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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Meeting with Madhu's team, Morgan, and Mike

    Associated Project(s): 

    Mike Marquissee and Morgan Johnston met with Madhu Viswanathan's team. The students were Doug, Julie, Ophelia, Tim, Colin. Colin is the point person and James scholar.

    They said their goal is to raise awareness with students about the power going to buildings and how we could be more efficient and more sustainable.  They have gathered feedback from some students about the current website (

    Mike explained that Illinois has had a successful conservation program.  We have hit all the low hanging fruit, including retro commissioning, tightened facility standards, building controls replacements, and better monitoring.  We have already reaped the benefit of those major projects. Next phase is to identify and find ways to influence behvaior change...  How can we make people aware and how can we make people commit to... Get them behind our goals and use the tools?

    Deliverable from Madhu's team would be a website, a display app, and a business plan for implementing the dashboard. First, just getting a website to try it out.  More accessible and understanding.  Tips on how it works.

    The students will learn by doing.  Also a display going in Wohlers or BIF.  Mike brought examples of three versions of similar websites.  Arizona State University uses Lucid and they have an extra section that shows what can be done to reduce energy in a bedroom or an office.  Penn State uses Excelsius and runs their dashboard in flash... It has dials, et cetera.

    Our website uses Html5, soap commands, scrape websites.  F&S can provide the source code for our dashboard to access the source data.  Mike's team hasn't tried it yet, but they know the data is accessible.  Tim and Mike can work together to get the data.

    Morgan noted that the audience needs to include faculty and staff, not just students. Madhu agreed.  They are just starting with the students.

    Doug asked what sort of information should be included on a poster. Morgan said that the Energy Liaison presentations would be good starting points.  They are on the iCAP Portal, which the students had not yet seen.

    The website design has multiple options, which the team will evaluate and suggest best layouts.  Also, the physical display itself will be considered. BIF has a proprietary display. Also the campus has digital signage options. Typically it is a continuous display, rather than interactive.  Mike said F&Sdoes not have the data set up to push it out, but we can give access for it to be pulled out.

    Todd Sweet from the College of Business communications office joined us.  They are looking into developing mobile apps for the college.  One could be an App about energy consumption in BIF and such.  Students are looking at how the website can be designed.  Also what would the display potentially have?  



  2. Illinois joins EPA's SmartWay Transport Partnership

    Associated Project(s): 

    The University of Illinois recently became the first academic institution to join the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s SmartWay Transport Partnership.  "As the first-ever academic institution to register in SmartWay, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign leads the way for universities and other institutions to work as shippers in SmartWay and engage with their carriers and suppliers to improve freight efficiency, reduce greenhouse gases and other emissions from goods movement while also helping enhance our nation's energy security,” said Christopher Grundler, director of EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality.

  3. Composting at Espresso

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Johnston, Morgan B
    Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 9:22 AM
    To: Fee, Casey A
    Cc: Mueller-Soppart, Marlon Anthony; Jones, Maria
    Subject: RE: Expresso Green Team

    Hi Casey and Marlon,

    How is this going?  Are you having some success?  I added Maria Jones to this email list, since she is the SSC Food and Waste Working Group chair.  The SSC could not allocate funds to Espresso, but there may be other opportunities for collaboration.  Of course, Marlon could bring that up as well.



    From: Casey Fee []
    Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 8:15 PM
    To: Johnston, Morgan B
    Subject: Re: Expresso Green Team

    Hi Morgan,

    Thanks for contacting us, we're currently figuring out logistics and we will be communicating with the haulers you suggested. We just had a meeting with an Expresso Royale employee and we are going to get measurements about how much compost they produce a day, which we want before contacting the haulers. After that, we will definitely be contacting you again. 

    Thanks again,

    Marlon and Casey

    On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Johnston, Morgan B <> wrote:

    Hi Casey and Marlon,

    This is the Espresso at Goodwin and Oregon, right? They have no direct connection to the UI, so it would make sense to give the compost to a local group rather than a campus group. (Also, the SSC recently funded vermicomposting at the Sustainable Student Farm, so they shouldn't need additional compost.)

    I think that a community garden could benefit from the compost. They may even be able to host the "compost pile." Here are a few I know of in the community:

    I grabbed these from a quick web search, and I found more than I expected. Perhaps you could reach out to all of them. If you have trouble hearing back from anyone, let me know and I can make a couple calls. 

    Thanks, and best wishes!


    Sent from my mobile device

    On Sep 2, 2013, at 3:44 PM, "Casey Fee" <> wrote:

    Hi Morgan,

    During the Friday meet and greet we, Marlon and I, discussed the prospects of getting Expresso to compost. We were wondering if you could put us in contact with people who might be interested in picking up and using the compost. 


    Casey and Marlon


    Casey Fee

    University of Illinois | Class of 2015

    Chemical Engineering

    Illini 4000 Portrait's Director


  4. RSO interested in reducing their food waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Johnston, Morgan B
    Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 9:18 AM
    To: Bressler, Jonathan Louis; Pickert, Diane A
    Cc: Jones, Maria
    Subject: RE: Food Reduction Recommendations

    Hi Diane and Jonathan,

    Were you able to meet and find a solution for the food waste from Tikkun Chambana?  The Student Sustainability Committee has a new working group chair for Food and Waste.  Her name is Maria Jones, and she is copied here.



    From: Aubrey, Dawn
    Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:35 PM
    To: Johnston, Morgan B; Bressler, Jonathan Louis
    Cc: Webb, Olivia Ashley; Pickert, Diane A
    Subject: RE: Food Reduction Recommendations

    Good Afternoon, Jonathan:

    Please contact Diane Pickert at 244-5800 to schedule a time to discuss food  waste reductions. I will not be available until later next week.

