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  1. Bike at Illinois: May Newsletter

    May Newsletter sent out on May 10, 2023.


    Bike at Illinois Newsletter: May 2023




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    Happy National Bike Month!

    Thank you for registering your bicycle! We wanted to remind you to collect your bike registration sticker (shield) and attach it to your bicycle, if you have not done so already. There are, currently, eight campus and community shield pick-up locations - found on the Register Your Bike webpage. You will be required to show the Bike Registration Fee payment confirmation email and identification to collect a shield.

    Winners of Bike Registration Raffle were contacted recently and we will follow up with them again today!

  2. F&S announcement - Donate Your Bike

      Donate Your Bike!  

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      A bike shelter with vertical racks on the Urbana campus

    Don't abandon your bike on campus at the end of the semester. If you no longer need your bicycle, consider donating it ( the Campus Bike Center (51 E. Gregory Drive, Champaign) or the Bike Project of Urbana (202 S. Broadway Avenue, Room 24). 

    No appointment is required. Donations are tax-deductible. Bicycles will be refurbished or recycled, reusing as much of the bike as possible.

    Removal of Abandoned Bicycles 
     All unattended bicycles on campus will be impounded after the on-bike sticker notification process concludes this summer. Retrieving an impounded bicycle

  3. Green Research Committee Informal Summary

    Associated Project(s): 

    The following is an email sent by Stephanie Hess on May 11, 2023.

    Green Research Committee,

    Jeremy and I met with Susan, Ehab, and Madhu last week to give them an update on our progress over the past few weeks. I have attached the topics discussed. Here is a brief summary of that meeting and how we propose to move forward.

    • The October deadline can be extended. However, if there are requests for campus funding, it is a good deadline since all the budget meetings with the Provost happen in the Spring. As long as we continue making progress, we will update them in October with what we have done by then.
    • When we write recommendations, we should consider the financial impact. Cost to implement and money saved following implementation.
    • Jeremy
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  4. Weekly Update: Schedule update, bikes for sale

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, The past work week was full of last shifts for a lot of the student staff, as well as a lot of talk of finals schedules. Ended on a bright note as a couple rented a tandem from us as practice as they didn’t want their “Just Married” post-nuptial ride on a tandem to be their absolute first one. Fun!

    This is our last week of being open M – F. Next Monday we start M/W/F hours.

    This week I’ve got a meeting to hash out some Tue/Thurs appointment hours to still help folks in need of bike repair.  I’ll also move some bikes out of the warehouse with the help of TBP folk.

    The lobby is currently packed full with sale bikes, so we’ll have to rearrange in the back to accommodate moving some sale stock back there. A good problem to have.

    The...Expand »

  5. Green Globes 2023

    Associated Project(s): 

    Thank you to everyone who attended the iSEE and SSLC 2023 Green Globes, where we recognized student organizations for their sustainable initiatives taken in the past year. Special congratulations to Students for Environmental Concerns, Illinois Urban Farmers, and Red Bison for receiving scholarships to further those initiatives! We are excited to see what the future looks like for these sustainable organizations, keep up the great work!

  6. WCIA: U of I hosting 21st Dump and Run event for students to donate unwanted items

    Posted: May 6, 2023 / 02:00 PM CDT

    Updated: May 10, 2023 / 06:13 PM CDT

    CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — U of I Facilities and Services (F&S) announced that the 21st annual Dump and Run event is expanding to multiple campus locations this year beginning Monday, May 8.

    The U of I said the Dump and Run event, a collaboration between University Housing and U of I F&S, is designed to achieve campus sustainability goals, including reaching zero waste targets and preventing trash from reaching waterways and landscapes.

    Officials said in past years when the event was hosted at the University YMCA, more than 30 tons of material was recycled and kept from reaching the landfill because of these efforts.

    U of I officials said...Expand »

  7. 5-3-23 Housing + F&S meeting

    Associated Project(s): 


    • · Shipping container locations - finalize
    • · SDRP
      • o Concern from Housing staff about the location. They say it is blocking the emergency drive to SDRP.
      • o Checking with Stacey DeLorenzo.
      • o Bollards are up in front of the container - must they remain this way? Confirm safety standpoint, and then they can be lowered.
      • o North bollards on Euclid Dr - receiving route schedules from the non-profits
      • o On Friday - non-profits will be dropping of gaylords to each of the containers
    • · F&S will lock and unlock each day
    • · Volunteers
      • o A little over 10% of the volunteer spots are filled.
      • o Crafting an internal message for F&S employees.
      • o Send the crafted message over to Bryan.
    • · Advertising/messaging
      • o Submitted to iNews as a
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  8. UIUC, OSU, UMich, and Purdue analyzing the waste survey

    From: Leciejewski, Mary <>

    Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 7:37 AM
    Subject: Waste Affinity Survey & Meeting

    Morning Big 10 and Friends,


    Hope everyone everyone’s semester is wrapping up nicely. A big thank you goes out to everyone who participated in the Waste Survey [redacted] so far. We’ve already found the excel tool has been helpful in considering new initiatives. If you haven't had the chance to add your school's information, please do so at your earliest convenience.

    If you’re interested in reviewing the waste results together, fill out this When2Meet [redacted] by Wednesday, May 10th.


    Looking forward to catching up and discussing the findings with all of you! ...Expand »

  9. UIUC student carbon footprint questions

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Mr. Helmink,


    My name is Kendall O'Keefe and I am a freshman at UIUC. I am a journalism major, and for one of my final projects for my reporting class we were instructed to write a series of three stories that have to do with a specific category. My category is history, and my final story is about how we preserve historic buildings on campus and what that mainly entails. I am focusing on the differences between Lincoln Hall, Altgeld Hall, the CIF, and the ECE. I emailed Robert Roman with some questions about energy sources in new buildings compared to older buildings, and he copied you on his response saying that you would have more information for me. If you saw that, I would love to email you a couple questions about energy/...Expand »

  10. Green Research Committe 2nd meeting

    May 2, 2023 Green Research Committee Meeting 2

    Present: Mitchell Bryant, Shari Effert-Fanta, Paul Foote, Jennifer Fraterrigo, Stephanie Hess, Daphne Hulse, Maisie Kingren, Tim Mies, Lisa Moore, Jeremy Neighbors, Chad Stevens, Sabrina Summers

    Absent: Morgan White


    • Meeting with leadership on Friday (Jeremy and Stephanie)
    • Discuss ideas for each team:
      • Team 1
        • Mitchell: outreach to graduate students who are disposing of waste. What can and cannot go down the sink and other waste diversion mechanism to keep it from reaching the environment.
        • Stephanie: what kind of waste?
        • Mitchell: plastic waste is an issue in itself in the laboratory. There’s a balance because some things need to be sterile.
        • Stephanie: can we repurpose
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  11. Weekly Update: TBP equity membership policy change, Bike Moving Party

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Last week was a TBP members’ meeting where it was decided to reduce TBP work equity memberships from 8 to 4 hours, as well as no longer offer First Visit Free at either space. Staff can still help with small on-the-spot repairs as they see fit. Both changes are good for the Bike Center and the campus community.

    I also participated in the Bike Census and Campus Transportation Advisory Committee meeting last week.

    Thanks to TBP volunteers we were able to progress nicely on clearing out the abandoned bikes, per the request of Parking. TBD on hosting a Bike Moving Party on a weekend in May.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 38
    Sales: $782
    Bikes (refurb): 3 for $525
    Memberships: 3 for $90
    Tires/tubes: 2 for $23

    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  12. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) spring 2023
