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  1. Embodied Carbon Benchmarking Data Request Call

    Associated Project(s): 

    As was mentioned in the TAC Forum Meeting, we are today releasing a data request call for lab building embodied carbon LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) information. This information will be used to collect embodied carbon benchmarking data like the Carbon Leadership Forum’s V2 call for embodied carbon data but with some more specific lab related data fields. This data will be used to start the creation of a lab building embodied carbon benchmarking database within the Lab Benchmarking tool. Even more significantly, this data will drive the development of a first ever score for lab building embodied carbon.


    I have attached a spreadsheet template for entering the LCA data and a letter giving more information about the data request. The letter also indicates the benefits provided to those organizations that participate in the data call. Lastly, I have attached a data use agreement defining how we will use the data and ensure its confidentiality.


    Please send any completed data request spreadsheets to Nathan Jeffay at It would be helpful if you have data that you submit at least some of your data by October 15th so we can report some initial results at our annual conference. However, if that date is not practical, then October 27th is also good. If you have any questions, comments or feedback about the data call please contact Dirk Von Below (Chair of the Embodied Carbon Scoring TAC) at , Alison Farmer at, or myself.


    Finally, we understand that many of you will not have lab embodied carbon LCA data. However, as this is an open data call, if you know of someone else or another organization that has done  lab building embodied carbon analysis work, please forward this data call to them.







    Dear Green Labs Champions,

                  Please see the attached request for pilot data to assess embodied carbon in new construction of laboratories.  I2SL would love to have a few examples in time for the annual conference next month.  Please forward to staff or academics who pursue Life Cycle Assessments or GHG accounting. 

                  For the sky,

    Allen Doyle


    Hi Morgan,

    Does this come up in your area for new projects?




  2. Weekly Update: Busy times, Light the Night, abandoned bikes

    All, Pretty standard week. Busy with some wait time on stands/repairs most days. Had a Build-a-Bike completed—always a good thing. My team and I did Light the Night on Tuesday at the Ikenberry Quad area. First time in a new location always gets us some looks and questions. Not as busy as we hoped but again, it’s not yet familiar to folks. No word yet on numbers. 

    We were dangerously overloaded on scrap by Friday, but Todd pick it up over the weekend—always appreciated.

    This week I’ll do inventory of the abandoned bikes to see what’s worth keeping. Of note: Easily the fewest abandoned bikes in my tenure. I think my first year there were over 500 bikes left over. Maybe bike shares are really helping that issue (and maybe creating others)?

    This week I’ll have two new staffers start. It’s apparently midterms, so reinforcements are paramount.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 62
    Sales: $1,122.50
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
    Memberships: 20 for $600
    Tires/tubes: 26 for $192


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  3. Deadline passed, final number of bicycles returned

    The period to reclaim impounded bicycles from summer 2023 has now passed. We had impounded about 240 bicycles in the summer and we returned 24 bicycles! That is a 10% reclamation rate, as compared to 5% in 2022. This was the least number of abandoned bicycles impounded ever on campus!

    All of the unclaimed bicycles are now considered donated. Sarthak Prasad will reach out to Campus Bike Center to let them know that they can start removing these bicycles. Since there are only about 200 unclaimed bicycles, we may not donate them to Working Bikes this year.

  4. Animal numbers for FY22 and FY23

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Jonathan,


    We will be doing our annual reporting of GHG emissions for campus and need to report numbers of animals on the last days of FY22 and FY 23. Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you.






    I recall doing this in the past but cannot seem to find the spreadsheet that I have submitted.  Do you happen to have a past copy?  Do you want this reported in official animal-unit-equivalent or the actual number of heads counted?


    Hi Jonathan,


    From what I can find in the SIMAP documentation, we need heads counted. If you know the conversion factors for animal-unit-equivalent, please send those too.


    Unfortunately, I don’t have a copy of the spreadsheet from the past. Meredith Moore previously did the GHG reporting and I don’t have access to her files.



  5. Invites sent to students

    An invite was sent to 12 students to register to participate in the first ever "Learn How to Ride" class. See the email below:


    Hope you are doing well. We have rescheduled the Learn How to Ride a bike class to October 7, 2023! Please respond to this email or register before Friday, September 29, 2023!

