Water Bottle Filling Info
Hi Jen,
CC’ed is the team of ENG 177 students who are working on the survey for water bottle filling stations. Can you send them the map of locations?
Also, do you happen to know who they might reach out to at F&S to get a quote on installation costs, or do you have that information?
Eric Green
Hi Eric and ENG 177 students!
I attached the most up-to-date map of bottle filling stations. I also attached a spreadsheet with the inventory for campus buildings, including residence halls, which have not yet been included in the map.
The cost of replacing an existing fixture with a new water cooler with a bottle filler is around $2,400. An install that requires additional plumbing will cost around $7,500.
Let me know if you need anything else or have any questions. I hope you will be able to determine student preference for bottle filler stations versus fountains with spigots, and provide recommendations about where to place them.
Hi all,
As I mentioned previously, the main goal is to determine student preferences for bottle filler stations versus fountains with spigots, and provide recommendations about where to place filler stations. Students living in residence halls are an important target population for understanding preferences because survey data indicate that first- and second-year students consume more bottled water and believe that there are not enough convenient places to refill reusable bottles on campus.
Thanks and let me know if you have any questions.
Jennifer Fraterrigo