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ISTC sends a draft proposal to F&S
Associated Project(s):From: Scrogum, Joy Joann <>
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2022 5:10 PM
To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
Cc: Samaras, Zach <>; Feher, Savannah <>; Vogel, Kealie Diann <>
Subject: UIUC 2023 waste audit proposalHello, Daphne it was nice to speak with you earlier on the zero waste iCAP call. I’m glad our committee was able to submit the recommendation on expanding food recovery through Project4 Less to the iCAP Working Group and look forward to their response. Based on today’s discussion, I’m excited to tackle further priorities next semester, and I look forward to hearing more about the progression of the student project you shared.
Attached is ISTC’s proposal for the waste characterization study we’ve discussed, including two options (Tier I and Tier II) for your consideration. I hope this accurately reflects your goals and expectations for the project. Please let me know if you have questions or would like to discuss further customization or adjustments to better match your needs. And of course, please let me know if you’re leaning toward pursuit of Tier I or Tier II based on estimated costs.
We look forward to hearing from you,
Joy Scrogum
Assistant Scientist, Sustainability
LEED Green Associate | Sustainability Excellence Professional (SEP)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Prairie Research Institute
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC)
Champaign, IL 61820Attached Files:Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) fall 2022
Associated Project(s):Please see attached the final presentation for the CTAC fall 2022. Watch the meeting recording here:
Attached Files:Res004 Student Support for Coordinated Rainwater Management Plan - Submitted
Associated Project(s):The Resilience iCAP Team submitted the attached recommendation Res004 Student Support for Coordinated Rainwater Management Plan to the iWG on 12/2/22. The recommendation states:
Provide internship funding support for developing a coordinated rainwater management plan, focusing on the local urbanized areas of Urbana, Champaign, Savoy, and campus communities. This plan should contribute to the green infrastructure on campus as student interns research and use campus resources as a model for the stormwater management systems for the cities. Lisa Merrifield at U of I Extension will recruit, work with, and advise the student intern for this project. Ideal candidates will be in a master’s degree program and have an interest in community green infrastructure and stormwater management planning.
Weekly Update (week of November 28): Kids bike give away, for-sale bikes
Associated Project(s):All, [Ed. note: Apologies for getting this in late.] We’ve finalized our Kid’s Bike Giveaway date/time with the Bike Project and have been working through our supply of donated bikes. Serendipitously we got nearly a half dozen kids bikes donated last week, even before we put the word out on the giveaway event.
This week we kept working through that supply. I was out on Tuesday/Wednesday but visits have been lower since the cooler weather hit.
While we’re working on the kids bikes we’ve also been able to fix up a few for-sale bikes, sitting at about 6 done and ready to go. Still have a large supply at the warehouse, which I’ll have more time to tackle after the 17th (date of the Kids Bike Event).
Next week I’ll move over the finished kids bike to Urbana as we’re running out of space for them here.
The numbers:
Visitors: 25
Sales: $185.50
Memberships: 2 for $60
Misc. parts: 19 for $95.50Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorPollinator Signage Final Report
Associated Project(s):Several students apart of the Sustainability Living-Learning Community attended the 2017 AASHE Student Summit and participated in a Bee Campus USA workshop. These students decided that the University should obtain Bee Campus USA Certification for UIUC. Displaying signage focused on pollinator conservation was one of the requirements for this certification. Four signs were installed, and since their installment UIUC is a part of Bee Campus USA.
Attached is the full report.
Attached Files:Transportation iCAP Team Meeting 12/2/22
Associated Project(s):The transportation iCAP team met on Friday, December 2nd at 3:00 P.M. CST to discuss electric vehicle charging, and updates on bike shelter procurement for the university. Due to a software error, the meeting minutes were not recorded.
Link to meeting recording:
Energy iCAP Team Meeting 12/2/22
Associated Project(s):The Energy iCAP Team met on Friday, December 2nd, 2022 to discuss potential recommendations on standards for new buildings and developing a committee of energy researchers to share knowledge across campus.
New iSEE Green Certifications
Associated Project(s):Congratulations to the Office of the Chancellor for Special Events, OVCRI, Pi Phi, and the Office of Academic Programs (College of ACES) for their recent green certifications!
