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  1. ISTC sends the revised proposal to F&S

    From: Scrogum, Joy Joann <>
    Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 5:39 PM
    To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
    Cc: Samaras, Zach <>; Feher, Savannah <>; Jacobson, Debra F <>
    Subject: Revised proposal for UIUC waste audit


    Daphne, as promised based on our conversation yesterday, attached is a revised version of the proposal for the campus waste audit. The attached is the same as the previous version of the proposal except for the following changes:

    • Mention of “tiers” has been removed from the text. What had previously been described as “Tier I,” along with its associated activity zones and buildings, is now the
    • ...Expand »
  2. The survey is further refined

    Hi Daphne, great survey and I agree with Mary it is very comprehensive!  Patrick and I reviewed the document we came up with a few recommendations for your consideration:

    It might be beneficial to add another question after cell G3 that asks if there are secondary waste goals.

    Cell K3 was a little confusing trying to determine what was meant by ‘Benchmark Year’…. Is this supposed to say ‘Baseline Year’ instead? 

    For Cell AG3, we are recommending that a separate tab in the same spreadsheet where the answers can be put into its own grid and easier to compare school to school.  For instance, I found it very interesting to see UIUC include tires but not surplus material, and it would be interesting to see how many folks...Expand »

  3. SafeTraces follow up meeting

    Sarthak Prasad and Morgan White are meeting with Sterling Laylock from SafeTraces on January 9 from 11 to 12 pm to cover the following:

    • Astronomy Building report findings and potential corrective action
    • Indoor Air Quality Monitoring specific to IT Security
      • UL 2905/UL 2906: Indoor Air Quality Sensor Performance/Sensor Deployment
      • UL Verified IoT Security
      • There is a newer building on campus that has CO2 sensors
        so we can discover what they did and follow that pathway
    • Our ongoing collaborative discussion with the State of Illinois' new Building Infrastructure
      Fund (2nd qtr 2023) where our work with you under iCAP is considered one of the missing pieces 
      of the puzzle.

      Their primary goal is to improve re-occupancy levels within existing
    • ...Expand »
  4. Weekly Update: final week of semester, WCIA

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, The final week of last semester was, as expected, quiet. Very little traffic but Alex finally finished his Build-a-Bike. He’d been steadily and meticulously working on it all semester. We were able to fix up approximately 30 kids bikes here at CBC and totaled 50 for the event which happened on Saturday 12/17/22. We had 4 people bow out last minute to help for the event (thanks covid), so we had a skeleton crew but still gave away 50 bikes in about 20 minutes. The IMC staff were extremely helpful and stepped up to corral and organize folks when we were getting overwhelmed. Some folks left unhappy, I’m sure, but we still helped out a good number of kids. WCIA showed up just in time to get some footage of families departing with the last...Expand »

  5. Ford Lightning allotted to Abbott Power Plant and EV charging station installed

    Abbott Power Plant are the recipients of one the new Ford F150 Lightning Electric Trucks.

    There is a charging station in the alley between the plant addition and scrubber where the vehicle can be parked and charged (see photo below). The plug on the truck is on the side in front of the driver side door.

    The key for the new truck is in the control room at Abbott. The key is a FOB that must be in the vehicle to start it. Similar to other new vehicles, the truck is started when the FOB is in the vehicle with you, you press the brake, and then hit the start button. Since it is electric you of course will not hear the motor engage and start, but the car will “come to life” with the dashboard coming on and displaying. The vehicle can now be put...Expand »

    Attached Files: 
  6. Design Thinking Session Outcomes from the November 10, 2022 meeting

    Here's a short list of outcomes from our Nov 10th Design Thinking Session.

    • There a 2 more Design Thinking Session scheduled for 1st qtr 2023
      • Chicago Archdiocese
      • Cook County Facilities & Asset Mgmt
    • UL Healthy Buildings will become a more hands-on active participant in our iCAP effort to help expand building science expertise specific to the UL Verified Marks to also include the impacts of indoor air particulate, hazardous gases, and building hygiene:
      • SafeTraces Verified Mark for Ventilation and Filtration
      • UL Verified Mark for Healthy Buildings
  7. Green Lab Initiatives Take Root Around the World

    Associated Project(s): 

    Paul Foote shared the following article regarding Green Labs:

    This sustainable labs article shares a look into the current international climate regarding green labs.

    The author’s high level summation quotes green lab leaders as well as comments from NIH and HHS regrading funding and sustainability, and other key topics surrounding sustainable & green labs.

  8. Sustainability Council Meeting 12-13-22

    The Sustainability Council met on 12-13-22 and discussed the following agenda:

    • Zero Waste
    • Energy Planning
    • Strategic Plan
    • Old Business
      - Sustainability General Education Requirement
      - Sustainable Land Management Committee Report

    The meeting minutes and slide deck are attached. 

  9. Campus Energy Student Video 2022

    In December of 2022 Aaryaman Patel, a Mechanical Engineering student, published a video for a competition through the International District Energy Association. The purpose of the video is to highlight energy systems within a University campus.

    Below is the link to his video:


  10. New iSEE Green Event and Chapter Certifications

    Congratulations to our newest recipients of our Certified Greener Campus Programs as we finish out the semester.

    Green Chapter:

    Alpha Phi Beta (Alpha Chapter), Gold, Recertified December 2022

    Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity, Gold, Recertified December 2022


    Green Event:

    Chancellor's Office for Special Events President and Chancellor’s Holiday Reception, Certified December 2022


    Keep up the great work!

  11. Land & Water iCAP Meeting 12/13/2022

    On December 13th, the Land & Water iCAP team met to discuss a new approach to crafting recommendations for next semester; including the creation of a land subcommittee and a water subcommittee.

    Meeting minutes are attached.

  12. Weekly Update: Slow week

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Slow week again. A few more kids’ bikes trickled in, which was good. Our giveaway is this coming Saturday and we’re accepting bikes until Friday evening. A notice went out in E-week and the like so hopefully that’ll bump up our count. I haven’t taken inventory at Urbana for our total count but I’m guessing around 40 between both spaces.

    Tony, former Bike Project staffer and integral member in the creation of the original bike center in 2010 was back in town last week. He came and volunteered a full 4 hours and helped train up some staff, too.

    Our sales last week are at a record low. We had a few people in each day but looks like adjustments only, used innertubes, and no purchases. I’ll dig into the numbers this week to confirm it...Expand »
