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Meeting with Hrushikesh Chavan
Associated Project(s):Sarthak Prasad met with Hrushikesh Chavan, a Master of Architecture student, to help with several sustainable transportation projects, including the end of year bicycle round up. Hrushikesh has agreed to volunteer his time to help with the bicycle round up project.
Green Research Committee-update
Associated Project(s):Green Research Committee,
Jeremy and I met with Susan, Ehab, and Madhu last week to give them an update on our progress over the past few weeks. I have attached the topics discussed. Here is a brief summary of that meeting and how we propose to move forward.
- The October deadline can be extended. However, if there are requests for campus funding, it is a good deadline since all the budget meetings with the Provost happen in the Spring. As long as we continue making progress, we will update them in October with what we have done by then.
- When we write recommendations, we should consider the financial impact. Cost to implement and money saved following implementation.
- Jeremy is going to put together a single document that includes the information Paul shared on Teams and more details for the topics discussed in the meeting. That will be shared with the committee.
- Next meeting, we will discuss that document. Please read it before the meeting and write comments.
I will try to get something on the calendar soon.
Hi Morgan,
I am helping Jeremy write the combined document and am looking for your perspectives on 4 main items in this list, do you have 30 minutes to chat about these between now and the end of the week?
Thank you
Paul Foote
Hi Morgan,
My edits for the Research committee working documents and included and in green font.
Jeremy is going to combine these documents for our next meeting on Tuesday.
In addition to reviewing my edits in the brainstorming document would you please also comment on the greater campus collaboration sections in the draft document?
Many stakeholders already use siloed versions of this across campus, i.e. Provost’s Office, individual Colleges and Departments, Capital Planning, Deferred Maintenance and F&S Utilities and Energy Services along with others. A committee or team could pull all of these perspectives together and coordinate an overall metric system to accommodate the many priorities that each stakeholder values.
- Plan for equipment cooling during construction/renovation to avoid one-pass water cooling.
Core program to work with F&S, Department heads and PI’s to develop design criteria for closed loop cooling applications possibly utilizing the chilled water loop when feasible for process cooling etc…
- Establish and begin transitioning to a space utilization strategy to create flexible spaces and support the growth of interdisciplinary work. Sustainable lab design incorporates flexible spaces an effort that involves the PI’s, Deans, capital planning and other stakeholders to coordinate these types of designs. The Core Program can help advocate for these flexible spaces, identify and start conversations for flexible opportunities, break down barriers to communication and operating in silos.
Along with this from the Brainstorming document
Employ green lab director, industry standard range $65k to $85k and up depending experience level, or could hire an existing staff/faculty with a dual role position and similar qualifications with parallel work goals, outcomes or responsibilities and shared leadership and wage responsibility.
An example of a shared position would be their current wage plus an additional wage for the Green Research Position/Role and shared leadership for their reporting line. Many units have this on campus already.
Which answers this question at the bottom of the draft document
- Should we recommend where a Green Research program should reside organizationally? Possibly all 3 departments OVCRI, ISEE and F&S.
Thank you
Paul Foote
Hi Jeremy,
I sent this to Morgan for feedback if she has time.
Please find my edits in the documents attached for the Green Research Committee.
Paul Foote
TEACH AD workshop at the Healthy Lifestyle Hub, about the anaerobic digesters installed at Green Era Campus
Associated Project(s):Sarthak Prasad and Daphne Hulse attended an in-person TEACH AD workshop at the Healthy Lifestyle Hub in Chicago to learn about the anaerobic digesters installed at Green Era Campus in the Auburn-Gresham neighborhood.
Attached Files:May 2023 Buyer's Share Report
Associated Project(s):RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the May 2023 Buyer's Share amounts by the hour, totaling 1,518.5 Megawatt hours.
The May 2023 Buyer's Share Report is attached below.
Attached Files:Redwood Materials: F&S, iSEE, and ACES introduced to GIES alum Seema Nilakhe to discuss battery recycling opportunities
Associated Project(s):RE: Campus Sustainability - Redwood Materials
Great – thank you all for your thoughts and connections. I’m moving Madhu and Bob to bcc and can loop them back in as needed.
Jennifer, Morgan and Daphne, can you please share your interest in joining a call along with your availability for the last 2 weeks in June? I’ll get a call scheduled with Seema so that we can explore a possible collaboration.
