to direct people, Orchard Downs, Campus Bike Center, Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES), University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine (Vet Med), Campus Recreation Center, City of Urbana, Lucky Moon Pies, Savoy Recreation Center. Total 8 Confirmed Stations.
- Suggestions for a Welcome Station - Video to demonstrate how to interact and Spread Awareness during the event, Interesting and elaborate Brochure , a standard picture of how a table should be set on all the stations, Voter Registration, Early Printed Materials
- T-Shirt budget is close to $10000.
2) Forest Reserve is potentially hosting an event On-Campus to raise awareness
3) Promotion
- Updating the MTD Ad for Champaign County Bike Month - Thomas/Gabe
- Campus Street Fest - September 9th , 1-7 p.m - Contact Xander
4) Fundraising
- Contacting Sponsors - MTD is a significant donor
- University of Illinois - $6000 (donating for Bike to Work Day & Light the Night Events)
- Funds for Bike Lights - $2000
- Housing - $1500 (Snacks and Refreshments) - Potential
*Suggestion to make Kids sized T-Shirts
5) To do for Sarthak:
a. Ask UIPD to be present for the event.
b. Champaign County Bike Month Advertisement can be posted on the U of I Digital Boards
REMINDER- Urbana Stormwater Asset Management Plan - Technical Advisory Meeting #2
Associated Project(s):Good afternoon,
Please find attached an invitation for the Urbana Stormwater Asset Management Technical Advisory Committee Meeting # 2. The meeting will take place on August 3rd from 1:00- 2:30 pm.
Lisa Mentzer
Attached Files: