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- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
Zero Waste Coordinator meeting with Kasey Umland
Associated Project(s):On January 24, Daphne Hulse met with Kasey Umland, Director of the Women's Resources Center, formerly the Associate Director at University YMCA, to discuss the following:
What is the history of UIUC-YMCA Dump and Run events?
Started with private certified housing, religious affiliated groups around 2012. 3 semi-trailers worth of stuff from campus and from the community. A lot of staff time went into the program.
Previously had 2 boxes on every floor of Illini tower, which was a huge source of items. 26 boxes in this one building. Change in Illini tower management meant YMCA couldn’t do collections here anymore. It was great to have the materials, but hard to get everything out in time. the same year, University Housing came to YMCA about their Housing salvage drive (the person who ran it left). This was the first year YMCA collaborated with UIUC.
Started doing some university housing dorms, but not all.
Realized they couldn’t keep up with the overflow of materials.
Big shift in kinds of items they received. Went from servicing mini apartments/suites (Illini Tower) versus university dormitories. 10x the amount of stuff as before with the Illini tower. 3/4 was clothing and bedding.
Talked to Housing and needing more resources. It was too hard for YMCA to keep up. Majority of volunteers who did collections were students, but it was finals. Had a close relationship with them, but students would need to go right when things were picking up near the end of the move out week.
Based off a quick survey of other schools move-out programs, it seems most common for schools to work with local nonprofit(s) to immediately donate items following the move out program. As opposed to storing items over the summer and preparing for a fall move-in sale. Thoughts about these two different ways of operating?
Donating most items straight away seems like it may be the only way it can work for the university, since there’s an immense quantity of items to deal with.
Suggest talking with intended recipients of non-profits beforehand, to see if they can accept it all immediately, or if it will be too much.
Even when YMCA was running it, their excess was too much for some places.
Salt and light had capacity.
Goodwill said to stop (no more clothes).
Most places would say they would want at least some items.
The value of selling these items in a sale near move in is that there are items unique the college experience: XL twin sheets, for example.
What are some best practices for event coordination?
If you are dealing with multiple sites - think in advance about plotting out how to do collections.
Thinking about when things will come in from certain places. Which were high donation spots? Some will only need checked every so often, some places needed checked 2 or 3 times a day.
Capacity - Kasey always wanted something better than just putting items in a cardboard box.
It is easier if items are placed directly into a bag. Otherwise, volunteers have to do this work.
Try to be really clear about what people can and cannot donate. In a perfect world, check the boxes in the evening, that’s when students move out.
We will have to rely on the help of volunteers, but students will have their finals during this time, and be moving out. We want to strengthen town and gown relations through this program. Any suggestions for local groups/organizations who would be good to reach out to who you think would have an interest in volunteering?
Rotary Clubs
Church or high school youth groups
If the university would consider half day leave, that could be an incentive
during business hours means it increases the privilege needed to participate
Honors societies
Sierra Club
Junior League
Humane Society
Court Diversion
SSC Final Report: Bike registration Signs 2.0
Associated Project(s):Please see attached the final report on Bike registration Signs 2.0 project submitted on January 24, 2023.
Attached Files:Alec & Sarthak Meet to Discuss 2023 Bicycle Friendly University Application (BFU)
Associated Project(s):Sarthak Prasad and Alec McKay met to discuss Alec helping Sarthak with the 2023 BFU Application. Sarthak provided some guidelines on getting up to date with the current status of the Bike Plan goals and objectives.
A document containing notes Alec took is attached below.
Attached Files:Veo rideship - August - December 2022
Associated Project(s):Please see attached the ridership overview for the month of August - December 2022
Zero Waste Coordinator meeting with Marc Alexander, YMCA
Associated Project(s):On January 19, Daphne Hulse met with Marc Alexander, Director of Development and Membership at University YMCA, to discuss the following:
What is the history of UIUC-YMCA Dump and Run events?
Started to 20ish years ago as a garage sale (2001) in front of the YMCA. Clearing stuff outside of the building. Grew to a community collection, private residential collection, Housing was doing some salvage operation, approached the Y about helping do a program. Through 2019, The YMCA would collect from Housing every May.
2019 Y started doing renovation in the building and streets so the YMCA couldn’t use the building for collections.
Started conversations about the YMCA pulling back, and then COVID hit.
Last year YMCA and UIUC had a very long conversation and decided YMCA couldn’t do any of the May period.
Mostly was the YMCA running it, was done by the one coordinator. Staff from the YMCA helped here and there. Volunteers assisted. UIUC helped with getting access to the building.
2019 Housing and F&S each provided a truck to help load and haul stuff. F&S provided two workers to collect things and load them and sort them. More partnership that year.
Piece in August is the sale itself. F&S provided supplies, tables, dumpsters, F&S and Housing put out advertisements about the sale to students. Used UIUC networks.
Based off a quick survey of other schools move-out programs, it seems most common for schools to work with local nonprofit(s) to immediately donate items following the move out program. As opposed to storing items over the summer and preparing for a fall move-in sale. Thoughts about these two different ways of operating?
Biggest lift was sorting and storing it. It could take a very long time. Stuck it in semis. Sifting out what is useful and what is not, was the hard part.
If there is a way to get the stuff out in May and then repurpose it, that is most ideal. But this can be challenging.
Michigan State established their own ReStore, and do this year around.
Salt and Light, Habitat for Humanity, could be helpful with collection.
If there way a way to sort and pull things for Y in August sale, is also possible.
What are some best practices for event coordination?
Breakdown of varying roles to pull this off.
In general, need to coordinate volunteer and staff schedules for the workload.
Have to set up a defined schedule for each dorm, how often you’ll be there. 24 lobbies they would have to collect from (couple times a day). If you fall behind, what’s the contingencies?
Tuesday - Monday and Tuesday following Move-Out Saturday. Heavy time period, make sure you have volunteers.
Takes a very detail-oriented person to manage this and schedule it out for attack.
What are some best practices for volunteer coordination?
Each volunteer is doing it for a different reason:
Some love it, some they have to do community service, different levels of commitment, one person will not show up. Be aware of these motivations. Everyone’s physical capabilities, developmentally challenged (has to have certain tasks). Shift may never go the way you want it to. Be flexible at all times, have Plan B and Plan C at all time.
What were some of your biggest obstacles with this event? Things to watch out for?
It’s not all usable items. Despite all of your communication efforts, it will happen. Maybe 1/6 or 1/5 of things will be unusable.
We will have to rely on the help of volunteers, but students will have their finals during this time, and be moving out. We want to strengthen town and gown relations through this program. Any suggestions for local groups/organizations who would be good to reach out to who you think would have an interest in volunteering?
F&S ideas so far:
Faith in Place
Champaign County Environmental Stewards
YMCA’s suggestions
Rotary Clubs often do volunteer work
Chambana Moms (not really volunteer base, but they could advertise the need for volunteers)
Will ask staff for more suggestions
There was another YMCA member who helped with Dump and Run, Kasey Umland? Would she be good to reach out to? Would I be able to get her contact information?
Director of Womens Resource Center.
Was associate dir of the YMCA. Some years she supervised Dump and Run, some she ran it. Played a key role. Started in 2012.
Daphne will meet with Kasey Umland 1/24/23.
Weekly update: Busy week, Build-a-Bike, bike donations
Associated Project(s):All, Surprisingly busy start to the semester! On Friday afternoon we even had a wait on stand time, which is unheard of for January. Unfortunately, that was partially due to allowing First Visit Free repairs, which left a couple due-paying members waiting. They didn’t mind but still. For how busy we’ve been I’m already wondering if we should be open 5 days a week. However, it has been a mild winter thus far; the real test will be how many folks show up after the projected snow on Wednesday. We also had one person select and start a B-a-B.
This week I’ll schedule our staff meeting, some interviews, as well as receive a “vanload” of bikes from Champaign Cycle. They generally give us good quality stuff that we can put to use quickly, so fingers crossed. Additionally, we still have 100+ bikes to move out of the warehouse.