Green Event:
Office of the Chancellor for Special Events Il v. Monmouth Men's Basketball, Certified November 2022
Office of the Chancellor for Special Events IL v. Lindenwood Men's Basketball, Certified November 2022
Office of the Chancellor for Special Events IL v. Syracuse Men's Basketball, Certified November 2022
Chancellor's Office for Special Events Il. v. Penn State Men's Basketball, Certified November 2022
Chancellor's Office for Special Events Il. v Alabama L&M Men's Basketball, Certified November 2022
Chancellor's Office for Special Events Il. v. Bethane-Cookman, Certified November 2022
OVCRI Research Development Day 2022, Certified December 2022
Chancellor's Office for Special Events Il. v. WIsconsin Men's basketball game, Certified December 2022
Chancellor's Office for Special Events Il. vs. Michigan State Men's Basketball, Certified December 2022
Chancellor's Office for Special Events Il. vs. Indiana Men's Basketball, Certified December 2022
Green Chapter: Pi Beta Phi, Silver, Recertified November 2022
Green Office: Office of Academic Programs (College of ACES), Silver, Certified November 2022
Keep up the great work!
Resilience iCAP Team December Meeting
Associated Project(s):The Resilience iCAP Team had its final online meeting of this semester on Monday, November 28th, from 11:00 - 12:00 PM. The team discussed two recommendations: Coordinated Rainwater Management Plan Recommendation and Sustainability Economic Analysis Recommendation. The team plans to revise and send the Coordinated Rainwater Management Plan Recommendation to the iWG by this Friday, December 2nd. Also, the team chair, Stay Gloss, will present the Sustainability Economic Analysis Recommendation at the iSEE Management Meeting and ask for any potential iSEE funding. Meeting minutes are attached.
Attached Files:Status Update on Water006 Recommendation: Lot23 Monitoring
Associated Project(s):On May 28, 2022 Meredith Moore sent an email to Arthur Schmidt regarding the status of the Water 006 recommendation:
Hi Art!
I hope you are well. I am reaching out to check in about the status of the Water006 recommendation: Lot23 Monitoring. This is an old recommendation that was returned back to the Water and Stormwater SWATeam in August 2019. It can be found here: Based on the project update, a proposal for funding was to be submitted to the Student Sustainability Committee. Are you aware if this happened?
I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!
On November 30, 2022 Mrogan White sent the following to Arthurt Schmidt:
Hi Art,
Could you please answer these quick questions?
- Did you ever move forward with installing a monitoring system of any kind in the parking lot at Florida and Lincoln (Lot F23)?
- If the SSC would provide funding for such an installation, would you be able to serve as an advisor for the project and use the collected information?
On Dec 1, 2022 Art responded:
Hi, Morgan:
Many years ago when this first came up we installed an instrumentation vault at the SE corner of the lot where the storm sewer pipe leaves the lot. We never received any funding to move forward with this, so no instrumentation ever installed.
I would be thrilled to help/advise with moving this forward. I would also try to find portions of this where my Field Methods class could help install/calibrate/maintain instruments or collect samples. I have a couple classes were we could use the data.
Week 7 - BFU Application
Associated Project(s):This week, Aparna reviewed all of the past BFU Applications submitted to compare the progress over the years. The same was discussed and gone over again with Sarthak to help with the comments and notes made by her on the applications for a more thorough understanding. The next steps would be to start filling out the application for 2023. Aparna has been added by Sarthak Prasad to help with the submission for BFU: Bicycle Friendly University 2023.
Award Ceremony Invitation
Associated Project(s):Below is an email invitation to award ceremony for the Reimagine our Future student sustainability competition.
Dear Initial Judges and Specialist Advisors,
Thank you so much for your work making this competition possible. I have received submissions on the questionnaire from many of you judges, and clearly, you spent time assessing these students' work and it is much appreciated. Many of you also sat down with students and aided them on their projects. In whatever capacity you were able to help, my advisory committee and colleagues are so appreciative.
This year the competition was managed by the Student Sustainability Committee and supported by many units across campus. Over 70 UIUC faculty volunteered their services as specialist advisors and judges. Almost 200 students took part including student teams from universities in China and South Africa. Winners will be announced after Saturday’s presentations and the prize money totals $5000.
You are welcome to attend the face-to-face award ceremony at the Siebel Center for Design, in which case you should contact my email ( before Wednesday 30 Nov. at 2 p.m. If you cannot attend the physical event, you are welcome to join via Zoom, with details given below.
I am also attaching extracts of the top-three winners' entries from last year's competition for your viewing.
Thank you again,
Allie Cruz
Award Ceremony for the 2022 Reimagine our Future student sustainability competition
9 a.m. (Central Time) | Saturday, Dec. 3 | Siebel Center for Design, and Zoom
Join via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 853 4645 2110
Password: 186469
ENG 177 Spring '23 Course
Associated Project(s):Below is an answer to an inquiry regarding ENG 177 course availability for the spring 2023 semester.
From: Forman, Gretchen M <gforman at>
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 10:12 AM
To: Moore, Meredith Kaye <mkm0078 at>
Subject: RE: ENG100 First Year Experience spring courseHi Meredith,
I too hope you are doing well! I miss seeing you!
We will have an ENG 177 Global Sustainability Scholars class in the spring that I will be teaching and I’m hoping we can still partner with you on projects for the students. This is the class that Angie and I previously taught. We are partnering with sustainable organizations in Trinidad and Tobago this fall and travelling there in January.
We then will focus on local sustainability work in the spring and would love to connect the students with you all and the campus projects as we have in the past. I’d love to find a time after Thanksgiving to chat with you about the details and to catch up. I’ll be out of the office on Monday the 28th but have availability the rest of that week or the week after. Let me know what might work for you.
Looking forward to connecting with you soon!
F&S and ISTC meet to discuss the logistics of collecting and sorting waste
Associated Project(s):The Waste Transfer Station was chosen as the site where waste would be sorted.
Week 6 - Next steps
Associated Project(s):The next steps for the project progress would be to review the past BFU applications from 2011 - 2019 to understand the stage we as a university are at currently and would help to identify, compare and contrast the work across these timelines to improve the status and make recommendations after reviewing the feedback.
Week 5 - Check in meeting
Associated Project(s):In the past weeks, Aparna reviewed the BFU Application to understand the scope of work, did research/literature review work, and familiarized herself with the current initiatives taken by the university at present to combat bike thefts. Moreover, she also had a conversation with a transportation staff from UCLA and ASU who had recently reached out to me on their ideas/approach on this topic for a qualitative aspect of this project. The same was also discussed with her capstone advisor, Prof. Lindsay Braun to go over the progress and find better clarity.
RLF Projects and Dollars
Associated Project(s):The following is an email conversation between Morgan White and Anthony Spurlock.
Anthony sent the following on Nov 17, 2022:
Per your request, 27 RLF projects have been completed totaling $6 million. 41 total projects have been approved totaling $8.6 million.
Morgan sent the following response:
Thanks! Is the 27 included as part of the 41 approved project, or were there 68 total projects approved? ~Morgan
Anthony clarified:
27 is part of the 41.
Weekly Updates for the week of 11/7 and 11/14
Associated Project(s):[11.7.22] All, Last week we completed the bike donation event with Working Bikes. Thanks to some Bike Project volunteers we were able to pack their truck full of bikes in about an hour and a half. Unfortunately, they were unable to take all of the abandoned bikes as there are about 50 left. I’ll work with TBP to deal with the remaining junk bikes as well as the ~200 we’ll keep for refurbishment.
Last Thursday we were donated another pull-behind trailer, upping our count to 3 of them now. I will discuss with TBP ideas to make better use of these, as they take up a lot of space and we have zero demand for them.
This week we will reinstate the First Visit Free policy as the cooler weather sets in.
The numbers:
Visitors: 47
Sales: $508
Bike (refurbished): 1 for $225
Memberships: 1 for $30
Tires/tubes: 12 for $61[11.14.22]
All, I was out sick for a portion of the non-open hours, but we were still able to get a few bikes on the sales floor and strip some bikes. This week I’ll grab some more of the good bikes from the barn and we’ll get to fixing those. We reinstated First Visit Free and were able to help folks get rolling.
I had an interview last Friday with a potential new hire and we’ll be having a staff meeting this week to get some of our new staff up to speed as well as provide a refresher for the returning staffers.
Next week we will be closed for Thanksgiving break. We’ll reopen Monday, 11/28/22.
The numbers:
Visitors: 45
Sales: $434
Bikes (refurb): 1 for $100
Memberships: 4 for $120
Tires/tubes: 8 for $103Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorBulk Pricing Email
Associated Project(s):Attached is a link leading to a Geothermal Urbana-Champaign email regarding bulk pricing: