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- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
Energy iCAP Team Meeting 2-27-23
Associated Project(s):The Energy iCAP Team Met on 2/27/23 to discuss the progress of submitted recommendations and develop new recommendations.
Watch the recording here:
Attached Files:Sarthak & I (Alec) met to discuss the 2023 Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) Application
Associated Project(s):Sarthak & I met for an hour on 2/27/2023 to discuss the 2023 BFU application. I checked some answers with him. We determined who we need to ask for some questions and answered other questions.
The current version of the 2023 BFU Application Log is attached below.
Attached Files:Weekly Update: Close to M-F hours
Associated Project(s):All, Another abbreviated week for me, but the staff held down the fort. We’re working up bikes and our staff is peer-to-peer training during slow times to get the new folks up to speed.
This week I’ll schedule some off-hours staff trainings and a staff meeting to help bring folks along. We’re close to being able to open back up M – F, still have a few more things to iron out. I even found the same open hours poster we used to have for our M-F hours, so we don’t have to order a new sign. Reduce, reuse, recycle!
The numbers:
Visitors: 17
Sales: $299.30
Bikes (refurb): 1 for $160
Memberships: 1 for $30
Tires/tubes: 3 for $45Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Coordinatornotes on solar over carports
Associated Project(s):Michigan Sate University shared some lessons learned from implementing solar car ports on their campus.
- make sure your carport roof covers the fll parking space, because they had icicles form on the edge and fall onto a vehicle, which damaged the vehicle
- snow removal equipment may hit the roof and damage the structure
- one time an RV hit the structure during tailgating
Invitation to collaborate on a presentation
Associated Project(s):I was contact by some colleagues withy Future Earth – Taipei ( for a potential webinar series. I suggested them to think about campus sustainability actions as a living laboratory and they are very intrigued by this idea. They asked me to suggest speakers and I am thinking about Jack, Morgan and Andy. So, I would like to ask if you are interested. Some of their previous talk can be found at All the communications and activities will be between 6pm-11pm CST due to time difference. I am happy to have more discussion if you are interested.
Ms. Morgan White,
Mr. Jack Reicherts,
Dr. Andrew Stumpf,
Dr. Ping-Yu Change,
Dr. Jui-Pin (Rubin) Tsai,
Dr. Yu-Feng Forrrest Lin,
Yu-Feng F. Lin
Illinois Water Resources Center
Principal Research Hydrogeologist
Illinois State Geological Survey
Clinical Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Professor
Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Invitation to collaborate on a presentation
Associated Project(s):I was contact by some colleagues withy Future Earth – Taipei ( for a potential webinar series. I suggested them to think about campus sustainability actions as a living laboratory and they are very intrigued by this idea. They asked me to suggest speakers and I am thinking about Jack, Morgan and Andy. So, I would like to ask if you are interested. Some of their previous talk can be found at All the communications and activities will be between 6pm-11pm CST due to time difference. I am happy to have more discussion if you are interested.
Ms. Morgan White,
Mr. Jack Reicherts,
Dr. Andrew Stumpf,
Dr. Ping-Yu Change,
Dr. Jui-Pin (Rubin) Tsai,
Dr. Yu-Feng Forrrest Lin,
Yu-Feng F. Lin
Illinois Water Resources Center
Principal Research Hydrogeologist
Illinois State Geological Survey
Clinical Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Professor
Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
iSEE Quarterly update for Winter 2022
Associated Project(s):Greetings, Colleagues,
I hope the start of 2023 is going well. I’m reaching out today to send you iSEE Quarterly update for Winter 2022 from the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment.
For more up-to-date news from iSEE, please sign up for our E-newsletter at
- iSEE received a $1M gift from a class-action lawsuit settlement; it is being used for iSEE-funded $300k low-carbon transportation solutions research.
- A new cover crop project called iCOVER received a $5M grant from USDA and was featured in The News-Gazette.
- From the Agroecosystem Sustainability Center and SMARTFARM project:
- ASC team members co-authored paper led by Stanford on cover crops’ effect on yields; also, papers on soil carbon budgets and increased adoption of cover crops
- ASC was featured in a video for American Geophysical Union meeting, and team members also were part of an Illinois Farm Bureau video.