Amy Fruehling, MBA
Senior Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
1301 W. Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801
From: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 12:06 PM
To: Schooley, Robert Lee <>; Khanna, Madhu <>; Fruehling, Amy <>
Cc: White, Morgan <>; Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
Subject: RE: Campus Sustainability - Redwood MaterialsAmy,
Bob is correct that campus no longer has a battery recycling program. I would be interested in following up about how we might restart the program. Colleagues in Facilities & Services, including Morgan White and Daphne Hulse, Zero Waste Coordinator, might also be interested in joining a call.
On a related note, the alum may be interested in an initiative to recycle components of EV batteries (among other types) for reuse in Europe that leverages a partnership between industry and academia.
Jennifer Fraterrigo (she/her)
iSEE Associate Director for Campus Sustainability and
Professor of Landscape and Ecosystem Ecology
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental SciencesUniversity of Illinois
W-423 Turner Hall, 1102 S. Goodwin Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
ph 217-333-9428
From: Schooley, Robert Lee <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 9:27 AM
To: Khanna, Madhu <>; Fruehling, Amy <>
Cc: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>; White, Morgan <>
Subject: RE: Campus Sustainability - Redwood MaterialsHi Amy,
Campus had a battery recycling program but it was discontinued in 2015 due to lack of funding. It is now left to units to fund recycling programs if they want.
I also thought of Jen Fraterrigo for discussing potential partnerships on campus.
Robert L. Schooley
Professor and Head
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental SciencesCollege of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
W-503 Turner Hall | M/C 047
Urbana, IL 61801
217.244.2729 |
From: Khanna, Madhu <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2023 5:24 PM
To: Fruehling, Amy <>; Schooley, Robert Lee <>
Cc: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>; White, Morgan <>
Subject: RE: Campus Sustainability - Redwood MaterialsHi Amy
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This sounds interesting. Would you know what kind of batteries she is interested in building a recycling program for?
I am ccing Jen Fraterrigo and Morgan White to let us know if we have any current program for this and get their thoughts on potential opportunities for battery recycling on our campus.
Madhu Khanna
Pronouns: she, her
Alvin H. Baum Family Chair & Director, Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Environment
ACES Distinguished Professor in Environmental Economics
Co-Director, Center for Economics of Sustainability
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Office: 1101 W. Peabody, Suite 336, M/C 635
Urbana IL 61801
email:; phone: 217-333-5176; fax: 217-333-5538
From: Fruehling, Amy <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2023 5:13 PM
To: Khanna, Madhu <>; Schooley, Robert Lee <>
Subject: RE: Campus Sustainability - Redwood MaterialsMadhu and Bob,
Checking in to bring this request to the top of your email again. I’d like to get back to our alum contact at Redwood Materials this week. Did you have any thoughts on her request below, or are there others you’d suggest that I reach out to?
From: Bollero, German A <>
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2023 3:18 PM
To: Fruehling, Amy <>
Subject: Re: Campus Sustainability - Redwood MaterialsI will let Madhu and Bob to respond to this.
From: "Fruehling, Amy" <>
Date: Monday, May 22, 2023 at 2:54 PM
To: German Bollero <>, "Khanna, Madhu" <>, "Schooley, Robert Lee" <>
Subject: Campus Sustainability - Redwood MaterialsHi Bob, German and Madhu,
Redwood Materials, founded by Tesla co-founder, JB Straubel, is a renewable energy company that focuses on making batteries sustainable and affordable by localizing the battery supply chain and producing components in the US from recycled batteries. A fantastic Gies alumni and former student that I worked with, reached out and is interested in creating a battery collection program at Illinois. She referenced the campus-wide recycling program with Coca Cola. While I think this could fit nicely into the Campus Sustainability program, I think that we could discuss possible research, project or funding collaborations that would enhance a program of this nature and support an academic partnership.
I am reaching out to you given your roles in the college and campus sustainability initiatives. Are there any programs within iSEE, NRES or that campus is working on that might align well? Are there others within your units that you recommend that I pose this question to? I’d like to have a follow up call with the alum, Seema Nilakhe, to share some options, and then can bring others into the conversation to hopefully begin talking about how to move forward.
Thank you for your thoughts,
Amy Fruehling, MBA
Sr. Director of Corporate Relations
Weekly Update: Emptying the Round Barn, New staffers
Associated Project(s):All, We were closed yesterday for the Memorial Day holiday.
Last week I moved bikes out of the barn. We’re not 100% done but only have 25 or so bikes left.
This week I’ll move the rest of the bikes out of the barn and do some reorganizing to accommodate the influx. We also have a new staffer starting this week, so we’ll host a training session or two with them.
The numbers:
Visitors: 13
Sales: $1,069.50
Bikes (refurb): 3 for $530
Bikes (B-a-B): 2 for $110Memberships: 6 for $180
Tires/tubes: 11 for $86.75Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorReimagine our Future Partner Form
Associated Project(s):Good morning friend of the Reimagine Our Future competition,
We were wondering if you would like to continue to be a part of the competition for this upcoming school year.
If so, can you please fill out this google form?
We appreciate your support and hope you will join us for another year of this amazing competition inspiring undergrads to come up with sustainable solutions.
Thank you so much,
Allie Garlin
Reimagine Our Future Student Assistant
Tracking/displaying Grind2Energy data.
Associated Project(s):Hi Thurman,
A recurring topic that’s come up in our zero waste conversations has been the desire to track and display more metrics under the zero waste theme on the iCAP Portal. Grind2Energy data was one metric that was brainstormed, as it relates closely to our Zero Waste Objective 5.5, “Plan for organic waste.” Since Dining already tracks that data, it would be easy for us to get it up on the portal. Would this be something that you’d be in favor of us doing? If so, any input on how the data is displayed (by month, or annually)?
Thank you,
DaphneHi Daphne,
Fate has it that I will be seeing the Grind2Energy people tomorrow at the National Restaurant Association show in Chicago. I would like to see if this is something that can by automatically updated from our system. They may have some functionality for this and if not, it may be some thing they could create and would be a selling point for them. I will find out the possibilities. I would rather that this be auotmatic so that the data is always current and nobody can "drop the ball" along the way.
Assistant Director of Dining - Facilities and Equipment
Weekly Update: Updated hours, Moving bikes
Associated Project(s):All, Last week we started our Summer Hours of M/W/F 2 – 6p. No complaints so far and if visit numbers are any indication, it’s the correct move. A lot fewer folks through the doors this time of year.
On Wednesday, with the help of a TBP volunteer we moved 10 or so bikes over to the Urbana space. A good small step, but still more bikes to clear. That’ll continue this week as well.
We’ve been selling bikes at a marginal clip but can’t have enough bikes ready come August so we’ll wrench on a few more this week during the down times.
The numbers:
Visitors: 22
Sales: $834.25
Bikes (refurb): 4 for $672
Memberships: 3 for $90
Tires/tubes: 1 for $8Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorReverb
Associated Project(s):There is a sustainability program called "reverb" which is for music festivals.
IGT report for 2022-23
Associated Project(s):Please see attached the report from Integrating Green Technologies (IGT) regarding the project and results from the air quality assessment experiment conducted at the Astronomy Building in July 2022 as well as the Design Thinking Workshop held in November 2022.
Attached Files:Cosmo-e pilot on campus this summer
Associated Project(s):Beginning Monday, May 22, the university and bike sharing partner Veo will launch a pilot program to explore the use of Cosmo-e bikes on the Urbana campus. During the trial, the motorized class two e-bikes will be allowed to operate on university streets and dedicated bicycle lanes. Rental bikes were previously restricted to pedaling only in these areas.
The program will run through Monday, August 7, at which point the ridership data and community feedback will be used to review the status of the service and determine future usage guidelines for the bikes before the start of the fall semester. Requirements for the pilot will also consist of strict geofencing restrictions for the class two e-bikes to protect pedestrian safety by properly balancing active transportation modes, including the following:
- Enforcing no-ride zones for the Main Quad, South Quad, Bardeen Quad, North Quad, Ikenberry Quad, and the trails of the Arboretum
- Maintaining existing prohibitions for sidewalks and multi-use shared paths
- Allowing parking only in designated university bicycle racks
- Regulating slower device speeds while on campus property (8 MPH maximum in primary areas)
Riders will receive more information, such as route maps and general reminders, from Veo before the pilot program begins. For questions about the upcoming pilot, contact Additional resources are available on the Bike at Illinois website.
Improving mobility options for students, faculty, and staff continues to be one of the university’s top transportation priorities. The pilot is the latest example of collaborative efforts to offer greater bike sharing availability and flexibility while maintaining the highest safety standards throughout the U of I’s jurisdictional locations.
Read more at Campus Pilot Project for Veo Motorized Bikes
5-17-23 F&S and YMCA meeting
Associated Project(s):On May 17, 2023 Morgan White, Daphne Hulse, and Marc Alexander met to discuss the future of Dump and Run.
F&S will need to provide public functions stuff for YMCA dump and run sale in the fall (use SSC funding - what is left)
We will need to create a MOU including what all this means for YMCA and long-term funding for their sale and our spring move out
Be sure to include that F&S will support the August sale in a public functions capacity, and supports the continued use of Stock Pavilion
Honor the partnership with the YMCA
MOU get marc’s perspective, morgan’s perspective, pete’s perspective, housing’s perspective
Be clear that there is a spring collection and august sale. They are separate events but all under the Dump and Run name.
Phrase example: “The Campus Bike Center is a collaboration between UIUC and the Bike Project of Champaign.”
Dump and Run: “Dump and Run is a collaboration between University YMCA and UIUC.”
Collaboration means that we sometimes work in different capacities as the university can be so much larger than a small organization
Daphne to draft a MOU for F&S-Housing and F&S-YMCA
“…Based on x y z background this is how we intend to move forward in our partnership over the years. One year time intervals automatically renewed each year unless a party decides something should change or cease…”
Recurring expenses could be argument among us internally to determine who should contribute (Morgan thinks this is a Pete question)
Student fees can go to anything
State funds to Housing is slightly limited
State funds to off campus entities is very limited
Get the MOU signed and approved before move in weekend, so we can proclaim it the way we planned to
August for YMCA to rubber stamp it
As a general reference, it is good to get things written down and signed on a MOU with existing leadership who support these initiatives, so they continue even when leadership changes
Sarthak & I (Alec) met to discuss the 2023 Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) application
Associated Project(s):Sarthak & I met on 5/1/2023 and 5/15/2023 to work on the BFU application.
The current version of the log we are using is attached below.
Attached Files:Arbor Day 2023 celebration featured in the F&S Insider
Associated Project(s):Please follow the link below to read about the 2023 Arbor Day celebration, which was celebrated on the main quad.
Native Planting at Burrill Hall
Associated Project(s):The following is an email sent by John Marlin on May 16, 2023:
As most of you know I am retired from campus and involved in other off campus conservation activities. I will no longer be overseeing the Burrill Hall native planting.
During the pandemic, maintenance at campus native plantings by volunteers was not allowed. This coupled with very dry conditions caused deterioration of several sites including the one at Burrill Hall. F&S bought the woodland wildflowers for the planting and the Entomology Department installed them and provided some maintenance in conjunction with some students.
Department head May Berenbaum has put together an effort to revitalize the planting and has some limited funding for some maintenance of the native plants. F&S plans to make some changes in part of the area and the path is to be restored. Daniel Bush will initially work with the native plants and supervise any students.
In the past weeds removed from the site were placed by the two square concrete benches and I notified Ryan Welch who had the maintenance crew remove them. I assume a similar arrangement can be made possibly with Mr. Dalby as the contact.
This site was quite popular with people walking past and provided a good instructional resource, especially the area near the sidewalk. I hope that this will continue.
John C. Marlin
Dennis Dalby replied:
Thank you John,
It was nice meeting you today to gain some of your tips and input regarding the planting and upkeep of this area. I’ve been working with Ryan Welch and SIB to get this area brought back up to its current level and look forward to its improved upkeep with the discussions that we had today. We’ll be working with Ryan to have a wood chip path added once again and will add a few small plants of our own within the areas that we (MCB) will maintain. SIB will maintain the areas of the native plants. It will look and function much better once all is in place.
Thanks again for stopping by to share your experience,
Weekly Update: Bike donations, Updated working hours
Associated Project(s):All, We received 8 bike donations directly from graduating students last week—easily a record during my tenure so far. Not sure how the word got out, but it was effective! Of course, I forgot to ask for a few photos for future marketing use, but one person did request a photo with her bike before she donated it.
I also worked with TBP volunteers to move a chunk of bikes out of storage, so we’re making headway on that. But still a good number of bikes left, too, which I’ll continue to work on going forward.
This week we start our summer hours of M/W/F 2 – 6p.
The numbers:
Visitors: 49
Sales: $868.25
Bikes: 3 for $570
Memberships: 4 for $120
Tires/tubes: 5 for $36Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorBike Safety Quiz Form for University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Associated Project(s):Here are some links that direct you to UIUC's bike safety quizzes!
Links to Share – share these links with anyone who’s interested in taking the quiz. Feel free to post on social media, websites, etc.
Dump and Run 2023 held from Monday, May 8 through Saturday, May 13
Associated Project(s):Collections began at 10am on Monday morning and continued through 3pm on Saturday afternoon. More than 16,000 pounds of household items were donated to Goodwill through the program. Salt & Light collected 3,500 pounds of soft items (clothes, bedding, linens