The numbers:
Visitors: 37
Sales: $961
Bikes (refurb): 3 for $565
Memberships: 7 or $210
Tires/tubes: 7 for $39Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorCapstone project terminated
Associated Project(s):By mutual consent, the capstone project was terminated with Aparna Padmakumar for her help with the Bicycle Friendly University application.
Draft Solar Farm 3.0 report - with questions
Associated Project(s):Below is an email exchange between Morgan White and Tony Spurlock:
Hi Ehab, Rob, and Tony,
I’ve put the Solar Farm 3.0 slide show from Dec. 9 into the attached report. I referenced the slides with thumbnail images, and we could take some out and increase the size of some, depending on what we prefer to do.
Tony, I would appreciate your assistance with filling in the UIC total contract costs. I’ve included comments for each of the spaces where that info is needed. Could you please also look at the other questions I commented.
Rob, there are two questions that I hope you can help answer.
- If we lease the land for the onsite solar option, can it still be "behind the meter"?
- We currently conclude with this statement: “We feel that the hybrid option meets several goals as it has great savings potential, adds renewable energy to the regional MISO network, which supports our local provider Ameren, and directly increases the capacity of the network we use to purchase the balance between what we consume and what we produce at UIUC.” Is a MISO project somewhere other than in Illinois going to support Ameren and increase the capacity of the network we use?
I added all of the UIC totals and attached the updated calculations.
I do not think the hybrid option benefits Ameren (we are not taking additional delivery and it appears the new array would be outside the Ameren territory).
Should we include a statement related to how this fits into our strategy? Here is a thought to get the ball rolling. “This hydrid option allows the University to continue its leadership in Sustainability by leveraging best practices and expanding its portfolio of renewable strategies that provide a more comprehensive approach to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.”
Campus Bike Plan update: information for the undergraduate student
Associated Project(s):Hi Bumsoo, I had a call with Marc yesterday, and he mentioned that the MUP program can work on this project in the fall and spring semesters as a group project. I am still trying to figure out all that needs to be done for this project, and I think getting the help from your student might be beneficial.
How many hours can your student set aside for this project? In this semester, your student could help identify the stakeholders to reach out for the Campus Bike Plan update. He can help with determining a timeline and the planning process for next academic year. (If time permits) I will also ask the student to present some preliminary suggestions for the 2024 Bike Plan update at the end of this semester.
The first thing for your student would be to read the current 2014 Campus Bicycle Master Plan ( I have published two progress reports in the past few years. I am currently working on our progress report from the past year, which should be published in the next few weeks. Here is the 2022 report: Campus Bike Plan progress report FY22. Here is the 2019 report: 2019 Report for 2014 Campus Bicycle Plan
I would like to have weekly meetings with student. In the next 2-3 weeks, I would schedule a meeting with Morgan and Stacey to present what we think we should accomplish at the end of this semester. At the end of the semester, he will present the findings to F&S, SPO, Transportation iCAP Team, and possibly to the Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC).
Please let me know if this sounds good to you. I would be very happy to meet your student and get started on this project. Thank you,
SarthakNew iSEE Green Certifications
Associated Project(s):Congratulations to the newest recipients of our Greener Campus Programs as we head into a new semester!
Green Office: Visit Champaign County, Gold, Recertified January 2023
Green Chapter: Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc., Delta Chapter, Silver, Certified January 2023
Green Event:
-SSC Sustainability Career Panel, Certified January 2023
-University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Everyday Environment Webinar Series, Certified January 2023
-Office of the Chancellor for Special Events and Commencement Illinois vs. Nebraska Men's Basketball, Certified January 2023
-University of Illinois-Special Events-Chancellor's Office HOPE Chicago Luncheon, Certified January 2023
Keep up the great work!
Coordinating Community Stormwater Management with Extension and Student Assistance
Associated Project(s):January 11, 2023
A University team consisting of Brodie Dunn and Lisa Merrifield (Extension), Linda Derhak (DURP student), and Stacy Gloss met with Lacey Rains Lowe and Jeff Marino from the City of Champaign to talk about working together to coordinate rainwater management efforts. Champaign sees a gap in resources for commercial developers related to innovative stormwater management applications. The team identified stormwater utility fee incentives as a possible leverage point for developers, but current incentives do not seem to be sufficient. Linda will begin to inventory cities with stormwater utility fees for innovative practices for engaging commercial developers. Brodie will propose revisions to the approved plant and tree list for Champaign to encourage use of native and more beneficial non-native plant species. Lisa will reach out to planners from Urbana and Savoy and will schedule a meeting for mid-February to discuss progress and identify next steps.