- From the Illinois Regenerative Agriculture Initiative:
- The Riggs Brewery “Field to Beer” video was immensely popular, receiving more than 11,000 interactions on Twitter.
- IRAI was also featured in Illinois Farmer Today.
- From the Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation:
- CABBI authored a multi-institutional study that explored the first known use of CRISPR/Cas9 editing of miscanthus. Another team published a paper on 3-D phenotyping tools for miscanthus.
- Articles have featured new Sustainability Theme Leader Wendy Yang, new Feedstock Production partner and PI Ernst Cebert of Alabama A&M, and new Conversion PI Heng Ji.
- Six CABBI researchers (including Lisa Ainsworth, Kaiyu Guan, and Don Ort) were named to Clarivate’s highly cited list; and CABBI researchers have earned two EMSL awards for continued studies of sorghum stems.
- From the I-FARM “Farm of the Future” project:
- View a new overview video.
- Check out the FAQ article.
- The project has received FarmWeekNow and WAND-TV coverage — and was featured on the Big Ten Network during Illini basketball games!
- Robotics in the field media coverage in The News-Gazette.
- From the Energy-Enhancing FEWS project:
- Team members are part of new $2.5M USDA grant to convert biowaste to pavement.
- Members of the Illinois Geothermal Coalition have successfully demonstrated efficient use of an abandoned oil well in the Illinois Basin as a geothermal “battery.”
- An iSEE biobased chemicals and inks project was featured for its work on printable electronics.
- Former iSEE Associate Director Gillen D’Arcy Wood recently published a new website on ocean data from 19th century voyage.
- Registration is open for iSEE Congress 2023 — “Addressing Crises of a Planetary Scale: Lessons from Pandemics and Climate Change.”
- The Fall 2023 Critical Conversation is expected to bring together stakeholders to discuss climate-smart commodities.
- iSEE’s Environmental Leadership Program for Spring 2023 is already more than past the midway point; check out our student blog for some perspective on the immersive learning experience.
- Read a Certificate in Environmental Writing (CEW) success story in former Q author and CEW recipient Zack Fishman.
- Our Grind2Energy video explored how dining hall food waste produces energy and fertilizer; its release spurred coverage by The News-Gazette and WCIA-TV.
- iSEE’s new, more comprehensive Student Action webpage offers listings for iSEE jobs, volunteering, and student organizations to join.
- Illini Lights Out fall semester featured RECORD totals: more than 640 volunteers turned off 20,303 bulbs, saving the campus as much as 35,000 kWH, $3,090, and nearly 25 tons of GHG. Spring dates: Jan. 27 (130+ volunteers, 5,043 bulbs, 8,700 kWH, $760, 6.2 tons of GHG), Feb. 10 and 24, March 24, and April 21.
- At the November Zero Waste basketball game (see video) more than 280 pounds of beverage containers and other recyclables were diverted from the landfill. The next Zero Waste basketball game March 2 seeks 100 volunteers. iSEE partnering with F&S, Housing, Athletics, and Union for a #don’twasteWednesdays twitter campaign all spring. FALL PLAN: a ZW football tailgate.
- A new Waste Transfer Station video shows the great work by Facilities & Services — but also the need for all campus community members to pre-sort their recyclables to prevent them from becoming landfill waste.
- Greener Campus certifications in the new year: One new office (Visit Champaign County!), one new chapter (Sigma Lambda Gamma sorority), and nine new events (including Illini Lights Out) certified in January.
- Read our article about the sustainable features of Campus Recreation and our feature about the new beekeeping club on campus.
Thanks for reading, and best wishes for the remainder of the spring semester!
Madhu Khanna
Madhu Khanna
Pronouns: she, her
Alvin H. Baum Family Chair & Director, Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Environment
ACES Distinguished Professor in Environmental Economics
Co-Director, Center for Economics of Sustainability
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
1301, W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801
Project Announcement for UTB Installation
Associated Project(s):Below is a message from Andrew Stumpf regarding the installation of the underground thermal battery at the UIUC Energy Farm:
Dear colleagues,
It is with great excitement that I can announce the project to install Underground Thermal Battery (UTB) system developed by Dr. Xiaobing Liu’s team at Oakridge National Laboratory at UIUC Energy Farm will begin next week. This will be a several weeks project that includes installing the UTB, associated geothermal boreholes, geothermal heat pump, HVAC upgrades and control center. On Monday the UTB will be placed in the ground. Skinner Drilling will be installing the UTB with assistance from Durbin Geothermal. All the other work will follow over the coming weeks. I expect drilling will start between 8:00 and 8:30 and take about 1 hour, and then the battery will be lowered into the ground and be done before noon.
You're most welcome to visit.
Res005 Sustainability Economic Analysis recommendation - Submittal
Associated Project(s):The Resilience iCAP Team submitted the attached Res005 Sustainability Economic Analysis recommendation to the iWG on 2/20/2023. The recommendation states:
Provide undergraduate research support for reporting on sustainability concepts including cost-benefit analysis, lifecycle costs, and finance considerations for Sustainability-related projects of interest to the local urbanized areas of Urbana, Champaign, and Savoy.
Topic examples include Green Infrastructure or Energy Conservation / Renewable Energy projects that municipalities are interested in undertaking. This research should help identify useful case studies and provide reporting on the economics of “green” capital projects of interest. Information showing that Green Infrastructure projects and/or Renewable Energy projects are fiscally sound, financially viable, and can demonstrate a return on investment have a greater chance for adoption over the easier “status quo” or lowest-bidder projects.
iSEE will provide some oversight and work to identify potential resources to partner with communities to answer sustainability questions with regard to “green” and “sustainable” community investments – where cost-benefit analysis and life cycle analysis reporting would be beneficial. ISEE recommended that Eric Green’s ENVS 492 undergraduate course is an appropriate class to partner with.
This recommendation also seeks assistance from iSEE to help identify future funding for the development, implementation, and outreach of this plan.
Additionally, the Education iCAP Team will assist in identifying online and on-campus degree programs with capstone courses that may align with the project scope. The Resilience iCAP Team leaders will continue to work with community partners to identify areas of prioritized need to be shared with a growing network of faculty and programs who in turn, are interested in providing real-world research-based opportunities to their students.
Through ENVS 492 and potential online and on-campus capstone programs, students will work with communities to conduct research and outreach, and to disseminate applicable reports and findings.
Suggested unit/department to address implementation: ISEE
Attached Files:Sarthak & I (Alec) met to discuss the Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) application
Associated Project(s):Sarthak & I met on 2/20/2023 to go over some questions I had about the BFU application. We talked about the built environment of the campus (question A8), and clarified the total campus enrollment statistic. I also showed Sarthak the log I created to keep track of the my progress on the application, which is attached below.
Attached Files:Weekly Update: Build-a-bikes completed, increasing number of bikes on the floor
Associated Project(s):All, Abbreviated week for me as I took a half day on Thursday and all of Friday off. Staff handled things admirably and I’ll check in with them today for a full shift report.
Got a couple Build-a-Bikes completed and a bike sold last week. We’ve got a dozen or so bikes on the floor and working to bump that number. I’ll likely grab a few more bikes from the warehouse, too.
The numbers:
Visitors: 29
Sales: $429.25
Bikes (refurb): 1 for $90Bikes (B-a-B): 2 for $100
Memberships: 1 for $30Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorISTC, F&S, Project Revert to Earth meeting follow-up resources
Associated Project(s):From: Scrogum, Joy Joann <>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2023 5:02 PM
To: Kim, Hannah <>; Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>; Patterson, Shawn L <>; Samaras, Zach <>; Feher, Savannah <>
Subject: RE: Thank you:)Hannah, thanks again for your conviction to make positive change and for preparing such a clear, well-considered presentation for today’s meeting!
I wanted to follow up by sending you a link to the Prescott Lab: They do a lot of work related to household food waste and food waste reduction interventions in K-12 schools (e.g. share tables). Dr. Prescott and colleagues also published a paper back in 2021 on how changing the size and shape of plates in dining halls can reduce food waste—see
You can visit to learn more about the zero waste efforts of ISTC’s Technical Assistance Program, and see for descriptions of past collaborative efforts with the UIUC campus. As I said, we’ll definitely reach out to you about volunteering at a waste sort if we end up working on campus building waste audits later in the year!