    Thank you for filling out the Bike Class Form on the Bike at Illinois website. You had mentioned that you would like to take a “Learn How to Ride” class. The University of Illinois is organizing a “Learn How to Ride” class on Saturday, October 7, 2023 from 11 am to 1:30 pm. Please register to participate in this class:

    This is the first time we are going to organize a class such as this, so please make sure to arrive on time if you are able to participate. This class will be available to you free of cost. The University is covering the cost for contracting the two local League Cycling Instructors to teach this class, the equipment, and logistics to organize this class.

    The class will take place at the basketball courts adjacent to the Volleyball courts at the intersection of Stadium Dr and Oak St (opposite to the Nuclear Physics Laboratory). We will provide bicycles for this class, but if you already have a bicycle, please bring it for fitting.

    Please fill out the form at your earliest convenience, and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you,

  6. Green Labs program input

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Kathy,

    Morgan is the ASSOC DIR SUSTAINABILITY, F&S • Facilities and Services and the interim Director of Capital Programs and is on the Green Research Committee for creating the green labs program on campus.


    We were brainstorming on how to shed light on the need to develop a complete green labs program vs. selecting components of a program,  and perhaps stunting the full potential and growth of the program.

    She asked if I knew anyone outside the university that is an expert on green labs programs that might be willing to share insights and the importance of creating an all inclusive program.

    You are definitely the person for this!

    She shared that the university board of trustees members are having a retreat and maybe you would be able to present the benefits of your program, how it all comes together and ties into larger university mission.

    We are not sure at this time if we can get you on the agenda but am reaching out to see if you are interested and available?


    Morgan- can you sha re when this retreat is?


    Thank you

    Paul Foote


    Hi Paul and Morgan,


    Great to hear from you, Paul, and thanks for thinking of me.


    This is definitely information that I can speak to and that I am more than happy to share.  Reach out when you know the time and date (and if they want me to present) so I can see if that will work with my schedule.  I assume it would be virtual, correct?




    Hi Kathy,

    Sorry I did not respond earlier and was not able to chat at the last UAG meeting!


    This format has changed and the allotted time the board members have on the sustainability topic has changed.


    In leu of that meeting, maybe our Green Research Committee would be a great place for you to share?

    If you are still agreeable with the sharing idea, I will chat with the committee chairs and get a schedule.



    Paul Foote


    Sounds good, Paul.  Happy to help in any way I can.  Would it be possible to aim for after I2SL rather than beforehand?





    Hi  Kathy,

    Terrific, I am so glad you are generous and supportive of promoting sustainable labs!


    Certainly we can wait until after I2SL, see you there.





  7. IACT - Geotech Drilling

    Associated Project(s): 

    Kevin, Erwin,


    Our drillers are looking to get on site next week for the Geotech borings – on the areas to the south of the Project it looks like the area is actively farmed, is there any type of notification we need to do to the University before we enter the fields or other coordination needed with whomever is farming this area?





    Hi Mike. Let me find out and I’ll get back to you in the next hour or so.



    Hi Mike

    Sorry it took much longer than I had anticipated, but all is clear to get the drilling crew out here. The Village (Jake McCoy) gave their OK, and last night I found the farmer and he says that he will harvest the corn during this weekend. No one else from the university needs to be notified (Kevin, correct me if I´m wrong). If the drilling crew need any assistance on site, they can contact me at 217 766 9837. It would be good if you could provide me with contact information for who is leading the crew, just in case. Thanks



    Here are some aerial pictures of the site taken about ten days ago. I thought they may be helpful.



    Hello Morgan and Jon,


    Can you think of anyone else at UIUC who should be notified of the upcoming commencement of soil boring and sampling work on the IACT site?





  8. Green Research comment

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Jen,


    I was at the freezer challenge awards today and Julie Nguyen, a lab manager in vet med, asked about recycling plastic pipette tips. I wanted to put it on your radar for the Green Research discussions. She said that she had talked with Daphne about this also.


    Fisher will accept them but for $70 a box. They are #5 plastic so can be recycled in C-U but not on campus. She said that she has been taking them to recycling herself. Her comments reinforce the lack of our ability to recycle lab waste on campus and also that there are motivated people taking the responsibility to do it themselves.


