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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Zero Waste Plan has been drafted

    A Zero Waste Plan has been drafted for the Urbana-Champaign campus at the Univeristy of Illinois.  The plan is currently being reviewed by the Purchasing and Waste SWATeam.  Once agreement is reached, the document will be forwarded to the Sustainability Working Group for consideration of implementation.

  2. Game Day Recycling Challenge

    The University is participating in its first Game Day Recycling Challenge at the October 25th homecoming game against the University of Minnesota.  For the event the usual landfill bins will be replaced with 3-bin stations to separate landfill, recycling, and compost.  The materials collected will be weighed, the diversion rate calculated, and then entered into a friendly national competition.  To volunteer for this event, please email Bart Bartels at  

  3. Archived web info - F&S Energy Liaisons

    Associated Project(s): 
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    The Energy Liaison Program

    Ambitious goals reflect the University’s commitment to sustainability - environmental, social and fiscal. Although energy conservation is a universal problem, its solution begins with individuals.

    Departments and colleges across campus have designated Energy Liaisons to promote energy conservation and share ideas and suggestions.

    Energy liaisons:
    • Coordinate and share energy saving information with their respective areas
    • Lead efforts to establish college/department short- and long-term energy conservation goals
    • Are conduits through which ideas and suggestions reach Facilities & Services

    Creating Obtainable Goals

    1. Identify areas for reduction
      • Fume Hood usage
      • Lighting Usage
      • Space Usage
      • Computer
  4. Archived web info - CSE Energy Liaisons

    Associated Project(s): 

    Energy Liaisons

    salad bar with local foods

    The Energy Management Division of Facilities and Services initiated anEnergy Liaisons program in 2008. Departments, colleges, and other units across campus have designated Energy Liaisons to promote energy conservation and share ideas and suggestions.  Facilities and Services regularly hosts workshops with the Energy Liaisons to discuss energy conservation opportunities.  These Energy Liaisons serve as grassroots contacts for conservation initiatives.  



  5. Archived web info - ECI Energy Dashboard

    Independent Projects

    Illini Energy Dashboard
    The Illini Energy Dashboard provides clearly visible understandable information data and information to students and staff of selected University buildings describing energy consumption rate (electrical, chilled water and steam) so that users can make educated choices about the way they can affect energy consumption and conservation.What is Displayed? The gauges on the each building page displays real-time energy use data by building for heating, cooling and electricity.

  6. House Bill 2427

    House Bill 2427, once signed by the Governor, will authorize a $30M renewable energy fund in Illinois.

    Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Illinois Power Agency Act to provide for a supplemental procurement process for the procurement of renewable energy certificates from new or existing photovoltaics. Authorizes the expenditure of up to $30,000,000 from the Illinois Power Agency Renewable Energy Resources Fund for that purpose. Provides that renewable energy certificates from new photovoltaics that are procured pursuant to the supplemental procurement process must be procured from devices installed by a person who meets certain qualifications. Requires public hearings. Provides for a procurement administrator, a...Expand »

  7. F&S receives Wind PPA recommendation


    We contacted UA. They're supposed to give us a RFP schedule next week. That should give us a better idea of the timeline.

    -Al Stratman

    From: Evan DeLucia []
    Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 5:39 PM
    To: McCall, Benjamin
    Cc: Stratman, Allan
    Subject: SWAT report on energy generation


    In the absence of a fully formulated SWAT process - iWG and the Sustainability Council have yet to be formed - I forwarded the May 2014 position paper from the 'energy generation' team directly to Al Stratman for consideration.

    Under the SWAT process, the teams should be... "developing and recommending specific actions or initiatives the campus should under take to meet iCAP targets..." The energy generation SWAT did a nice job of...Expand »

  8. Recommendation: Wind PPA

    Here is the first recommendation from the Energy Generation SWATeam.

    "We strongly endorse obtaining Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with one or more Wind Farms as soon as possible.  It is unlikely that a better opportunity to purchase renewable energy will present itself in the foreseeable future."

    Attached Files: 
  9. status update on real-time meter installations

    Associated Project(s): 

    Robby Bauer, Dave Green, and Morgan Johnston discussed the status of the real-time energy meeter installations, from the SSC funded project.  All of the Housing electrical meters have been installed, but the issue is about steam meters.  Robby talked with the Housing plumber about the steam load.  the water is a constant volume pump, and there is no control system available (other than opening and closing windows).  with a constant flow pump, and without controls in every room, there is no way for students to have control over it. 

    If we choose to not put funds into real time steam meters in those buildings, where the students cannot influence the energy demand, we can get real-time electricity meters on all the...Expand »

  10. Work order for MSEB occ sensor work

    Associated Project(s): 

    Work Request 141288 converted to Work Order 10288695

    Work Order: 10288695



    Department Reference:

    Customer Description:

    Please provide engineering design services to install lighting occupancy sensors and HVAC occupancy sensors in the Materials Science and Engineering Building (MSEB).  Charge CFOP 1-762417-862004-xxxxxx-198000.


    Phase: 001 DESIGN SERVICES

  11. Mode Shift update

    CUUATS completed a University District Traffic Circulation Study, using information from a campus-wide statistically relevant survey.

    The following table shows the mode share information based on the survey conducted in April-May, 2011.

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    Travel Mode (%)




    Drive Alone


    Get a Ride










































  12. Request to SWATeam

    Hello waste SWATeam and Ben,

    As you know, the iCAP called for a Zero Waste Policy to be developed, and we have a draft for a CAM policy (attached). 

    I’m not sure a CAM policy is the best solution, so I asked around for information about where campus policies usually reside and I was given the following info.  As the SWATeams are approved to move forward to the next phase, it would be great to have iSEE and the iCAP SWATeam take the lead on getting a formal Zero Waste Policy adopted. 

    Attached Files: 
  13. "Connectivity and Accessibility of UIUC Campus Bike Paths"

    "The results here indicate that the changes to the UIUC network do in fact improve connectivity over the existing network. Moreover, the planned network lowers the average shortest-distance path between libraries, dormitories, and the Union by nearly the same amount as a control scenario without paths at all. While we may assume that a bicycle master plan will address and improve connectivity as a matter of course – and the language in the plans claims that they do – it seems counterintuitive that this simple test not be included in the research process to confirm that this is so. Ultimately what these accessibility and connectivity analyses show is that while planners and bicycle advocates may seek to improve bicycle infrastructure, we...Expand »

    Attached Files: 
  14. Billion Gallon Water Challenge

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) is spearheading an initiative called the “Billion Gallon Water Challenge” to preserve and protect water resources in Illinois.

    We have just completed an RFP for water conservations projects and will fund, through our sponsored research grant program, a number of companies and organizations and municipalities to help reach our goal to save 1,000,000,000 gallons of water in Illinois. We will also be conducting outreach and technical assistance to these entities to assist with their water-saving ideas and projects.

    In addition, we are encouraging the people of Illinois to join the challenge by making a personal pledge at the Billion Gallon Water Challenge website: »