One thing we didn’t talk about on today’s call were Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) that you might be interested in. Check out VermiCUlture, and Grow2Give, Sydney Curts is involved in both organizations, and she might be a good connection for you to speak with; note that she’s graduating in May. You can connect with her on LinkedIn at, or email her at
I know Daphne and Shawn will connect you with additional groups, resources, and opportunities on campus. I wanted to share links to two statewide organizations we mentioned earlier. The Illinois Food Scrap and Composting Coalition,, might be something you’re interested in learning more about. If you don’t want to opt for membership, you can connect with IFSCC on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or via our LinkedIn Group. Also, check out the Wasted Food Action Alliance, If your class schedule permits, the WFAA hosts a monthly meeting on the fourth Wednesday of the month, and those are open to any interested party.
I hope all this helps and wish you luck in your efforts to improve waste management. Don’t hesitate to contact me, Zach, or Savannah if you have additional questions. When you work on waste reduction and management, it’s always such a delight to encounter students who not only understand the issues involved, but genuinely care and want to become involved. Thanks for brightening our day!
Joy Scrogum
Assistant Scientist, Sustainability
LEED Green Associate | Sustainability Excellence Professional (SEP)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Prairie Research Institute
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC)
Champaign, IL 61820
217.333.8948 | | www.prairie.illinois.edu
Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.From: Kim, Hannah <>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2023 3:32 PM
To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>; Patterson, Shawn L <>; Scrogum, Joy Joann <>; Samaras, Zach <>; Feher, Savannah <>
Subject: Thank you:)Hello,
I just wanted to sincerely thank you all for taking the time to listen to my thoughts and providing me with all the insights that I will take them to heart. As a student I appreciate talking to experts that are actively working on the field I am interested in and passionate about. Your comments allowed me to get a sense of where we are in terms of waste treatment and what I should be doing. I know my steps won't be big, but I will for sure make a change. Although it is quite sad that Illinois has poor infrastructure, there are still ways to improve such as students' perceptions and behaviors. With your advice, I think I will start from there. I will be reaching out for more advice and guidance in the near future:)
If it wasn't for you, I would have left this idea in the back of my head. Thank you so much for the encouragement and reassurance that there are ways to be involved. Words can't explain how much I appreciate it. I hope there will be a chance for us to talk again and have a wonderful rest of your day!
Hannah Kim
Weekly capstone meetings: Meeting from 2/15
Associated Project(s):Ethan and Sarthak met via zoom to discuss Ethan’s progress in reviewing relevant documents toward the former 2014 Bicycle Plan and for the future 2024 Bicycle Plan. Ethan has finished reading the 2019 and 2023 progress reports on the bicycle plan and reviewed which projects have been finished and are yet to be finished. Ethan’s main goal is to develop a presentation for a meeting with Morgan and Stacy to discuss the work he and Sarthak have been doing. Also, they must present their plan for the semester in regard to developing the planning process for the next year, in reference to the 2024 Bicycle Plan. Ethan and Sarthak also discussed highlighting the bicycle audit expected to be done in the Fall.
Attached Files:2/6/23 General Meeting Agenda
Associated Project(s):We have attached our meeting agenda from the SSLC general member meeting that took place on 2/6/23.
Attached Files:Spring 2023 Goals
Associated Project(s):SSLC’s Spring 2023 Goals
We are excited to continue our work in campus sustainability this semester! Some of our goals for this semester include:
Bolster and growing membership among constituent organizations
More socials/personal connections
Collaboration with local groups
Grand Prairie Friends, Citizens Utility Board, and Prairie Rivers Network
Finalize plans for Earth Month
Prepare for Sustainable Food Event in the fall
Elect new leaders for SSLC
Take on and revamp the Sustainability Grammy’s
Fall 2022 Recap
Associated Project(s):SSLC’s Fall 2022 Recap
SSLC made many steps towards creating a sustainable campus and collaborating with environmental groups in Fall 2022, including:
Coordinated events and initiatives for Campus Sustainability Month to raise environmental awareness.
Formed new partnerships with community organizations to increase impact.
Improved meeting attendance, with more students actively participating.