    She could be a good candidate to bring into your Green Research discussion since Vet Med would deal with a lot of spooky stuff in their labs.



  9. Itinerary Freezer Challenge Lab Manager Photo and award recognition

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello Everyone,

    Thank you for joining us and celebrating the terrific work accomplished during this year’s Freezer Challenge event!


    I have attached an itinerary to familiarize yourself with todays activities.


                    If rain is present after 130 we will move 2 buildings to the west inside the Stock Pavilion for this event.


    If NOT raining meet outside IBRL 1300 west Pennsylvania Ave. Urbana


    If rain is imminent meet at Stock Pavilion 1402 west Pennsylvania Ave. Urbana


    See you all there!



    Paul Foote

  10. RAIN ALTERNATIVE information RE: Freezer Challenge Lab Manager Photo and award recognition

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello Everyone,

    As you may have read in last night’s email, you made a huge impact and helped UIUC on its way to the 2023 “Winning Streak Award” very nice work, thank you for all you do!


    As a benefit the winners will be highlighted in a digital Lab Manager article which will come out in November.

    Thursday Sept. 21st at 2pm we are recognizing the top performing labs from UIUC and taking a group photo in front of Integrated Bioprocessing Research Laboratory (IBRL) at 2pm sharp.


    Dr. Melanie Loots, Chief of Staff, Senior Executive Associate Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation will be handing out these awards.

    You are all encouraged to join us and cheer on your fellow researchers as they receive their awards and join in the photo.


    Thank you 

    Paul Foote


    Hi everyone,


    The radar shows rain has stopped for the majority of the work day, with some showers popping up randomly.


    If rain is present after 130 we will move 2 buildings to the west inside the Stock Pavilion for this event.


    If NOT raining meet outside IBRL 1300 west Pennsylvania Ave. Urbana


    If rain is imminent meet at Stock Pavilion 1402 west Pennsylvania Ave. Urbana


    See you all there!



    Paul Foote

  11. Green Research Committee 4th Meeting

    September 20, 2023 Green Research Committee Meeting 4


    Present: Stephanie Hess, Tim Mies, Jennifer Fraterrigo, Paul Foote, Jeremy Neighbors, Shari Effert-Fanta, Lisa Moore, Morgan White, Chad Stevens, Sabrina Summers, Maisie Kingren, Daphne Hulse


    Absent: Mitchell Bryant


    High-level overview (Jeremy leads)