    Thank you,


    Dawn Aubrey, Ph.D., MBA, FMP, CEC, CCA
    Associate Director of Housing for Dining Services                                               
    University of Illinois
    407 Clark Hall
    1203 South Fourth Street
    Champaign, Illinois 61820
    Office Direct: 217-244-2997

    From: Johnston, Morgan B
    Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 12:08 PM
    To: Bressler, Jonathan Louis
    Cc: Webb, Olivia Ashley; Aubrey, Dawn
    Subject: Re: Food Reduction Recommendations

    Hello Jonathan,

    Thanks for reaching out. This looks like an important initiative. 

    There is a team working on vermicomposting at the Sustainable Student Farm this fall, with funding from the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC). I've copied the SSC contact from last year for that project, Olivia Webb, here. 

    I believe she can help you in your efforts. I'd love to be kept informed about what you are doing, so please include me in any meetings you have. We can also reach out to Housing to talk with you about possible strategies. I have copied Dawn Aubrey so she can tell us who to meet with from her team. 



    Sent from my mobile device

    On Aug 27, 2013, at 11:47 AM, "Jonathan Bressler" <> wrote:

    Dear Morgan Johnston, 

    Hello, my name is Jonathan Bressler, and I am the president of Tikkun Chambana, a Jewish environmental RSO.  

    We are trying to reduce food waste, as we have many larger scale food events, and was wondering if you could give us some recommedations on what we could do or if we could somehow piggyback onto what Facilities and Management are doing.  I have looked into a few things of the university and found out about the EnviroPure Food Waste Disposal Systems, but these seem very expensive and well beyond our funding capacity,

    Thank you,

    Jonathan Bressler

    Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences 2014

    College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences

    University of Illinois

  5. Allen Hall cardboard box recycling drive

    Associated Project(s): 

    My name is Max Colon, and I am a Resident Advisor in Allen Hall that works with a sustainability group to try and keep Allen green. Every year, we hold a recycling box drive where our organization hands out cardboard recycling boxes that have been given to us by Housing. I have a attached a photo of one of these boxes for identification purposes. I am wondering if it is possible for you to help me figure out who in Housing should be contacted in order to continue this tradition. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated! - Max

    We had the boxes over 10 years and we have depleted all supplies last year. Sorry- Vonne Ortiz

  6. Update from Tracy Osby at the Waste Transfer Station

    Associated Project(s): 

    The saw dust pan at the PPSB is no longer emptied at the WTS. We are currently emptying it at the Horse and Dairy barns. It is now being diverted from the landfill. Also, the DSC staff that work here at the WTS work hours has been extended to 3:30PM provided we have work for them here to do. This way all the pans with the exception of the compactors from Dining Services and the trash from ORD will be emptied in the south bay here at the WTS.

  7. Bicycle Ambassador Program Launching

    Applications are now being accepted for a new Bicycle Ambassador program at the University of Illinois.  Bicycle Ambassadors are bicycling enthusiasts who will promote bicycling for transportation, raise awareness about the rights and responsbilities of cyclists, and foster a postitive bicycle culture on our campus.  Interested students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to sign up to become a Bicycle Ambassador today! 

    Learn more on the Bike Ambassador project page:

  8. discussion with Dave Wilcoxen and Eliana Brown

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Sustainability Fellows program was going to include a research fellowship for Professor Gale Fulton to create a stormwater master plan for campus, utilizing green infrastructure.  Unfortunately, Professor Fulton took a job at another university.  To move forward with the stormwater master plan, the F&S Environmental Compliance department will seek to create a stormwater master plan for campus using student assistants and in-house staff.

  9. Sustainability Fellow, Madhu Viswanathan, begins advisory position

    • Since we want to put the energy displays around campus, Madhu Viswanathan can help us identify the best method for implementing these to change behavior. 
    • We need to determine how many displays to install, where they should go, what information should be on them. 
    • How can we use this system that F&S now has through your office to actually improve energy use behavior. 
    • We would like building users to become more conscious of the energy use in their building(s).
    • What sort of display and style will really grab their attention?
    • Is social media something that we should utilize for this effort?
  10. Meeting with Paradigm Energies

    Associated Project(s): 

    Dave Thomas, Kishore Rajagopalan, and Luis Rodriguez hosted a meeting with Morgan Johnston,Tracy Osby,and ISTC staff to meet with Orval Yarger and Alan Robinson from Paradigm to discuss opportunities for waste management for campus and other Illinois businesses/organizations.

  11. Information about solar films

    Associated Project(s): 

    F&S Engineers provide input on solar film technology: "We experienced delamination with these in the past; about 25 years ago.  I’d be curious if the adhesives have gotten any better." - John Prince

    "Films have come a long way.  Like John, I have seen several versions of solar films and have not been impressed with their durability.  The newer films and coatings are much better but the effectiveness is still dependent to the quality of installation.  The films may have some applications on campus but must be evaluated in terms of cost.  The solar transmittance is low enough for me to question whether IHPA would have a problem with our historic buildings.  We would also want to avoid a checker board appearance if the product were applied randomly to a building windows.  I don’t want to dismiss the product but it does need more investigation." - Fred Hahn

  12. Campus Bicycle Coordinator Position Formalized

    Associated Project(s): 

    A new Academic Hourly Position, Campus Bicycle Coordinator, has been created within the Facilities & Services division. Amelia Neptune, formerly a Sustainability Specialist in F&S was appointed to the position for the 2014 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014). The Campus Bicycle Coordinator will report to the Sustainability Coordinator within F&S, under the Engineering & Transportation Services department. The Campus Bicycle Coordinator will be responsible for promoting bicycles and bicycle education, enforcement, encouragement, engineering, and evaluation and planning. 