Planning a program of sustainability events from October to April to maintain engagement and momentum throughout the entire academic year.
Had productive discussions with iSEE to align efforts with university sustainability initiatives and address student concerns to campus administration.
Land & Water iCAP Meeting 2/17
Associated Project(s):On February 17th, the Land & Water iCAP team met to discuss the details of a permeable pavers recommendation. The team then split off into breakout rooms to organize future soil and water committee initiatives.
Meeting minutes are attached.
Attached Files:Daily Illini article: MTD, campus resources respond to recent cyclist collision
Associated Project(s):Daily Illini published an article on the recent cyclist collision with an MTD bus by Transit Plaza:
MTD, campus resources respond to recent cyclist collision
A student races past on a bike on South Wright Street in one of the University’s many bike lanes.
By Layli Nazarova, Staff Writer
February 13, 2023Following the recent incident on Wright Street involving a cyclist and an MTD bus, MTD said that the bus “was operating safely” and not at fault for the collision.
“We do not know what caused the cyclist to swerve toward the side of the bus, but we do know the bus was operating safely outside the bike lane and did not take action to cause contact,” said Amy Snyder, chief of staff at MTD, in an email.
According to Snyder, road safety is one of the MTD’s top priorities which they achieve through training.
“MTD maintains an extensive training program to on-board and retrain current Operators to drive safely in our busy campus environment,” Snyder said. “It involves classroom curriculum, simulated environments and on-the-street instruction.”
The overall number of bike crashes has significantly decreased over the past few years, according to the Illinois Climate Action Plan portal. That may be due to improvements in bike infrastructure on campus, according to Steven Breitwieser, a spokesperson for University Facilities & Services.
“In the last 10-15 years, the University has improved bicycle infrastructure to provide a safer, more convenient and enjoyable experience for bicyclists,” Breitwieser said. “These efforts emphasize better connecting the campus bike network with surrounding communities.”
Most of those infrastructure changes are a part of the University’s Campus Bicycle Master Plan published in 2014.
However, the accidents still occur and, according to Campus Bike Center Coordinator Jacob Benjamin, students continue to express concerns regarding road safety.
“Most of our education really is face to face with folks that come in,” Benjamin said. “Generally, the safety concerns are related to being able to be seen well at night.”
To increase safety and spread awareness among cyclists, the Campus Bike Center provides various resources.
“We try to educate folks more on defensive bike riding, as well as predictable bike riding,” Benjamin said. “There’s the Illinois bike safety quiz that the League of American cyclists puts out. We encourage everybody to take that. And we have a bike map that was put together and distributed by Champaign County bikes that we’ve been giving out, and this has all the safe bike routes listed on it.”
Regarding road safety concerns, Campus Bike Center recommends avoiding “busy” streets on campus, considering the increased traffic.
“We’d certainly recommend riding on quieter side streets and less busy major streets because traffic is just a lot higher,” Benjamin said.
According to Benjamin, bike and road safety depends on both the awareness of cyclists and infrastructure on campus.
“Infrastructure improvements are always welcome, but awareness and education about how to ride safely is important as well,” Benjamin said. “Transportation systems are kind of an ecosystem of cars, cyclists, pedestrians, buses — all play a role in creating a safe transportation system.”
Green Power Partnership’s 2021 Year in Review
Associated Project(s):Green Power Partnership's 2021 Year in Review
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Green Power Partnership (GPP) reached several program milestones in calendar year 2021. The 2021 performance update shows how EPA's Partners continued to raise the bar on leadership and impact in green power use, advancing the U.S. market for green power.
Here are the Partnership's 2021 accomplishments:
These figures demonstrate how electricity consumers transform the power sector by choosing how their power is generated. EPA's Partners help grow demand and scale the renewable energy market by purchasing and using renewable electricity. Renewable electricity helps these organizations meet their energy, economic, and environmental objectives. Green electricity customers also encourage the development of renewable electricity sources and drive new project development.
With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, new funding, programs, and incentives will help accelerate the transition to a clean energy future. See what the Inflation Reduction Act has to offer for Green Power Partners here.
See more GPP data in our Program Data Viewer, and find more info about our Partners with our Partner Profile Viewerand in the Top Partner Rankings.
To learn more, visit