    • Full-time GR Coordinator
      • Reduce, reuse, and recycle campaign headed by the new coordinator.
    • Centralized location for chemicals
      • Tim: are there concerns or risks with transporting.
      • Stephanie: opportunity for reuse. Repurpose bottles. ECE, MRL, SCS (no space here though). Various locations that we can split up. Lot of labs have bottles that they use up
    • Grad student to help coordinate reduce, reuse, recycle. Additional student supports the GR coordinator with tasks as needed.
      • Morgan: need a full-time staff person for GR. But it is not enough. Need a student or two at least, to help support the staff. Without at least 2 paid students, you won’t get far. 40 hours’ worth of student time? During the school year, sometimes 2 students doing part-time still is not enough.
      • Jen: maybe consider what we need first for the program, before determining how many students to include (and staff). Start modest with our first proposal, with the expectation that we will build over time.
      • Paul: typically hire 2-5 students, some stay through the summer, to help with his energy-specific lab programs.
    • Where will this GR program reside? OVCRI office, with input from Madhu, Susan, and Ehab.
      • Morgan: is it in DRS or is it in iSEE? Both are under VCRI, so that makes sense. It is about sustainability with research. Include requirements in the job description to directly communicate to various stakeholders: research,
      • Paul: green research is all about change and adapting, which isn’t necessarily DRS culture. iSEE is always rolling out new initiatives and is very fluid.
      • Lisa: DRS works with regulation; sustainability is not regulation. Thought DRS first, but then looked into iSEE and thought that GR can be more easily built out under iSEE.
      • Morgan: happy to host it under F&S, but it makes more sense to have it under VCRI.
      • Jen: PI who has a lab perspective: already have a relationship with the audit. Potential to have a partnership with DRS in this new way.
      • Chad: safety is paramount over sustainability, so agree with Jen.
      • Stephanie: conversation with Daphne showed that breaking down barriers between units is very possible.
    • GR ambassadors (Jeremy)
      • Every department would have GR ambassadors, encourage it at the lab level. Would work routinely with the GR coordinator to roll out
      • Training curriculum, system for communicating what’s going on, what metrics we have, what results we’re seeing.
      • Behavior of labs and groups. Reduce, reuse, recycle campaign.
      • Shut the sash, use of equipment timers, can implement on day one.
      • Promoting some type of certification. Implement GR in other ways. Lab assessment tools (UIUC based internal, or MyGreenLab).
      • Certification would be a longer-term goal with the GR coordinator.
    • Incentives
      • Recognition is the primary way
      • Stephanie: faculty peer pressure, you want to be that person that is recognized for these initiatives. Susan promote some of these people might be good, too.
      • Chad: could there be monetary award for the research group for their future research. $2500 not a lot, $10K much more head-turning.
      • Tim Mies: Illinois Professionals (highlights), HR. Would that model work for this?
      • Stephanie: working with Patty to work on awards for safety (Oscars for safety). Could work well with research.
    • Communication and education
      • Well-developed education and outreach program for what we will do.
    • Safe energy conservation plans
      • Form task forces to address the two different processes in the charge:
        • How to hibernate labs
        • How to deal with renovation projects
      • Fully funded capital projects, facilities with significant infrastructure deficiencies, facilities without significant infrastructure deficiencies. Would need to be very collaborative. Building-by-building basis.
      • Morgan: 1.5 years to complete a campus facility assessment. December of 2024 all info will be up to date. It won’t cover all portions, because it’s more visual. How are the fume hoods being used?
      • Stephanie: Wondering the same question.
      • Chad: We don’t want to shut off a fume hood forever. There’s always going to be some revolving research based on grants, etc.GR coordinator could look into high-efficiency fume hoods. Need to have campus support for green energy.
      • Shari: Agree with Chad, with Paul’s team coming in, they can see where improvements can be made. Incur energy savings but not lose the capacity. Finding unique ways to do that. Install the newer technology, like low-flow, high-efficiency will go a long way in meeting iCAP goals. Need help with things that are outside the department’s DOR.
      • Paul: Agree with everyone. Shut down almost all hoods at the top floor of Soybean. Morrill Hall needs a lot of help with renovations. Helped get them out during a pilot program. There are other places that use them 24/7 and they are clean and well managed. We see it all.
    • Additional resource for kick-off
      • GR coordinator, communications team, IT support
  12. Solar Powered Trash Compactor question

    Hello my name is Saif Malik and I am a graduate student in the Energy Systems program. Some classmates and I are working with the Student Sustainability Committee on proposing 2 pairs of solar compactors to be set up by the main union. 

    I understand that in the past there was a compactor that broke down/ caused issues. I was hoping to get any information on this so we can look into if this is still viable or what improvements would be needed from what you encountered.

    Thank you for your time!

    Saif Malik


    Morgan, would you be able to assist with the below?


    Jerry Dinnin

  13. Weekly Update: Bike to Work Day, Light the Night

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, I was out sick all last week with some combination of flu/cold/sinus infection. My staff handled operations in my absence. However, there were some issues tracking visit numbers, unfortunately.

    Last Thursday was Bike To Work Day. Some very awesome people stepped up and filled in for me. Sounds like it was a banner year! Congrats to all involved.

    Tomorrow evening is Light The Night. We’ll be hosting at a different location this year. Should be a better spot for folks to get their lights.

    We were inundated with donations last week. I’ll bring in staff off-hours to help scrap the junk bikes and reorganize this week. Hopefully we’ll have our space in better shape by our open hours on Wednesday.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 8*
    Sales: $1,242.50
    Bikes (refurb): 2 for $215
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $40
    Memberships: 17 for $510
    Tires/tubes: 9 for $55

    *See above issue with visit numbers.

    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  14. Update on time and location RE: RSVP requested 2023 Freezer Challenge Awards Ceremony/photo shoot calendar

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello Everyone,

    I am rushing to put together the mass-mail announcement for the campus research community, as My Green Labs re-finalized our results last night. This will go out by the end of this week.  

    It will include action item totals, recognition and a couple of new achievements reached by UIUC.


    Everyone on this email has earned an award this year, we will be awarding the top 14 performing labs.

    Sorry the celebration date is so close, we need to send the photo to the My Green Labs and the Lab Manager Journal by Sept. 29th  in order make the deadline.


    Thank you 

    Paul Foote


    Thanks to everyone that has already responded!


    If you have not yet had the chance, Please do so by Friday the 15th?

    So far we are looking at 2pm Thursday afternoon, I hope all can make it!



    Paul Foote


    Hello Everyone,

    The most popular date and time is Thursday the 21st at 2 pm, we will be in front of IBRL (1300 W Pennsylvania Ave, Urbana, IL 61801)


    IBRL-Integrated Bioprocessing Research Laboratory

    See you all then!


    P.S. I am still tabulating the results, the mass email will go out to the research community Monday evening.



    Paul Foote


    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Jim & Kelly Jo,


    My intentions were to send this out last Friday after seeing the DKC email, I just didn’t get back to it before the end of the day. I just wanted to share the latest version 4.1 of LEED which shows the new requirements for fundamental & Enhanced Cx.


    Both have increased in documentation, material and tasks needed to achieve them. Above are just a few of the items that Brian and I track and report for Fundamental Cx.


    Looks like they are going for Platinum, the highest level. I wonder if they have looked into green cleaning or alternative energy. We may want to verify this. Keep in mind, that all the actual commissioning is covered under the required fundamental portion. Enhanced includes extra tasks needed to be performed by the contractors and possibly a 3rd party entity. Something to think about as well is overall cost of the project, this could drive the cost of the project up. So, that’s another thing we need to bring to their attention is adding the appropriate language in the specifications.  Enhanced does have a possibility of gaining 6 points but there are options. 


    I’ll be back in the office tomorrow; I have time tomorrow afternoon or Friday to discuss the options and path’s if we so choose to accept this route. We should also discuss UGL, they are also wanting to pursue enhanced, not sure which avenue yet, I believe they talked about option 1, path 1.





    Just an fyi with some information that Brian and I provide to USGBC for UIUC Cx activities. The material attached above is just some of what we provide for the fundamental side of commissioning. I would like to speak to you about the enhanced side when you have a few minutes.


    Please let me know if you have a few minutes this afternoon or tomorrow.


    Thank you,



    Hi Jake:


    Rather than discussing this with me along with Morgan, I’m going to invite you to the 50% Design Review to discuss it with the PSC. Copying KJH so she sees the email string. I’m not sure where Bailey Edward is going with this other than trying to get a higher LEED score. I’m not passionate about pursuing enhanced CX but Bailey Edward wanted to discuss as a part of the rating process. Right now, I have the LEED/Enhanced CX scheduled for 11:50-12:30 on Tuesday, September 19. I know it’s part of a lunch, apologies for that. I’m attempting to get through all of the DR comments in less than 16 hours of time and this would be the last meeting of the day.


    Sending the schedule out shortly.


    Just an fyi…I reached out to Todd with Baily Edwards the other day. I have attached the email regarding that conversation.


    Basically, as long as they enter the appropriate language in the specifications, we could revisit this later in the project and see how the points are achievable and what’s actually needed to get them to the appropriate certification level.

  16. Sustainable Energy - Glesco Electric Inc.



    I spoke with Dave Dowler and he gave me your name as a person to speak with in regards to opportunities to work together for increased ability to do projects in the sustainable energy sector.


    Glesco is a local female owned business in Urbana and we have had the opportunity to complete numerous projects at the UIUC campus.  I have recently had the opportunity to work with developers that have been funding capital P3 projects on campus and thought perhaps an opportunity existed to do things in the sustainable energy area. 


    Would you have time to discuss this?  From my previous discussions at the University of Illinois, there was a “plan” in place prior to COVID that had both short-term and long-term goals in making UI more energy efficient.


    I believe we met at the diversity and inclusion conference this past year, however, I hadn’t fully developed the idea of how we could perhaps work together to meet these goals.


    I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you if you are interested.  If you think this conversation is better suited for someone other than yourself, would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction?


    Thank you.

    Laurda Grenda

    President of Glesco Electric Inc.