2024 Campus Bike Plan update: collaboration with Department of Urban Planning
Associated Project(s):Sarthak Prasad met with Marc Doussard, the Master of Urban Planning (MUP) Director, to talk about MUP capstone and how their students can assist with this project. Marc said they can bring this project to the class int he fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters and assist in the update.
Bumsoo Lee also mentioned that he has an undergraduate student who is very interested in helping out with this project in the spring 2023 semester.
Weekly Update: Shop re-open, Law school orientation
Associated Project(s):All, Last two weeks we’ve been closed so no sales/visit numbers. TBP members and I moved bikes from the warehouse, and I’ve been checking over the 30 or so new bikes for damage. Sarthak and I tabled at the Law School’s orientation last Thursday.
This week we reopen. We’ll be open M/W/F 2 – 6p for the winter months and bump back to 5 days a week after spring break when the weather warms up.
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorNathaniel Nevins to help with the Campus Bike Plan update
Associated Project(s):Sarthak Prasad met with Nathaniel Nevins, high school senior, on Tuesday January 17, 2023. Nathaniel is going to help with the Campus Bike Plan update. He is going to read the 2014 Campus Bike Plan by February 15, 2023, and read both the progress reports for Campus Bike Plan by February 28, 2023. He is also going to suggest ideas for the update. Nathaniel will be volunteering over the spring semester. Following information was shared with him:
Here is the link to the iCAP Portal:
Here is the 2014 Campus Bike Plan:
Here is the 2022 report: Campus Bike Plan progress report FY22
Here is the 2019 report: 2019 Report for 2014 Campus Bicycle Plan
Resilience iCAP Team January Meeting
Associated Project(s):Resilience iCAP Team had its first virtual meeting of the Spring 2023 semester on Tuesday, January 10th, at 10:30 AM. Cheryl Bicknell is the new Facilities & Services representative of the team. At the meeting, the Biodiversity Master Plan project student intern Gabriel Harper-Hagen gave a brief overview of the biodiversity plan and shared his progress through an extensive update document. Afterward, the team discussed its goals for this semester.
The full recording of the meeting can be found here
Meeting minutes are attached.
Attached Files:planning for the next bike plan
Associated Project(s):Morgan and Sarthak discussed the timeline for the next Campus Bike Plan. The 2014 plan was completed in 2014 and formally approved in March 2015 by Chancellor Wise, with an end date of 2024. We should have the new plan approved before the end of December 2024. It would be great to have it available to present during Sustainability Month October 2024, and get formal approval through the Sustainability Council and/or CCRC in November/December 2024. Thus, the goal is to have a plan ready for routing for approval in summer 2024.
Exploring the move-out programs of other institutions
Associated Project(s):On January 12, Shreya Mahajan, Dominika Szal, and Daphne Hulse finished preliminary research into the spring move-out programs of other schools. Attached are the results. These results will help inform UIUC's plan for our Dump and Run program.
Attached Files:Meeting with U of Vienna
Associated Project(s):Madhu Khanna, Jennifer Fraterrigo, Meredith Moore, and Morgan White met with Christoph Kecht and his team from the University of Vienna, which was the first climate neutral university in Austria. We shared information about our UIUC iCAP programs and they shared information about their efforts and the attached report.
Attached Files:F&S Zero Waste Coordinator succeeding as primary coordinator for Dump and Run
Associated Project(s):Daphne Hulse and Morgan White met on 1/9/23 to discuss the history of UIUC-University YMCA Dump and Run events. Daphne will succeed as the primary coordinator for these future events. Daphne will meet with Marc Alexander (YMCA's Dir of Development and Membership), one of the previous UIUC Dump and Run coordinators, on 1/19/23 to discuss best practices for event coordination.