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- Associated Project(s):
Illini Oak-Hickory Teaching Arboretum StoryMap
Associated Project(s):Jay Hayek, Extension Forestry Specialist, compiled all the information and effort for the 1.5-acre oak-hickory teaching arboretum. The story map below contains information on the two phases of planting and great pictures of the volunteers that contributed. In addition to the story map, there is an attached Excel spreadsheet detailing the exact species in their respective plots.
ArcGIS StoryMap:
Attached Files:ENG 177 Presentation
Associated Project(s):Attached is a presentation for ENG 177 with resources for students.
Geothermal White Paper Release
Associated Project(s):Attached is a newsletter from the Illinois Geothermal Coalition regarding the review of geothermal energy in the Midwest.
BTAF Waste Affinity Group asks schools to input their answers into a spreadsheet
Associated Project(s):Good morning BTAF,
Hope everyone’s year is off to a good start!
At the last BTAF Waste Affinity group meeting in October, the group members shared many exciting initiatives and programs related to recycling and waste diversion. Over the past few months, a working group has developed a comprehensive benchmarking survey to facilitate knowledge sharing and to organize program information. So, now we need your participation in the Waste Survey [redacted].
At the suggestion of Nicole Berg, a google spreadsheet format was chosen for ease of use, as well as the ability to update the survey each year. In the link, you’ll find two tabs on the survey:
- Waste Survey: Broad swath of questions related to Zero Waste and Recycling, including strategic planning, outreach, waste management operational processes, waste metric tracking, procurement, athletics, organics, medicine/research labs, and surplus. This an “everything and the kitchen sink” approach to enable comparative analysis.
- Diversion Rate Methodology: One question that continues to bubble up from time to time is, “What do you include in your diversion rate?” This survey tab requests that you mark a “x” next to each category that is included as diversion in your annual diversion rate report.
Three schools have already filled out the survey, so our hope is that it’s intuitive to follow along and to input your school’s information. If you have any clarifying questions, feel free to shoot me an email. We ask that each school completes the survey by Friday, February 13th.
Once the data is collected, an intern will compile the data, and we will share the results in another BTAF Waste Affinity Group meeting at a date TBD—probably in March.
Shout out to the team, including Tony Gillund (Purdue), Patrick Brown (Purdue), Daphne Hulse (Illinois), Dominika Szal (Illinois-intern), Nicole Berg (Michigan), and Alison Richardson (Michigan).
Mary Leciejewski
Zero Waste ManagerPronouns: She/Her/Hers
Facilities Operations and Development, Sustainability & Strategic Services
1130 Service Building Annex | 2578 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210
(O) 614.292.3637 2023 Buyer's Share Report
Associated Project(s):RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the January 2023 Buyer's Share amounts by the hour, totaling 2,285.4 Megawatt hours.
The January 2023 Buyer's Share Report is attached below.
Attached Files:Energy iCAP Meeting 1/30/2023
Associated Project(s):The Energy iCAP Team met on January 30th, 2023 to discuss recommendations on building energy efficiency and revitalizing the energy scholars council at UIUC.
Link to meeting recording
Weekly Update: Sales numbers, new hires
Associated Project(s):All, Last week we had some ominous weather that didn’t turn out to be much. Our visits were down but only barely—I expected a bit of a nosedive that didn’t materialize. Champaign Cycle donated some kids bikes and box store bikes, which is always appreciated. We had another person start a B-a-B.
This week I’ve got another interview, some new hires starting, and a staff meeting on Thursday night. I’ll also draft a B-a-B/Membership flyer to better explain those programs as there’s been some consistent misunderstanding/miscommunication on that front.
The numbers:
Visitors: 34
Sales: $933.50
Bike (refurb): 2 for $375
Memberships: 6 for $180
Tires/tubes: 5 for $50Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorRecent Carbon Credit Sale
Associated Project(s):Attached is the official receipt of payment for the University's recent carbon credit sale.
Attached Files:New iSEE Green Event Certification
Associated Project(s):Congratulations to the newest recipient of our Green Event Certification Program! iSEE Illini Lights Out was certified as a Green Event series in January 2023. The events take place Jan. 27, Feb. 10, Feb. 24, March 24, and April 21 this semester. Students volunteer for an hour and a half on Friday nights by turning off lights in university buildings to save energy and money over the weekend. Keep up the great work!
January Transportation iCAP Meeting (1/27/2023)
Associated Project(s):The Transportation iCAP team met on Friday, January 27th to discuss progress on bike shelters, long-term bike storage, and the pilot of the commuter program. The minutes are attached.
Attached Files:SSLC First Meeting
Associated Project(s):Below is an email from Jack Reicherts regarding SSLC's first meeting of the semester.
Ahoy there ye lily-livered landlubbers!
(If any pirate speak is unclear, please email me for clarification). This be yer friendly neighborhood pirate, writing to remind ye that the first meeting of the Spring semester for the Student Sustainability Leadership Council be approaching fast. We'll be meeting on the 6th day of February, at the strike of 6 bells in the evening (2/6 at 6 pm!), in the Student Org Complex.
Now, if ye be new to these parts, ye should know that the Student Org Complex be located on the southwest stairwell in the Illini Union. Ye can't miss it, just keep yer eyes peeled for the skull and crossbones.
And remember, every meeting requires a representative from each member organization to be present, otherwise ye'll be walking the plank. But if ye have a recurring conflict, ye can always reach out to me, yer friendly neighborhood pirate.
But there's more to this meeting than just the usual business. We're electing a new exec board for SSLC, and we'll be holding a simple application and interview process. So, I'd like to invite all interested members of your respective organizations to attend, so they can see a normal general meeting.
So, mark yer calendars and don't be late, or ye'll be feeding the sharks. And don't forget, to bring interested members with you to join SSLC exec board.
Yours in service,
Jack "The Scalawag" Reicherts, Pirate Co-Captain of the SSLCSSLC Bylaws (updated 2022-2023)
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:November/December General Meeting Notes
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:October General Meeting Notes
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Geothermal Battery Article
Associated Project(s):The link to the article can be found here:
A pdf of the article can be accessed below.
Attached Files:2022 Pollinator Pocket update
Associated Project(s):Ryan Welch updated Dave Boehm during F&S' strategic planning discussions that the three following pollinator pockets were added to the campus in 2022.
Temple Hoyne Buell - Sophia Garden
Beckman Institute - east entry
Dorner Pond
Closure of Solar Array at BRC
Associated Project(s):The small 15 kW solar array at the Building Research Council will be decommissioned when that facility is razed in the coming year. The solar panels will be delivered to agrivoltaic researchers working with iSEE and Crop Sciences, at the Energy Farm.
FY22 Total Retired RECs
Associated Project(s):Attached is the summary document for the total RECs retired for UIUC in FY22.
Attached Files:F&S meets with North American for a follow up
Associated Project(s):Attached Files: